938 resultados para Electro-reológicos


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Carbon-supported platinum is commonly used as an anode electrocatalyst in low-temperature fuel cells fueled with methanol. The cost of Pt and the limited world supply are significant barriers for the widespread use of this type of fuel cell. Moreover, Pt used as anode material is readily poisoned by carbon monoxide produced as a byproduct of the alcohol oxidation. Although improvements in the catalytic performance for methanol oxidation were attained using Pt-Ru alloys, the state-of-the-art Pt-Ru catalyst needs further improvement because of relatively low catalytic activity and the high cost of noble Pt and Ru. For these reasons, the development of highly efficient ternary platinum-based catalysts is an important challenge. Thus, various compositions of ternary Pt(x)-(RuO(2)-M)(1-x)/C composites (M = CeO(2), MoO(3), or PbO(x)) were developed and further investigated as catalysts for the methanol electro-oxidation reaction. The characterization carried out by X-ray diffraction, energy-dispersive X-ray analysis, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and cyclic voltammetry point out that the different metallic oxides were successfully deposited on the Pt/C, producing small and well-controlled nanoparticles in the range of 2.8-4.2 nm. Electrochemical experiments demonstrated that the Pt(0.50)(RuO(2)-CeO(2))(0.50)/C composite displays the higher catalytic activity toward the methanol oxidation reaction (lowest onset potential of 207 mV and current densities taken at 450 mV, which are 140 times higher than those at commercial Pt/C), followed by the Pt(0.75)(RuO(2)-MoO(3))(0.25)/C composite. In addition, both of these composites produced low quantities of formic acid and formaldehyde when compared to a commercially available Pt(0.75)-Ru(0.25)/C composite (from E-Tek, Inc.), suggesting that the oxidation of methanol occurs mainly by a pathway that produces CO(2) forming the intermediary CO(ads).


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In the present study, photo-assisted electrochemical degradation of real textile wastewater was performed. Degradation assays were performed at constant current (40 mA cm(-2)) in a combined electro/photochemical flow-cell using a Ti/Ru(0.3)Ti(0.7)O(2) DSA(R) type electrode. The results show that the method is capable of removing color and chemical oxygen demand (COD) from the effluent. Additionally, the effect of initial pH and type of supporting electrolyte (Na(2)SO(4) or NaCl) was investigated. The principal figures of merit used in this study were COD removal and color removal (605 nm). The results show that up to 72% color and up to 59% COD removal in 120 min is possible under the operating conditions employed. Studies of the phytotoxicity of the wastewater before and after the photo-assisted degradation assays are also presented and the results demonstrate that the toxicity of the effluent is dependent on the length of electrolysis time and the treatment procedure employed.


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A solid graphite-polyurethane composite electrode has been used to determine release profiles of verapamil, a calcium-channel blocker. The electro-oxidation process was characterized by cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and showed no adsorption of analyte or oxidation products, unlike at other carbon-based electrodes. Quantification gave linear ranges up to 40molL-1 with cyclic voltammetry and detection limits of 0.7molL-1 by differential pulse and square-wave voltammetry. Commercial product samples were successfully analyzed with results equal to those from spectrophotometry. Because no electrode surface renewal is needed, this electrode material has many advantages.


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This report discusses developing a software log tool for analysis of industrial processes. The target was to develop software that can help electro Engineers for monitor and fault finding in industrial processes. The tool is called PLS (Process log server), and is developed in Visual Studio.NET Framework 2005. PLS works as a client with Beijer Electronics OPC Server. The program is able to read data from PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), trough the OPC Server. PLS connects to all kind of controllers that is supported by the Beijer Electronics OPC Server. Signal data is stored in a database for later analysis. Chosen signals data can easily be exported into a text file. The text file is adopted for import to MS Office Excel. User manual [UM-07] is written as a separate document. The software acted stable through the function test. The final product becomes a first-rate tool that is simple to use. As an advantage, the software can be developed with more functions in the future.


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Since the last decade the problem of surface inspection has been receiving great attention from the scientific community, the quality control and the maintenance of products are key points in several industrial applications.The railway associations spent much money to check the railway infrastructure. The railway infrastructure is a particular field in which the periodical surface inspection can help the operator to prevent critical situations. The maintenance and monitoring of this infrastructure is an important aspect for railway association.That is why the surface inspection of railway also makes importance to the railroad authority to investigate track components, identify problems and finding out the way that how to solve these problems. In railway industry, usually the problems find in railway sleepers, overhead, fastener, rail head, switching and crossing and in ballast section as well. In this thesis work, I have reviewed some research papers based on AI techniques together with NDT techniques which are able to collect data from the test object without making any damage. The research works which I have reviewed and demonstrated that by adopting the AI based system, it is almost possible to solve all the problems and this system is very much reliable and efficient for diagnose problems of this transportation domain. I have reviewed solutions provided by different companies based on AI techniques, their products and reviewed some white papers provided by some of those companies. AI based techniques likemachine vision, stereo vision, laser based techniques and neural network are used in most cases to solve the problems which are performed by the railway engineers.The problems in railway handled by the AI based techniques performed by NDT approach which is a very broad, interdisciplinary field that plays a critical role in assuring that structural components and systems perform their function in a reliable and cost effective fashion. The NDT approach ensures the uniformity, quality and serviceability of materials without causing any damage of that materials is being tested. This testing methods use some way to test product like, Visual and Optical testing, Radiography, Magnetic particle testing, Ultrasonic testing, Penetrate testing, electro mechanic testing and acoustic emission testing etc. The inspection procedure has done periodically because of better maintenance. This inspection procedure done by the railway engineers manually with the aid of AI based techniques.The main idea of thesis work is to demonstrate how the problems can be reduced of thistransportation area based on the works done by different researchers and companies. And I have also provided some ideas and comments according to those works and trying to provide some proposal to use better inspection method where it is needed.The scope of this thesis work is automatic interpretation of data from NDT, with the goal of detecting flaws accurately and efficiently. AI techniques such as neural networks, machine vision, knowledge-based systems and fuzzy logic were applied to a wide spectrum of problems in this area. Another scope is to provide an insight into possible research methods concerning railway sleeper, fastener, ballast and overhead inspection by automatic interpretation of data.In this thesis work, I have discussed about problems which are arise in railway sleepers,fastener, and overhead and ballasted track. For this reason I have reviewed some research papers related with these areas and demonstrated how their systems works and the results of those systems. After all the demonstrations were taking place of the advantages of using AI techniques in contrast with those manual systems exist previously.This work aims to summarize the findings of a large number of research papers deploying artificial intelligence (AI) techniques for the automatic interpretation of data from nondestructive testing (NDT). Problems in rail transport domain are mainly discussed in this work. The overall work of this paper goes to the inspection of railway sleepers, fastener, ballast and overhead.


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Background: Acupuncture is commonly used to reduce pain during labour despite contradictory results. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture with manual stimulation and acupuncture with combined manual and electrical stimulation (electro-acupuncture) compared with standard care in reducing labour pain. Our hypothesis was that both acupuncture stimulation techniques were more effective than standard care, and that electro-acupuncture was most effective.  Methods: A longitudinal randomised controlled trial. The recruitment of participants took place at the admission to the labour ward between November 2008 and October 2011 at two Swedish hospitals. 303 nulliparous women with normal pregnancies were randomised to: 40 minutes of manual acupuncture (MA), electro-acupuncture (EA), or standard care without acupuncture (SC). Primary outcome: labour pain, assessed by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Secondary outcomes: relaxation, use of obstetric pain relief during labour and post-partum assessments of labour pain. The sample size calculation was based on the primary outcome and a difference of 15 mm on VAS was regarded as clinically relevant, this gave 101 in each group, including a total of 303 women.  Results: Mean estimated pain scores on VAS (SC: 69.0, MA: 66.4 and EA: 68.5), adjusted for: treatment, age, education, and time from baseline, with no interactions did not differ between the groups (SC vs MA: mean difference 2.6, 95% confidence interval [CI] -1.7-6.9 and SC vs EA: mean difference 0.6 [95% CI] -3.6-4.8). Fewer number of women in the EA group used epidural analgesia (46%) than women in the MA group (61%) and SC group (70%) (EA vs SC: odds ratio [OR] 0.35; [95% CI] 0.19-0.67).  Conclusions: Acupuncture does not reduce women's experience of labour pain, neither with manual stimulation nor with combined manual and electrical stimulation. However, fewer women in the EA group used epidural analgesia thus indicating that the effect of acupuncture with electrical stimulation may be underestimated. These findings were obtained in a context with free access to other forms of pain relief.


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Esta dissertação apresenta uma contribuição à compreensão e quantificação do amortecimento em amortecedores, como uma base para o projeto e construção de um amortecedor viscoelástico e determinação experimental de suas propriedades, para aplicação na redução das amplitudes de vibração, em estruturas submetidas a excitações dinâmicas. Uma breve revisão histórica do uso de amortecedores viscoelásticos, na indústria de construções, é inicialmente apresentada. Modelos reológicos são então discutidos, com ênfase sobre a influência da temperatura, freqüência, amplitude de deslocamento, envelhecimento e pré-carga sobre os parâmetros de amortecimento. Modelos matemáticos disponíveis necessários para a descrição do fenômeno e métodos para a medida do amortecimento são, a seguir, descritos. Finalmente, um amortecedor viscoelástico é projetado e construído, utilizando-se recursos locais. Seu comportamento é experimentalmente determinado em uma máquina de teste servo-hidráulica MTS-810. A influência de vários fatores, tais como temperatura, freqüência e amplitude de vibração são avaliados, e conclusões são tiradas sobre a aplicação deste tipo de amortecedor, em construções e estruturas industriais.


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This resume focus the connection between the learning process and the technological competences evolution. It is based on business case of a plastic injection company named Multibras da Amazonia S/A, that manufacture plastic parts to electro- electronic industry assemblers, the study used the company evolution from 1983 to 2000. Its conclusion allowed to demonstrate, how the theories developed by Figueiredo (2001) can be used to describe the technological competences and the learning process, and on it's scale from 1 to 6 the Multibras case has reached the level 5. Based on the business case, the study confirmed how the technological competences learning process and accumulation is linked to an organizational knowledge. Using the theory basis, but applied to an industry case, different from all the previous studies, this resume shows that it's necessary to have a continuous, organized and integrated effort to generate and develop the knowledge evolution inside the company to make possible the technological competences accumulation on a fast and effective track.


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Esta dissertação tem por objetivo contribuir à compreensão dos mecanismos e efeitos de dissipação de energia em estruturas mediante a utilização de materiais viscoelásticos. São obtidas experimentalmente as propriedades destes polímeros termoplásticos enfatizando seu uso como meio de redução das amplitudes de vibrações em estruturas submetidas a ações dinâmicas. Inicialmente, apresenta-se uma breve resenha histórica sobre o uso de materiais viscoelásticos com finalidade de amortecimento estrutural. São descritos modelos reológicos referentes ao comportamento mecânico, químico e térmico e também modelos matemáticos relacionados ao fenômeno do amortecimento necessários para o desenvolvimento do projeto dos amortecedores. A seguir, descreve-se detalhadamente o projeto, construção e análise de dissipadores de energia confeccionados com polímeros termoplásticos, mediante aplicações de carregamentos harmônicos cíclicos, é análisado seu comportamento. Finalmente, faz-se uma análise numérica da influência da incorporação de dissipadores numa estrutura real com problemas de vibrações excessivas. Conclusões sobre a aplicação deste tipo de amortecedor em estruturas em geral são apresentadas.


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Neste trabalho foi feito um estudo das propriedades reológicas, mecânicas e térmicas de blendas poliméricas contendo 1 e 10% em massa de polietileno de ultra alto peso molar (PEUAPM) e polietileno linear de média densidade (PELMD). As blendas foram obtidas por mistura em extrusora de rosca simples e em extrusora de rosca dupla, para fins de comparação. Na extrusão em rosca dupla foi acrescentado um terceiro componente - óleo mineral, cera ou polietileno de muito baixo peso Molar (PEMBPM) - a fim de promover uma melhor interação entre o PELMD e PEUAPM. As amostras obtidas por moldagem por injeção, rotomoldagem e moldagem por compressão foram submetidas a testes reológicos, térmicos e mecânicos. Foi analisada a influência do tipo de processamento e da composição das blendas sobre morfologia e as propriedades finais destas. A reometria rotacional indicou um gradual aumento da viscosidade das blendas com o aumento da quantidade de PEUAPM adicionado. Análises de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), microscopia ótica e calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC) indicaram uma separação de fases nas blendas, mesmo quando o terceiro componente foi adicionado. Entretanto, as blendas que contém agente de acoplamento apresentaram diferenças na morfologia final, como observado através das análises de microscopia ótica durante a cristalização do sistema polimérico e nas análises de MEV nas amostras moldadas por injeção Para todas as blendas moldadas por injeção, a resistência ao impacto foi menor do que a encontrada para o PELMD puro. Por outro lado, nas amostras rotomoldadas não houve diferença significativa nas propriedades das blendas quando comparadas ao PELMD puro. As amostras extrusadas em rosca dupla, contendo óleo mineral ou cera e, posteriormente, moldadas por compressão apresentaram resistência ao impacto similares aos valores encontrados para o PELMD puro, sem significativas mudanças na processabilidade. Considerando as demais análises de propriedades mecânicas, não foi observada influência do terceiro componente.


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A formação de emulsão de água-em-óleo gera um significativo incremento na viscosidade, o que afeta diretamente a produção do poço, pois aumenta a perda de carga ao longo da linha de produção, dificultando o escoamento e diminuindo a produção de óleo. A presença e natureza da emulsão, e seu impacto na reologia do petróleo, podem determinar a viabilidade econômica e técnica dos processos envolvidos. A medida que a fração de água aumenta e a temperatura é reduzida, o comportamento das emulsões se torna cada vez mais não-Newtoniano. A decorrência disso, é que a temperatura e a taxa de cisalhamento passam a ter maior impacto na variação da viscosidade das emulsões. Nesse estudo são propostos novos métodos que levam em conta essas variáveis. Os dados reológicos experimentais de 15 petróleos leves foram utilizados para avaliar o desempenho dos modelos existentes na literatura e compará-los com os novos métodos propostos nesse estudo.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é testar empiricamente se a gestão de capital de giro adotada pelas empresas multinacionais em outros países se altera na internacionalização em países complexos como o Brasil. Baseado nas respostas a um questionário obtido de uma amostra de 182 empresas do setor eletroeletrônico, elétrico, e de máquinas e equipamentos do Brasil, testes foram conduzidos para encontrar correlação na decisão de uso de cessão de direitos creditórios com a distância psíquica e o tempo de experiência dessas empresas no Brasil. Resultados apontam a maior propensão no uso de cessão de direitos creditórios como ferramenta alternativa de financiamento de curto prazo pelas empresas multinacionais sediadas em países mais distantes psiquicamente e com menor tempo de experiência no Brasil. Estudos sobre finanças internacionais indicam que uma maior distância psíquica das empresas multinacionais aumenta a aversão a incertezas e riscos, e, logo, a necessidade de manutenção de maiores níveis de caixa. Dependendo do tempo de experiência das empresas no mercado estrangeiro, a distância psíquica pode ser minimizada por meio de um processo de aprendizagem organizacional.


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Auciomar C. T. Cerqueira;Filipe C. A. Lins ; Adelardo A. D. Medeiros ; Pablo J. Alsina1. A versao 2006 da Equipe POTI de futebol de robos. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE AUTOMÁTICA,2. Campo Grande, RS, 2006. Anais... Campo Grande: JRI, 2006.


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Nowadays, the search for new technologies that are able to follow the upcoming challenges in oil industry is a constant. Always trying properties improvements of the used materials, looking for the best performance and greater life time. Besides the search for technologies that show an improvement of performance, the search for materials environmentally correct along the whole production process. In Oil well cementing, this search for new technologies passes through the development of slurry systems that support these requests and that are also environmentally friendly. In this context, the use of geopolymer slurries is a great alternative route to cementing oil wells. Besides having good properties, comparable to Portland cement slurries, this alternative material releases much less CO2 gas in the production of their root materials when compared the production of Portland cement, which releases tons of CO2. In order to improve the properties of geopolymer slurries has been added Calcium Oxide, as observed in other studies that slurries where the Calcium is present the values of compressive strength is greater. The addition has been realized based in the CaO/SiO2 molar ratio of 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15. Have been performed compressive strength tests, thickening time, rheology and fliud loss control test of the slurries, following NBR 9831, as well as the physical chemical characterization of XRD, SEM and TG. Has been observed in most of the tests the slurries follow a tendency until the ratio of 0.10, which inverses in the ratio 0.15. This behavior can be explained by two phenomena that occur simultaneously, the first one is the break of the polymer chains and a consequent increase in molucules mobility, which prevails until the ratio of 0.1, and the second is possible approach of the chains due to the capacity of the calcium ions stabilize the charges of two different aluminum. There is only one linearity in the mechanical behavior that can be attributed to the appereance of the C-S-H phase. Based on this, it is concluded that the phenomenon of breaking the polymer chains predominates until the ratio of 0.1, causing an increase of the filtrate volume, lower rheological parameters and increasing thickening time. From the ratio of 0.15 the approach of the chains predominates, and the behavior is reversed


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The oil wells cementing is a critical step during the phase of well drilling, because problems during the operation of slurry pumping and an incomplete filling of the annular space between the metal casing and the formation can cause the slurry loss. Therefore, the slurry adopted in primary cementing an oil well must be properly dosed so that these problems are avoided during its pumping. When you drill a well in a weak rock formation requires even more careful, because should be a limit of hydrostatic pressure exerted during cementation, that does not occur rock collapse. With the objective of performing the cementing of a well whose formation is weak or unconsolidated are employed lighter slurries. Thus, this study used slurries with sodium silicate and nano silica in concentrations of 0,1; 0,4; 0,7 e 1,0 gpc, in which the slurries with nano silica showed the rheological parameters higher concentrations of up to 0.7 gpc and for concentration of 1.0 the slurry with sodium silicate obtained the highest values, remaining above the limits for application in fields, mainly wells with low fracture gradient, because a significant increase in viscosity may result in an increase in pressure pumping in operations of secondary cementations. Furthermore, there was no decrease in strength with increasing concentration of additive. Then, it is possible use of these additives to formulate Lighter slurry