971 resultados para EQ-5D


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采用高温固相反应法合成了BaMgAl10 O17∶R(R =Eu ,Mn)荧光体 ,测量了荧光体的真空紫外激发光谱和相应的发射光谱 ,观察到基质吸收带位于 16 5nm附近 ,Mn2 + 离子的吸收位于 170~ 2 40nm范围 ,Eu2 + 离子的 4f→ 5d吸收位于 2 10~ 40 0nm范围。真空紫外光谱特性的研究表明基质与激活离子之间存在较好的能量传递。


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采用高温固相反应法合成了LaMgAl11O19∶R(R=Mn,Tb)荧光体,测量了荧光体的真空紫外激发光谱和相应的发射光谱,观察到基质吸收带位于170nm附近,Mn2+离子的吸收位于170~510nm范围,Tb3+离子的4f 5d吸收位于170~250nm范围。在147nm激发下,它们发射绿光。真空紫外光谱特性的研究表明,基质与激活离子之间存在较好的能量传递。


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The energy difference DeltaE between the spin-allowed and spin-forbidden states of Tb3+ in crystals is studied. The environmental factor he representing the character of the host is redefined by using the chemical band of complex crystals. The relationship between h(e) and DeltaE is found to be a linear relation. The results show that the energy difference between the spin-forbidden and spin-allowed states for Tb3+ ions in crystals can be predicted from the environmental factor.


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The complex fluoride LiBaF3 and LiBaF3:M(M = Eu, Ce) is solvothermally synthesized at 180 degreesC and characterized by means of X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and infrared spectroscopy. In the solvothermal process, the solvents, molar ratios of initial mixtures and reaction temperature play important roles in the formation of products. The excitation and emission spectra of the LiBaF3:M(M= Eu,Ce) have been measured by fluorescence spectrophotometer. In the LiBaF3: Eu emission spectra, there is one sharp line emission located at 360 nm arising from f --> f transition of Eu2+ in the host lattice, and typical doublet 5d-4f emission of Ce3+ in LiBaF3 powder is shown.


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VUV-UV and Eu-L-3 edge XANES spectra were measured for europium-doped strontium tetraborate prepared by solid state reaction at high temperature in air. The VUV-UV spectra show that the host absorption band of (SrBO7)-O-4 appears below 170 nm. The charge transfer band of Eu3+ doped in SrB4O7 is peaked at 272 nm. The 4f-5d transitions of Eu2+ consist of a band peaked at 310 nm with a shoulder at 280 nm and also include the bands peaked at 238 (weak) and 203 (strong) nm. The result of XANES spectrum at Eu-L3 edge of the synthesized sample indicates that Eu3+ and Eu2+ coexist in SrB4O7:Eu prepared in air, which is consistent with the results of the VUV-UV spectra.


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The local structure and the valences of europium in SrBPO5:Eu prepared in air were checked by means of XAFS at Eu-L-3 edge. From the EXAFS results, it was discovered that the doped europium atoms were nine-coordinated by oxygen atoms and the distances of bond Eu-O were 2.42 Angstrom in the host. From the XANES data, it was found that the divalent and trivalent europium coexisted in the matrix. The emission spectra excited by VUV or UV exhibited a prominent broad band due to the 4f(6)5d-4f(7) transition of Eu2+ ions, which indicated that the trivalent europium ions were reduced in air in the matrix at high temperature by the defects [V-Sr]" formed by aliovalent substitution between Sr2+ and Eu3+ ions. The VUV excitation spectra in 100-200 nm range showed that the matrix had absorption bands with the maxima at about 130 and 150 nm, respectively.


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XAFS (EXAFS and XANES) at Eu-L-3 edge were used to determine the local structure and the valences of europium in CaBPO5:Eu prepared in air. The results of EXAFS showed that the doped europium atoms were nine-coordinated by oxygen atoms and the distances of bond Eu-O were 2.39 Angstrom in the host lattice. XANES at Eu-L-3 edge exhibited that Eu2+ and Eu3+ coexisted in the matrix. The luminescent spectrum of the material excited by VUV at 147 nm presented a similar spectrum with that excited by f-f transition of Eu2+ at 396 nm and f-d transition of Eu2+ at 312 nm. The broad emission band due to both 4f(6)5d - 4f(7) transition of EU2+ and f - f transition of Eu3+ could be observed in emission spectra, which indicated that the trivalent europium ions were reduced in air in the matrix at high temperature by the defects [V-Cn]" formed by aliovalent substitution between Ca2+ and Eu3+ ions. The UV excitation spectrum showed the typical f-f transition of Eu3+ and f-d transition of Eu2+. The bands with the maxima at about 113 and 158 nm in VUV excitation spectrum were assigned to originate from the absorption of the host lattice.


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首次介绍了一种新型长余辉材料 :Eu2 + ,Dy3 + 共掺杂硼铝锶长余辉玻璃陶瓷 ,该玻璃陶瓷用紫外灯、日光、荧光灯均可激发 ,发射黄绿色余辉 ,余辉的发射峰位于 5 16nm ,来自于Eu2 + 的 5d→ 8S7/ 2 跃迁。用12 0 0 0lx的荧光灯激发样品 2 0分钟 ,停止激发后 10秒时 ,该玻璃陶瓷的余辉亮度为 3 5 3cd/m2 ,色坐标为 :x =0 2 84 2 ,y =0 5 772 ;停止激发后 5小时 5 5分钟 ,该玻璃陶瓷的余辉亮度为 0 0 1cd/m2 ;停止激发 30小时后 ,余辉在黑暗中仍肉眼可见。文中对该玻璃陶瓷的相关性质进行了表征 ,并提出了可能的长余辉机理


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采用高温固相反应法合成了M_2B_5O_9Cl:Eu(M=Ca,Sr,Ba)中荧光体,测量了荧光体的真空紫外激发光谱,研究了M_2B_5O_9Cl:Eu(M=Ca,Sr,Ba)的真空紫外光谱特性,观察到基质吸收带位于120~200 nm区域,Eu~(2+)离子的5d能级劈裂随着M~(2+)的半径的增加而减小,同时也观察到基质与稀土离子之间存在的能量传递。


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The structural and morphological evolution of mono-domains in thin films has been investigated for a series of liquid crystalline (LC) copolyethers. The copolyethers studied were synthesized by the reaction of 1-(4-hydroxy-4 ' -biphenylyl)-2-(4-hydroxyl-phenyl)propane (TPP) with 1,7-dibromoheptane and 1,11-undecane at different compositions (coTPPs-7/11). In contrast to the solution-cast thin films without annealing, which exhibit the isotropic homogeneous molecular orientation, mono-domains with a homeotropic alignment were found in coTPP-7/11(5/5) after the thin films were annealed in the high-temperature columnar phase (Phi '). Similar to the nucleation process in polymer crystallization, transmission electron microscopic observations show that small mono-domains appear in the initial stage of annealing, where molecules form a uniaxial in-plane chain orientation. With increasing annealing time, the molecular orientation gradually became tilted with respect to the substrate surface, and finally, a uniaxial homeotropic molecular orientation was achieved after a prolonged annealing time. The lateral size of mono-domains was found to increase continuously with annealing time and grew into a circular shape, indicating an isotropic lateral growth scheme which implies a hexagonal molecular packing proved by the electron diffraction experiments.


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Energy transfer processes between Eu2+ and Gd3+, Cr3+, Ce3+ ions in KMgF3, which are difficult to study spectroscopically, have been investigated by using the proposed four-level decay model of the P-6(7/2) excited state of the Eu2+ ion. Gd3+ and Ce3+ transfer its energy to the vibronic transition of the P-6(7/2) --> S-8(7/2) transition of Eu2+, whereas Cr3+ receive energy from Eu2+ via the d-d interaction. The energy transfer from the Eu2+ 4f(6)5d level to the Ce3+ 4f5d state is observed spectroscopically, and the energy transfer mechanism is discussed. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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讨论了稀土离子在能量高于 5 0 0 0 0cm- 1 (波长短于 2 0 0nm)的光谱 ,包括 4f 4f跃迁 ,4f 5d跃迁 ,4f 6s跃迁 ,基质吸收和电荷迁移带。利用Dorenbos提出的公式 :E(Ln ,A ) =493 40 -D(A) +ΔELn ,Ce,指认了Sm3+ 离子在我们合成的Ba3BP3O1 2 中的 4f 5d跃迁的能量值为 170nm。利用我们提出的稀土离子光学电负性 χM与标准还原电位E0Ln的关系式 :E0Ln(Lnn + →Ln(n - 1 ) ) =4 2 73 χM-7 776(其中n =3或 4) ,从稀土离子的光学电负性 χM 与J rgensen提出的公式Ect=[χX-χM]× 3 0 0 0 0cm - 1 ,估算出Er3+和Eu3+离子在含氧杂质的LiYF4 ∶Er和LiYF4 ∶Eu3+中Er O和Eu3+ O的电荷迁移带的能量 ,以及LiYF4 ∶Eu3+ 中Eu3+ F的电荷迁移带的能量 ,估算值与文献报道的实验值基本相符。


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采用高温固相反应法合成了 BaLaB9O1 6 ∶RE (RE =Eu ,Tb)等离子荧光体 ,测量了它们的真空紫外激发光谱和 14 7nm激发下的发射光谱。结果表明 ,硼氧阴离子基团基质吸收带位于 15 0nm附近 ,Eu3+ 电荷迁移带位移 2 5 0nm附近 ,Tb3+ 的 4f 5d吸收位于 15 0~ 2 60nm的区域内 ,相关数据表明 ,基质与稀土离子之间存在能量传递。


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采用固相反应法合成了InBO_3:Re(Re=Eu,Tb,Ce),研究了InBO_3基质中稀土离子的光谱特性,观察到电荷迁移带位于255 nm附近,Eu~(3+)离子在InBO_3 中产生极强的~5D_0→~7F_1 的跃迁表明Eu~(3+)离子在该基质中占据对称性格位。Tb~(3+)的4f-5d 允许跃迁位于240 nm附近,而4f-5d 禁戒跃迁位于267 nm附近,Tb~(3+)离子呈现出极强的~5D_4→~7F_5 发射。Ce~(3+)离子在InBO_3 中不发光。


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The reduction process from trivalent to divalent state for Sm3+ and Yb3+ ions in barium berates (BaB8O13) prepared in air was observed. The luminescence properties of these divalent rare-earth ions were studied. Yb2+ shows an f-d broad emission band, due to the 4f(14) --> 4f(13)5d transition, while the Sm2+ ion shows an f --> f transition. From the spectra of Yb2+, and using the D-5(0) --> F-7(0) transition of Sm2+ as a structural probe, two crystallographic sites were found to be available for the cations in the host. Vibronic transitions of Sm2+ were observed at low temperature. BaB8O13 was found to be a good host for reducing the trivalent rare-earth ions to divalent state and to exhibit interesting spectroscopic properties,