516 resultados para ENTERAL STENTS
Owing to an increased risk of aging population and a higher incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD), there is a need for more reliable and safer treatments. Numerous varieties of durable polymer-coated drug eluting stents (DES) are available in the market in order to mitigate in-stent restenosis. However, there are certain issues regarding their usage such as delayed arterial healing, thrombosis, inflammation, toxic corrosion by-products, mechanical stability and degradation. As a result, significant amount of research has to be devoted to the improvement of biodegradable polymer-coated implant materials in an effort to enhance their bioactive response. In this investigation, magneto-electropolished (MEP) and a novel biodegradable polymer coated ternary Nitinol alloys, NiTiTa and NiTiCr were prepared to study their bio and hemocompatibility properties. The initial interaction of a biomaterial with its surroundings is dependent on its surface characteristics such as, composition, corrosion resistance, work of adhesion and morphology. In-vitro corrosion tests such as potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopic (EIS) studies were conducted to determine the coating stability and longevity. In-vitro hemocompatibility studies and HUVEC cell growth was performed to determine their thrombogenic and biocompatibility properties. Critical delamination load of the polymer coated Nitinol alloys was determined using Nano-scratch analysis. Sulforhodamine B (SRB) assays were performed to elucidate the effect of metal ions leached from Nitinol alloys on the viability of HUVEC cells. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), contact angle meter and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were used to characterize the surface of the alloys. MEP treated and polymer coated (PC) Nitinol alloys displayed a corrosion resistant polymer coating as compared to uncoated alloys. MEP and PC has resulted in reduced Ni and Cr ion leaching from NiTi5Cr and subsequently low cytotoxicity. Thrombogenicity tests revealed significantly less platelet adhesion and confluent endothelial cell growth on polymer coated and uncoated ternary MEP Nitinol alloys. Finally, this research addresses the bio and hemocompatibility of MEP + PC ternary Nitinol alloys that could be used to manufacture blood contacting devices such as stents and vascular implants which can lead to lower U.S. healthcare spending.
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present paper was to report trends in coronary angioplasty for the treatment of ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in Portugal. METHODS: Prospective multicenter data from the Portuguese National Registry of Interventional Cardiology (RNCI) and official data from the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) were studied to analyze percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) procedures for STEMI from 2002 to 2013. RESULTS: In 2013, 3524 primary percutaneous coronary intervention (p-PCI) procedures were performed (25% of all procedures), an increase of 315% in comparison to 2002 (16% of all interventions). Between 2002 and 2013 the rate increased from 106 to 338 p-PCIs per million population per year. Rescue angioplasty decreased from 70.7% in 2002 to 2% in 2013. During this period, the use of drug-eluting stents grew from 9.9% to 69.5%. After 2008, the use of aspiration thrombectomy increased, reaching 46.7% in 2013. Glycoprotein IIb-IIIa inhibitor use decreased from 73.2% in 2002 to 23.6% in the last year of the study. Use of a radial approach increased steadily from 8.3% in 2008 to 54.6% in 2013. CONCLUSION: During the reporting period there was a three-fold increase in primary angioplasty rates per million population. Rescue angioplasty has been overtaken by p-PCI as the predominant procedure since 2006. New trends in the treatment of STEMI were observed, notably the use of drug-eluting stents and radial access as the predominant approach.
Depuis ces dernières décennies, le domaine des biomatériaux a connu un essor considérable, évoluant de simples prothèses aux dispositifs les plus complexes pouvant détenir une bioactivité spécifique. Outre, le progrès en science des matériaux et une meilleure compréhension des systèmes biologiques a offert la possibilité de créer des matériaux synthétiques pouvant moduler et stimuler une réponse biologique déterminée, tout en améliorant considérablement la performance clinique des biomatériaux. En ce qui concerne les dispositifs cardiovasculaires, divers recouvrements ont été développés et étudiés dans le but de modifier les propriétés de surface et d’améliorer l’efficacité clinique des tuteurs. En effet, lorsqu’un dispositif médical est implanté dans le corps humain, son succès clinique est fortement influencé par les premières interactions que sa surface établit avec les tissus et les fluides biologiques environnants. Le recouvrement à la surface de biomatériaux par diverses molécules ayant des propriétés complémentaires constitue une approche intéressante pour atteindre différentes cibles biologiques et orienter la réponse de l’hôte. De ce fait, l’élucidation de l’interaction entre les différentes molécules composant les recouvrements est pertinente pour prédire la conservation de leurs propriétés biologiques spécifiques. Dans ce travail, des recouvrements pour des applications cardiovasculaires ont été créés, composés de deux molécules ayant des propriétés biologiques complémentaires : la fibronectine (FN) afin de promouvoir l’endothélialisation et la phosphorylcholine (PRC) pour favoriser l’hémocompatibilité. Des techniques d’adsorption et de greffage ont été appliquées pour créer différents recouvrements de ces deux biomolécules sur un polymère fluorocarboné déposé par traitement plasma sur un substrat en acier inoxydable. Dans un premier temps, des films de polytétrafluoroéthylène (PTFE) ont été utilisés en tant que surface modèle afin d’explorer l’interaction de la PRC et de la FN avec les surfaces fluorocarbonées ainsi qu’avec des cellules endothéliales et du sang. La stabilité des recouvrements de FN sur l’acier inoxydable a été étudiée par déformation, mais également par des essais statiques et dynamiques sous-flux. Les recouvrements ont été caractérisés par Spectroscopie Photoéléctronique par Rayons X, immunomarquage, angle de contact, Microscopie Électronique de Balayage, Microscopie de Force Atomique et Spectrométrie de Masse à Ionisation Secondaire à Temps de Vol (imagerie et profilage en profondeur). Des tests d’hémocompatibilité ont été effectués et l’interaction des cellules endothéliales avec les recouvrements a également été évaluée. La FN greffée a présenté des recouvrements plus denses et homogènes alors que la PRC quant à elle, a montré une meilleure homogénéité lorsqu’elle était adsorbée. La caractérisation de la surface des échantillons contenant FN/PRC a été corrélée aux propriétés biologiques et les recouvrements pour lesquels la FN a été greffée suivie de l’adsorption de la PRC ont présenté les meilleurs résultats pour des applications cardiovasculaires : la promotion de l’endothélialisation et des propriétés d’hémocompatibilité. Concernant les tests de stabilité, les recouvrements de FN greffée ont présenté une plus grande stabilité et densité que dans le cas de l’adsorption. En effet, la pertinence de présenter des investigations des essais sous-flux versus des essais statiques ainsi que la comparaison des différentes stratégies pour créer des recouvrements a été mis en évidence. D’autres expériences sont nécessaires pour étudier la stabilité des recouvrements de PRC et de mieux prédire son interaction avec des tissus in vivo.
Children may benefit from minimally invasive surgery (MIS) in the correction of Morgagni hernia (MH). The present study aims to evaluate the outcome of MIS through a multicenter study. National institutions that use MIS in the treatment of MH were included. Demographic, clinical and operative data were analyzed. Thirteen patients with MH (6 males) were operated using similar MIS technique (percutaneous stitches) at a mean age of 22.2±18.3 months. Six patients had chromosomopathies (46%), five with Down syndrome (39%). Respiratory complaints were the most common presentation (54%). Surgery lasted 95±23min. In none of the patients was the hernia sac removed; prosthesis was never used. In the immediate post-operative period, 4 patients (36%) were admitted to intensive care unit (all with Down syndrome); all patients started enteral feeds within the first 24h. With a mean follow-up of 56±16.6 months, there were two recurrences (18%) at the same institution, one of which was repaired with an absorbable suture; both with Down syndrome. The application of MIS in the MH repair is effective even in the presence of comorbidities such as Down syndrome; the latter influences the immediate postoperative recovery and possibly the recurrence rate. Removal of hernia sac does not seem necessary. Non-absorbable sutures may be more appropriate.
L’ingénierie des biomatériaux a connu un essor prodigieux ces dernières décennies passant de matériaux simples à des structures plus complexes, particulièrement dans le domaine cardiovasculaire. Cette évolution découle de la nécessité des biomatériaux de permettre la synergie de différentes propriétés, dépendantes de leurs fonctions, qui ne sont pas forcément toutes compatibles. Historiquement, les premiers matériaux utilisés dans la conception de dispositifs médicaux étaient ceux présentant le meilleur compromis entre les propriétés physico-chimiques, mécaniques et biologiques que nécessitait leur application. Cependant, il se peut qu’un tel dispositif possède les bonnes propriétés physico-chimiques ou mécaniques, mais que sa biocompatibilité soit insuffisante induisant ainsi des complications cliniques. Afin d’améliorer ces propriétés biologiques tout en conservant les propriétés de volume du matériau, une solution est d’en modifier la surface. L’utilisation d’un revêtement permet alors de moduler la réponse biologique à l’interface biomatériau-hôte et de diminuer les effets indésirables. Ces revêtements sont optimisés selon deux critères principaux : la réponse biologique et la réponse mécanique. Pour la réponse biologique, les deux approches principales sont de mettre au point des revêtements proactifs qui engendrent l’adhérence, la prolifération ou la migration cellulaire, ou passifs, qui, principalement, sont inertes et empêchent l’adhérence de composés biologiques. Dans certains cas, il est intéressant de pouvoir favoriser certaines cellules et d’en limiter d’autres, par exemple pour lutter contre la resténose, principalement due à la prolifération incontrôlée de cellules musculaires lisses qui conduit à une nouvelle obstruction de l’artère, suite à la pose d’un stent. La recherche sur les revêtements de stents vise, alors, à limiter la prolifération de ces cellules tout en facilitant la ré-endothélialisation, c’est-à-dire en permettant l’adhérence et la prolifération de cellules endothéliales. Dans d’autres cas, il est intéressant d’obtenir des surfaces limitant toute adhérence cellulaire, comme pour l’utilisation de cathéter. Selon leur fonction, les cathéters doivent empêcher l’adhérence cellulaire, en particulier celle des bactéries provoquant des infections, et être hémocompatibles, principalement dans le domaine vasculaire. Il a été démontré lors d’études précédentes qu’un copolymère à base de dextrane et de poly(méthacrylate de butyle) (PBMA) répondait aux problématiques liées à la resténose et qu’il possédait, de plus, une bonne élasticité, propriété mécanique importante due à la déformation que subit le stent lors de son déploiement. L’approche de ce projet était d’utiliser ce copolymère comme revêtement de stents et d’en améliorer l’adhérence à la surface en formant des liens covalents avec la surface. Pour ce faire, cela nécessitait l’activation de la partie dextrane du copolymère afin de pouvoir le greffer à la surface aminée. Il était important de vérifier pour chaque étape l’influence des modifications effectuées sur les propriétés biologiques et mécaniques des matériaux obtenus, mais aussi d’un point de vue de la chimie, l’influence que cette modification pouvait induire sur la réaction de copolymérisation. Dans un premier temps, seul le dextrane est considéré et est modifié par oxydation et carboxyméthylation puis greffé à des surfaces fluorocarbonées aminées. L’analyse physico-chimique des polymères de dextrane modifiés et de leur greffage permet de choisir une voie de modification préférentielle qui n’empêchera pas ultérieurement la copolymérisation. La carboxyméthylation permet ainsi d’obtenir un meilleur recouvrement de la surface tout en conservant la structure polysaccharidique du dextrane. Le greffage du dextrane carboxyméthylé (CMD) est ensuite optimisé selon différents degrés de modification, tenant compte aussi de l’influence que ces modifications peuvent induire sur les propriétés biologiques. Finalement, les CMD précédemment étudiés, avec des propriétés biologiques définies, sont copolymérisés avec des monomères de méthacrylate de butyle (BMA). Les copolymères ainsi obtenus ont été ensuite caractérisés par des analyses physico-chimiques, biologiques et mécaniques. Des essais préliminaires ont montrés que les films de copolymères étaient anti-adhérents vis-à-vis des cellules, ce qui a permis de trouver de nouvelles applications au projet. Les propriétés élastiques et anti-adhérentes présentées par les films de copolymères CMD-co-PBMA, les rendent particulièrement intéressants pour des applications comme revêtements de cathéters.
Coronary heart disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has become the most widely used method of coronary artery revascularisation. The use of stents to hold open atherosclerosis induced arterial narrowing has significantly reduced elastic recoil and acute vessel occlusion following balloon angioplasty. However, bare metal stents have been associated with in-stent restenosis attributed to vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) hyperplasia and excessive neointimal formation. The resultant luminal renarrowing may manifest clinically with the return of symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath. The development of drug eluting stents has significantly reduced the incidence of in-stent restenosis (ISR). Unfortunately the antiproliferative medications used not only inhibit VSMC proliferation but also re-endothelialisation of the stented vessel. In addition, the drug impregnated polymer coating has been associated with a chronic inflammatory response within the vessel wall predisposing patients to stent thrombosis. Thus the identification of novel therapies which promote vessel healing without excessive proliferative or inflammatory response may improve long term outcome and reduce the need for repeated revascularisation. MicroRNAs (miRs) are short (18-25 nucleotide) non-coding RNAs acting to regulate gene expression. By binding to the 3’untranslated region of mRNA they act to fine tune gene expression either by mRNA degradation or translational repression. Originally identified in coordinating tissue development microRNAs have also been shown to play important roles coordinating the inflammatory response and in numerous cardiovascular diseases. MiR-21 has been identified in human atherosclerotic plaques, arteriosclerosis obliterans and abdominal aortic aneurysms. In addition, its up regulation has been documented in preclinical models of vascular injury. This study sought to identify the role of miR-21 in the development of ISR. Utilising a small animal model of stenting and in vitro techniques, we sought to investigate its influence upon VSMC and immune cell response following stenting. 19 The refinement of a murine stenting model within the Baker laboratory and the electrochemical dissolution of the metal stent from within harvested vascular tissues significantly improved the ability to perform detailed histological analysis. In addition, identification of miRNAs using in situ hybridisation was achieved for the first time within stented tissue. Neointimal formation and ISR was significantly reduced in mice in which miR-21 had been genetically deleted. In addition, neointimal composition was found to be altered in miR-21 KO mice with reductions in VSMC and elastin content demonstrated. Importantly, no difference in re-endothelialisation was observed. In vitro analysis demonstrated that VSMCs from miR-21 KO mice had both reduced proliferative and migratory capacity following platelet derived growth factor stimulation. Molecular analysis revealed that these differences may, at least in part, be due to de-repression of programmed cell death 4 (PDCD4). PDCD4 is a known miR-21 target within VSMCs implicated in the suppression of proliferation and promotion of apoptosis. Unfortunately, initial attempts at antimiR mediated knockdown of miR-21 in vivo, failed to produce a similar change in the suppression of ISR. Furthermore, a significant alteration in macrophage polarisation state within the neointima of miR-21 WT and KO mice was noted. Immunohistochemical staining revealed a preponderance of anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages in KO mice. Analysis of bone marrow derived macrophages from miR-21 KO mice demonstrated an increased level of the peroxisome proliferation activating receptor-γ (PPARγ) which facilitates M2 polarisation. Importantly, significant alterations in numerous pro-inflammatory cytokines, which also have mitogenic effects, were also found following genetic deletion of miR-21. In Summary, this is the first study to look at miRs in the development of ISR. MiR-21 plays an important role in the development of ISR by influencing the proliferative response of VSMCs and modulating the immune response following stent deployment. Further attempts to modulate miR-21 expression following PCI may reduce ISR and the need for repeat revascularisation while also reducing the risk of stent thrombosis.
Children may benefit from minimally invasive surgery (MIS) in the correction of Morgagni hernia (MH). The present study aims to evaluate the outcome of MIS through a multicenter study. National institutions that use MIS in the treatment of MH were included. Demographic, clinical and operative data were analyzed. Thirteen patients with MH (6 males) were operated using similar MIS technique (percutaneous stitches) at a mean age of 22.2±18.3 months. Six patients had chromosomopathies (46%), five with Down syndrome (39%). Respiratory complaints were the most common presentation (54%). Surgery lasted 95±23min. In none of the patients was the hernia sac removed; prosthesis was never used. In the immediate post-operative period, 4 patients (36%) were admitted to intensive care unit (all with Down syndrome); all patients started enteral feeds within the first 24h. With a mean follow-up of 56±16.6 months, there were two recurrences (18%) at the same institution, one of which was repaired with an absorbable suture; both with Down syndrome. The application of MIS in the MH repair is effective even in the presence of comorbidities such as Down syndrome; the latter influences the immediate postoperative recovery and possibly the recurrence rate. Removal of hernia sac does not seem necessary. Non-absorbable sutures may be more appropriate.
Introdução e objectivos: Foi nosso objectivo reportar a evolução da angioplastia coronária no tratamento do enfarte agudo do miocárdio com supradesnivelamento do segmento ST (EAMCST), entre 2002-2013. Métodos: Os dados prospectivos multicêntricos do Registo Nacional de Cardiologia de Intervenção (RNCI) e os dados oficiais da Direção Geral de Saúde (DGS) foram conjugados para estudar os procedimentos no EAMCST entre 2002 e 2013. Resultados: Em 2013 realizaram-se 3524 angioplastias primárias (ICP-P), representando um crescimento de 315% relativamente ao ano 2002. Em 2002 a ICP-P representava 16% do total de angioplastias coronárias, passando a representar 25% nos anos de 2012-2013. Entre 2002-2013 o número de procedimentos por milhão de habitantes aumentou de 106 de 338 e a angioplastia de recurso decresceu de 70,7 para 2%. Durante o período em análise, a utilização de stents eluidores de fármaco cresceu de 9,9 para 69,5%. Após 2008, observou-se uma utilização crescente de trombectomia de aspiração, atingindo 46,7% em 2013. Os inibidores das glicoproteínas IIb/IIIa registaram um decréscimo no seu uso, sendo de 73,2% em 2002 e de 23,6% em 2013. O acesso radial cresceu de 8,3% em 2008 até 54,6% em 2013. Conclusões: Durante o período em análise, a taxa de angioplastia coronária por milhão de habitantes triplicou. A angioplastia de recurso foi ultrapassada pela angioplastia primária a partir de 2006. Observaram-se novas tendências no tratamento do enfarte agudo do miocárdio com supradesnivelamento do segmento ST, salientando-se a utilização de stents eluidores de fármacos e o acesso radial.
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Titanium is a biomaterial widely employed in biomedical applications (implants, prostheses, valves, stents). Several heat treatments are usually used in order to obtain physical properties required to different applications. This work studied the influence of the heat treatment on microstructure of commercial pure titanium, and their consequences in growth and proliferation of MC3T3-E1 cells. Discs of titanium were treated in different temperatures, and characterized by optical microscopy, image analysis, wettabillity, roughness, hardness and X-ray diffraction. After the heat treatment, significant modifications in these properties were observed. Pattern images of titanium, before and after the cell culture, were compared by overlapping to analyze the influence of microstructure in microstructure and preferences guidance cells. However, in general, titanium discs that showed a higher residual strength also presented an increase of cells numbers on surface
Background: Malnutrition in surgical patients is associated with delayed recovery, higher rates of morbidity and mortality, prolonged hospital stay, increased healthcare costs and a higher early re-admission rate. Methods: Data synthesis after review of pertinent literature. Results: The aetiology of malnutrition is multifactorial. In cancer patients, there is an abnormal peripheral glucose disposal, gluconeogenesis, and whole-body glucose turnover. Malnourished cancer patients undergoing major operations are at significant risk from perioperative complications such as infectious complications. Surgical aggression generates an inflammatory response which worsens intermediary metabolism. Conclusions: Nutritional evaluation and nutritional support must be performed in all surgical patients, in order to minimize infectious complications. Enteral nutrition early in the postoperative period is effective and well tolerated reducing infectious complications, improving wound healing and reducing length of hospital stay. Pharmaconutrition is indicated in those patients, who benefit from enteral administration of arginine, omega 3 and RNA, as well as parenteral glutamine supplementation. When proximal sutures are used, tubes allowing early jejunal feeding should be used.
Background Nutritional support is a recognized determinant of outcome in critically ill patients. Development of critical care services in low-income countries has not been accompanied by certain appropriate ancillary services and interventions, such as adequate nutritional support. This study was designed to investigate the experiences of health professionals who have provided nutritional supportive care to critically ill patients admitted to two major central hospitals in Malawi, with the aim of identifying the common practices in nutritional support in these settings. Materials and Methods A cross-sectional study in which 50 health professionals working in intensive care and high dependency units, admitting both adult and pediatric patients, were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Data were coded and then analyzed using SPSS version 16.0. Responses between the two hospitals were compared using Fisher’s exact test. Results There was no difference in the composition of respondents from the two hospitals. About 60% of respondents had had experience with nutritional supplementation in their patients—mainly enteral. The most commonly used formulations were the “ready-to-use therapeutic feeds,” followed by modified milk. A high percentage of respondents (40%) reported having used dextrose solution as the sole nutritional supplement. Lack of in-service training, nonexistent nutrition protocols pertaining to acutely and critically ill patients, and a lack of clinical nutritionists were the major challenges identified. Conclusion Knowledge of nutrient supplementation was poor among the respondents. The use of ready-to-use therapeutic feeds was quite common, although there is no evidence of its effectiveness in care of acutely critically ill patients. There is a need to establish nutritional support teams in these tertiary hospitals. Clinical nutritionists would ideally help train and play leadership roles in such teams, who would be responsible for assessing patients for their nutritional needs, and ensuring that the feeds provided to patients are appropriate and adequate for their needs.
La desnutrición se asocia con elevadas tasas de morbimortalidad postoperatoria. En este estudio piloto se ha evaluado la efectividad de un programa de apoyo nutricional perioperatorio a pacientes que iban a someterse a cirugía programada de cirugía mayor digestiva. Se administró de forma perioperatoria la formula enteral hipercalorica/hiperproteica (Fresubin® protein energy drink) al grupo de pacientes con riesgo nutricional/desnutrición (RN/DN). Con el objeto de valorar la efectividad de la intervención nutricional preoperatoria, se ha comparado los resultados respecto a un grupo control retrospectivo. Entre los dos grupos con RN/DN se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en incidencia de vómitos, infección herida, hiperglucemia, exitus hospitalario, estancia hospitalaria, estancia en UCI y administración de NPT. Se ha demostrado una mejor evolución tras la cirugía en el grupo de pacientes con RN/DS que han sido suplementados de forma preoperatoria con una fórmula de nutrición enteral.
La anorexia nerviosa es un trastorno de la conducta alimentaria que con frecuencia ocasiona malnutrición y asocia riesgo de mortalidad. Requiere la colaboración de un equipo multidisciplinar con amplia experiencia clínica para obtener óptimos resultados, una exitosa educación nutricional y evitar el síndrome de realimentación. El caso que se presenta constituye la malnutrición más severa secundaria a anorexia nerviosa que hemos tratado en nuestra unidad: una paciente de 33 años con IMC de 8.8 kg/m² y elevación de enzimas hepáticas, que, a pesar de la situación de extrema gravedad en la que se encontraba, no presentó complicaciones durante el proceso de realimentación, que se detalla.
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