891 resultados para Drinking waters
Aeromonads are inhabitants of aquatic ecosystems and are described as being involved in intestinal disturbances and other infections. A total of 200 drinking water samples from domestic and public reservoirs and drinking fountains located in Sao Paulo (Brazil), were analyzed for the presence of Aeromonas. Samples were concentrated by membrane filtration and enriched in APW. ADA medium was used for Aeromonas isolation and colonies were confirmed by biochemical characterization. Strains isolated were tested for hemolysin and toxin production. Aeromonas was detected in 12 samples (6.0%). Aeromonas strains (96) were isolated and identified as: A. caviae (41.7%), A. hydrophila (15.7%), A. allosacharophila (10.4%), A. schubertii (1.0%) and Aeromonas spp. (31.2%). The results revealed that 70% of A. caviare, 66.7% of A. hydrophila, 80% of A. allosacharophila and 46.6% of Aeromonas spp. were hemolytic. The assay for checking production of toxins showed that 17.5% of A. caviae, 73.3% of A. hydrophila, 60% of A. allosacharophila, 100% of A. schubertii, and 33.3% of Aeromonas spp. were able to produce toxins. The results demonstrated the pathogenic potential of Aeromonas, indicating that the presence of this emerging pathogen in water systems is a public health concern.
Activity concentrations of dissolved U-234, U-238, Ra-226 and Ra-228 were determined in ground waters fromtwo deep wells drilled in Morungaba Granitoids (Southern Brazil). Sampling was done monthly for little longer than 1 year. Significant disequilibrium between U-238, U-234 and Ra-226 were observed in all samples. The variation of U-238 and U-234 activity concentrations and U-234/U-238 activity ratios is related to seasonal changes. Although the distance between the two wells is short (about 900m), systematic differences of activity concentrations of U isotopes, as well as of U-234/U-238, Ra-226/U-234 and Ra-228/Ra-226 activity ratios were noticed, indicating distinct host rock-water interactions. Slightly acidic ground water percolation through heterogeneous host rock, associated with different recharge processes, may explain uranium and radium isotope behavior. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Four strains of Kappaphycus alvarezii were cultivated in the subtropical waters of Florianopolis, Santa Catarina State, Brazil (27 degrees 29`19 `` S/48 degrees 32` 28 `` W), from February 2009 to February 2010. Seaweeds were cultivated on floating raft near of mussel farms. Salinity ranged from 29 to 36 psu and temperature from 17.1 to 28.5 degrees C. Higher growth rates (5.12-4.29% day(-1)) were measured in summer and autumn, showing a positive correlation between growth rate and water temperature. Lower growth rates (0.54-0.32% day(-1)) occurred in winter, resulted mainly by biomass loss. Significant differences were observed among the strains in spring and the brown tetrasporophytic strain was the only one which failed to recover, being excluded of the experiments. The effect of cultivation periods (36, 42, and 97 days) on carrageenan yield, gel strength, and viscosity were analyzed. Carrageenan yields were higher for plants kept 42 days in the sea (28%), against 25% for 36 and 97 days. There were no significant differences in carrageenan yield among the strains analyzed. Viscosity increased with the increase of cultivation period, while gel strength seemed to vary at random. Tetrasporangia and cystocarps were not observed, and lost fragments did not attach outside the raft. In general, dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration decreased around the cultivation area as compared to the mussel farm. Results show that cultivation of K. alvarezii is technically feasible in subtropical waters and can be associated with local mussel farms, mitigating the eutrophication and, eventually, increasing the economic return of the farmers.
The carrageenophyte Kappaphycus alvarezii was introduced in 1995 and vegetatively propagated in Ubatuba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, for the purpose of commercial cultivation. This species produces tetraspores mainly in the austral summer and fall. Tetraspore germination and survival were studied under different conditions of temperature, photon flux density, and photoperiod in the laboratory. Field experiments were also carried out. Although tetraspores of K. alvarezii germinated, they had low survival rates, most dying after 20 days. Recruitment of K. alvarezii tetraspores did not occur in experiments conducted in the field. The results indicated that the establishment of K. alvarezii via spore production in the natural environment of the south-east coast of Brazil is rather remote.
The southern right whale (Eubalaena australis) was one of the most intensively hunted whales between the 17th and 20th centuries in the southern hemisphere. Recent estimates indicate that today there are around 7000 whales, representing 5 to 10% Of its original population. On the other hand, recent studies estimated that the population that migrates to the Brazilian coast grew by 14% from 1987 to 2003. However, there is no information about sex-ratio for adults or for calves in this region, which is an important parameter for understanding the biology of the species. We present here the first estimate Of calves` sex-ratio of southern right whales found along the southern Brazilian coast, one of the most important wintering grounds for the species. Sex was molecularly indentified for 21 biopsies collected from calves between 1998 and 2002, along the coast of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina States, in southern Brazil. The sex-ratio was two females for one male, however, it was not statistically different (chi(2) test, alpha = 0.05; df = 1) from the expected ratio of 1:1. This result is in accordance with the sex-ratio estimated for the species of all ages using external morphology (and behaviour in formation), (is well as for most species of baleen whales.
The effect of Cr(6+) on Allium cepa root length was studied using both clean and polluted river waters. Seven series of Cr(6+)-doped polluted and non-polluted river waters were used to grow onions. Chromium concentration (Cr(6+)) of 4.2 mg L(-1)(EC(50) value), doped in clean river water caused a 50% reduction of root length, while in organically polluted samples similar root growth inhibition occurred at 12.0 mg Cr(6+) L(-1). The results suggested that there was a dislocation to higher values in toxic chromium concentration in polluted river water due to the eutrophization level of river water.
A flow system designed with solenoid valves is proposed for determination of weak acid dissociable cyanide, based on the reaction with o-phthalaldehyde (OPA) and glycine yielding a highly fluorescent isoindole derivative. The proposed procedure minimizes the main drawbacks related to the reference batch procedure, based on reaction with barbituric acid and pyridine followed by spectrophotometric detection, i.e., use of toxic reagents, high reagent consumption and waste generation, low sampling rate, and poor sensitivity. Retention of the sample zone was exploited to increase the conversion rate of the analyte with minimized sample dispersion. Linear response (r=0.999) was observed for cyanide concentrations in the range 1-200 mu g L(-1), with a detection limit (99.7% confidence level) of 0.5 mu g L(-1)(19 nmol L(-1)). The sampling rate and coefficient of variation (n=10) were estimated as 22 measurements per hour and 1.4%, respectively. The results of determination of weak acid dissociable cyanide in natural water samples were in agreement with those achieved by the batch reference procedure at the 95% confidence level. Additionally to the improvement in the analytical features in comparison with those of the flow system with continuous reagent addition (sensitivity and sampling rate 90 and 83% higher, respectively), the consumption of OPA was 230-fold lower.
Coconut water is a natural isotonic, nutritive, and low-caloric drink. Preservation process is necessary to increase its shelf life outside the fruit and to improve commercialization. However, the influence of the conservation processes, antioxidant addition, maturation time, and soil where coconut is cultivated on the chemical composition of coconut water has had few arguments and studies. For these reasons, an evaluation of coconut waters (unprocessed and processed) was carried out using Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Zn, chloride, sulfate, phosphate, malate, and ascorbate concentrations and chemometric tools. The quantitative determinations were performed by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, and capillary electrophoresis. The results showed that Ca, K, and Zn concentrations did not present significant alterations between the samples. The ranges of Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, PO (4) (3-) , and SO (4) (2-) concentrations were as follows: Cu (3.1-120 A mu g L(-1)), Fe (60-330 A mu g L(-1)), Mg (48-123 mg L(-1)), Mn (0.4-4.0 mg L(-1)), PO (4) (3-) (55-212 mg L(-1)), and SO (4) (2-) (19-136 mg L(-1)). The principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) were applied to differentiate unprocessed and processed samples. Multivariated analysis (PCA and HCA) were compared through one-way analysis of variance with Tukey-Kramer multiple comparisons test, and p values less than 0.05 were considered to be significant.
The electrochemical detection of the hazardous pollutant 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) at low potentials, in order to avoid matrix interferences, is an important research challenge. This study describes the development, electrochemical characterization and utilization of a multiwall carbon nanotube (MWCNT) film electrode for the quantitative determination of 4-NP in natural water. Electrochemical impedence spectroscopy measurements showed that the modified surface exhibits a decrease of ca. 13 times in the charge transfer resistance when compared with a bare glassy carbon (GC) surface. Voltammetric experiments showed the possibility to oxidize a hydroxylamine layer (produced by the electrochemical reduction of 4-NP on the GC/MWNCT surface) in a potential region which is approximately 700 mV less positive than that needed to oxidize 4-NP, thus minimizing the interference of matrix components. The limit of detection for 4-NP obtained using square-wave voltammetry (0.12 mu mol L(-1)) was lower than the value advised by EPA. A natural water sample from a dam located in Sao Carlos (Brazil) was spiked with 4-NP and analyzed by the standard addition method using thee GC/MWCNT electrode, without any further purification step. the recovery procedure yielded a value of 96.5% for such sample, thus confirming the suitability of the developed method to determine 4-NP in natural water samples. The electrochemical determination was compared with that obtained by HPLC with UV-vis detection.
Many contaminants are currently unregulated by the government and do not have a set limit, known as the Maximum Contaminant Level, which is dictated by cost and the best available treatment technology. The Maximum Contaminant Level Goal, on the other hand, is based solely upon health considerations and is non-enforceable. In addition to being naturally occurring, contaminants may enter drinking water supplies through industrial sources, agricultural practices, urban pollution, sprawl, and water treatment byproducts. Exposure to these contaminants is not limited to ingestion and can also occur through dermal absorption and inhalation in the shower. Health risks for the general public include skin damage, increased risk of cancer, circulatory problems, and multiple toxicities. At low levels, these contaminants generally are not harmful in our drinking water. However, children, pregnant women, and people with compromised immune systems are more vulnerable to the health risks associated with these contaminants. Vulnerable peoples should take additional precautions with drinking water. This research project was conducted in order to learn more about our local drinking water and to characterize our exposure to contaminants. We hope to increase public awareness of water quality issues by educating the local residents about their drinking water in order to promote public health and minimize exposure to some of the contaminants contained within public water supplies.
Drinking water utilities in urban areas are focused on finding smart solutions facing new challenges in their real-time operation because of limited water resources, intensive energy requirements, a growing population, a costly and ageing infrastructure, increasingly stringent regulations, and increased attention towards the environmental impact of water use. Such challenges force water managers to monitor and control not only water supply and distribution, but also consumer demand. This paper presents and discusses novel methodologies and procedures towards an integrated water resource management system based on advanced ICT technologies of automation and telecommunications for largely improving the efficiency of drinking water networks (DWN) in terms of water use, energy consumption, water loss minimization, and water quality guarantees. In particular, the paper addresses the first results of the European project EFFINET (FP7-ICT2011-8-318556) devoted to the monitoring and control of the DWN in Barcelona (Spain). Results are split in two levels according to different management objectives: (i) the monitoring level is concerned with all the aspects involved in the observation of the current state of a system and the detection/diagnosis of abnormal situations. It is achieved through sensors and communications technology, together with mathematical models; (ii) the control level is concerned with computing the best suitable and admissible control strategies for network actuators as to optimize a given set of operational goals related to the performance of the overall system. This level covers the network control (optimal management of water and energy) and the demand management (smart metering, efficient supply). The consideration of the Barcelona DWN as the case study will allow to prove the general applicability of the proposed integrated ICT solutions and their effectiveness in the management of DWN, with considerable savings of electricity costs and reduced water loss while ensuring the high European standards of water quality to citizens.
Brachyuran soft-bottom assemblage from marine shallow waters in the southeastern Brazilian littoral.
The present investigation examined the assemblages of brachyuran crabs in three bays of southeastern So Paulo State, analyzing the numbers of species and individuals, biomass, and diversity. The crabs were collected monthly in Ubatumirim, Ubatuba, and Mar Virado bays in the Ubatuba region over 2 years (1998 and 1999). In each bay, six tows were made from a fishing boat. A total of 39,820 specimens, representing 11 super families, 39 genera, and 65 species of brachyurans, were obtained. The mean number of specimens and biomass varied seasonally, which can be mainly related with the population tendencies of two dominant species in the area (Callinectes ornatus and Hepatus pudibundus). The highest numbers of individuals and species were found in Ubatuba Bay, followed by Ubatumirim and Mar Virado. The highest diversity index was estimated for Ubatumirim (H' = 2.44), followed by Ubatuba (H' = 2.37) and Mar Virado (H' = 1.86). In general, the coastal region supported high abundance and species richness concerning brachyurans, with high diversity indices, probably because of its more-heterogeneous substrate, which may afford more refuges for certain species. These results suggested that environmental conditions in this area, although they showed certain differences, are favorable for the establishment and development of a diverse brachyuran guild.