992 resultados para Double strand break
When pneumonia becomes a double congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Double outlet right ventricle (DORV) is a heterogeneous group of abnormal ventriculoarterial connections where, by definition, both great arteries (pulmonary artery and aorta) arise primarily from the morphologically right ventricle. This condition affects 1-1.5% of the patients with congenital heart diseases, with a frequency of 1 in each 10,000 live births. We report the case of an 18-day-old infant with DORV and extremely rare anatomical features, such as anterior and left-sided aorta and subpulmonary ventricular septal defect (VSD). In addition to the anatomic features, the role of the echocardiogram for guiding the diagnosis and the surgical therapy of this congenital heart disease are discussed.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of carvedilol in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. METHODS: In a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study, 30 patients (7 women) with functional class II and III heart failure were assessed. Their ages ranged from 28 to 66 years (mean of 43±9 years), and their left ventricular ejection fraction varied from 8% to 35%. Carvedilol was added to the usual therapy of 20 patients; placebo was added to the usual therapy of 10 patients. The initial dose of carvedilol was 12.5 mg, which was increased weekly until it reached 75 mg/day, according to the patient's tolerance. Clinical assessment, electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, and radionuclide ventriculography were performed in the pretreatment phase, being repeated after 2 and 6 months of medication use. RESULTS: A reduction in heart rate (p=0.016) as well as an increase in left ventricular shortening fraction (p=0.02) and in left ventricular ejection fraction (p=0.017) occurred in the group using carvedilol as compared with that using placebo. CONCLUSION: Carvedilol added to the usual therapy for heart failure resulted in better heart function.
This is a case report of a double-outlet left ventricle associated with tricuspid atresia and hypoplasia of the right ventricle, diagnosed during echocardiography with color-flow imaging, in a three-month-old child who presented with fatigue and cyanosis. The child underwent palliative pulmonary arterial banding without an invasive procedure, and showed sustained improvement during follow-up.
We report the case of a 27-year-old male patient with dyspnea on physical exertion. Clinical assessment and various tests led to the diagnosis of aortopulmonary window and double aortic arch. According to a literature search, this may be the first report on such association.
Magdeburg, Univ., Med. Fak., Diss., 2012
The purpose of the research is the creation of mathematical models in MATLAB based on the double exponential model of the photovoltaic cell. The developed model allows for different physical and environmental parameters. An equivalent circuit of the model includes a photocurrent source, two diodes, and a series and parallel resistance. The paper presents the simulation results for each parameter. The simulation data are displayed graphically and numerical results are saved in a file.
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Maschinenbau, Univ., Dissertation, 2015
L'Anàlisi de la supervivència s'utilitza en diferents camps per analitzar el temps transcorregut entre dos esdeveniments. El que distingeix l'anàlisi de la supervivència d'altres àrees de l'estadística és que les dades normalment estan censurades. La censura en un interval apareix quan l'esdeveniment final d'interès no és directament observable i només se sap que el temps de fallada està en un interval concret. Un esquema de censura més complex encara apareix quan tant el temps inicial com el temps final estan censurats en un interval. Aquesta situació s'anomena doble censura. En aquest article donem una descripció formal d'un mètode bayesà paramètric per a l'anàlisi de dades censurades en un interval i dades doblement censurades així com unes indicacions clares de la seva utilització o pràctica. La metodologia proposada s'ilustra amb dades d'una cohort de pacients hemofílics que es varen infectar amb el virus VIH a principis dels anys 1980's.
I consider the problem of assigning agents to objects where each agent must pay the price of the object he gets and prices must sum to a given number. The objective is to select an assignment-price pair that is envy-free with respect to the true preferences. I prove that the proposed mechanism will implement both in Nash and strong Nash the set of envy-free allocations. The distinguishing feature of the mechanism is that it treats the announced preferences as the true ones and selects an envy-free allocation with respect to the announced preferences.
In this paper we follow the tradition of applied general equilibrium modelling of the Walrasian static variety to study the empirical viability of a double dividend (green, welfare, and employment) in the Spanish economy. We consider a counterfactual scenario in which an ecotax is levied on the intermediate and final use of energy goods. Under a revenue neutral assumption, we evaluate the real income and employment impact of lowering payroll taxes. To appraise to what extent the model structure and behavioural assumptions may influence the results, we perform simulations under a range of alternative model and policy scenarios. We conclude that a double dividend –better environmental quality, as measured by reduced CO2 emissions, and improved levels of employment– may be an achievable goal of economic policy.