945 resultados para Diagnosis methods


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OBJECTIVE: The goal of this work is to review the current literature on continuity of care in the treatment of people with dual diagnosis. In particular, this review set out to clarify how continuity of care has been defined, applied, and assessed in treatment and to enhance its application in both research and clinical practice. METHODS: To identify articles for review, the term "continuity" and combinations of "substance" and "treatment" were searched in electronic databases. The search was restricted to quantitative articles published in English after 1980. Papers were required to discuss "continuity" in treatment samples that included a proportion of patients with a dual diagnosis. RESULTS: A total of 18 non-randomized studies met the inclusion criteria. Analysis revealed six core types of continuity in this treatment context: continuity of relationship with provider(s), continuity across services, continuity through transfer, continuity as regularity and intensity of care, continuity as responsive to changing patient need, and successful linkage of the patient. Patient age, ethnicity, medical status, living status, and the type of mental health and/or substance use disorder influenced the continuity of care experienced in treatment. Some evidence suggested that achieving continuity of care was associated with positive patient and treatment-related outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: This review summarizes how continuity of care has been understood, applied, and assessed in the literature to date. Findings provide a platform for future researchers and service providers to implement and evaluate continuity of care in a consistent manner and to determine its significance in the treatment of people with a dual diagnosis.


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OBJECTIVE: This mixed-methods study aimed to explore concerns and worries related to living with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). METHODS: Overall, 294 patients with a clinically established diagnosis of IBD were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. Concerns and worries were measured with one open-ended question. Measures of anxiety and depressive symptoms and disease activity were also administered. A thematic analysis was conducted and thematic map created. Spearman's rho was used to identify univariate correlations between predictors and the main themes. Binary logistic regression was used to test the predictors of the main themes. RESULTS: Despite the majority of study participants being in IBD remission (74%, n=217), all but 11 reported significant IBD-related concerns. Twenty two percent reported symptoms of depression and 41% of anxiety. Four themes were identified: Quality of life (51%); Unpredictability (35%); Symptoms (34%) and Treatments (19%). Males and older people were less concerned about Quality of life (OR=.597, 95% CI: .363-.980 and OR=.980, 95% CI: .965-.995, respectively). Those in remission were less concerned about Symptoms (OR=.510, 95% CI: .281- .926) while those with longer disease duration worried more about the Symptoms (OR=1.035, 95% CI: 1.010-1.061). Males were less concerned about Treatments (OR=.422, 95% CI: .229-.777). CONCLUSION: IBD patients report significant disease-related concerns even when in remission. Further exploration of what predicts patient concerns may help in shaping health-care delivery so that it better addresses patient needs.


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This study focuses on the learning and teaching of Reading in English as a Foreign Language (REFL), in Libya. The study draws on an action research process in which I sought to look critically at students and teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Libya as they learned and taught REFL in four Libyan research sites. The Libyan EFL educational system is influenced by two main factors: the method of teaching the Holy-Quran and the long-time ban on teaching EFL by the former Libyan regime under Muammar Gaddafi. Both of these factors have affected the learning and teaching of REFL and I outline these contextual factors in the first chapter of the thesis. This investigation, and the exploration of the challenges that Libyan university students encounter in their REFL, is supported by attention to reading models. These models helped to provide an analytical framework and starting point for understanding the many processes involved in reading for meaning and in reading to satisfy teacher instructions. The theoretical framework I adopted was based, mainly and initially, on top-down, bottom-up, interactive and compensatory interactive models. I drew on these models with a view to understanding whether and how the processes of reading described in the models could be applied to the reading of EFL students and whether these models could help me to better understand what was going on in REFL. The diagnosis stage of the study provided initial data collected from four Libyan research sites with research tools including video-recorded classroom observations, semi-structured interviews with teachers before and after lesson observation, and think-aloud protocols (TAPs) with 24 students (six from each university) in which I examined their REFL reading behaviours and strategies. This stage indicated that the majority of students shared behaviours such as reading aloud, reading each word in the text, articulating the phonemes and syllables of words, or skipping words if they could not pronounce them. Overall this first stage indicated that alternative methods of teaching REFL were needed in order to encourage ‘reading for meaning’ that might be based on strategies related to eventual interactive reading models adapted for REFL. The second phase of this research project was an Intervention Phase involving two team-teaching sessions in one of the four stage one universities. In each session, I worked with the teacher of one group to introduce an alternative method of REFL. This method was based on teaching different reading strategies to encourage the students to work towards an eventual interactive way of reading for meaning. A focus group discussion and TAPs followed the lessons with six students in order to discuss the 'new' method. Next were two video-recorded classroom observations which were followed by an audio-recorded discussion with the teacher about these methods. Finally, I conducted a Skype interview with the class teacher at the end of the semester to discuss any changes he had made in his teaching or had observed in his students' reading with respect to reading behaviour strategies, and reactions and performance of the students as he continued to use the 'new' method. The results of the intervention stage indicate that the teacher, perhaps not surprisingly, can play an important role in adding to students’ knowledge and confidence and in improving their REFL strategies. For example, after the intervention stage, students began to think about the title, and to use their own background knowledge to comprehend the text. The students employed, also, linguistic strategies such as decoding and, above all, the students abandoned the behaviour of reading for pronunciation in favour of reading for meaning. Despite the apparent efficacy of the alternative method, there are, inevitably, limitations related to the small-scale nature of the study and the time I had available to conduct the research. There are challenges, too, related to the students’ first language, the idiosyncrasies of the English language, the teacher training and continuing professional development of teachers, and the continuing political instability of Libya. The students’ lack of vocabulary and their difficulties with grammatical functions such as phrasal and prepositional verbs, forms which do not exist in Arabic, mean that REFL will always be challenging. Given such constraints, the ‘new’ methods I trialled and propose for adoption can only go so far in addressing students’ difficulties in REFL. Overall, the study indicates that the Libyan educational system is underdeveloped and under resourced with respect to REFL. My data indicates that the teacher participants have received little to no professional developmental that could help them improve their teaching in REFL and skills in teaching EFL. These circumstances, along with the perennial problem of large but varying class sizes; student, teacher and assessment expectations; and limited and often poor quality resources, affect the way EFL students learn to read in English. Against this background, the thesis concludes by offering tentative conclusions; reflections on the study, including a discussion of its limitations, and possible recommendations designed to improve REFL learning and teaching in Libyan universities.


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The diagnosis of mixed genotype hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is rare and information on incidence in the UK, where genotypes 1a and 3 are the most prevalent, is sparse. Considerable variations in the efficacies of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) for the HCV genotypes have been documented and the ability of DAAs to treat mixed genotype HCV infections remains unclear, with the possibility that genotype switching may occur. In order to estimate the prevalence of mixed genotype 1a/3 infections in Scotland, a cohort of 512 samples was compiled and then screened using a genotype-specific nested PCR assay. Mixed genotype 1a/3 infections were found in 3.8% of samples tested, with a significantly higher prevalence rate of 6.7% (p<0.05) observed in individuals diagnosed with genotype 3 infections than genotype 1a (0.8%). An analysis of the samples using genotypic-specific qPCR assays found that in two-thirds of samples tested, the minor strain contributed <1% of the total viral load. The potential of deep sequencing methods for the diagnosis of mixed genotype infections was assessed using two pan-genotypic PCR assays compatible with the Illumina MiSeq platform that were developed targeting the E1-E2 and NS5B regions of the virus. The E1-E2 assay detected 75% of the mixed genotype infections, proving to be more sensitive than the NS5B assay which identified only 25% of the mixed infections. Studies of sequence data and linked patient records also identified significantly more neurological disorders in genotype 3 patients. Evidence of distinctive dinucleotide expression within the genotypes was also uncovered. Taken together these findings raise interesting questions about the evolutionary history of the virus and indicate that there is still more to understand about the different genotypes. In an era where clinical medicine is frequently more personalised, the development of diagnostic methods for HCV providing increased patient stratification is increasingly important. This project has shown that sequence-based genotyping methods can be highly discriminatory and informative, and their use should be encouraged in diagnostic laboratories. Mixed genotype infections were challenging to identify and current deep sequencing methods were not as sensitive or cost-effective as Sanger-based approaches in this study. More research is needed to evaluate the clinical prognosis of patients with mixed genotype infection and to develop clinical guidelines on their treatment.


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In Portugal, Veterinary Pathology is developing rapidly, and in recent years we assist to the emergence of private laboratories and the restructuring of universities,polytechnics and public laboratories.The Portuguese Society of Animal Pathology,through its actions and its associates has been keeping the discussion among its peers in order to standardizethe criteria of description,classification and evaluation of cases which are the subject of our daily work.One of the last challenges is associated with the use of routine histochemical techniques and immunohistochemistry, in an effort to establish standardized panels for tumour diagnosis, which could eventually reduce each analysis cost.For this purpose a simple survey was built, in which all collaborators answered questions about the markers used for carcinoma, sarcoma and round cell tumour diagnosis, as well as general questions related with the subject. We obtained twenty-one answered to the questions, from public and private laboratories.In general, in most cases immunohistochemical and histochemical methods are used for diagnosis.The wide spectrum cytokeratins are universally used to confirm carcinoma, and vimentin for sarcoma. The CD3 marker is used by all laboratories to identify T lymphocytes. For the diagnosis of B-cell lymphoma, the marker used is not consensual. In each laboratory there are different markers for more specific situations and only two labs perform PCR techniques for diagnosis. These data will be presented to promote extended discussion,namely to reach a consensus when different markers are used.


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Fleas, several aeroallergens as well as many food allergens are the most common allergenic sources for animals and frequent cause of allergic reactions with different target organs such as skin, eyes, and respiratory or digestive systems. Allergy diagnosis needs to follow well-established guidelines under clinical and laboratory approaches. Since 1980 with the Hanifin & Rajka’s criteria for the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis (AD) in humans, successive proposals have been developed to identify atopic dermatitis in dogs. A consensual plan was first proposed by Willemse in 1986 undergoing several modifications in 1994. Prélaud and colleagues made important changes to the plan in 1998 and it was further adjusted by Favrot in 2009. In 2010, this plan was approved by the International Task Force on Canine Atopic Dermatitis (CAD). It was subjected in 2015 to minor updates with regard to therapeutic options. To improve diagnostic accuracy by integrating the basic knowledge on sensitization development and allergen nature and diversity, allergen sources and implicated molecular allergens for animals should be clearly identified. As well as in human medicine, this molecular epidemiology concept is essential for the veterinary allergy diagnosis in the near future, standing as the basis of a component-resolved diagnosis (CRD). Besides current pharma- cotherapy, it will be highly relevant to increase the efficiency of the avoidance measures and specific immunotherapy. Clinical guidelines will lead to at least 80 % of positive diagnosis of atopy, but newer laboratory methods in veterinary medicine aiming to a more precise diagnosis and a better integration of the clinical/laboratory diagnostic course are needed. Allergoms identification for animals, from different allergen sources proteoms should become a priority in veterinary allergology, in order to allow the intended CRD, which is essential to understand the cross-reaction phenomena, allowing a more precise and possibly effective component-resolved immunotherapy (CRIT). Further research has been carried out for a better understanding of the interaction between allergic clinical condition and immune pathophysiology. As well as in human medicine, a deeper knowledge of the molecular immunological mechanisms in veterinary allergy — with their specific allergen triggers — will also provide the veterinary allergist with the necessary information to act more efficiently in the future.


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Molecular methods are fundamental tools for the diagnosis of viral infections. While interpretation of results is straightforward for unvaccinated animals, where positivity represents ongoing or past infections, the presence of vaccine virus in the tissues of recently vaccinated animals may mislead diagnosis. In this study, we investigated the interference of RHDV2 vaccination in the results of a RT-qPCR for RHDV2 detection, and possible associations between mean Cq values of five animal groups differing in age, vaccination status and origin (domestic/wild). Viral sequences from vaccinated rabbits that died of RHDV2 infection (n = 14) were compared with the sequences from the commercial vaccines used in those animals. Group Cq means were compared through Independent t-test and One-way ANOVA. We proved that RHDV2 vaccine-RNA is not detected by the RT-qPCR as early as 15 days post- vaccination, an important fact in assisting results interpretation for diagnosis. Cq values of vaccinated and non-vaccinated infected domestic adults showed a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05), demonstrating that vaccination-induced immunity reduces viral loads and delays disease progression. Contrarily, in vaccinated young rabbits higher viral loads were registered compared to non-vaccinated kittens. No significant variation (p = 0.3824) was observed between viral loads of non- vaccinated domestic and wild RHDV2-victimised rabbits. Although the reduced number of vaccinated young animals analysed hampered a robust statistical analysis, this occurrence suggests that passively acquired maternal antibodies may inhibit the active immune response to vaccination, delaying protection and favouring disease progression. Our finding emphasises the importance of adapting kitten RHDV2 vaccination schedules to circumvent this interference phenomenon.