640 resultados para Derek Parfit


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"MTAC TR06-02"--Cover.


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"This report was prepared under a contract with the Illinois Dept. of Nuclear Safety (IDNS) in support of the Illinois Low-Level Radioactive Waste Task Group. Numerous staff members of the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) and the Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS) contributed to this report, which was compiled under the general administrative direction of Bill Shilts and Derek Winstanley, Chiefs of the ISGS and ISWS, respectively."--P. iv.


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Includes bibliographies.


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Top Row: Chris Ashton, Phil Johnson, Paul Schmidt, Brad Labadie, Jim Boccher, Mike Gittleson, Teryl Austin, Brady Hoke, Jim Hermann, Scott Draper, Fred Jackson, Terry Malone, Andy Moeller, Erik Campbell, Stan Parrish, Bobby Morrison, Mike Bajakian, Phil Bromley, Jon Falk

8th Row: Dr. Gerald O'Connor, Dr. James Carpenter, Dr. C. Daniel Hendrickson, Vahan Agbabian, Kevin Tolbert, Jason Chesney, Kyle Beirlein, Che' Foster, Andre' Bell-Watkins, Jim Schneider, Kelly Cox, Mark Ouimet, Brian Resutek, Taylor Morgan, Kent Karwoski, Kevin Undeen

7th Row: Rick Brandt, Braylon Edwards, Lawrence Reid, Adam Stenavich, Sean Sanderson, Alex Ofili, Tim Massaquoi, Pierre Woods, Matt Lentz, Dan Simelis, Leo Henige, Earnest Shazor, Mike Mandich, Joey Sarantos, Scott McClintock, Marlin Jackson, Derek Bell, David Schoonover, Bob Bland.

6th Row: Tim Bracken, Zia Combs, Luke Perl, Jeremy Read, Ross Kesler, Andy Stejskal, Kyle Ealey, Pat Massey, David Spytek, Josh Blackman, Sean Cassidy, Kolby Wells, Markus Curry, David Underwood, Brian Lafer, Charles Young III, Troy Nienberg.

5th Row: Brent Cummings, Roy Manning, Zach Kaufman, Kevin Dudley, Jermaine Gonzales, Alain Kashama, David Baas, Jim Fisher, Jeff Gaston, Phil Brabbs, Andy Christopfel, Emmanuel Casseus, Adam Finley, Larry Stevens, Calvin Bell, Chris Perry.

4th Row: Brandon Williams, Jon Shaw, Courtney Morgan, Dave Pearson, Grant Bowman, Tyrece Butler, Phil Brackins, Tony Pape, Demeterius Solomon, John Navarre, Norman Heuer, Spencer Brinton, Andy Mignery, John Spytek, Carl Diggs, Charles Drake, Jeremy LeSueur.

3rd Row: Joe Sgroi, Travis DeMeester, Scott Panique, Blake Nasif, Kirk Moundros, Steven Baker, Deitan Dubuc, Shawn Lazarus, Dave Petruziello, Bennie Joppru, John Wood, Dave Armstrong, B.J. Askew, Shantee Orr, Ronald Bellamy, Tad VanPelt.

2nd Row: Aaron Richards, Michael Manning, Jeremy Miller, Anthony Jordan, Gary Rose, Eric Rosel, Kurt Anderson, Joe Denay, Victor Hobson, Dan Rumishek, Julius Curry, Cato June, Rudy Smith, Brody Killian, P.J. Cwayna.

Front Row: Todd Howard, Hayden Epstein, Marquise Walker, Ben Mast, Jake Frysinger, Jonathan Goodwin, Head Coach Lloyd Carr, Eric Brackins, Larry Foote, Shawn Thompson, Bill Seymour, Evan Coleman, Walter Cross.


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Top Row: (20 Staff) Andy Godek, Phil Johnson, Paul Schmidt, Brad Labade, Mark Collins, Mike Gittleson, Steve Morrison, Ron English, Bill Sheridan, Jim Herrmann, Scot Draper, Fred Jackson, Terry Malone, Andy Moeller, Erik Campbell, Scot Loeffler, Jim Boccher, Max Glowacki, Phil Bromley, Jon Falk

8th Row: (18 Staff) Dr. Gerald O'Connor, Dr. James Carpenter, Dr. C. Daniel Hendrickson, Vahan Agbabian, Kevin Tolbert, Kyle Bierlein, Jason Chesney, Dan Geraci, Kolby Wells, Dan Simelis, Matt Kernen, Jim Schneider, Senior Manager Devon Wilson, Taylor Morgan, Kyle Zink, Kevin Undeen, Rick Brandt, Bob Bland.

7th Row: (13 players) Kyle Myers, David Hull, Craig Moore, Ross Ryan, Garrett Rivas, Brandent Englemon, Will Paul, Prescott Burgess, Anton Campbell, Jerome Jackson, Quinton McCoy, Matt Wilde, Jeff Jansen.

6th Row: (19) Alijah Bradley, Mike Carl, Ryan Mundy, Leon Hall, Turner Booth, Jeff Kastl, Paul Sarantos, Clayton Richard, Shawn Crable, Jake Long, Adam Kraus, Patrick Sharrow, Lamarr Woodley, Jim Presley, David Schoonover, Mike Kaselitz, Mark Spencer, B.J. Opong-Owusu, Joseph Leoni.

5th Row: (18) Chris Matsos, Willis Barringer, Darnell Hood, Jason Avant, Steve Breaston, Matt Studenski, Derek Bell, Rondell Biggs, Kevin Murphy, Reuben Riley, Dave Harris, Mike Mandich, Carl Tabb, Brian Thompson, Pierre Rembert, Jacob Stewart, Obinna Oluigbo, Jonathan Borden.

4th Row: (19) Luke Perl, David Underwood, Lawrence Reid, Joey Sarantos, Alex Ofili, Matt Gutierrez, Mark Bihl, Tom Berishaj, Tyler Ecker, Mike Kolodziej, Gabriel Watson, Jeremy Van Alstyne, Larry Harrison, Scott McClintock, Marlin Jackson, Markus Curry, Jeremy Read, Brian Lafer.

3rd Row: (16) Brent Cummings, Charles Young III, Ross Mann, Braylon Edwards, Leo Henige, Tim Massaquoi, Matt Lentz, Zia Combs, Pat Massey, Jim Fisher, Pierre Woods, Earnest Shazor, Adam Stenavich, Andy Stejskal, Ross Kesler, Troy Nienberg.

2nd Row: (15) Phil Brabbs, Roy Manning, Andy Christopfel, Calvin Bell, David Baas, Larry Stevens, Alain Kashama, Demeterius Solomon, Spencer Brinton, Jeff Gaston, Adam Finley, Jermaine Gonzales, Zach Kaufman, Kevin Dudley, Tim Bracken.

Front Row: (13): Jon Shaw, Andy Mignery, Jeremy LeSueur, Courtney Morgan, Tony Pape, John Navarre, Lloyd Carr, Carl Diggs, Norman Heuer, Chris Perry, Grant Bowman, Dave Pearson, Tyrece Butler.


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Top row: Phil Johnson, Paul Schmidt, Kevin Tolbert, Mike Gittleson, Sam Sword, Steve Morrison, Ron English, Bill Sheridan, Jim Herrmann, Scott Draper, Fred Jackson, Terry Malone, Andy Moeller, Erik Campbell, Scot Loeffler, Mike DeBord, Mark Collins, Brad Labadie, Phil Bromley, Jon Falk

8th Row: Ryan Krach, Dr. C. Daniel Hendrickson, Vahan Agbabian, Dan Geraci, Chris Floyd, Thomas Guynes, Dan Simelis, Zia Combs, Joe Leoni, senior manager Brandon Greer, senior manager Jeff Clancy, Matt Kernen, Jim Schneider, Gene Skidmore, Taylor Morgan, Kyle Zink, Kevin Undeen, Rick Brandt Bob Bland, Tom Burpee.

7th Row: Kevin Norris, Jason Eldridge, Chris Graham, Doug Dutch, Keston Cheatham, Will Johnson, Grant DeBenedictis, Jon Saigh, Tim Jamison, Marques Walton, Chip Cartwright, Landon Smith, Jason Gingell.

6th Row: Michael Hart, Ross Ryan, Charles Stewart, Jamar Adams, Adrian Arrington, Chad Henne, Jeremy Ciulla, Brent Gallimore, Alan Branch, Alex Mitchell, Mike Massey, Chris Rogers, Max Martin, Roger Allison, Morgan Trent, Kyle Plummer, James Bloomsburgh

5th Row: Leon Hall, Jerome Jackson, Dan Moore, David Hull, Ryan Mundy, Turner Booth, Lamarr Woodley, Patrick Sharrow, Shawn Crable, Adam Kraus, Will Paul, Jeff Kastl, Matt Wilde, Max Pollock, Anton Campbell, Brandent Englemon, Craig Moore

4th Row: Alijah Bradley, Darnell Hood, Mark Spencer, Willis Barringer, Pierre Rembert, Jason Avant, Carl Tabb, Dave Harris, Prescott Burgess, Jake Long, Clayton Richard, Brian Thompson, Rondell Biggs, Steve Breaston, Obi Oluigbo, Mike Carl, B.J. Opong-Owusu, Garrett Rivas

3rd Row: Chris Matsos, David Schoonover, Mike Mandich, Rueben Riley, Matt Gutierrez, Mark Bihl, Kevin Murphy, Tyler Ecker, Mike Kolodziej, Gabriel Watson, Jeremy Van Alstyne, Derek Bell, Larry Harrison, Paul Sarantos, Matt Studenski, Jacob Stewart

2nd Row: Ross Mann, Jeremy Read, Lawrence Reid, Scott McClintock, Leo Henige, Earnest Shazor, Matt Lentz, Pat Massey, Pierre Woods, Adam Stenavich, Tim Massaquoi, Alex Ofili, Joey Sarantos, Troy Nienberg, Grant Mason.

Front Row: David Underwood, Jermaine Gonzales, Adam Finley, Roy Manning, Spencer Brinton, David Baas, Lloyd Carr, Marlin Jackson, Braylon Edwards, Jim Fisher, Kevin Dudley, Markus Curry, Tim Bracken.


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Front row (kneeling, left to right): Tim McMillen, Joe Warren, Meldon Street, Brandon Howe, Chris Viola, Andy Behm, Brady Vibert, Steve Basmajian, Brant Kantor, Greg DeLeon, head coach Dale Bahr.

Middle row (crouching, left to right): Jeff Reese, Corey Grant, Drew Pullen, Jake Young, Bill Lacure, Jon Newsom, Brian Aparo, Derek Meklir, Luiey Haddad, Philip Klein.

Back row (standing, left to right): Trainer Bill Shinavier, assistant coach Joe McFarland, assistant coach John Fisher, Jason Balcom, Josh Young, Jeff Catrabone, Frank Lodeserto, Jesse Rawls, Jr., Airron Richardson, Keith Meyers, Gyhandi Hill, Peter Perakis, Luis Aguilar, assistant coach Kirk Trost, trainer Jason Hodges.


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Back Row: Assistant coach Xiao Yuan, head coach Kurt Golder, assistant coach Scott Vetere

Middle Row: Arren Yoshimura, Andrew Elkind, Ralph Rosso, Justin Laury, Jamie Thompson, Andrew DiGiore, Joe Catrambone, Scott Bregman, Phillip Goldberg, Derek Croad

Front Row: Luke Bottke, Jerry Signorelli, Devin Deer, Ryan McCarthy, John Sawicki, Kent Caldwell, Daniel Rais, Aaron Rakes, Andre Hernandez, Paul Woodward


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Back Row: Andrew Elkind, Arren Yoshimura, John Sawicki, Paul Woodward, Ryan McCarthy, Daniel Rais, Aaron Rakes, Justin Laury, Mel Santander

Middle Row: Torrance Laury, Phil Goldberg, Jamie Thompson, Bruno Savard, Joe Levine, Kent Caldwell, Josh Miele, Ralph Rosso, Scott Bergman, Joe Catambrone

Front Row: head trainer Bill Shinavier, assistant coach Scott Vetere, head coach Kurt Golder, assistant coach Xiao Yuan. volunteer assistant coach Derek Croad, student athletic trainer Navid Hannanvash, student athletic trainer Liz Sibilsky


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The granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) and Fit-3 receptor agonist progenipoietin-1 (ProGP-1) has potent effects on dendritic cell (DC) expansion and may be an alternative to G-CSF for the mobilization of stem cells for allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT). We studied the ability of stem cell grafts mobilized with this agent to induce graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) to minor and major histocompatibility antigens in the well-described B6 --> B6D2F1 SCT model. ProGP-1, G-CSIF, or control diluent was administered to donor B6 mice. ProGP-1 expanded all cell lineages in the spleen, and unseparated splenocytes from these animals produced large amounts of interleukin 10 (IL-10) and transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) whereas the expression of T-cell adhesion molecules was diminished. Transplantation survival was 0%, 50%, and 90% in recipients of control-, G-CSF-, and ProGP-1-treated allogeneic donor splenocytes, respectively (P < .0001). Donor pretreatment with ProGP-1 allowed a 4-fold escalation in T-cell dose over that possible with G-CSF. Donor CD4 T cells from allogeneic SCT recipients of ProGP-1 splenocytes demonstrated an anergic response to host antigen, and cytokine production (interferon gamma [IFNγ], IL-4, and IL-10) was also reduced while CD8 T-cell cytotoxicity to host antigens remained intact. Neither CD11c(hi) DCs nor CD11c(dim)/B220(hi) DCs from ProGP-1-treated animals conferred protection from GVHD when added to control spleen. Conversely, when equal numbers of purified T cells from control-, G-CSF-, or ProGP-1-treated allogeneic donors were added to allogeneic T-cell-depleted control spleen, survival at day 60 was 0%, 15%, and 90%, respectively (P < .0001). The improved survival in recipients of ProGP-1 T cells was associated with reductions in systemic tumor necrosis factor alpha generation and GVHD of the gastrointestinal tract. We conclude that donor pretreatment with ProGP-1 is superior to G-CSIF for the prevention of GVHD after allogeneic SCT, primarily due to incremental affects on T-cell phenotype and function


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Classic Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) tissue contains a small population of morphologically distinct malignant cells called Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells, associated with the development of HL. Using 3'-rapid amplification of cDNA ends ( RACE) we identified an alternative mRNA for the DEC-205 multilectin receptor in the HRS cell line L428. Sequence analysis revealed that the mRNA encodes a fusion protein between DEC-205 and a novel C-type lectin DCL-1. Although the 7.5-kb DEC-205 and 4.2-kb DCL-1 mRNA were expressed independently in myeloid and B lymphoid cell lines, the DEC-205/DCL-1 fusion mRNA (9.5 kb) predominated in the HRS cell lines ( L428, KM-H2, and HDLM-2). The DEC-205 and DCL-1 genes comprising 35 and 6 exons, respectively, are juxtaposed on chromosome band 2q24 and separated by only 5.4 kb. We determined the DCL-1 transcription initiation site within the intervening sequence by 5'-RACE, confirming that DCL-1 is an independent gene. Two DEC-205/DCL-1 fusion mRNA variants may result from cotranscription of DEC-205 and DCL-1, followed by splicing DEC-205 exon 35 or 34-35 along with DCL-1 exon 1. The resulting reading frames encode the DEC-205 ectodomain plus the DCL-1 ectodomain, the transmembrane, and the cytoplasmic domain. Using DCL-1 cytoplasmic domain-specific polyclonal and DEC-205 monoclonal antibodies for immunoprecipitation/Western blot analysis, we showed that the fusion mRNA is translated into a DEC-205/DCL-1 fusion protein, expressed in the HRS cell lines. These results imply an unusual transcriptional control mechanism in HRS cells, which cotranscribe an mRNA containing DEC-205 and DCL-1 prior to generating the intergenically spliced mRNA to produce a DEC-205/DCL-1 fusion protein.


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Background: Tuberculosis is an important cause of wasting. The functional consequences of wasting and recovery may depend on the distribution of lost and gained nutrient stores between protein and fat masses. Objective: The goal was to study nutrient partitioning, ie, the proportion of weight change attributable to changes in fat mass (FM) versus protein mass (PM), during anti mycobacterial treatment. Design: Body-composition measures were made of 21 men and 9 women with pulmonary tuberculosis at baseline and after 1 and 6 mo of treatment. All subjects underwent dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and deuterium bromide dilution tests, and a four-compartment model of FM, total body water (TBW), bone minerals (BM), and PM was derived. The ratio of PM to FM at any time was expressed as the energy content (p-ratio). Changes in the p-ratio were related to disease severity as measured by radiologic criteria. Results: Patients gained 10% in body weight (P < 0.001) from baseline to month 6. This was mainly due to a 44% gain in FM (P < 0.001); PM, BM, and TBW did not change significantly. Results were similar in men and women. The p-ratio decreased from baseline to month 1 and then fell further by month 6. Radiologic disease severity was not correlated with changes in the p-ratio. Conclusions: Microbiological cure of tuberculosis does not restore PM within 6 mo, despite a strong anabolic response. Change in the p-ratio is a suitable parameter for use in studying the effect of disease on body composition because it allows transformation of such effects into a normal distribution across a wide range of baseline proportion between fat and protein mass.


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Virulence of the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa involves the coordinate expression of a wide range of virulence factors including type IV pili which are required for colonization of host tissues and are associated with a form of surface translocation termed twitching motility. Twitching motility in P. aeruginosa is controlled by a complex signal transduction pathway which shares many modules in common with chemosensory systems controlling flagella rotation in bacteria and which is composed, in part, of the previously described proteins PilG, PilH, PilI, PilJ and PilK. Here we describe another three components of this pathway: ChpA, ChpB and ChpC, as well as two downstream genes, ChpD and ChpE, which may also be involved. The central component of the pathway, ChpA, possesses nine potential sites of phosphorylation: six histidine-containing phosphotransfer (HPt) domains, two novel serine- and threonine-containing phosphotransfer (SPt, TPt) domains and a CheY-like receiver domain at its C-terminus, and as such represents one of the most complex signalling proteins yet described in nature. We show that the Chp chemosensory system controls twitching motility and type IV pili biogenesis through control of pili assembly and/or retraction as well as expression of the pilin subunit gene pilA. The Chp system is also required for full virulence in a mouse model of acute pneumonia.


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The heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2 is a multi-tasking protein that acts in the cytoplasm and nucleus. We have explored the possibility that this protein is associated with telomeres and participates in their maintenance. Rat brain hnRNP A2 was shown to have two nucleic acid binding sites. In the presence of heparin one site binds single-stranded oligodeoxyribonucleotides irrespective of sequence but not the corresponding oligoribonucleotides. Both the hnRNP A2-binding cis-acting element for the cytoplasmic RNA trafficking element, A2RE, and the ssDNA telomere repeat match a consensus sequence for binding to a second sequence-specific site identified by mutational analysis. hnRNP A2 protected the telomeric repeat sequence, but not the complementary sequence, against DNase digestion: the glycine-rich domain was found to be necessary, but not sufficient, for protection. The N-terminal RRM (RNA recognition motif) and tandem RRMs of hnRNP A2 also bind the single-stranded, template-containing segment of telomerase RNA. hnRNP A2 colocalizes with telomeric chromatin in the subset of PML bodies that are a hallmark of ALT cells, reinforcing the evidence for hnRNPs having a role in telomere maintenance. Our results support a model in which hnRNP A2 acts as a molecular adapter between single-stranded telomeric repeats, or telomerase RNA, and another segment of ssDNA.