535 resultados para Deontologia forense


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Research suggests that child-to-parent violence (CPV) is related to a previous history of violence within the family setting. The current study was aimed to explore the exposure to violence in different settings (school, community, home, and TV) and its relationship to some variables of the social-cognitive processing (hostile social perception, impulsivity, ability to anticipate the consequences of social behaviors and to select the appropriate means to achieve the goals of social behaviors) in a group of juveniles who assaulted their parents. It is also examined how they differ from other young offenders and non-offender adolescents. The sample included 90 adolescents from Jaén (Spain). Thirty of them were juveniles who had been reported by their parents for being violent towards them and 30 were juveniles who had committed other types of offences. The third group was made up of 30 adolescents without any criminal charge. Adolescents answered measures of exposure to violence, perception of criticism/rejection from parents, hostile social perception, and social problem- solving skills. Results revealed that juveniles who abused their parents reported higher levels of exposure to violence at home when comparing to the other groups. In addition, exposure to violence at home was significantly correlated to the hostile social perception of adolescents in CPV cases. Implications for prevention and treatment are discussed


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The Self-Appraisal Questionnaire (SAQ) is a self-report that predicts the risk of violence and recidivism and provides relevant information about treatment needs for incarcerated populations. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the concurrent and predictive validity of this self-report in Spanish offenders. The SAQ was administered to 276 offenders recruited from several prisons in Madrid (Spain). SAQ total scores presented high levels of internal consistency (alpha = .92). Correlations of the instrument with violence risk instruments were statistically significant and showed a moderate magnitude, indicating a reasonable degree of concurrent validity. The ROC analysis carried out on the SAQ total score revealed an AUC of .80, showing acceptable accuracy discriminating between violent and nonviolent recidivist groups. It is concluded that the SAQ total score is a reliable and valid measure to estimate violence and recidivism risk in Spanish offenders.


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Several studies have reported impairments in decoding emotional facial expressions in intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetrators. However, the mechanisms that underlie these impaired skills are not well known. Given this gap in the literature, we aimed to establish whether IPV perpetrators (n = 18) differ in their emotion decoding process, attentional skills, and testosterone (T), cortisol (C) levels and T/C ratio in comparison with controls (n = 20), and also to examine the moderating role of the group and hormonal parameters in the relationship between attention skills and the emotion decoding process. Our results demonstrated that IPV perpetrators showed poorer emotion recognition and higher attention switching costs than controls. Nonetheless, they did not differ in attention to detail and hormonal parameters. Finally, the slope predicting emotion recognition from deficits in attention switching became steeper as T levels increased, especially in IPV perpetrators, although the basal C and T/C ratios were unrelated to emotion recognition and attention deficits for both groups. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying emotion recognition deficits. These factors therefore constitute the target for future interventions.


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The present study investigated the impact of different legal standards on mock juror decisions concerning whether a defendant was guilty or not guilty by reason of insanity. Undergraduate students (N = 477) read a simulated case summary involving a murder case and were asked to make an insanity determination. The cases differed in terms of the condition of the defendant (rationality deficit or control deficit) and the legal standard given to the jurors to make the determination (Model Penal Code, McNaughten or McNaughten plus a separate control determination). The effects of these variables on the insanity determination were investigated. Jurors also completed questionnaires measuring individualism and hierarchy attitudes and perceptions of facts in the case. Results indicate that under current insanity standards jurors do not distinguish between defendants with rationality deficits and defendants with control deficits regardless of whether the legal standard requires them to do so. Even defendants who lacked control were found guilty at equal rates under a legal standard excusing rationality deficits only and a legal standard excluding control and rationality deficits. This was improved by adding a control test as a partial defence, to be determined after a rationality determination. Implications for the insanity defence in the Criminal Justice System are discussed.


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Cybercrime is a growing and worrisome problem, particularly when it involves minors. Cyber-aggression among adolescents in particular can result in negative legal and psychological consequences for people involved. Therefore, it is important to have instruments to detect these incidents early and understand the problem to propose effective measures for prevention and treatment. This paper aims to design a new self-report, the Cyber-Aggression Questionnaire for Adolescents (CYBA), to evaluate the extent to which the respondent conducts aggressions through a mobile phone or the internet and analyse the factorial and criterion validity and reliability of their scores in a sample of adolescents from Asturias, Spain. The CYBA was administered to 3,148 youth aged between 12 and 18 years old along with three self-reports to measure aggression at school, impulsivity, and empathy. Regarding factorial validity, the model that best represents the structure of the CYBA consists of three factors (Impersonation, Visual-sexual Cyber-aggression, and Verbal Cyber-aggression and Exclusion) and four additional indicators of Visual Cyber-aggression-Teasing/Happy Slapping. Regarding criterion validity, the score on the CYBA correlates positively with aggression at school and impulsivity and negatively with empathy. That is the way cyber-aggression correlates with these three variables, according to previous empirical evidence. The reliability of the scores on each item and factor of the CYBA are adequate. Therefore, the CYBA offers a valid and reliable measure of cyber-aggression in adolescents.


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The Scharff-technique is used for eliciting information from human sources. At the very core of the technique is the “illusion of knowing it all” tactic, which aims to inflate a source's perception of how much knowledge an interviewer holds about the event to be discussed. For the current study, we mapped the effects following two different ways of introducing this particular tactic; a traditional way of implementation where the interviewer explicitly states that s/he already knows most of the important information (the traditional condition), and a new way of implementation where the interviewer just starts to present the information that s/he holds (the just start condition). The two versions were compared in two separate experiments. In Experiment 1 (N = 60), we measured the participants’ perceptions of the interviewer's knowledge, and in Experiment 2 (N = 60), the participants’ perceptions of the interviewer's knowledge gaps. We found that participants in the just start condition (a) believed the interviewer had more knowledge (Experiment 1), and (b) searched less actively for gaps in the interviewer's knowledge (Experiment 2), compared to the traditional condition. We will discuss the current findings and how sources test and perceive the knowledge his or her interviewer possesses within a framework of social hypothesis testing.


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Este texto se divide en 5 partes: la primera, trata todo lo referente al origen y evolución de la criminalística. En su segunda parte, se muestra de manera detallada la investigación en la escena del delito y su resultado científico. En la tercera parte se da a conocer al lector, el estudio y los elementos materiales de prueba, tales como: la evidencia física, la cadena de custodia, la destrucción de evidencia y la relación con las normas actuales. En la cuarta parte, el autor explica los sistemas de identificación humana de las ciencias forenses, a través de sus pilares lofoscopia, odontología, antropología y genética. La quinta parte y final, se enmarca en la balística forense, por ser esta de gran importancia en la investigación de delitos.


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Cada vez son más los casos en donde una persona muere durante el forcejeo que mantiene con las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado durante el proceso de detención. Esto supone un gran reto profesional para el médico forense que realiza la autopsia. En muchas ocasiones, los resultados obtenidos tras la autopsia no son entendidos por la sociedad, familiares del fallecido ni correctamente divulgados por los medios de comunicación, pareciendo que dicha muerte queda en un limbo judicial. Estas muertes, generalmente son consecuencia del síndrome de delirium agitado. Este síndrome no es bien conocido en nuestro país por parte de médicos ni por cuerpos de seguridad. Se engloban dentro de las muertes en privación de libertad o death in custody. En su producción intervienen factores como la patología previa del paciente, consumo de drogas, especialmente cocaína, y la forma de llevar a cabo el proceso de inmovilización del detenido. Este cuadro se trata de una verdadera urgencia médica que requiere una actuación sanitaria inmediata.


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Cada vez son más los casos en donde una persona muere durante el forcejeo que mantiene con las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado durante el proceso de detención. Esto supone un gran reto profesional para el médico forense que realiza la autopsia. En muchas ocasiones, los resultados obtenidos tras la autopsia no son entendidos por la sociedad, familiares del fallecido ni correctamente divulgados por los medios de comunicación, pareciendo que dicha muerte queda en un limbo judicial. Estas muertes, generalmente son consecuencia del síndrome de delirium agitado. Este síndrome no es bien conocido en nuestro país por parte de médicos ni por cuerpos de seguridad. Se engloban dentro de las muertes en privación de libertad o death in custody. En su producción intervienen factores como la patología previa del paciente, consumo de drogas, especialmente cocaína, y la forma de llevar a cabo el proceso de inmovilización del detenido.


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Cada vez son más los casos en donde una persona muere durante el forcejeo que mantiene con las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado durante el proceso de detención. Esto supone un gran reto profesional para el médico forense que realiza la autopsia. En muchas ocasiones, los resultados obtenidos tras la autopsia no son entendidos por la sociedad, familiares del fallecido ni correctamente divulgados por los medios de comunicación, pareciendo que dicha muerte queda en un limbo judicial. Estas muertes, generalmente son consecuencia del síndrome de delirium agitado. Este síndrome no es bien conocido en nuestro país por parte de médicos ni por cuerpos de seguridad. Se engloban dentro de las muertes en privación de libertad o death in custody. En su producción intervienen factores como la patología previa del paciente, consumo de drogas, especialmente cocaína, y la forma de llevar a cabo el proceso de inmovilización del detenido. Este cuadro se trata de una verdadera urgencia médica que requiere una actuación sanitaria inmediata.