969 resultados para D deficiency


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The report summarises data from a large number of trials of species with potential for use by the plantation forest industry in north-eastern Australia and provides information aimed at improving the understanding of growth rates, pest and disease risks and carbon sequestration. Data is summarised and presented at a regional level as opposed to individual trial or plot level. As well, nutritional impediments to tree growth and impacts on forest health are also reported. This report is intended to contribute to policy deliberations about developing forestry opportunities that can that can be integrated into the landscape, with particular consideration given to lower rainfall regions. There are several examples in north-eastern Australia where production forests have developed sub-optimally; this has often been due to poor selection of tree species as little information has been available. This report helps address this deficiency.


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The probable modes of binding of Methyl--alpha (and beta)-D-glucopyranosides and some of their derivatives to concanavalin A have been proposed from theoretical studies. Theory predicts that beta-MeGlcP can bind to ConA in three different modes whereas alpha-MeGlcP can bind only in one mode. beta-MeGlcP in its most favourable mode of binding differs from alpha-MeGlcP in its alignment in the active-site of the lectin where it binds in a flipped or inverted orientation. Methyl substitution at the C-2 atom of the alpha-MeGlcP does not significantly affect the possible orientations of the sugar in the active-site of the lectin. Methyl substitution at C-3 or C-4, however, affects the allowed orientations drastically leading to the poor inhibiting power of Methyl-3-O-methyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside and the inactivity of Methyl-4-O-methyl-alpha-D-glycopyranoside. These studies suggest that the increased activity of the alpha-MeGlcP over beta-MeGlcP may be due to the possibility of formation of better hydrogen bonds and to hydrophobic interactions rather than to steric factors as suggested by earlier workers. These models explain the available NMR and other binding studies.


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Insects can cause considerable damage in hardwood plantations and because pesticide use is controversial, future pest management may rely on manipulating insect behaviour. Insects use infochemical cues to identify and locate mates and host plants and this can be used to manipulate their behaviour and reduce pest impacts in plantations. Infochemicals include chemical signals produced by insects, such as pheromones and kairomones, or those produced by host plants as odours or volatiles that are attractive to insects. This research is learning how insects perceive and interact with chemical cues or infochemicals in their environment and how these interactions can be manipulated for monitoring and control. Pest species being investigated include the giant wood moth (Endoxyla cinerea), Culama wood moths, the eucalypt leaf beetle (Paropsis atomaria), red cedar tip moth (Hypsipyla robusta) and several longicorn wood borers. The project will contribute to new strategies for minimising damage and controlling pest densities in Queensland's hardwood plantations.


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Hardwoods nutrition R&D to improve tree growth, wood quality and resistance to disease attack. Improved diagnotic tools. North Queensland and Burnett region soils.


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The neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs) are a group of mostly autosomal recessively inherited neurodegenerative disorders. The aim of this thesis was to characterize the molecular genetic bases of these, previously genetically undetermined, NCL forms. Congenital NCL is the most aggressive form of NCLs. Previously, a mutation in the cathepsin D (CTSD) gene was shown to cause congenital NCL in sheep. Based on the close resemblance of the phenotypes between congenital NCLs in sheep and human, CTSD was considered as a potential candidate gene in humans as well. When screened for mutations by sequencing, a homozygous nucleotide duplication creating a premature stop codon was identified in CTSD in one family with congenital NCL. While in vitro the overexpressed truncated mutant protein was stable although inactive, the absence of CTSD staining in brain tissue samples of patients indicated degradation of the mutant CTSD in vivo. A lack of CTSD staining was detected also in another, unrelated family with congenital NCL. These results imply that CTSD deficiency underlies congenital NCL. While initially Turkish vLINCL was considered a distinct genetic entity (CLN7), mutations in the CLN8 gene were later reported to account for the disease in a subset of Turkish patients with vLINCL. To further dissect the genetic basis of the disease, all known NCL genes were screened for homozygosity by haplotype analysis of microsatellite markers and/or sequenced in 13 mainly consanguineous, Turkish vLINCL families. Two novel, family-specific homozygous mutations were identified in the CLN6 gene. In the remaining families, all known NCL loci were excluded. To identify novel gene(s) underlying vLINCL, a genomewide single nucleotide polymorphism scan, homozygosity mapping, and positional candidate gene sequencing were performed in ten of these families. On chromosome 4q28.1-q28.2, a novel major facilitator superfamily domain containing 8 (MFSD8) gene with six family-specific homozygous mutations in vLINCL patients was identified. MFSD8 transcript was shown to be ubiquitously expressed with a complex pattern of alternative splicing. Our results suggest that MFSD8 is a novel lysosomal integral membrane protein which, as a member of the major facilitator superfamily, is predicted to function as a transporter. Identification of MFSD8 emphasizes the genetic heterogeneity of Turkish vLINCL. In families where no MFSD8 mutations were detected, additional NCL-causing genes remain to be identified. The identification of CTSD and MFSD8 increases the number of known human NCL-causing genes to eight, and is an important step towards the complete understanding of the genetic spectrum underlying NCLs. In addition, it is a starting point for dissecting the molecular mechanisms behind the associated NCLs and contributes to the challenging task of understanding the molecular pathology underlying the group of NCL disorders.


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The kinetic mechanism for the interaction of D-cycloserine with serine hydroxymethyltransferase (EC2.1.2.1) from sheep liver was established by measuring changes in the activity, absorbance, and circular dichoism (CD) of the enzyme. The irreversible inhibition of the enzyme was characterized by three detectable steps: an initial rapid step followed by two successive steps with rate constants of 5.4 X s-l and 1.4 X lo4 s-l. The first step was distinguished by a rapid disappearance of the enzyme absorbance peak at 425 nm, a decrease in the enzyme activity to 25% of the uninhibited velocity, and a lowering of the CD intensity at 432 nm to about 65% of the original value. The second step of the interaction was accompanied by a complete loss of enzyme.


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Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal carcinoma (HNPCC; Lynch syndrome) is among the most common hereditary cancers in man and a model of cancers arising through deficient DNA mismatch repair (MMR). It is inherited in a dominant manner with predisposing germline mutations in the MMR genes, mainly MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2. Both copies of the MMR gene need to be inactivated for cancer development. Since Lynch syndrome family members are born with one defective copy of one of the MMR genes in their germline, they only need to acquire a so called second hit to inactivate the MMR gene. Hence, they usually develop cancer at an early age. MMR gene inactivation leads to accumulation of mutations particularly in short repeat tracts, known as microsatellites, causing microsatellite instability (MSI). MSI is the hallmark of Lynch syndrome tumors, but is present in approximately 15% of sporadic tumors as well. There are several possible mechanisms of somatic inactivation (i.e. the second hit ) of MMR genes, for instance deletion of the wild-type copy, leading to loss of heterozygosity (LOH), methylation of promoter regions necessary for gene transcription, or mitotic recombination or gene conversion. In the Lynch syndrome tumors carrying germline mutations in the MMR gene, LOH was found to be the most frequent mechanism of somatic inactivation in the present study. We also studied MLH1/MSH2 deletion carriers and found that somatic mutations identical to the ones in the germline occurred frequently in colorectal cancers and were also present in extracolonic Lynch syndrome-associated tumors. Chromosome-specific marker analysis implied that gene conversion, rather than mitotic recombination or deletion of the respective gene locus accounted for wild-type inactivation. Lynch syndrome patients are predisposed to certain types of cancers, the most common ones being colorectal, endometrial and gastric cancer. Gastric cancer and uroepithelial tumors of bladder and ureter were observed to be true Lynch syndrome tumors with MMR deficiency as the driving force of tumorigenesis. Brain tumors and kidney carcinoma, on the other hand, were mostly MSS, implying the possibility of alternative routes of tumor development. These results present possible implications in clinical cancer surveillance. In about one-third of families suspected of Lynch syndrome, mutations in MMR genes are not found, and we therefore looked for alternative mechanisms of predisposition. According to our results, large genomic deletions, mainly in MSH2, and germline epimutations in MLH1, together explain a significant fraction of point mutation-negative families suspected of Lynch syndrome and are associated with characteristic clinical and family features. Our findings have important implications in the diagnosis and management of Lynch syndrome families.


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In Neurospora crassa, the activity of δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase, the second and rate-limiting enzyme of the heme-biosynthetic pathway, is low in normal cells compared to the activity detected in plants, animals and bacteria. The activity is almost undetectable when Neurospora crassa is grown under iron-deficient conditions. The enzyme activity increases strikingly on addition of iron to iron-deficient cultures. This increase can be blocked by the addition of protoporphyrin, the penultimate product of the heme-biosynthetic pathway, to the cultures. The question whether iron directly acts at the genetic level or acts merely by removing protoporphyrin, converting the latter into heme prosthetic groups of hemoproteins, has been investigated by studying the effect of inhibition of heme synthesis on the induction of δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase. It has been found that treatments with levulinic acid or cyanide which inhibit the formation of the porphyrin moiety, induce δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase, whereas treatments which inhibit at a step after protoporphyrin formation (iron-deficiency and cobalt treatment) repress the enzyme. The endogenous levels of protoporphyrin are strictly controlled: a decrease below the optimum level causing induction and an increase above the optimum level leading to repression of δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase. Levulinic acid and cyanide can induce the enzyme in iron-deficient cultures in the absence of added iron, indicating that the metal iron acts only by converting protoporphyrin to heme fixed in hemoproteins in Neurospora crassa. Therefore it is suggested that protoporphyrin is the physiological regulator of δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase in Neurospora crassa.


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Three distinct coordination complexes, viz., [Co(imi)(2)(tmb)(2)] (1) [where imi = imidazole], {[Ni(tmb)(2)(H2O)(3)]center dot 2H(2)O}(n) (2) and [Cu-2(mu-tmb)(4)(CH3OH)(2)] (3), have been synthesized hydrothermally by the reactions of metal acetates,2,4,6-trimethylbenzoic acid (Htmb) and with or without appropriate amine. The Ni analogue of 1 and the Co analogue of 2 have also been synthesized. X-ray single-crystal diffraction suggests that complex 1 represents discrete mononuclear species and complex 2 represents a 1D chain coordination polymer in which the Ni(H) ions are connected by the bridging water molecules. Complex 3 represents a neutral dinuclear complex. In 1, the central metal ions are associated by the carboxylate moiety and imidazole ligands, whereas the central metal atom is coordinated to the carboxylate moiety and the respective solvent molecules in 2 and 3. In 3, the four 2,4,6-trimethylbenzoate moieties act as a bridge connecting two copper (11) ions and the 0 atoms of methanol coord geometry, with the methanol molecule at the apical position. In all the three structures the central metal atom sits on a crystallographic inversion centre. In all the cases, the coordination entities are further organized via hydrogen bonding interactions to generate multifarious supramolecular networks. Complexes 1, 2 and 3 have also been characterized by spectroscopic (UV/Vis and IR) and thermal analysis (TGA). In addition, the complexes were found to exhibit antimicrobial activity. The magnetic susceptibility measurements, measured from 8 to 300 K, revealed antiferromagnetic interactions between the Co(II) ions in compound 1 and the Ni(II) ions in la, respectively.


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Logs from two hardwood plantations in north Queensland were peeled to assess the veneer and plywood potential of fast-grown tropical plantation eucalypts. After visual grading and veneer recovery calculatios, selected veneers were assembled to produce plywood panels. These were tested for mechanical properties and glue bond strength to determine the suitability of young, fast-grown, tropical eucalytps for panel product applications.


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Effective and targeted conservation action requires detailed information about species, their distribution, systematics and ecology as well as the distribution of threat processes which affect them. Knowledge of reptilian diversity remains surprisingly disparate, and innovative means of gaining rapid insight into the status of reptiles are needed in order to highlight urgent conservation cases and inform environmental policy with appropriate biodiversity information in a timely manner. We present the first ever global analysis of extinction risk in reptiles, based on a random representative sample of 1500 species (16% of all currently known species). To our knowledge, our results provide the first analysis of the global conservation status and distribution patterns of reptiles and the threats affecting them, highlighting conservation priorities and knowledge gaps which need to be addressed urgently to ensure the continued survival of the world’s reptiles. Nearly one in five reptilian species are threatened with extinction, with another one in five species classed as Data Deficient. The proportion of threatened reptile species is highest in freshwater environments, tropical regions and on oceanic islands, while data deficiency was highest in tropical areas, such as Central Africa and Southeast Asia, and among fossorial reptiles. Our results emphasise the need for research attention to be focussed on tropical areas which are experiencing the most dramatic rates of habitat loss, on fossorial reptiles for which there is a chronic lack of data, and on certain taxa such as snakes for which extinction risk may currently be underestimated due to lack of population information. Conservation actions specifically need to mitigate the effects of human-induced habitat loss and harvesting, which are the predominant threats to reptiles.