874 resultados para Cryptographic keys


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A total of 352 specimens were analyzed to achieve the different aims of this thesis. 255 central-northern Adriatic specimens of S. solea and S. aegyptiaca were molecularly analysed using microsatellite locus Sos(AC)40 and 205 also morphologically due to evaluate the abundance and the distribution of the cryptic species S. aegyptiaca and to confirm morphologic analyses. Morphological and molecular analyses comparated show a correspondence of 96%. A combined morphologic approach could be proposed to apply multiple criteria on the analyzed external morphological keys. The Adriatic Egyptian soles may lives in shallow waters (up 30 m) and in brackish lagoon. 127 samples of Adriatic common sole added to 326 samples of previous studies showed, using mitochondrial marker (CytB), that the Adriatic Sea as contact zone between Tyrrhenian and Aegean Sea, the divergence within the Adriatic Sea is low but significant between central-north and south, with a longitudinal strong gene flow in central-northern side. It’s also showed as in the Adriatic Sea two near-panmictic populations of common sole exist.


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Abstract (English) Cities nowadays face complex challenges to meet objectives regarding socio-economic development and quality of life. The concept of "smart city" is a response to these challenges. Although common practices are being developed all over the world, different priorities are defined and different architectures are followed. In this master thesis I focuses on the applied architecture of Riverside's case study, through a progression model that underline the main steps that moves the city from a situation of crisis, to be appointed "Intelligent Community" of the 2012 by Intelligent Community Forum. I discuss the problem of integration among the physical, institutional and digital dimension of smart cities and the "bridges" that connect these three spatialities. Riverside's progression model takes as a reference a comprehensive framework made unifying the keys component of the three most quoted framework in this field: a technology-oriented vision (strongly promoted by IBM [Dirks et al. 2009]), an approach-oriented one [Schaffers et al. 2011] that is sponsored by many initiatives within the European Commission, and a purely service-oriented one [Giffinger et al. 2007][Toppeta, 2010].


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Die Systematik, Phylogenie und Biogeographie der Gattung Cousinia (Asteraceae, Cardueae) als größter Gattung der Tribus Cardueae mit mehr als 600 Arten wurde untersucht. Diese Dissertation umfasst drei Hauptteile: Im ersten Teil wurde die Phylogenie und Evolution des Arctium-Cousinia-Komplexes Untersucht. Dieser Gattungskomplex enthält Arctium, Cousinia, Hypacanthium und Schmalhausenia und zeigt die höchste Diversität in der Irano-Turanischen Region und in den Gebirgen Zentralasiens. Es wurden ITS und rpS4-trnT-trnL-Sequenzen für insgesamt 138 Arten generiert, darunter von 129 (von ca. 600) Arten von Cousinia. Wie in früheren Analysen bereits gefunden, ist Cousinia nicht monophyletisch. Stattdessen sind Cousinia subg. Cynaroides und subg. Hypacanthodes mit insgesamt ca. 30 Arten enger mit Arctium, Hypacanthium und Schmalhausenia (Arctioid Clade) als mit subg. Cousinia (Cousinioid Clade) verwandt. Die Arctioid und Cousiniod clades werden auch durch Pollenmorphologie und Chromosomenzahl unterstützt, wie bereits früher bekannt war. In dem Arctioid Clade entsprechen morphologische Gattungsgrenzen, basierend auf Blattform, Blattbedornung und Morphologie der Involukralblätter, nicht den in der molekularen analyse gefundenen clades. Es kann keine taxonomische Lösung für diesen Konflikt gefunden werden, und die gennanten Merkmale wurden als homoplastisch betrachtet. Obwohl die phylogenetische Auflösung in dem Cousinioid Clade schlecht ist, enthalten die ITS und rpS4-trnT-trnL-Sequenzen phylogenetische Information. So gruppierten z.B. die sechs annuellen Arten in zwei Gruppen. Schlechte phylogenetische Auflösung resultiert wahrscheinlich aus dem Mangel an Merkmalen und der großen Artenzahl in dieser artenreichen und vergleichsweise jungen (ca. 8,7 mya) Linie. Artbildung in dem Cousinioid Clade scheint hauptsächlich allopatrisch zu sein. Der zweite Teil der Dissertation untersucht die Rolle der Hybridisierung in der Evolution von Cousinia s.s. Die in der Vergangenheit publizierteten 28 Hybrid-Kombinationen und 11 Zwischenformen wurden kritisch geprüft, und zwei Hybridindividuen wurden morphologisch und molekular untersucht. Die vermutlichen oder nachgewiesenen Eltern der Hybriden und Zwischenformen wurden auf die aus einer Bayesischen Analyse der ITS-Sequenzen von 216 Arten von Cousinia und verwandten Gattungen resultierenden Phylogenie aufgetragen. Weder Hybriden zwischen dem Cousinioid Clade und anderen Haupt-Claden des Arctium-Cousinia-Komplexes noch zwischen annuellen und perennirenden Arten von Cousinia s.s. wurden beobachtet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eindeutig, dass Hybridisierung in Cousinia möglich is, und dass ca. 10,7% der Arten an interspezifischer Hybridisierung beteiligt sind. Obwohl Hybridisierung in Cousinia s.s. stattfindet und zu den Schwierigkeiten bei der Rekonstruktion ihrer phylogenetischen Geschichte beitragen könnte, war ihre Rolle für die Entwicklung und Diversität der Gruppe offenbar gering. Im dritten Teil wird eine taxonomische Revision der C. sect. Cynaroideae präsentiert. Cousinia sect. Cynaroideae, die größte Sektion der Gattung mit 110 veröffentlichten Arten, zeichnet sich durch eine Chromosomenzahl von 2n = 24 und durch ± herablaufende Blätter und Hüllblätter mit Anhängseln aus. Sie kommt im Iran, Irak, dem Kaukasus, der Türkei, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, dem Libanon und Anti-Libanon vor und hat ihre Hauptzentren der Artdiversität im westlichen und nordwestlichen Iran, im Irak und in der südöstlichen Türkei. Die Revision dieser Gruppe, hauptsächlich basierend auf der Untersuchung von ca. 2250 Herbarbögen, führte zu einer Verringerung der Artenzahl auf 31 Arten mit acht Unterarten. Alle Arten werden typifiziert und ausgeschlüsselt, und Beschreibungen, Abbildungen und Verbreitungskarten werden für jede Art angegeben.


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ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die vorgelegte Dissertation enthält zwei Teile. Der erste beinhaltet eine Einführung in die Flora Südostasiens und die Untersuchungsgruppe Asteraceae-Senecioneae Cass. mit den Gattungen Cissampelopsis (DC.) Miq., Gynura Cass. und Crassocephalum Moench (Kapitel 1). Der zweite Teil besteht aus drei Manuskripten, die auf originalen Forschungsergebnissen basieren (Kapitel 2-4). In Kapitel 2 wird eine Revision der asiatischen Gattung Cissampelopsis vorgelegt. Die folgenden zwei Sektionen mit zehn Arten und zwei Varietäten werden anerkannt: sect. Buimalia C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen mit C. buimalia (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen, C. erythrochaeta C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen und C. calcadensis (Ramasw.) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen sowie sect. Cissampelopsis mit C. glandulosa C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen, C. walkeri (Arn.) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen mit var. walkeri und var. floccosa Vanijajiva & Kadereit (var. nov.), C. corifolia C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen, C. volubilis (Bl.) Miq, C. ansteadii (Tadul. & Jacob) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen, C. spelaeicola (Van.) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen und C. corymbosa (Wall. ex DC.) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen. Schlüssel, Artbeschreibungen, Fotographien von Blütenmerkmalen und Verbreitungskarten werden präsentiert. Kapitel 3 beinhaltet die Revision der paläotropischen Gattung Gynura. Vierundvierzig Arten werden anerkannt, darunter die folgenden drei Neubeschreibungen: G. davisii Vanijajiva & Kadereit, G. siamensis Vanijajiva & Kadereit und G. villosus Vanijajiva & Kadereit. Gynura dissecta (F. G. Davies) Vanijajiva & Kadereit, G. annua (F. G. Davies) Vanijajiva & Kadereit und G. aurantiaca (Bl) DC. subsp. parviflora (F. G. Davies) Vanijajiva & Kadereit sind Neukombinationen. Ein Schlüssel, Artbeschreibungen und Verbreitungskarten werden vorgelegt. In Kapitel 4 wird eine Analyse von Crassocephalum in Asien, einer aus Afrika eingeschleppten Gattung, präsentiert. Diese Untersuchung basiert auf umfangreicher Feldarbeit, Herbarstudien, Analysen der Pollen- und Samenfertilität, Chromosomenzählungen sowie ITS- und trnL-F-Sequenzen. Die Studie ergab, dass Crassocephalum in Asien mit zwei Arten und deren Hybrid vertreten ist. Die zwei Arten sind C. crepidioides (Benth.) S. Moore und C. rubens (Juss. ex Jacq.) S. Moore, wobei letztere einen Neufund für Asien darstellt. Der Hybrid aus diesen beiden Arten resultiert aus einer Kreuzung von C. crepidioides (2n=40) als weiblichem und C. rubens (2n=40) als männlichem Elter.


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Il presente lavoro analizza il ruolo ricoperto dal legislatore e dalla pubblica amministrazione rispettivamente nel delineare e attuare politiche pubbliche volte alla promozione di modelli di sviluppo economico caratterizzati da un elevato tasso di sostenibilità ambientale. A tal fine, il lavoro è suddiviso in quattro capitoli. Nel primo capitolo vengono presi in considerazione i principali elementi della teoria generale che costituiscono i piani di lettura del tema trattato. Questa prima fase della ricerca è incentrata, da un lato, sull’analisi (storico-evolutiva) del concetto di ambiente alla luce della prevalente elaborazione giuridica e, dall’altro, sulla formazione del concetto di sviluppo sostenibile, con particolare riguardo alla sua declinazione in chiave ambientale. Nella parte centrale del lavoro, costituita dal secondo e dal terzo capitolo, l’analisi è rivolta a tre settori d’indagine determinanti per l’inquadramento sistematico delle politiche pubbliche del settore: il sistema di rapporti che esiste tra i molteplici soggetti (internazionali, nazionali e locali) coinvolti nella ricerca di soluzioni alla crisi sistemica ambientale; l’individuazione e la definizione dell’insieme dei principi sostanziali che governano il sistema di tutela ambientale e che indirizzano le scelte di policy nel settore; i principali strumenti (giuridici ed economici) di protezione attualmente in vigore. Il quarto ed ultimo capitolo prende in considerazione le politiche relative alle procedure di autorizzazione alla costruzione e all’esercizio degli impianti per la produzione di energia alimentati da fonti energetiche rinnovabili, analizzate quale caso specifico che può essere assunto a paradigma del ruolo ricoperto dal legislatore e dalla pubblica amministrazione nel settore delle politiche di sviluppo sostenibile. L’analisi condotta mostra un elevato tasso di complessità del sistema istituzionale e organizzativo, a cui si aggiungono evidenti limiti di efficienza per quanto riguarda il regime amministrativo delle autorizzazioni introdotto dal legislatore nazionale.


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La ricerca prende in esame le produzioni narrative, in particolare quelle dedicate agli adolescenti e ai giovani adulti, nei cui linguaggi e nelle cui trame si insinuano modelli di vita, comportamenti, valori, stereotipie, ecc. Attraverso le fiction dell'ultimo decennio, sono offerte interpretazioni alle costanti e alle variabili che percorrono i diversi prodotti culturali e che sono metafore di caratteristiche e di dinamiche della società post-moderna. Nella ricerca si studiano le trame e i personaggi delle narrazioni e, in parallelo, si individuano le correlazioni con studi pedagogici interessati alle ultime generazioni giovanili. La comparazione ha portato ad un sistema di decifrazione per individuare il giovane dell'era post-moderna tra gli elementi di finzione. Si sono prese in esame le più importanti icone dell'immaginario che, pur attraverso innumerevoli riscritture, continuano ad imporsi come metafore per identificazione, abnegazione, catarsi. Rispetto al passato, molte icone presenti nelle ultime produzioni di fiction subiscono alterazioni leggibili come spie (i.e. Ginzburg). È in queste trasformazioni, spinte fino alla metamorfosi dell'icona, che è possibile rintracciare alcune caratteristiche proprie del mondo giovanile in rapporto con la società contemporanea. L'immaginario può dunque essere lo specchio in cui l'uomo e la società possono riconoscersi, e studiarlo apre possibilità per sviluppare prospettive di interpretazione verso nuovi orizzonti.


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As a large and long-lived species with high economic value, restricted spawning areas and short spawning periods, the Atlantic bluefin tuna (BFT; Thunnus thynnus) is particularly susceptible to over-exploitation. Although BFT have been targeted by fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea for thousands of years, it has only been in these last decades that the exploitation rate has reached far beyond sustainable levels. An understanding of the population structure, spatial dynamics, exploitation rates and the environmental variables that affect BFT is crucial for the conservation of the species. The aims of this PhD project were 1) to assess the accuracy of larval identification methods, 2) determine the genetic structure of modern BFT populations, 3) assess the self-recruitment rate in the Gulf of Mexico and Mediterranean spawning areas, 4) estimate the immigration rate of BFT to feeding aggregations from the various spawning areas, and 5) develop tools capable of investigating the temporal stability of population structuring in the Mediterranean Sea. Several weaknesses in modern morphology-based taxonomy including demographic decline of expert taxonomists, flawed identification keys, reluctance of the taxonomic community to embrace advances in digital communications and a general scarcity of modern user-friendly materials are reviewed. Barcoding of scombrid larvae revealed important differences in the accuracy of the taxonomic identifications carried out by different ichthyoplanktologists following morphology-based methods. Using a Genotyping-by-Sequencing a panel of 95 SNPs was developed and used to characterize the population structuring of BFT and composition of adult feeding aggregations. Using novel molecular techniques, DNA was extracted from bluefin tuna vertebrae excavated from late iron age, ancient roman settlements Byzantine-era Constantinople and a 20th century collection. A second panel of 96 SNPs was developed to genotype historical and modern samples in order to elucidate changes in population structuring and allele frequencies of loci associated with selective traits.


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The cybernetics revolution of the last years improved a lot our lives, having an immediate access to services and a huge amount of information over the Internet. Nowadays the user is increasingly asked to insert his sensitive information on the Internet, leaving its traces everywhere. But there are some categories of people that cannot risk to reveal their identities on the Internet. Even if born to protect U.S. intelligence communications online, nowadays Tor is the most famous low-latency network, that guarantees both anonymity and privacy of its users. The aim of this thesis project is to well understand how the Tor protocol works, not only studying its theory, but also implementing those concepts in practice, having a particular attention for security topics. In order to run a Tor private network, that emulates the real one, a virtual testing environment has been configured. This behavior allows to conduct experiments without putting at risk anonymity and privacy of real users. We used a Tor patch, that stores TLS and circuit keys, to be given as inputs to a Tor dissector for Wireshark, in order to obtain decrypted and decoded traffic. Observing clear traffic allowed us to well check the protocol outline and to have a proof of the format of each cell. Besides, these tools allowed to identify a traffic pattern, used to conduct a traffic correlation attack to passively deanonymize hidden service clients. The attacker, controlling two nodes of the Tor network, is able to link a request for a given hidden server to the client who did it, deanonymizing him. The robustness of the traffic pattern and the statistics, such as the true positive rate, and the false positive rate, of the attack are object of a potential future work.


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In writing “Not in the Legends”, one of the images and concepts which constantly returned was that of pilgrimage. I began to write these poems while studying abroad in London, after having passed the previous semester in France and travelling around Europe. There was something in the repetition of sightseeing— walking six miles in Luxembourg to see the grave of General Patton, taking photographs of the apartment where Sylvia Plath ended her life, bowing before the bones of saints, searching through Père Lachaise for the grave of Théodore Gericault— which struck me as numinous and morbid. At the same time, I came to love living abroad and I grew discontent with both remaining and returning. I wanted the opportunity to live everywhere all the time and not have to choose between home and away. Returning from abroad, I turned my attention to the landscape of my native country. I found in the New England pilgrims a narrative of people who had left their home in search of growth and freedom. In these journeys I began to appreciate the significance of place and tried to understand what it meant to move from one place to another, how one chose a home, and why people searched for meaning in specific locations. The processes of moving from student to worker and from childhood to adulthood have weighed on me. I began to see these transitions towards maturity as travels to a different land. Memory and nostalgia are their own types of pilgrimage in their attempts to return to lost places, as is the reading of literature. These pilgrimages, real and metaphorical, form the thematic core of the collection. I read the work of many poets who came before me, returning to the places where the Canon was forged. Those poets have a large presence in the work I produced. I wondered how I, as a young poet, could earn my own place in the tradition and sought models in much the same way a painter studies the brushstrokes of a master. In the process, I have tried to uncover what it means to be a poet. Is it something like being a saint? Is it something like being a colonist? Or is to be the one who goes in search of saints and colonists? In trying to measure my own life and work based on the precedent, I have questioned what role era and generation have on the formation of identity. I focused my reading heavily on the early years of English poetry, trying to find the essence of the time when the language first achieved the transcendence of verse. In following the development of English poetry through Coleridge, John Berryman, and Allison Titus, I have explored the progression of those basic virtues in changing contexts. Those bearings, applied to my modern context, helped to shape the poetry I produced. Many of the poems in “Not in the Legends” are based on my own personal experience. In my recollections I have tried to interrogate nostalgia rather than falling into mere reminiscence. Rather than allowing myself poems of love and longing, I have tried to find the meaning of those emotions. A dominant conflict exists between adventure and comfort which mirrors the central engagement with the nature of being “here” or “there”. It is found in scenes of domesticity and wilderness as I attempt to understand my own simultaneous desire for both. For example, in “Canned Mangoes…” the intrusion of nature, even in a context as innocuous as a poem by Sir Walter Raleigh, unravels ordinary comforts of the domestic sphere. The character of “The Boy” from Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot proved such an interesting subject for me because he is one who can transcend the normal boundaries of time and place. The title suggests connections to both place and time. “Legends” features the dual meaning of both myths and the keys to maps. To propose something “Not in the Legends” is to find something which has no precedent in our histories and our geographies, something beyond our field of knowledge and wholly new. One possible interpretation I devised was that each new generation lives a novel existence, the future being the true locus of that which is beyond our understanding. The title comes from Keats’ “Hyperion, a Fragment”, and details the aftermath of the Titanomachy. The Titans, having fallen to the Olympians, are a representation of the passing of one generation for the next. Their dejection is expressed by Saturn, who laments: Not in my own sad breast, Which is its own great judge and searcher out, Can I find reason why ye should be thus: Not in the legends of the first of days… (129-132) The emotions of the conquered Titans are unique and without antecedent. They are experiencing feelings which surpass all others in history. In this, they are the equivalent of the poet who feels that his or her own sufferings are special. In contrast are Whitman’s lines from “Song of Myself” which serve as an epigraph to this collection. He contends for a sense of continuity across time, a realization that youth, age, pleasure, and suffering have always existed and will always exist. Whitman finds consolation in this unity, accepting that kinship with past generations is more important that his own individuality. These opposing views offer two methods of presenting the self in history. The instinct of poetry suggests election. The poet writes because he feels his experiences are special, or because he believes he can serve as a synecdoche for everyone. I have fought this instinct by trying to contextualize myself in history. These poems serve as an attempt at prosopography with my own narrative a piece of the whole. Because the earth abides forever, our new stories get printed over the locations of the old and every place becomes a palimpsest of lives and acts. In this collection I have tried to untangle some of those layers, especially my own, to better understand the sprawling legend of history.


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The stashR package (a Set of Tools for Administering SHared Repositories) for R implements a simple key-value style database where character string keys are associated with data values. The key-value databases can be either stored locally on the user's computer or accessed remotely via the Internet. Methods specific to the stashR package allow users to share data repositories or access previously created remote data repositories. In particular, methods are available for the S4 classes localDB and remoteDB to insert, retrieve, or delete data from the database as well as to synchronize local copies of the data to the remote version of the database. Users efficiently access information from a remote database by retrieving only the data files indexed by user-specified keys and caching this data in a local copy of the remote database. The local and remote counterparts of the stashR package offer the potential to enhance reproducible research by allowing users of Sweave to cache their R computations for a research paper in a localDB database. This database can then be stored on the Internet as a remoteDB database. When readers of the research paper wish to reproduce the computations involved in creating a specific figure or calculating a specific numeric value, they can access the remoteDB database and obtain the R objects involved in the computation.


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In four experiments we investigated whether incidental task sequence learning occurs when no instructional task cues are available (i.e. with univalent stimuli). We manipulated task sequence by presenting three simple binary-choice tasks (colour, form or letter case decisions) in regular repeated or random order. Participants were required to use the same two response keys for each of the tasks. We manipulated response sequence by ordering the stimuli so as to produce either a regular or a random order of left versus right-hand key presses. When sequencing in both, or either, separate stream (i.e. task sequence and/or response sequence) was changed to random, only those participants who had processed both sequences together showed evidence of sequence learning in terms of significant response time disruption (Experiments 1-3). This effect disappeared when the sequences were uncorrelated (Experiment 4). The results indicate that only the correlated integration of task sequence and response sequence produced a reliable incidental learning effect. As this effect depends on the predictable ordering of stimulus categories, it suggests that task sequence learning is perceptual rather than conceptual in nature.


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New designs of user input systems have resulted from the developing technologies and specialized user demands. Conventional keyboard and mouse input devices still dominate the input speed, but other input mechanisms are demanded in special application scenarios. Touch screen and stylus input methods have been widely adopted by PDAs and smartphones. Reduced keypads are necessary for mobile phones. A new design trend is exploring the design space in applications requiring single-handed input, even with eyes-free on small mobile devices. This requires as few keys on the input device to make it feasible to operate. But representing many characters with fewer keys can make the input ambiguous. Accelerometers embedded in mobile devices provide opportunities to combine device movements with keys for input signal disambiguation. Recent research has explored its design space for text input. In this dissertation an accelerometer assisted single key positioning input system is developed. It utilizes input device tilt directions as input signals and maps their sequences to output characters and functions. A generic positioning model is developed as guidelines for designing positioning input systems. A calculator prototype and a text input prototype on the 4+1 (5 positions) positioning input system and the 8+1 (9 positions) positioning input system are implemented using accelerometer readings on a smartphone. Users use one physical key to operate and feedbacks are audible. Controlled experiments are conducted to evaluate the feasibility, learnability, and design space of the accelerometer assisted single key positioning input system. This research can provide inspiration and innovational references for researchers and practitioners in the positioning user input designs, applications of accelerometer readings, and new development of standard machine readable sign languages.


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This dissertation presents the competitive control methodologies for small-scale power system (SSPS). A SSPS is a collection of sources and loads that shares a common network which can be isolated during terrestrial disturbances. Micro-grids, naval ship electric power systems (NSEPS), aircraft power systems and telecommunication system power systems are typical examples of SSPS. The analysis and development of control systems for small-scale power systems (SSPS) lacks a defined slack bus. In addition, a change of a load or source will influence the real time system parameters of the system. Therefore, the control system should provide the required flexibility, to ensure operation as a single aggregated system. In most of the cases of a SSPS the sources and loads must be equipped with power electronic interfaces which can be modeled as a dynamic controllable quantity. The mathematical formulation of the micro-grid is carried out with the help of game theory, optimal control and fundamental theory of electrical power systems. Then the micro-grid can be viewed as a dynamical multi-objective optimization problem with nonlinear objectives and variables. Basically detailed analysis was done with optimal solutions with regards to start up transient modeling, bus selection modeling and level of communication within the micro-grids. In each approach a detail mathematical model is formed to observe the system response. The differential game theoretic approach was also used for modeling and optimization of startup transients. The startup transient controller was implemented with open loop, PI and feedback control methodologies. Then the hardware implementation was carried out to validate the theoretical results. The proposed game theoretic controller shows higher performances over traditional the PI controller during startup. In addition, the optimal transient surface is necessary while implementing the feedback controller for startup transient. Further, the experimental results are in agreement with the theoretical simulation. The bus selection and team communication was modeled with discrete and continuous game theory models. Although players have multiple choices, this controller is capable of choosing the optimum bus. Next the team communication structures are able to optimize the players’ Nash equilibrium point. All mathematical models are based on the local information of the load or source. As a result, these models are the keys to developing accurate distributed controllers.


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The radical changes in prosthetic design made in the mid 1980s transformed the historically poorly performing reverse ball-and-socket total shoulder prosthesis into a highly successful salvage implant for pseudoparalytic, severely rotator cuff-deficient shoulders. Moving the center of rotation more medial and distal as well as implanting a large glenoid hemisphere that articulates with a humeral cup in 155 degrees of valgus are the biomechanical keys to sometimes spectacular short- to mid-term results. Use of the reverse total shoulder arthroplasty device allows salvage of injuries that previously were beyond surgical treatment. However, this technique has a complication rate approximately three times that of conventional arthroplasty. Radiographic and clinical results appear to deteriorate over time. Proper patient selection and attention to technical details are needed to reduce the currently high complication rate.


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The new goblin spider genus Prethopalpus is restricted to the Australasian tropics, from the lower Himalayan Mountains in Nepal and India to the Malaysian Peninsula, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Australia. Prethopalpus contains those species with a swollen palpal patella, which is one to two times the size of the femur, together with a cymbium and bulb that is usually separated, although it is largely fused in four species. The type species Opopaea fosuma Burger et al. from Sumatra, and Camptoscaphiella infernalis Harvey and Edward from Western Australia are newly transferred to Prethopalpus. The genus consists of 41 species of which 39 are newly described: P. ilam Baehr (♂, ♀) from Nepal; P. khasi Baehr (♂), P. madurai Baehr (♂), P. mahanadi Baehr (♂, ♀), and P. meghalaya Baehr (♂, ♀) from India; P. bali Baehr (♂), P. bellicosus Baehr and Thoma (♂, ♀), P. brunei Baehr (♂, ♀), P. deelemanae Baehr and Thoma (♂), P. java Baehr (♂, ♀), P. kranzae Baehr (♂), P. kropfi Baehr (♂, ♀), P. leuser Baehr (♂, ♀), P. magnocularis Baehr and Thoma (♂), P. pahang Baehr (♂), P. perak Baehr (♂, ♀), P. sabah Baehr (♂, ♀), P. sarawak Baehr (♂), P. schwendingeri Baehr (♂, ♀), and P. utara Baehr (♂, ♀) from Indonesia and Malaysia; and P. alexanderi Baehr and Harvey (♂), P. attenboroughi Baehr and Harvey (♂), P. blosfeldsorum Baehr and Harvey (♂), P. boltoni Baehr and Harvey (♂, ♀), P. callani Baehr and Harvey (♂, ♀), P. cooperi Baehr and Harvey (♂), P. eberhardi Baehr and Harvey (♂, ♀), P. framenaui Baehr and Harvey (♂, ♀), P. humphreysi Baehr and Harvey (♂, ♀), P. kintyre Baehr and Harvey (♂), P. scanloni Baehr and Harvey (♂), P. pearsoni Baehr and Harvey (♂), P. julianneae Baehr and Harvey (♂), P. maini Baehr and Harvey (♂, ♀), P. marionae Baehr and Harvey (♂, ♀), P. platnicki Baehr and Harvey (♂, ♀), P. oneillae Baehr and Harvey (♂), P. rawlinsoni Baehr and Harvey (♂), and P. tropicus Baehr and Harvey (♂, ♀) from Australia and Papua New Guinea. Three separate keys to species from different geographical regions are provided. Most species are recorded from single locations and only three species are more widely distributed. A significant radiation of blind troglobites comprising 14 species living in subterranean ecosystems in Western Australia is discussed. These include several species that lack abdominal scuta, a feature previously used to define subfamilies of Oonopidae.