999 resultados para Criminal policy
Economists as policy entrepreneurs and the rise of neo-liberal ideas in Switzerland during the 1990s
"Living with Long Term Conditions – A Policy Framework" has been developed to provide a strategic driver for the reform and modernisation of services for adults in Northern Ireland living with long term conditions irrespective of condition or care setting.
Statement of departmental data protection policy
La UE promou les seves normes i principis com els drets humans a tercers països també. en aquest document conceptualitza la UE en el seu poder normatiu i presenta la seva política de drets humans i alguns interpretacions alternatives dels drets humans. La qüestió de si, i en el qual el preu de la UE ha de promoure els drets humans a la Xina, tenint en compte diversos punts de conflicte i si es pot complir amb el seu paper d'un poder normatiu a la llum de diferents restriccions s'examinen. Finalment, és analitza el que això implica per a la realització limitada demanda original de la UE i el que un optimitzat. política de drets humans pot semblar
The purpose of this policy is to introduce a transparent approach to making best use of resources in plastic surgery and related specialties. It was finalised after a formal Public Consultation that included distribution of the Consultation Document to a range of organisations and individuals, meetings with Board representatives as requested and press releases in local and regional media outlets. All responses to the Consultation were considered carefully in developing this final policy. åÊ åÊ
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al Universitat de Bonn, Alemanya, entre juliol i desembre del 2008. Aquesta investigació conté algunes observacions sobre el fenomen de l’europeització del Dret penal dels Estats membres de la Unió Europea. En particular, tracta de profunditzar en les implicacions de la vinculació del legislador penal nacional tant a les regulacions europees com al principi de proporcionalitat i d’altres principis essencials del Dret penal. En primer lloc, la investigació descriu els instruments normatius que permeten a la Comunitat Europea i a la Unió Europea influir en el Dret penal dels Estats membres. Després, la investigació se centra en analitzar el exemple dels §§ 232 i 233 Codi penal alemany, els quals implementen la Decisió marc de 19 de juliol del 2002 respecte la lluita contra el tràfic d’éssers humans. En aquest cas, el legislador alemany ha complit els seus compromisos europeus, però no ha respectat el principi de proporcionalitat, ja que ha introduït incoherències dins el Dret penal alemany. Sobre la base dels resultats d’aquest anàlisi, aquesta investigació formula algunes propostes per una adequada “europeització” del Dret penal dels Estats membres de la Unió Europea i, en particular, per a una adequada tècnica legislativa dels Estats membres. En aquest context, el treball emfatitza la corresponsabilitat de la Comunitat Europea i la Unió Europea, per una banda, i els Estats membres, per l’altra, en aquest procés d’europeització. Per últim, la investigació conclou amb algunes observacions sobre la coordinació de la política criminal europea amb les polítiques criminals dels Estats membres.
This guide for employers has been produced by the Regional Steering Group on Domestic Violence in line with the strategy and action plan “Tackling Violence at Home” published in October 2005. The Regional Steering Group is a group of about 30 members representing the statutory and voluntary agencies involved in dealing with domestic violence. The guidance provides advice on how employers can develop increased awareness and more effective responses to domestic violence in the workplace for the benefit of all staff. The Regional Steering Group acknowledges that some employers already have good workplace policies in place and it encourages all employers across the public, private, voluntary and community sectors to use the guidance to develop a workplace policy on domestic violence. åÊ
The Workplace Drugs and Alcohol Policy aims to contribute to a safe, healthy and productive work environment by: • Preventing drugs and alcohol problems through awareness raising; • Identifying problems at the earliest stage; • Offering support to those who have a problem. The policy has been developed in conjunction with our employees, their representatives and management and applies equally to all staff including all levels of management. åÊ
Direct Payments are cash payments made in lieu of social service provisions, to individuals who have been assessed as needing services. Direct Payments increase choice and promote independence. They provide for a more flexible response than may otherwise be possible for the service user and carer. They allow individuals to decide when and in what form services are provided and who provides them, who comes into their home and who becomes involved in very personal aspects of their lives. Direct Payments put real power into the hands of service users and carers, and allow them to take control over their lives. Access to Direct Payments as a means of delivering social services in Northern Ireland has been available since 1996 under the Personal Social Services (Direct Payments) (Northern Ireland) Order 1996. Since then take up of Direct Payments has been limited in number with the majority being accessed in the physical disability programme. åÊ
This policy guidance is intended for staff working within the Health and Personal Social Services sector in Northern Ireland, and aims to provide advice and information on the provision of health and social care services to asylum seekers and refugees. The purpose of the policy is to ensure that asylum seekers and refugees are given equitable access to health and social care services under the terms of the current legislation, with the overall aim of providing a culturally competent health and social care services. åÊ