815 resultados para Condimental vegetable
The author carried out an experiment of watering of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in the vegetable garden of the Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", with soil of the type know as "terra roxa". Eight treatments, with 4 replications, were used, divided into 3 groups, as follows: Group A - Watering once a day, late, in the afternoon, with 5, 10 and 15 liters per square meter; Group B - Watering twice a day, with 10 and 15 liters per square meter, one half in the morning, one half late in the afternoon; Group C - Watering as in group A, but with a 0.1% Chilean nitrate of soda, every 3 days. The size of plots was 2,0 x 2,0 meters. The means obtained, with their respective standard errors, were the following: Group A- (4295 ± 53 gm.) 5 lit./sq.m. 4120 ± 92 gm. 10 lit./ sq. m. 4248 ± 92 gm. 15 lit./sq.m. 4518 + 92 gm. Group B- (4091 ± 65 gm.) 10 lit./sq.m. 3960 ± 92 gm. 15 lit./ sq. m. 4223 ± 92 gm. Group C- (4490 ± 53 gm.) 5 lit./ sq. m. 4300 ± 92 gm. 10 lit./sq.m. 4480 ± 92 gm. 15 lit./sq.m. 4690 ± 92 gm. Differences between groups, as well as within them were significant, even if within groups B the 5% probability level was not quite reached.
The trophic spectrum of the Brown brocket deer, Mazama gouazoubira Fischer, 1814, was analyzed between September 1993 to February 1994, in a secondary environment of Yungas, Argentina and in semicaptivity conditions. Seventy three vegetable species and two fungi species were recorded. It was registered also the consumption of ticks, salt, land, bricks and scats of another animals. The main vegetable parts consumed in order of importance were young leaves and outbreaks (green parts), fruit and flowers.
Morphometric characters of two populations of Difflugia corona Wallich, 1864 collected in two climatic stations (Spring, Autumn) in lentic environments of Chaco Province, Argentina, are studied. In the first climatic station it was registered specimens of bigger size; in the second, the size of the individuals was very below the minimum values registered. It is suggested a possible relationship between the size of the organisms and the availability of the inhabitable vegetable substratum.
The diet of four species of Anostomidae (Leporinus friderici Bloch, 1794, L. striatus Kner, 1858, L. elongatus Valenciennes, 1849 and Leporinus sp.) were investigated in the Manso Reservoir, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Fish were sampled in three sites: upriver, in the main body of the reservoir, and below the dam. Were analized 276 stomachs. The diet was evaluated using the frequency of ocorrence and volumetric methods. Leporinus friderici showed tendency to herbivory, mainly in the upriver site. In the reservoir and below the dam, it consumed large quantities of fish; Isoptera only in the reservoir. Leporinus striatus and L. elongatus have similar diets, consuming Chironomidae larvae (Diptera), whereas Leporinus sp. was more generalist, feeding similar proportions of vegetable, detritus and insect (Chironomidae and Ephemeroptera). The mouths of the species have different positions: terminal in L. friderici, subterminal in L. elongatus and intermediate in L. striatus and Leporinus sp. The diet overlap values were low, except for L. friderici and Leporinus sp. (0.7) in the upriver, and L. striatus and L. elongatus (0.6) below the dam.
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v.2 (1827)