854 resultados para Concrete position
The Iowa Department of Transportation initiated this research to evaluate the reliability, benefit and application of the corrosion detection device. Through field testing prior to repair projects and inspection at the time of repair, the device was shown to be reliable. With the reliability established, twelve additional devices were purchased so that this evaluation procedure could be used routinely on all repair projects. The corrosion detection device was established as a means for determining concrete removal for repair. Removal of the concrete down to the top reinforcing steel is required for all areas exhibiting electrical potentials greater than 0.45 Volt. It was determined that the corrosion detection device was not applicable to membrane testing. The corrosion detection device has been used to evaluate corrosion of reinforcing steel in continuously reinforced concrete pavement.
This report presents the results of a comparative laboratory study between well- and gap-graded aggregates used in asphalt concrete paving mixtures. A total of 424 batches of asphalt concrete mixtures and 3,960 Marshall and Hveem specimens were examined. There is strong evidence from this investigation that, with proper-combinations of aggregates and asphalts, both continuous- and gap-graded aggregates can produce mixtures of high density and of qualities meeting current design criteria. There is also reason to believe that the unqualified acceptance of some supposedly desirable, constant, mathematical relationship between adjacent particle sizes of the form such as Fuller's curve p = 100(d/D)^n is not justified. It is recommended that the aggregate grading limits be relaxed or eliminated and that the acceptance or rejection of an aggregate for use in asphalt pavement be based on individual mixture evaluation. Furthermore, because of the potential attractiveness of gap-graded asphalt concrete in cost, quality, and skid and wear resistance, selected gap-graded mixtures are recommended for further tests both in the laboratory and in the field, especially in regard to ease of compaction and skid and wear resistance.
This report presents the results of a comparative laboratory study between well- and gap-graded aggregates used in asphalt concrete paving mixtures. A total of 424 batches of asphalt concrete mixtures and 3, 960 Marshall and Hveem specimens were examined. The main thrust of the statistical analysis conducted in this experiment was in the calibration study and in Part I of the experiment. In the former study, the compaction procedure between the Iowa State University Lab and the Iowa Highway Commission Lab was calibrated. By an analysis of the errors associated with the measurements we were able to separate the "preparation" and "determination" errors for both laboratories as well as develop the calibration curve which describes the relationship between the compaction procedures at the two labs. In Part I, the use of a fractional factorial design in a split plot experiment in measuring the effect of several factors on asphalt concrete strength and weight was exhibited. Also, the use of half normal plotting techniques for indicating significant factors and interactions and for estimating errors in experiments with only a limited number of observations was outlined,
This report presents the results of a comparative laboratory study between well- and gap-graded aggregates used in asphalt concrete paving mixtures. A total of 424 batches of asphalt concrete mixtures and 3,960 Marshall and Hveem specimens were examined. There is strong evidence from this investigation that, with proper combinations of aggregates and asphalts, both continuous- and gap-graded aggregates can produce mixtures of high density and of qualities meeting current design criteria. There is also reason to believe that the unqualified acceptance of some supposedly desirable, constant, mathematical relationship between adjacent particle sizes of the form such as Fuller's curve p = 100 (d/D)n is not justified. It is recommended that. the aggregate grading limits be relaxed or eliminated and that the acceptance or rejection of an aggregate for use in asphalt pavement be based on individual mixture evaluation. Furthermore, because of the potential attractiveness of gap-graded asphalt concrete in cost, quality, and skid and wear resistance, selected gap-graded mixtures are recommended for further tests both in the laboratory and in the field, especially in regard to ease of compaction and skid and wear resistance.
The Greene County, Iowa, overlay project, completed in October 1973, was evaluated in October 1978, after five years in October 1983, after ten years and most recently in October 1988 after fifteen years of service. The 33 fibrous concrete sections, four CRCP sections, two mesh reinforced and two plain concrete sections with doweled reinforcement were rated relative to each other on a scale of 0 to 100. The rating was conducted by original members of the Project Planning Committee, Iowa DOT, Iowa County, Federal Highway Administration and industry representatives. In all, there were 23, 25 and 17 representatives who rated the project in 1978, 1983 and 1988 respectively. The 23, 25 or 17 values were then averaged to provide a final rating number for each section or variable. All experimental overlay sections had performed quite well in the period from five through 15 years, experiencing only limited additional deterioration.
The three miles of fibrous concrete resurfacing in Greene County, Iowa were placed in September and early October, 1973. It was recognized in advance that cracking and other performance characteristics of the fibrous concrete sections and of the control sections would be major factors in the evaluation of the project. A low level aerial survey was made of the old pavement. During construction of the resurfacing, the aerial survey was checked to insure that cracks in the old pavement were referenced to the 100 ft. station marks placed in the resurfacing. A final report for research project HR-165, based upon overall performance evaluation was published in December 1978.
The three miles of fibrous concrete resurfacing in Greene County, Iowa were placed in September and early October, 1973. It was recognized in advance that cracking and other performance characteristics of the fibrous concrete sections and of the control sections would be major factors in the evaluation of the project. A low level aerial survey was made of the old pavement. During construction of the resurfacing, the aerial survey was checked to insure that cracks in the old pavement were referenced to the 100 ft. station marks placed in the resurfacing. Crack surveys have been conducted on dates indicated below. Additional cracks found at each subsequent survey are shown in a color matching the date notation. April, 1974 November, 1974 October, 1975 October, 1976
The three miles of fibrous concrete resurfacing in Greene County, Iowa were placed in September and early October, 1973. It was recognized in advance that cracking and other performance characteristics of the fibrous concrete sections and of the control sections would be major factors in the evaluation of the project. A low level aerial survey was made of the old pavement. During construction of the resurfacing, the aerial survey was checked to insure that cracks in the old pavement were referenced to the 100 ft. station marks placed in the resurfacing. Crack surveys have been conducted on dates indicated below. Additional cracks found at each subsequent survey are shown in a color matching the date notation. April, 1974 November, 1974 October, 1975 October, 1976 October, 1977
The three miles of fibrous concrete resurfacing in Greene County, Iowa were placed in September and early October, 1973. It was recognized in advance that cracking and other performance characteristics of the fibrous concrete sections and of the central sections would be major factors in the evaluation of the project. A low level aerial survey was made of the old pavement. During construction of the resurfacing, the aerial survey was checked to insure that cracks in the old pavement were referenced to the 100 ft. station marks placed in the resurfacing. The crack survey recorded herein was made in March and April, 1974. Those cracks in the resurfacing that are reflections of cracks in the underlying slab are identified by /\ marks. Observations (not detailed crack surveys) made in June, 1974 indicate that further cracking of the resurfacing has occurred since this report was prepared. In particular, there appears to be same additional longitudinal cracking over the widening joints.
The Greene County, Iowa, overlay project, completed in October, 1973, was evaluated in October, 1978, after five years of service and most recently in October, 1983, after ten years of service. The 33 fibrous concrete sections, four CRCP sections, two mesh reinforced and two plain concrete sections with doweled reinforcement were rated relative to each other on a scale of 0 to 100. The rating was conducted by original members of the Project Planning Committee, Iowa DOT, Iowa County, Federal Highway Administration, University of Illinois and industry representatives. In all, there were 23 and 24 representatives who rated the project in 1978 and 1983 respectively. The 23 or 24 values were then averaged to provide a final rating number for each section or variable. All experimental overlay sections had performed quite well in the period from five through 10 years, experiencing only limited additional deterioration. Based upon this relatively good performance through 10 years, the sections will be maintained for further research with another evaluation at 15 years. The 4" thick nonfibrous mesh reinforced continuous reinforced concrete pavement overlay sections provided the best performance in this research project. Another nonfibrous 5" thick bar reinforced overlay section performed almost as well. The best performance of a fibrous reinforced concrete section was obtained with 160 pounds of fiber per cubic yard.
Iowa has approximately 1000 bridges that have been overlaid with a nominal 2" of portland cement concrete. A Delamtect survey of a sampling of the older overlaid bridges indicated delaminations in several of them. Eventually these bridges as well as those that have not received an overlay must be programmed for rehabilitation. Prior to rehabilitation the areas which are delaminated must be identified. There are currently two standard methods of determining delaminated areas in bridge decks; sounding with a metal object or a chain drag and sounding with an electro-mechanical sounding system (Delamtect). Sounding with a metal object or chain drag is time consuming and the accuracy is dependent on the ear of the operator and may be affected by traffic noise. The Delamtect requires less field time but the graphical traces require that data reduction be done in the office. A recently developed method of detecting delamination is infrared thermography. This method is based on the temperature difference between sound and delaminated concrete. A contract was negotiated with Donohue and Associates, Inc. of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, to survey 18 p.c. concrete overlaid bridge decks in Iowa using the infrared thermography method of detecting delaminations.
Some of Iowa's 13,200 miles of portland cement concrete (pcc) pavement have remained structurally sound for over 50 years while others have suffered premature deterioration. Research has shown that the type of coarse aggregate used in the pcc is the major cause of this premature deterioration. Some coarse aggregates for concrete exhibit a nonuniform performance history. They contribute to premature deterioration on heavily salted primary roadways while providing long maintenance-free life on unsalted secondary pavements. This inconsistency supports the premise that there are at least two mechanisms that contribute to the deterioration. Previous research has shown that one of these mechanisms is a bad pore system. The other is apparently a chemical reaction. The objective of this research is to develop simple rapid test methods to predict the durability of carbonate aggregate in pcc pavement. X-ray diffraction analyses of aggregate samples have been conducted on various beds from numerous quarries producing diffraction plots for more than 200 samples of dolomitic or dolomite aggregates. The crystalline structures of these dolomitic aggregates show maximum-intensity dolomite/ankerite peaks ranging from a d-spacing of 2.884 angstroms for good aggregates to a d-spacing of 2.914 angstroms for nondurable aggregates. If coarse aggregates with known bad pore systems are removed from this summary, the d-spacing values of the remaining aggregates correlate very well with expected service life. This may indicate that the iron substitution for magnesium in the dolomite crystal is associated with the instability of the ferroan dolomite aggregates in pcc pavement.
The purpose of this report is to describe the major research activities during the period of February 1, 1985 - October 30, 1986 for the Iowa Highway Research Board under the research contract entitled "Development of a Conductometric Test for Frost Resistance of Concrete." The objective of this research, as stated in the project proposal, is to develop a test method which can be reasonably rapidly performed in the laboratory and in the field to predict the behavior of concrete subjected to the action of alternate freezing and thawing with a high degree of certainty. In the work plan of the proposal it was stated that the early part of the first year would be devoted to construction of testing equipment and preparation of specimens and the remainder of the year would be devoted to the testing of specimens. It was also stated that the second and third years would be devoted to performance and refinements of tests, data analysis, preparation of suggested specifications, and performance of tests covering variables which need to be studied such as types of aggregates, fly ash replacements and other admixtures. The objective of this report is to describe the progress made during the first 20 months of this project and assess the significance of the results obtained thus far and the expected significance of the results obtainable during the third year of the project.
A field program of strain and deflection measurements was conducted by the Construction Technology Laboratories (CTL) for the Iowa Department of Transportation. The objective of the field measurement program was to obtain information on bonded concrete resurfaced pavements that can be used as a data base for verifying bonded resurfacing thickness design procedures. Data gathered during the investigation included a visual condition survey, engineering properties of the original and resurfacing concrete, load related strain and deflection measurements, and temperature related curl (deflection) measurements. Resurfacing is basically the addition of a surface layer to extend the life of an existing pavement. Portland cement concrete has been used to resurface existing pavements since about 1913.
The Iowa Department of Transportation began creep and resilient modulus testing of asphalt concrete mixtures in 1989. Part 1 of this research reported in January 1990 was a laboratory study of hot mix asphalt (HMA) mixtures made with O, 30, 60, 85 and 100% crushed gravel, crushed limestone and crushed quartzite combined with uncrushed sand and gravel. Creep test results from Marshall specimens related well to the percent of crushed particles and the perceived resistance to rutting. The objective of this research, part 2, was to determine if there was a meaningful correlation between pavement rut depth and the resilient modulus or the creep resistance factor. Four and six inch diameter cores were drilled from rutted primary and interstate pavements and interstate pavements with design changes intended to resist rutting. The top 2 1/2 inches of each core, most of which was surface course, was used for creep and resilient modulus testing. There is a good correlation between the resilient modulus of four and six inch diameter cores. Creep resistance factors of four and six inch diameter cores also correlated well. There is a poor correlation between resilient modulus and the creep resistance factor. The rut depth per million 18,000 pound equivalent single axle loadings (ESAL) for these pavements did not correlate well with either the resilient modulus or the creep resistance factor.