802 resultados para Computer display


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Diese Arbeit beschreibt den Evaluationsprozess einer dreidimensionalen Visualisierungstechnik, die am Institut für periphere Mikroelektronik der Universität Kassel entwickelt wurde. Hinter der dreidimensionalen Darstellung mittels Linsenrasterscheibe verbirgt sich eine neue Dimension der Interaktion mit dem Computer. Im Vergleich zu gewöhnlichen dreidimensionalen Darstellungen, bei denen ein 3D-Objekt auf einer 2D-Fläche abgebildet wird und somit nach wie vor nicht aus der Bildschirmebene heraus kann, können bei der stereoskopen Darstellung die Objekte dreidimensional visualisiert werden. Die Objekte tauchen vor, beziehungsweise hinter der Darstellungsebene auf. Da die Linsenrasterscheibe bisher noch nicht wahrnehmungspsychologisch untersucht wurde und auch allgemein auf dem Gebiet der Evaluation von 3D-Systemen nur wenige Untersuchungen mit quantitativen Ergebnissen verfügbar sind (Vollbracht, 1997), besteht hier ein zentrales Forschungsinteresse. Um eine Evaluation dieses 3D-Systems durchzuführen, wird im Theorieteil der Arbeit zunächst der Begriff der Evaluation definiert. Des Weiteren werden die wahrnehmungspsychologischen Grundlagen der monokularen und binokularen Raumwahrnehmung erörtert. Anschließend werden Techniken zur Erzeugung von Tiefe in Bildern und auf Bildschirmen erläutert und die Unterschiede zwischen der technisch erzeugten und der natürlichen Tiefenwahrnehmung näher beleuchtet. Nach der Vorstellung verschiedener stereoskoper Systeme wird näher auf die autostereoskope Linsenrasterscheibe eingegangen. Zum Abschluss des theoretischen Teils dieser Arbeit wird die Theorie des eingesetzten Befindlichkeitsfragebogens veranschaulicht. Gegenstand des empirischen Teils dieser Arbeit sind zwei zentrale Fragestellungen. Erstens soll untersucht werden, ob durch den höheren Informationsgehalt grundlegende Wahrnehmungsleistungen in bestimmten Bereichen positiv beeinflusst werden können. Zweitens soll untersucht werden, ob sich die höhere visuelle Natürlichkeit und die Neuartigkeit der Bildpräsentation auch auf die subjektive Befindlichkeit der Probanden auswirkt. Die empirische Überprüfung dieser Hypothesen erfolgt mittels dreier Experimente. Bei den ersten beiden Experimenten stehen grundlegende wahrnehmungspsychologische Leistungen im Vordergrund, während in der dritten Untersuchung der Bereich der subjektiven Befindlichkeit gemessen wird. Abschließend werden die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen vorgestellt und diskutiert. Des Weiteren werden konkrete Einsatzmöglichkeiten für die Linsenrasterscheibe aufgezeigt und denkbare nachfolgende experimentelle Vorgehensweisen skizziert.


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Information display technology is a rapidly growing research and development field. Using state-of-the-art technology, optical resolution can be increased dramatically by organic light-emitting diode - since the light emitting layer is very thin, under 100nm. The main question is what pixel size is achievable technologically? The next generation of display will considers three-dimensional image display. In 2D , one is considering vertical and horizontal resolutions. In 3D or holographic images, there is another dimension – depth. The major requirement is the high resolution horizontal dimension in order to sustain the third dimension using special lenticular glass or barrier masks, separate views for each eye. The high-resolution 3D display offers hundreds of more different views of objects or landscape. OLEDs have potential to be a key technology for information displays in the future. The display technology presented in this work promises to bring into use bright colour 3D flat panel displays in a unique way. Unlike the conventional TFT matrix, OLED displays have constant brightness and colour, independent from the viewing angle i.e. the observer's position in front of the screen. A sandwich (just 0.1 micron thick) of organic thin films between two conductors makes an OLE Display device. These special materials are named electroluminescent organic semi-conductors (or organic photoconductors (OPC )). When electrical current is applied, a bright light is emitted (electrophosphorescence) from the formed Organic Light-Emitting Diode. Usually for OLED an ITO layer is used as a transparent electrode. Such types of displays were the first for volume manufacture and only a few products are available in the market at present. The key challenges that OLED technology faces in the application areas are: producing high-quality white light achieving low manufacturing costs increasing efficiency and lifetime at high brightness. Looking towards the future, by combining OLED with specially constructed surface lenses and proper image management software it will be possible to achieve 3D images.


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We report on an elementary course in ordinary differential equations (odes) for students in engineering sciences. The course is also intended to become a self-study package for odes and is is based on several interactive computer lessons using REDUCE and MATHEMATICA . The aim of the course is not to do Computer Algebra (CA) by example or to use it for doing classroom examples. The aim ist to teach and to learn mathematics by using CA-systems.


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Presentation at the 1997 Dagstuhl Seminar "Evaluation of Multimedia Information Retrieval", Norbert Fuhr, Keith van Rijsbergen, Alan F. Smeaton (eds.), Dagstuhl Seminar Report 175, 14.04. - 18.04.97 (9716). - Abstract: This presentation will introduce ESCHER, a database editor which supports visualization in non-standard applications in engineering, science, tourism and the entertainment industry. It was originally based on the extended nested relational data model and is currently extended to include object-relational properties like inheritance, object types, integrity constraints and methods. It serves as a research platform into areas such as multimedia and visual information systems, QBE-like queries, computer-supported concurrent work (CSCW) and novel storage techniques. In its role as a Visual Information System, a database editor must support browsing and navigation. ESCHER provides this access to data by means of so called fingers. They generalize the cursor paradigm in graphical and text editors. On the graphical display, a finger is reflected by a colored area which corresponds to the object a finger is currently pointing at. In a table more than one finger may point to objects, one of which is the active finger and is used for navigating through the table. The talk will mostly concentrate on giving examples for this type of navigation and will discuss some of the architectural needs for fast object traversal and display. ESCHER is available as public domain software from our ftp site in Kassel. The portable C source can be easily compiled for any machine running UNIX and OSF/Motif, in particular our working environments IBM RS/6000 and Intel-based LINUX systems. A porting to Tcl/Tk is under way.


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This report examines why women pursue careers in computer science and related fields far less frequently than men do. In 1990, only 13% of PhDs in computer science went to women, and only 7.8% of computer science professors were female. Causes include the different ways in which boys and girls are raised, the stereotypes of female engineers, subtle biases that females face, problems resulting from working in predominantly male environments, and sexual biases in language. A theme of the report is that women's underrepresentation is not primarily due to direct discrimination but to subconscious behavior that perpetuates the status quo.


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A revolution\0\0\0 in earthmoving, a $100 billion industry, can be achieved with three components: the GPS location system, sensors and computers in bulldozers, and SITE CONTROLLER, a central computer system that maintains design data and directs operations. The first two components are widely available; I built SITE CONTROLLER to complete the triangle and describe it here. SITE CONTROLLER assists civil engineers in the design, estimation, and construction of earthworks, including hazardous waste site remediation. The core of SITE CONTROLLER is a site modelling system that represents existing and prospective terrain shapes, roads, hydrology, etc. Around this core are analysis, simulation, and vehicle control tools. Integrating these modules into one program enables civil engineers and contractors to use a single interface and database throughout the life of a project.


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A method is presented for the visual analysis of objects by computer. It is particularly well suited for opaque objects with smoothly curved surfaces. The method extracts information about the object's surface properties, including measures of its specularity, texture, and regularity. It also aids in determining the object's shape. The application of this method to a simple recognition task ??e recognition of fruit ?? discussed. The results on a more complex smoothly curved object, a human face, are also considered.


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This paper describes a system for the computer understanding of English. The system answers questions, executes commands, and accepts information in normal English dialog. It uses semantic information and context to understand discourse and to disambiguate sentences. It combines a complete syntactic analysis of each sentence with a "heuristic understander" which uses different kinds of information about a sentence, other parts of the discourse, and general information about the world in deciding what the sentence means. It is based on the belief that a computer cannot deal reasonably with language unless it can "understand" the subject it is discussing. The program is given a detailed model of the knowledge needed by a simple robot having only a hand and an eye. We can give it instructions to manipulate toy objects, interrogate it about the scene, and give it information it will use in deduction. In addition to knowing the properties of toy objects, the program has a simple model of its own mentality. It can remember and discuss its plans and actions as well as carry them out. It enters into a dialog with a person, responding to English sentences with actions and English replies, and asking for clarification when its heuristic programs cannot understand a sentence through use of context and physical knowledge.


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The furious pace of Moore's Law is driving computer architecture into a realm where the the speed of light is the dominant factor in system latencies. The number of clock cycles to span a chip are increasing, while the number of bits that can be accessed within a clock cycle is decreasing. Hence, it is becoming more difficult to hide latency. One alternative solution is to reduce latency by migrating threads and data, but the overhead of existing implementations has previously made migration an unserviceable solution so far. I present an architecture, implementation, and mechanisms that reduces the overhead of migration to the point where migration is a viable supplement to other latency hiding mechanisms, such as multithreading. The architecture is abstract, and presents programmers with a simple, uniform fine-grained multithreaded parallel programming model with implicit memory management. In other words, the spatial nature and implementation details (such as the number of processors) of a parallel machine are entirely hidden from the programmer. Compiler writers are encouraged to devise programming languages for the machine that guide a programmer to express their ideas in terms of objects, since objects exhibit an inherent physical locality of data and code. The machine implementation can then leverage this locality to automatically distribute data and threads across the physical machine by using a set of high performance migration mechanisms. An implementation of this architecture could migrate a null thread in 66 cycles -- over a factor of 1000 improvement over previous work. Performance also scales well; the time required to move a typical thread is only 4 to 5 times that of a null thread. Data migration performance is similar, and scales linearly with data block size. Since the performance of the migration mechanism is on par with that of an L2 cache, the implementation simulated in my work has no data caches and relies instead on multithreading and the migration mechanism to hide and reduce access latencies.


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Creació d'un entorn de treball per tal de visualitzar models tridimensionals en temps real amb dos objectius: proporcionar una interfície gràfica per poder visualitzar interactivament una escena, modificant-ne els seus elements i aconseguir un disseny que faci el projecte altament revisable i reutilitzable en el futur, i serveixi per tant de plataforma per provar altres projectes


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Aquest projecte es basarà en reconstruir una imatge 3D gran a partir d’una seqüència d’imatges 2D capturades per una càmera. Ens centrem en l’estudi de les bases matemàtiques de la visió per computador així com en diferents mètodes emprats en la reconstrucció 3D d’imatges. Per portar a terme aquest estudi s’utilitza la plataforma de desenvolupament MatLab ja que permet tractar operacions matemàtiques, imatges i matrius de gran tamany amb molta senzillesa, rapidesa i eficiència, per aquesta raó s’usa en moltes recerques sobre aquest tema. El projecte aprofundeix en el tema descrit anteriorment estudiant i implementant un mètode que consisteix en aplicar Structure From Motion (SFM) a pocs frames seguits obtinguts d’una seqüència d’imatges 2D per crear una reconstrucció 3D. Quan s’han creat dues reconstruccions 3D consecutives i fent servir un frame com a mínim en comú entre elles, s’aplica un mètode de registre d’estructures 3D, l’Iterative Closest Point (ICP), per crear una reconstrucció 3D més gran a través d’unir les diferents reconstruccions obtingudes a partir de SfM. El mètode consisteix en anar repetint aquestes operacions fins al final dels frames per poder aconseguir una reconstrucció 3D més gran que les petites imatges que s’aconsegueixen a través de SfM. A la Figura 1 es pot veure un esquema del procés que es segueix. Per avaluar el comportament del mètode, utilitzem un conjunt de seqüències sintètiques i un conjunt de seqüències reals obtingudes a partir d’una càmera. L’objectiu final d’aquest projecte és construir una nova toolbox de MatLab amb tots els mètodes per crear reconstruccions 3D grans per tal que sigui possible tractar amb facilitat aquest problema i seguir-lo desenvolupant en un futur


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L’estudi consta de dues grans parts que serien la part de dissenyar, desenvolupar i implementar els mètodes de segmentació que ens serviran per separar els punts rígids dels punts no rígids/deformables. I l’altra part seria la d’obtenir reconstruccions 3D a partir d’un sistema estèreo, passant per la calibració de les càmeres del sistema, la realització de captures d’experiments reals, la generació de reconstruccions 3D per finalment posar a prova els mètodes desenvolupats en la part anterior


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El projecte consisteix en analitzar, dissenyar i desenvolupar un sistema estèreo binocular (format per dues càmeres) sobre un suport que ofereixi la mobilitat i portabilitat necessària per utilitzar-lo de forma independent, és a dir, sense necessitat de connexió a un ordinador, ja que normalment, els sistemes de visió per computador solen incorporar un ordinador amb un frame grabber (placa de captura d’imatges). Per a dur a terme el sistema estèreo més adient, s’analitzaran els requeriments necessaris, s’estudiaran diferents alternatives, i finalment, es desenvoluparà i es demostrarà el funcionament del sistema en qüestió


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L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és el desenvolupament d’una eina de generació de xarxes de carrers a partir d’exemples. L’eina ha de permetre generar una xarxa de carrers nova que sigui semblant a l’existent en un mapa vectorial donat. A més, també es pretén unir aquesta aplicació amb l’urbanEngine per tal de poder generar vistes en 3D sobre aquestes xarxes de carrers, a més d’ampliar les opcions de l’urbanEngine a l’hora de crear ciutats