692 resultados para Colonisation -- Vanuatu
Of the three superfamilies of Ostracoda present in fresh water, only the Cytheroidea had thus far no records in terrestrial environments. Here, we report on a new genus and species, Intrepidocythere ibipora n. gen. n. sp., of the ostracod superfamily Cytheroidea, from forest leaf litter in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Judging from morphological similarities, this new genus is believed to be closely related to the genus Elpidium. Possible pathways that led to the colonisation of terrestrial habitats are discussed, and an overview is given on the distribution of the known terrestrial ostracod lineages. The present findings strengthen the idea that terrestrial ostracods are more common than previously thought, at least in tropical areas.
Andryala (Asteraceae: Cichorieae) is a little-known Mediterranean-Macaronesian genus whose taxonomy is much in need of revision. The aim of the present biosystematic study was to elucidate species relationships within this genus based on morphological and molecular data. In this study several taxa are recognised: 17 species, 14 subspecies, and 3 hybrids. Among these, 5 species are Macaronesian endemics (A. glandulosa, A. sparsiflora, A. crithmifolia Aiton, A. pinnatifida, and A. perezii), 4 species are Northwest African endemics (A. mogadorensis, A. maroccana, A. chevallieri, and A. nigricans) and one species is endemic to Romania (A. laevitomentosa). Historical background regarding taxonomic delimitation in the genus is addressed from Linnaean to present day concepts, as well as the origin of the name Andryala. The origin of Asteraceae and the systematic position of Andryala is shortly summarised. The morphological study was based on a bibliographic review and the revision of 1066 specimens of 13 herbaria as well as additional material collected during fieldwork. The variability of the morphological characters of the genus, including both vegetative taxonomic characters (root, stem, leaf and indumentum characters) and reproductive ones (inflorescence, floret, fruit and pappus characters), is assessed. Numerical analysis of the morphological data was performed using different similarity or dissimilarity measures and coefficients, as well as ordination and clustering methods. Results support the segregation of the recognised taxa and the congruence of the several analyses in the separation of the recognised taxa (using quantitative, binary or multi-state characters). The proposed taxonomy for Andryala includes a new infra-generic classification, new taxa and new combinations and ranks, typifications and diagnostic keys (one for the species and several for subspecies). For each taxon a list of synonyms, typification comments and a detailed description are provided, just as comments on taxonomy and nomenclature, and a brief discussion on karyology. Additionally, information on ecology and conservation status as well as on distribution and a list of studied material are also presented. Phylogenetic analyses based on different nuclear and chloroplast DNA markers, using Bayesian and maximum parsimony methods of inference, were performed. Results support three main lineages: separate ones for the relict species A. agardhii and A. laevitomentosa and a third including the majority of the Andryala species that underwent a relatively rapid and recent speciation. They also suggest a single colonization event of Madeira and the Canary Islands from the Mediterranean region, followed by insular speciation. Biogeography and speciation within the genus are briefly discussed, including a proposal for the centre of origin of the genus and possible dispersal routes.
Cultura de fezes (Método de Exclusão Competitiva - EC) utilizada para prevenir a colonização cecal de aves por Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE) foi submetida a cultivos seriados para evitar a presença de patógenos e, após o tratamento mais adequado, foi armazenada em temperatura de refrigeração antes do seu uso por até 63 dias. Os resultados mostraram que o cultivo repetido por 14 vezes não prejudica a ação protetora da cultura (CE), a qual continua inibindo a colonização cecal por SE. O produto submetido a 12 cultivos e armazenado durante 28 dias em temperatura de refrigeração também continua eficaz.
Research has clarified the properties required for polymers that resist bacterial colonisation for use in medical devices. The increase in antibiotic-resistant microorganisms has prompted interest in the use of silver as an antimicrobial agent. Silver-based polymers can protect the inner and outer surfaces of devices against the attachment of microorganisms. Thus, this review focuses on the mechanisms of various silver forms as antimicrobial agents against different microorganisms and biofilms as well as the dissociation of silver ions and the resulting reduction in antimicrobial efficacy for medical devices. This work suggests that the characteristics of released silver ions depend on the nature of the silver antimicrobial used and the polymer matrix. In addition, the elementary silver, silver zeolite and silver nanoparticles, used in polymers or as coatings could be used as antimicrobial biomaterials for a variety of promising applications. (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. and the International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The effect of colonisation of the alimentary tract of newly hatched chicks by different Salmonella serotypes on the establishment in the gut by other Salmonella strains inoculated afterwards was assessed. Although profound inhibition of colonisation had been found previously to be genus-specific, considerable variation was found within the Salmonella genus. Some strains were found to be much more inhibitory than others and some were more easily inhibited than were others. There was not an absolute relationship between inhibitory activity and colonisation ability. No relationship was seen between inhibition and serotype or phage types within serotypes. There was no correlation between in vivo inhibition and the extent of inhibition that occurred in early stationary phase cultures in rich, undefined broth cultures.
Freshly hatched chickens show a very high susceptibility to Salmonella infections and control measures are therefore frequently focused on the period shortly after hatching. Experimental investigations using one strain against itself, differentiated by different antibiotic resistance markers, have shown that colonisation with Salmonella prevents the establishment of subsequently inoculated challenge organisms in the chicken gut. The inhibition effect lasts for several days and is detectable even when a challenge dose of 10(8) organisms is used. It is independent of the breed of bird. Chickens colonised with Salmonella shed a subsequently inoculated challenge strain with significant lower numbers for several weeks than do non colonised control birds. The phenomenon is strain specific but not serovarspecific as has been shown in investigations using different strains of the same and other serovars for colonisation and challenge. The phenomenon shows a large variability between strains. Using other Enterobacteriaceae strains comparable inhibition against Salmonella was not observed.One important topic for further investigation is the capability of Salmonella live Vaccines given orally to establish a protection effect, based on the inhibition phenomenon in the first few days of live, developing into a long-lasting immunity when the birds reach immunological maturity.
Biodiversity is organised into complex ecological networks of interacting species in local ecosystems, but our knowledge about the effects of habitat fragmentation on such systems remains limited. We consider the effects of this key driver of both local and global change on both mutualistic and antagonistic systems at different levels of biological organisation and spatiotemporal scales.There is a complex interplay of patterns and processes related to the variation and influence of spatial, temporal and biotic drivers in ecological networks. Species traits (e.g. body size, dispersal ability) play an important role in determining how networks respond to fragment size and isolation, edge shape and permeability, and the quality of the surrounding landscape matrix. Furthermore, the perception of spatial scale (e.g. environmental grain) and temporal effects (time lags, extinction debts) can differ markedly among species, network modules and trophic levels, highlighting the need to develop a more integrated perspective that considers not just nodes, but the structural role and strength of species interactions (e.g. as hubs, spatial couplers and determinants of connectance, nestedness and modularity) in response to habitat fragmentation.Many challenges remain for improving our understanding: the likely importance of specialisation, functional redundancy and trait matching has been largely overlooked. The potentially critical effects of apex consumers, abundant species and supergeneralists on network changes and evolutionary dynamics also need to be addressed in future research. Ultimately, spatial and ecological networks need to be combined to explore the effects of dispersal, colonisation, extinction and habitat fragmentation on network structure and coevolutionary dynamics. Finally, we need to embed network approaches more explicitly within applied ecology in general, because they offer great potential for improving on the current species-based or habitat-centric approaches to our management and conservation of biodiversity in the face of environmental change.
Incluye Bibliografía
Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE
Os Pássaros Juninos ou Pássaros Melodrama-Fantasia representam um tipo de teatro musicado próprio do Pará. Eles possuem como referenciais elementos de diversos gêneros teatrais e de manifestações regionais, trazendo à tona fontes das culturas negra, branca e indígena, que desde a colonização da região se miscigenaram, resultando naquilo que hoje entendemos por “cultura amazônica”. Este trabalho pretende discutir o caráter mestiço que engendrou as circunstâncias do surgimento dos Pássaros Juninos e, por conseguinte, explicitar que tal manifestação evoca distintas imagens que convergem na construção de narrativas amazônicas fantásticas expressas sob a forma de sociabilidades singulares ao contexto paraense.
O presente trabalho faz uma análise sócio-antropológica sobre as mulheres migrantes da região da Transamazônica que integraram junto com suas famílias um projeto de colonização e de desenvolvimento nacional, empreendido pelo Governo Federal na década de setenta. Este projeto de ocupação se efetivou com abertura da Rodovia Transamazônica (BR 230) no sentido Altamira/Itaituba do Estado Pará e a migração de milhares de famílias para essa região, que foram impelidas, pelos órgãos governamentais, a ocuparem as terras situadas ao longo dessa Rodovia e de suas estradas transversais. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa faz uma releitura da história de ocupação e organização social da Transamazônica através das trajetórias individuais e coletivas das mulheres migrantes, assinalando que a construção dos diversos espaços sociais nesta região foi/é marcada pela presença da mulher. É, portanto, a efetiva contribuição feminina na construção e manutenção da vida, seja no âmbito familiar, seja na esfera mais coletiva, como, por exemplo, sua atuação nas Comunidades Eclesiais de Base, nos movimentos sociais e nas instâncias governamentais, a questão que atravessa e orienta este trabalho.
Nesta tese, pretendemos analisar comparativamente a reconstrução histórica da Cabanagem e da Guerra Civil Moçambicana nos romances Lealdade (1997), de Márcio Souza e As duas sombras do rio (2003), de João Paulo Borges Coelho. Para tanto, apresentaremos um breve percurso histórico da colonização brasileira e moçambicana, bem como o período da independência e pós-independência, além do percurso teórico sobre o romance histórico, resistência, memória, bem como a teoria sobre o espaço, nesse caso o rio, que utilizamos como ferramenta de análise. Utilizando o rio como fio condutor de nossa análise. Na obra de Borges Coelho, a análise foi feita a partir das travessias das personagens pelos rios que foram desencadeadas pela chegada da guerra civil. Fixamos nossa leitura em Leónidas Ntsato personagem que metaforiza Moçambique dividido em dois pela guerra civil e destacamos o papel do narrador neste romance. Na narrativa de Márcio Souza acompanhamos as viagens de Fernando, narrador do romance, que tem sua biografia entrelaçada aos acontecimentos que desencadearão a Cabanagem anos mais tarde. Cada um com seu estilo, os dois romancistas revisitam as agruras das duas guerras que tem como palco o Norte do Brasil e de Moçambique que são espaços periféricos desde os tempos coloniais.
Aedes aegypti on Madeira Island (Portugal): genetic variation of a recently introduced dengue vector
The increasing population of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes on Madeira Island (Portugal) resulted in the first autochthonous dengue outbreak, which occurred in October 2012. Our study establishes the first genetic evaluation based on the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genes [cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 (ND4)] and knockdown resistance ( kdr ) mutations exploring the colonisation history and the genetic diversity of this insular vector population. We included mosquito populations from Brazil and Venezuela in the analysis as putative geographic sources. The Ae. aegyptipopulation from Madeira showed extremely low mtDNA genetic variability, with a single haplotype for COI and ND4. We also detected the presence of two important kdr mutations and the quasi-fixation of one of these mutations (F1534C). These results are consistent with a unique recent founder event that occurred on the island of Ae. aegyptimosquitoes that carry kdr mutations associated with insecticide resistance. Finally, we also report the presence of the F1534C kdr mutation in the Brazil and Venezuela populations. To our knowledge, this is the first time this mutation has been found in South American Ae. aegypti mosquitoes. Given the present risk of Ae. aegypti re-invading continental Europe from Madeira and the recent dengue outbreaks on the island, this information is important to plan surveillance and control measures.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)