893 resultados para Collectors and collecting


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L'athérosclérose est une maladie inflammatoire chronique caractérisée par l'accumulation de cholestérol dans la paroi artérielle et associée à une réponse immunitaire anormale dans laquelle les macrophages jouent un rôle important. Récemment, il a été démontré que les vaisseaux lymphatiques jouent un rôle primordial dans le transport inverse du cholestérol (Martel et al. JCI 2013). L’objectif global de mon stage de maîtrise a été de mieux caractériser la dysfonction lymphatique associée à l’athérosclérose, en étudiant de plus près l’origine physiologique et temporelle de ce mauvais fonctionnement. Notre approche a été d’étudier, depuis l’initiation de l’athérosclérose jusqu’à la progression d’une lésion athérosclérotique tardive, la physiologie des deux constituants principaux qui forment les vaisseaux lymphatiques : les capillaires et collecteurs lymphatiques. En utilisant comme modèle principal des souris Ldlr-/-; hApoB100+/+, nous avons pu démontrer que la dysfonction lymphatique est présente avant même l’apparition de l’athérosclérose, et que cette dysfonction est principalement associée avec un défaut au niveau des vaisseaux collecteurs, limitant ainsi le transport de la lymphe des tissus périphériques vers le sang. De plus, nous avons démontré pour la première fois l’expression du récepteur au LDL par les cellules endothéliales lymphatiques. Nos travaux subséquents démontrent que ce défaut de propulsion de la lymphe pourrait être attribuable à l’absence du récepteur au LDL, et que la dysfonction lymphatique observée précocement dans l’athérosclérose peut être limitée par des injections systémiques de VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) –C. Ces résultats suggèrent que la caractérisation fonctionnelle de la capacité de pompage des vaisseaux collecteurs serait une condition préalable à la compréhension de l'interaction entre la fonction du système lymphatique et la progression de l'athérosclérose. Ultimement, nos travaux nous ont amené à considérer de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques potentielles dans la prévention et le traitement de l’athérosclérose.


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Production Planning and Control (PPC) systems have grown and changed because of the developments in planning tools and models as well as the use of computers and information systems in this area. Though so much is available in research journals, practice of PPC is lagging behind and does not use much from published research. The practices of PPC in SMEs lag behind because of many reasons, which need to be explored This research work deals with the effect of identified variables such as forecasting, planning and control methods adopted, demographics of the key person, standardization practices followed, effect of training, learning and IT usage on firm performance. A model and framework has been developed based on literature. Empirical testing of the model has been done after collecting data using a questionnaire schedule administered among the selected respondents from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in India. Final data included 382 responses. Hypotheses linking SME performance with the use of forecasting, planning and controlling were formed and tested. Exploratory factor analysis was used for data reduction and for identifying the factor structure. High and low performing firms were classified using a Logistic Regression model. A confirmatory factor analysis was used to study the structural relationship between firm performance and dependent variables.


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The forms of natural rubber studied were sheet [RSS 4 and RSS 5], ISNR 20 and EBC. In the case of the latter two forms samples from estate and nonestate sectors were included. The samples were collected from different locations at specified intervals, for a particular period. The effect of the extent of mastication on raw rubber properties as well as the properties of the compounds and vulcanizates also studied. The consistency in raw rubber properties and breakdown behavior of skim rubber were studied by collecting samples periodically from selected processing units. The effect of incorporation of skim with ISNR 20 has also been investigated


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The paper discusses the use of online information resources for organising knowledge in library and information centres in Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT). The paper discusses the status and extent of automation in CUSAT library. The use of different online resources and the purposes for which these resources are being used, is explained in detail. Structured interview method was applied for collecting data. It was observed that 67 per cent users consult online resources for assisting knowledge organisation. Library of Congress catalogue is the widely used (100 per cent) online resource followed by OPAC of CUSAT and catalogue of British Library. The main purposes for using these resources are class number building and subject indexing


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Summary: Productivity, botanical composition and forage quality of legume-grass swards are important factors for successful arable farming in both organic and conventional farming systems. As these attributes can vary considerably within a field, a non-destructive method of detection while doing other tasks would facilitate a more targeted management of crops, forage and nutrients in the soil-plant-animal system. This study was undertaken to explore the potential of field spectral measurements for a non destructive prediction of dry matter (DM) yield, legume proportion in the sward, metabolizable energy (ME), ash content, crude protein (CP) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) of legume-grass mixtures. Two experiments were conducted in a greenhouse under controlled conditions which allowed collecting spectral measurements which were free from interferences such as wind, passing clouds and changing angles of solar irradiation. In a second step this initial investigation was evaluated in the field by a two year experiment with the same legume-grass swards. Several techniques for analysis of the hyperspectral data set were examined in this study: four vegetation indices (VIs): simple ratio (SR), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), enhanced vegetation index (EVI) and red edge position (REP), two-waveband reflectance ratios, modified partial least squares (MPLS) regression and stepwise multiple linear regression (SMLR). The results showed the potential of field spectroscopy and proved its usefulness for the prediction of DM yield, ash content and CP across a wide range of legume proportion and growth stage. In all investigations prediction accuracy of DM yield, ash content and CP could be improved by legume-specific calibrations which included mixtures and pure swards of perennial ryegrass and of the respective legume species. The comparison between the greenhouse and the field experiments showed that the interaction between spectral reflectance and weather conditions as well as incidence angle of light interfered with an accurate determination of DM yield. Further research is hence needed to improve the validity of spectral measurements in the field. Furthermore, the developed models should be tested on varying sites and vegetation periods to enhance the robustness and portability of the models to other environmental conditions.


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Internationalization of higher education has become one of the most important policies for institutions of higher education worldwide. Though universities are international by nature, the need for intensified quality activities of international nature has promoted internationalization to be under spotlight of researchers, administrators and policy makers and to be an area for research. Each institution follows its certain way to govern its international affairs. Most Universities, especially in the 'Developed World' started to plan it strategically. This study explores the meanings and importance of internationalization especially that it means different things to different people. It also studies the rationales behind internationalizing higher education. It focuses on the four main prevailing rationales; political, cultural/social, economic/financial, and academic on both national and institutional levels. With the increasing need to strategically plan, the study explores internationalization strategies in terms of how to develop them, what are their approaches and types, and their components and dimensions. Damascus University has witnessed an overwhelming development of its international relations and activities. Therefore, it started to face a problem of how to deal with this increasing load especially that its International Office is the only unit that deals with the international issues. In order to study the internationalization phenomenon at Damascus University, the 2WH approach, which asks the what, why, and how questions, is used and in order to define the International Office's role in the internationalization process of the University, it studies it and the international offices of Kassel University, and Humboldt University in Germany, The University of Jordan, and Al Baath University in Syria using the 'SOCIAL' approach that studies and analyses the situation, organization, challenges, involvement, ambitions, and limitations of these offices. The internationalization process at the above-mentioned Universities is studied and compared in terms of its meaning, rationales for both the institution and its academic staff, challenges and strategic planning. Then a comparison is made among the international offices of the Universities to identify their approaches, what led to their success and what led to their failure in their practices. The aim is to provide Damascus University and its International Office with some good practices and, depending on the experiences of the professionals of the case-studies, a suggested guidance to the work of this Office and the University in general is given. The study uses the interviews with the different officials and stakeholders of the case-studies as the main method of collecting the information in addition to site visits, studying their official documents and their websites. The study belongs to qualitative research that has an action dimension in it since the recommendations will be applied in the International Office. The study concludes with few learned lessons for Damascus University and its International Office depending on the comparison that was done according to a set of dimensions. Finally a reflection on the relationship between internationalization of higher education and politics, the impact of politics on Middle Eastern Universities, and institutional internationalization strategies are presented.


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Videos, text and links on how to get files from various sources from screen, webpage, digital cameras etc.


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In this theme you will work through a series of texts and activities designed to help you think carefully about your approach to collecting the data for your research project.


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Cancer is the result of the accumulation of changes in molecules with important functions in processes such as cell proliferation, apoptosis, cell death and gene repair. Molecules, substances or altered pathways constitute tumor markers or biomarkers useful in clinical monitoring of cancer patients, because they have demonstrated to be suitable for the valuation of the patient’s treatment and it efficiency. Determination of tumor markers has not been very successful due to the low sensitivity and specificity of the techniques used and the requirement of large volumes of biological samples or the use of invasive methods for collecting them. The serum tumor markers arise, as a useful tool to obtain information about the disease progress and constitute as a scientific challenge to improve its applicability in early diagnosis, prognosis, monitoring of the disease and evaluation of therapeutic efficacy.


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In this paper we set out a confirmatory factor analysis model relating the values adolescents and their parents aspire to for the child’s future. We approach a problem when collecting parents’ answers and analysing paired data from parents and their child: the fact that in some families only one parent answers, while in others both meet to answer together. In order to account for differences between one-parent and two-parent responses we follow a multiple group structural equation modelling approach. Some significant differences emerged between the two and one answering parent groups. We observed only weak relationships between parents’ and children’s values


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The doctoral thesis was an study about Miquel Mai, a polític, jurist, bibliophile and art collector in Barcelona in the first half of the XVI century. The thesis presents the figure of Miquel Mai by his biographic history, with emphasis in the principals chapters that he was participant. After, there was a chapter whose principal theme its the connection between Miquel Mai and the Erasmism movement. Third, it was an analysis of all the art objects that Miquel Mai accumulates. Fourth, the thesis explores the library (formed by more than 2000 books). And finally, we studied the relationship between the art objects who decorate the library and the same books that was in the library.


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La sang és un subproducte amb un alt potencial de valorització que s'obté en quantitats importants en els escorxadors industrials. Actualment, la majoria de sistemes de recollida de la sang no segueixen unes mesures d'higiene estrictes, pel que esdevé un producte de baixa qualitat microbiològica. Conseqüentment, l'aprofitament de la sang és una sortida poc estimulant des del punt de vista econòmic, ja que acostuma a perdre les qualitats que permetrien l'obtenció de productes d'alt valor afegit. El capítol I del present treball s'inclou dins d'un projecte que proposa la inoculació de bacteris de l'àcid làctic (LAB) com un cultiu bioconservador de la sang, un sistema senzill i de baix cost que cerca l'estabilitat de la sang, tant microbiològica com fisicoquímica, durant el període del seu emmagatzematge. El capítol II s'emmarca dins d'un projecte que cerca la millora de l'aprofitament integral de la sang que, en el cas de la fracció plasmàtica, es centra en l'estudi de la funcionalitat dels seus principals constituents. Conèixer la contribució dels components majoritaris ha de permetre la millora de la funcionalitat dels ingredients alimentaris derivats. Els resultats presentats en aquesta tesi poden ajudar a la valorització de la sang porcina d'escorxadors industrials, mitjançant els coneixements adquirits pel que fa a la millora del seu sistema de recollida i del desenvolupament d'ingredients alimentaris amb interessants propietats funcionals.


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Data such as digitized aerial photographs, electrical conductivity and yield are intensive and relatively inexpensive to obtain compared with collecting soil data by sampling. If such ancillary data are co-regionalized with the soil data they should be suitable for co-kriging. The latter requires that information for both variables is co-located at several locations; this is rarely so for soil and ancillary data. To solve this problem, we have derived values for the ancillary variable at the soil sampling locations by averaging the values within a radius of 15 m, taking the nearest-neighbour value, kriging over 5 m blocks, and punctual kriging. The cross-variograms from these data with clay content and also the pseudo cross-variogram were used to co-krige to validation points and the root mean squared errors (RMSEs) were calculated. In general, the data averaged within 15m and the punctually kriged values resulted in more accurate predictions.


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Rationale: In UK hospitals, the preparation of all total parenteral nutrition (TPN) products must be made in the pharmacy as TPNs are categorised as high-risk injectables (NPSA/2007/20). The National Aseptic Error Reporting Scheme has been collecting data on pharmacy compounding errors in the UK since August 2003. This study reports on types of error associated with the preparation of TPNs, including the stage at which these were identified and potential and actual patient outcomes. Methods: Reports of compounding errors for the period 1/2004 - 3/2007 were analysed on an Excel spreadsheet. Results: Of a total of 3691 compounding error reports, 674 (18%) related to TPN products; 548 adult vs. 126 paediatric. A significantly higher proportion of adult TPNs (28% vs. 13% paediatric) were associated with labelling errors and a significantly higher proportion of paediatric TPNs (25% vs. 15% adult) were associated with incorrect transcriptions (Chi-Square Test; p<0.005). Labelling errors were identified equally by pharmacists (42%) and technicians (48%) with technicians detecting mainly at first check and pharmacists at final check. Transcription errors were identified mainly by technicians (65% vs. 27% pharmacist) at first check. Incorrect drug selection (13%) and calculation errors (9%) were associated with adult and paediatric TPN preparations in the same ratio. One paediatric TPN error detected at first check was considered potentially catastrophic; 31 (5%) errors were considered of major and 38 (6%) of moderate potential consequence. Five errors (2 moderate, 1 minor) were identified during or after administration. Conclusions: While recent UK patient safety initiatives are aimed at improving the safety of injectable medicines in clinical areas, the current study highlights safety problems that exist within pharmacy production units. This could be used in the creation of an error management tool for TPN compounding processes within hospital pharmacies.


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Details about the parameters of kinetic systems are crucial for progress in both medical and industrial research, including drug development, clinical diagnosis and biotechnology applications. Such details must be collected by a series of kinetic experiments and investigations. The correct design of the experiment is essential to collecting data suitable for analysis, modelling and deriving the correct information. We have developed a systematic and iterative Bayesian method and sets of rules for the design of enzyme kinetic experiments. Our method selects the optimum design to collect data suitable for accurate modelling and analysis and minimises the error in the parameters estimated. The rules select features of the design such as the substrate range and the number of measurements. We show here that this method can be directly applied to the study of other important kinetic systems, including drug transport, receptor binding, microbial culture and cell transport kinetics. It is possible to reduce the errors in the estimated parameters and, most importantly, increase the efficiency and cost-effectiveness by reducing the necessary amount of experiments and data points measured. (C) 2003 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.