819 resultados para Coevolutionary algorithm


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A simple algorithm for computing the propagator for higher derivative gravity theories based on the Barnes-Rivers operators is presented. The prescription is used, among other things, to obtain the propagator for quadratic gravity in an unconventional gauge. We also find the propagator for both gravity and quadratic gravity in an interesting gauge recently baptized the Einstein gauge [Hitzer and Dehnen, Int. J. Theor. Phys. 36 (1997), 559].


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A combined methodology consisting of successive linear programming (SLP) and a simple genetic algorithm (SGA) solves the reactive planning problem. The problem is divided into operating and planning subproblems; the operating subproblem, which is a nonlinear, ill-conditioned and nonconvex problem, consists of determining the voltage control and the adjustment of reactive sources. The planning subproblem consists of obtaining the optimal reactive source expansion considering operational, economical and physical characteristics of the system. SLP solves the optimal reactive dispatch problem related to real variables, while SGA is used to determine the necessary adjustments of both the binary and discrete variables existing in the modelling problem. Once the set of candidate busbars has been defined, the program implemented gives the location and size of the reactive sources needed, if any, to maintain the operating and security constraints.


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In this paper a method for solving the Short Term Transmission Network Expansion Planning (STTNEP) problem is presented. The STTNEP is a very complex mixed integer nonlinear programming problem that presents a combinatorial explosion in the search space. In this work we present a constructive heuristic algorithm to find a solution of the STTNEP of excellent quality. In each step of the algorithm a sensitivity index is used to add a circuit (transmission line or transformer) to the system. This sensitivity index is obtained solving the STTNEP problem considering as a continuous variable the number of circuits to be added (relaxed problem). The relaxed problem is a large and complex nonlinear programming and was solved through an interior points method that uses a combination of the multiple predictor corrector and multiple centrality corrections methods, both belonging to the family of higher order interior points method (HOIPM). Tests were carried out using a modified Carver system and the results presented show the good performance of both the constructive heuristic algorithm to solve the STTNEP problem and the HOIPM used in each step.


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In this work the problem of defects location in power systems is formulated through a binary linear programming (BLP) model based on alarms historical database of control and protection devices from the system control center, sets theory of minimal coverage (AI) and protection philosophy adopted by the electric utility. In this model, circuit breaker operations are compared to their expected states in a strictly mathematical manner. For solving this BLP problem, which presents a great number of decision variables, a dedicated Genetic Algorithm (GA), is proposed. Control parameters of the GA, such as crossing over and mutation rates, population size, iterations number and population diversification, are calibrated in order to obtain efficiency and robustness. Results for a test system found in literature, are presented and discussed. © 2004 IEEE.


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Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) optimized allocation allows control, monitoring and accurate operation of electric power distribution systems, improving reliability and service quality. Good quality and considerable results are obtained for transmission systems using fault location techniques based on voltage measurements. Based on these techniques and performing PMUs optimized allocation it is possible to develop an electric power distribution system fault locator, which provides accurate results. The PMUs allocation problem presents combinatorial features related to devices number that can be allocated, and also probably places for allocation. Tabu search algorithm is the proposed technique to carry out PMUs allocation. This technique applied in a 141 buses real-life distribution urban feeder improved significantly the fault location results. © 2004 IEEE.


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This work presents a branch-and-bound algorithm to solve the multi-stage transmission expansion planning problem. The well known transportation model is employed, nevertheless the algorithm can be extended to hybrid models or to more complex ones such as the DC model. Tests with a realistic power system were carried out in order to show the performance of the algorithm for the expansion plan executed for different time frames. © 2005 IEEE.


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In this paper the genetic algorithm of Chu and Beasley (GACB) is applied to solve the static and multistage transmission expansion planning problem. The characteristics of the GACB, and some modifications that were done, to efficiently solve the problem described above are also presented. Results using some known systems show that the GACB is very efficient. To validate the GACB, we compare the results achieved using it with the results using other meta-heuristics like tabu-search, simulated annealing, extended genetic algorithm and hibrid algorithms. © 2006 IEEE.


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The risk for venous thromboembolism (VTE) in medical patients is high, but risk assessment is rarely performed because there is not yet a good method to identify candidates for prophylaxis. Purpose: To perform a systematic review about VTE risk factors (RFs) in hospitalized medical patients and generate recommendations (RECs) for prophylaxis that can be implemented into practice. Data sources: A multidisciplinary group of experts from 12 Brazilian Medical Societies searched MEDLINE, Cochrane, and LILACS. Study selection: Two experts independently classified the evidence for each RF by its scientific quality in a standardized manner. A risk-assessment algorithm was created based on the results of the review. Data synthesis: Several VTE RFs have enough evidence to support RECs for prophylaxis in hospitalized medical patients (eg, increasing age, heart failure, and stroke). Other factors are considered adjuncts of risk (eg, varices, obesity, and infections). According to the algorithm, hospitalized medical patients ≥40 years-old with decreased mobility, and ≥1 RFs should receive chemoprophylaxis with heparin, provided they don't have contraindications. High prophylactic doses of unfractionated heparin or low-molecular-weight-heparin must be administered and maintained for 6-14 days. Conclusions: A multidisciplinary group generated evidence-based RECs and an easy-to-use algorithm to facilitate VTE prophylaxis in medical patients. © 2007 Rocha et al, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd.


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In this paper a genetic algorithm based reconfiguration method is proposed to minimize the real power losses of distribution systems. The main innovation of this research work is that new types of crossover and mutation operators are proposed, such that the best possible results are obtained, with an acceptable computational effort. The crossover and mutation operators were developed so as to take advantage of the particular characteristics of distribution systems (as the radial topology). Simulation results indicate that the proposed method is very efficient, being able to find excellent configurations, with low computational effort, especially for larger systems. ©2007 IEEE.


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This paper presents an algorithm to solve the network transmission system expansion planning problem using the DC model which is a mixed non-linear integer programming problem. The major feature of this work is the use of a Branch-and-Bound (B&B) algorithm to directly solve mixed non-linear integer problems. An efficient interior point method is used to solve the non-linear programming problem at each node of the B&B tree. Tests with several known systems are presented to illustrate the performance of the proposed method. ©2007 IEEE.


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In this paper, a method for solving the short term transmission network expansion planning problem is presented. This is a very complex mixed integer nonlinear programming problem that presents a combinatorial explosion in the search space. In order to And a solution of excellent quality for this problem, a constructive heuristic algorithm is presented in this paper. In each step of the algorithm, a sensitivity index is used to add a circuit (transmission line or transformer) or a capacitor bank (fixed or variable) to the system. This sensitivity index is obtained solving the problem considering the numbers of circuits and capacitors banks to be added (relaxed problem), as continuous variables. The relaxed problem is a large and complex nonlinear programming and was solved through a higher order interior point method. The paper shows results of several tests that were performed using three well-known electric energy systems in order to show the possibility and the advantages of using the AC model. ©2007 IEEE.


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Network reconfiguration is an important tool to optimize the operating conditions of a distribution system. This is accomplished modifying the network structure of distribution feeders by changing the open/close status of sectionalizing switches. This not only reduces the power losses, but also relieves the overloading of the network components. Network reconfiguration belongs to a complex family of problems because of their combinatorial nature and multiple constraints. This paper proposes a solution to this problem, using a specialized evolutionary algorithm, with a novel codification, and a brand new way of implement the genetic operators considering the problem characteristics. The algorithm is presented and tested in a real distribution system, showing excellent results and computational efficiency. © 2007 IEEE.


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An improvement to the quality bidimensional Delaunay mesh generation algorithm, which combines the mesh refinement algorithms strategy of Ruppert and Shewchuk is proposed in this research. The developed technique uses diametral lenses criterion, introduced by L. P. Chew, with the purpose of eliminating the extremely obtuse triangles in the boundary mesh. This method splits the boundary segment and obtains an initial prerefinement, and thus reducing the number of necessary iterations to generate a high quality sequential triangulation. Moreover, it decreases the intensity of the communication and synchronization between subdomains in parallel mesh refinement. © 2008 IEEE.


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This paper describes an investigation of the hybrid PSO/ACO algorithm to classify automatically the well drilling operation stages. The method feasibility is demonstrated by its application to real mud-logging dataset. The results are compared with bio-inspired methods, and rule induction and decision tree algorithms for data mining. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.