931 resultados para Chronic Hepatitis C
Un dels principals motius que ens va impulsar en l’elecció del tema és que es tracta d’untema que pot despertar curiositat entre la població.Un altre motiu, es que varem trobar que està íntimament relacionat amb els estudis queestem cursant, donat que afecta als pressupostos de l’estat i a la seva restricciópressupostària, i per tant, està directament relacionat amb la macroeconomia. En el nostrecas, reduirem l’àmbit d’estudi al territori català, de manera que estudiarem aquestes duesmalalties dins la despesa en sanitat pública catalana. A demés, estan finançades amb elsnostres impostos, i per tant la seva despesa afecta a la restricció pressupostària delsciutadans.L’elecció d’aquestes malalties no ha estat feta a l’atzar. Inicialment, varem pensar enestudiar els costos dels interns penitenciaris que patien aquestes malalties. Com que laSIDA i d’hepatitis C són les malalties més freqüents dins la presó, i les que tenen unscostos més característics donada la complexitat dels seus tractaments, varem pensar queserien prou representatives.No obstant, a mesura que ens anàvem endinsant en el tema, ens varem adonar que tambéseria molt interessant comparar el cost de les malalties amb el de les persones no recluses, iesbrinar si hi havia algun tipus de cost diferencial. És per això que varem decidir analitzaraquestes dues malalties tant dins com fora.Un altre factor que ens ha impulsat en l’elecció del tema és el fet que el nombre d’interns ales presons té un ritme de creixement constant que s’ha accelerat en els últims anys,sobretot degut a l’augment de la immigració. Això implica un augment progressiu de ladespesa, que es tradueix en una necessitat d’ingressos majors per tal de poder equilibrar larestricció de la qual parlàvem abans.També varem voler anar una mica més lluny i analitzar el pes d’aquestes malalties dins dela despesa que la generalitat ha establert per a la sanitat pública. Com les dues son MDO (malalties de declaració obligatòria ) estan finançades completament pel sector públic.L’objectiu era veure si representaven un cost tant elevat com pensàvem.OBJECTIUS DEL TREBALL:· Demostrar l’elevat cost que suposen certes malalties per l’estat.· Manifestar els canvis en el cost de les malalties amb l’evolució delstractaments.· Analitzar els costos sanitaris extres que es produeixen a les presons.· Destacar l’augment accelerat del nombre d’interns i l’augment del cost sanitarique això suposa. METODOLOGIA: Per tal de poder realitzar l’estudi comparatiu, hem hagut de calcular manualment els costosde les malalties, tot informant-nos del preu dels medicament, les dosis, el cost de lesconsultes externes,etc. A més, per a calcular el cost del tractament dins la presó, ens hemhagut d’informar dels aspectes més generals que envolten a un pres, per poder veure sirealment existeix un cost diferencial respecte la malaltia a l’exterior. Per obtenir aquestesdiverses informacions, ens hem hagut de posar en contacte amb el personal que treballa ala presó que hem pres com a model d’estudi.Així, podem dividir les nostres fonts d’informació en 3 categories:• Obtenció d’informació directament amb el personal de la presó:– Entrevista amb la directora d’infermeria de la Secretaria de ServeisPenitenciaris, Rehabilitació i Justícia Juvenil– Entrevista amb la Cap d’infermeria del Centre Quatre Camins.• Informació a partir de mostres facilitades pels propis funcionaris de la presó• Informació a partir d’estudis sobre el tema i de dades oficials, concretament lesdades oficials sobre els Pressupostos de la Generalitat.
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Recurrent hepatitis C is a major cause of morbidity and mortality after liver transplantation (LT), and optimal treatment algorithms have yet to be defined. Here, we present our experience of the first 21 patients with recurrent hepatitis C treated in Lausanne. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty-one patients with histologyproven recurrent hepatitis C after LT were treated since 2003. Treatment was initiated with pegylated interferon-α2a 135 μg per week and ribavirin 400 mg per day in the majority of patients, and subsequent doses were adapted individually based on on-treatment virological responses and clinical and/or biochemical side effects. RESULTS: On an intention-to-treat basis, sustained virological response (SVR) was achieved in 12/21 (57%) patients (5/11 [45%], 2/3 [67%], 4/5 [80%] and 1/2 [50%] of patients infected with genotypes 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively). Two patients experienced relapse and 6 did not respond to treatment (NR). Treatment duration ranged from 24 to 90 weeks. It was stopped prematurely due to adverse events in 5/21 (24%) patients (with SVR achieved in 2 patients, NR in 2 patients, and death of one patient awaiting re-transplantation). Of note, SVR was achieved in a patient with combined liver and kidney transplantation. Importantly, SVR was achieved in some patients despite the lack of an early virological response or HCV RNA negativity at week 24. Darbepoetin α and filgrastim were used in 33% and 14%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Individually adapted treatment of recurrent hepatitis C can achieve SVR in a substantial proportion of LT patients. Conventional stopping rules do not apply in this setting so that prolonged therapy may be useful in selected patients.
Fine mapping of human cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses against hepatitis C virus (HCV) is based on external loading of target cells with synthetic peptides which are either derived from prediction algorithms or from overlapping peptide libraries. These strategies do not address putative host and viral mechanisms which may alter processing as well as presentation of CTL epitopes. Therefore, the aim of this proof-of-concept study was to identify naturally processed HCV-derived major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I ligands. To this end, continuous human cell lines were engineered to inducibly express HCV proteins and to constitutively express high levels of functional HLA-A2. These cell lines were recognized in an HLA-A2-restricted manner by HCV-specific CTLs. Ligands eluted from HLA-A2 molecules isolated from large-scale cultures of these cell lines were separated by high performance liquid chromatography and further analyzed by electrospray ionization quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry (MS)/tandem MS. These analyses allowed the identification of two HLA-A2-restricted epitopes derived from HCV nonstructural proteins (NS) 3 and 5B (NS3₁₄₀₆₋₁₄₁₅ and NS5B₂₅₉₄₋₂₆₀₂). In conclusion, we describe a general strategy that may be useful to investigate HCV pathogenesis and may contribute to the development of preventive and therapeutic vaccines in the future.
BACKGROUND: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has a growing impact on morbidity and mortality in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). We assessed trends in HCV incidence in the different HIV transmission groups in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS). METHODS: HCV infection incidence was assessed from 1998, when routine serial HCV screening was introduced in the SHCS, until 2011. All HCV-seronegative patients with at least 1 follow-up serology were included. Incidence rates (IRs) of HCV infections were compared between men who have sex with men (MSM), injection drug users (IDU), and heterosexuals (HET). RESULTS: HCV incidence was assessed in 3333 MSM, 123 IDU, and 3078 HET with a negative HCV serology at baseline. Over 23 707 person-years (py) for MSM, 733 py for IDU, and 20 752 py for HET, 101 (3%), 41 (33%), and 25 (1%) of patients seroconverted, respectively. The IR of HCV infections in MSM increased from 0.23 (95% credible interval [CrI], .08-.54) per 100 py in 1998 to 4.09 (95% CrI, 2.57-6.18) in 2011. The IR decreased in IDU and remained <1 per 100 py in HET. In MSM, history of inconsistent condom use (adjusted hazard ratio [HR], 2.09; 95% CI, 1.33-3.29) and past syphilis (adjusted HR, 2.11; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.39-3.20) predicted HCV seroconversion. CONCLUSIONS: In the SHCS, HCV infection incidence decreased in IDU, remained stable in HET, and increased 18-fold in MSM in the last 13 years. These observations underscore the need for improved HCV surveillance and prevention among HIV-infected MSM.
Die Analyse der Hepatitis-C-Situation bei den drogenkonsumierenden Personen in der Schweiz beruht auf verschiedenen Methoden: Analyse der publizierten und grauen Literatur zu diesem Thema, Sekundäranalyse verfügbarer Daten, Befragung nationaler Fachpersonen, Befragung drogenkonsumierender Personen (DU), Fallstudien in vier Kantonen (Zürich, Waadt, Aargau, Wallis), Internetumfrage bei den Einrichtungen, die DU stationär oder ambulant behandeln, sowie bei den niederschwelligen Einrichtungen zur Risikominderung. In den vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnten erreichte die Zahl der neu gemeldeten Infektionen mit dem Hepatitis-C-Virus (HCV) Ende der 90er-Jahre eine Spitze mit mehr als 2500 Fällen pro Jahr, wobei mehr als 30 % dieser Fälle Personen betrafen, die intravenös Drogen konsumieren (IDU). Die Zahl neu gemeldeter Fälle sank anschliessend bis auf 1500 Fälle im Jahr 2011 und stieg dann wieder auf mehr als 1700 Fälle im Jahr 2013 an. Der Anteil der IDU belief sich auf etwas mehr 20 % (436 Fälle, kein Wiederanstieg der Anzahl neuer Fälle in dieser Bevölkerungsgruppe). Die für die Gesamtbevölkerung der Schweiz geschätzte Prävalenz der HCV-Infektionen bewegt sich je nach Autor zwischen 0,7 % und 1,75 %. Bei Männern, die Sex mit Männern haben (MSM), ist dieser Wert etwas höher (2 %). Bei Staatsangehörigen aus Ländern mit einer höheren Prävalenz (Afrika südlich der Sahara, bestimmte Länder des Nahen Ostens und Südostasiens) ist die Prävalenzrate vermutlich erhöht; es sind jedoch keine Werte bekannt. Auch in Gefängnissen ist die HCV-Prävalenz höher als in der Gesamtbevölkerung, da DU und Staatsangehörige aus Ländern mit höherer Prävalenz stärker vertreten sind (zwischen 5 und 10 %). Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass es bei etwa zwei Drittel der Fälle zu einem chronischen Krankheitsverlauf kommt.
Background. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) has been shown to modulate multiple cellular processes, including apoptosis. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of HCV NS5A on apoptosis induced by Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 ligand, lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Methods. Apoptotic responses to TLR4 ligands and the expression of molecules involved in TLR signaling pathways in human hepatocytes were examined with or without expression of HCV NS5A. Results. HCV NS5A protected HepG2 hepatocytes against LPS-induced apoptosis, an effect linked to reduced TLR4 expression. A similar downregulation of TLR4 expression was observed in Huh-7-expressing genotype 1b and 2a. In agreement with these findings, NS5A inhibited the expression of numerous genes encoding for molecules involved in TLR4 signaling, such as CD14, MD-2, myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88, interferon regulatory factor 3, and nuclear factor-κB2. Consistent with a conferred prosurvival advantage, NS5A diminished the poly(adenosine diphosphate-ribose) polymerase cleavage and the activation of caspases 3, 7, 8, and 9 and increased the expression of anti-apoptotic molecules Bcl-2 and c-FLIP. Conclusions. HCV NS5A downregulates TLR4 signaling and LPS-induced apoptotic pathways in human hepatocytes, suggesting that disruption of TLR4-mediated apoptosis may play a role in the pathogenesis of HCV infection.
A serological survey of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections was carried out on a random sex- and age-stratified sample of 1006 individuals aged 25-64 years in the Seychelles islands. Anti-HBc and anti-HCV antibodies were detected using commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA), followed by a Western blot assay in the case of a positive result for anti-HCV. The age-adjusted seroprevalence of anti-HBc antibodies was 8.0% (95% CI: 6.5-9.9%) and the percentage prevalence among males/females increased from 7.0/3.1 to 19.1/13.4 in the age groups 25-34 to 55-64 years, respectively. Two men and three women were positive for anti-HCV antibodies, with an age-adjusted seroprevalence of 0.34% (95% CI: 0.1-0.8%). Two out of these five subjects who were positive for anti-HCV also had anti-HBc antibodies. The seroprevalence of anti-HBc was significantly higher in unskilled workers, persons with low education, and heavy drinkers. The age-specific seroprevalence of anti-HBc in this population-based survey, which was conducted in 1994, was approximately three times lower than in a previous patient-based survey carried out in 1979. Although there are methodological differences between the two surveys, it is likely that the substantial decrease in anti-HBc prevalence during the last 15 years may be due to significant socioeconomic development and the systematic screening of blood donors since 1981. Because hepatitis C virus infections are serious and the cost of treatment is high, the fact that the prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies is at present low should not be an argument for not screening blood donors for anti-HCV and eliminating those who are positive.
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an important human pathogen, persistently infecting more than 170 million individuals worldwide. Studies of the HCV life cycle have become possible with the development of cell culture systems supporting the replication of viral RNA and the production of infectious virus. However, the exact functions of individual proteins, especially of nonstructural protein 4B (NS4B), remain poorly understood. NS4B triggers the formation of specific, vesicular membrane rearrangements, referred to as membranous webs, which have been reported to represent sites of HCV RNA replication. However, the mechanism of vesicle induction is not known. In this study, a panel of 15 mutants carrying substitutions in the highly conserved NS4B C-terminal domain was generated. Five mutations had only a minor effect on replication, but two of them enhanced assembly and release of infectious virus. Ten mutants were replication defective and used for selection of pseudoreversions. Most of the pseudoreversions also localized to the highly conserved NS4B C-terminal domain and were found to restore replication competence upon insertion into the corresponding primary mutant. Importantly, pseudoreversions restoring replication competence also restored heterotypic NS4B self-interaction, which was disrupted by the primary mutation. Finally, electron microscopy analyses of membrane alterations induced by NS4B mutants revealed striking morphological abnormalities, which were restored to wild-type morphology by the corresponding pseudoreversion. These findings demonstrate the important role of the C-terminal domain in NS4B self-interaction and the formation of functional HCV replication complexes.