597 resultados para Cashew nut roasting
OBJECTIVES To improve malnutrition awareness and management in our department of general internal medicine; to assess patients' nutritional risk; and to evaluate whether an online educational program leads to an increase in basic knowledge and more frequent nutritional therapies. METHODS A prospective pre-post intervention study at a university department of general internal medicine was conducted. Nutritional screening using Nutritional Risk Score 2002 (NRS 2002) was performed, and prescriptions of nutritional therapies were assessed. The intervention included an online learning program and a pocket card for all residents, who had to fill in a multiple-choice questions (MCQ) test about basic nutritional knowledge before and after the intervention. RESULTS A total of 342 patients were included in the preintervention phase, and 300 were in the postintervention phase. In the preintervention phase, 54.1% were at nutritional risk (NRS 2002 ≥3) compared with 61.7% in the postintervention phase. There was no increase in the prescription of nutritional therapies (18.7% versus 17.0%). Forty-nine and 41 residents (response rate 58% and 48%) filled in the MCQ test before and after the intervention, respectively. The mean percentage of correct answers was 55.6% and 59.43%, respectively (which was not significant). Fifty of 84 residents completed the online program. The residents who participated in the whole program scored higher on the second MCQ test (63% versus 55% correct answers, P = 0.031). CONCLUSIONS Despite a high ratio of malnourished patients, the nutritional intervention, as assessed by nutritional prescriptions, is insufficient. However, the simple educational program via Internet and usage of NRS 2002 pocket cards did not improve either malnutrition awareness or nutritional treatment. More sophisticated educational systems to fight malnutrition are necessary.
OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of nutritional risk and its association with multiple adverse clinical outcomes in a large cohort of acutely ill medical inpatients from a Swiss tertiary care hospital. METHODS We prospectively followed consecutive adult medical inpatients for 30 d. Multivariate regression models were used to investigate the association of the initial Nutritional Risk Score (NRS 2002) with mortality, impairment in activities of daily living (Barthel Index <95 points), hospital length of stay, hospital readmission rates, and quality of life (QoL; adapted from EQ5 D); all parameters were measured at 30 d. RESULTS Of 3186 patients (mean age 71 y, 44.7% women), 887 (27.8%) were at risk for malnutrition with an NRS ≥3 points. We found strong associations (odds ratio/hazard ratio [OR/HR], 95% confidence interval [CI]) between nutritional risk and mortality (OR/HR, 7.82; 95% CI, 6.04-10.12), impaired Barthel Index (OR/HR, 2.56; 95% CI, 2.12-3.09), time to hospital discharge (OR/HR, 0.48; 95% CI, 0.43-0.52), hospital readmission (OR/HR, 1.46; 95% CI, 1.08-1.97), and all five dimensions of QoL measures. Associations remained significant after adjustment for sociodemographic characteristics, comorbidities, and medical diagnoses. Results were robust in subgroup analysis with evidence of effect modification (P for interaction < 0.05) based on age and main diagnosis groups. CONCLUSION Nutritional risk is significant in acutely ill medical inpatients and is associated with increased medical resource use, adverse clinical outcomes, and impairments in functional ability and QoL. Randomized trials are needed to evaluate evidence-based preventive and treatment strategies focusing on nutritional factors to improve outcomes in these high-risk patients.
Juglans regia L., commonly known as common, English or Persian walnut, is an economically very important tree species, prized both for its nuts and for its attractive high-quality timber. It is the most widespread nut tree worldwide.
In a borehole in the southern outskirts of the town of Göttingen, limnic sediments of several Pleistocene warm periods occur intercalated with coarse solifluction debris and gravel of the river Leine. Pollen analysis of the limnic sediments in a borehole at Ottostrasse gave evidence of three warm periods of interglacial character, followed by three interstadial phases. The warm phases are separated one from another by stadial phases with, at least in one case, indications of periglacial solifluction. This sequence belongs to the Brunhes magnetic epoch. The pollen data allow to exclude an Eemian or Holsteinian age of the warm period sediments. Thus a Cromerian age is assumed, though the exact position of the newly described warm periods within the ''Cromerian'' remains uncertain. A section in a borehole at Akazienweg is of Holsteinian age.
In the last decades, a striking amount of hydrographic data, covering the most part of Mediterranean basin, have been generated by the efforts made to characterize the oceanography and ecology of the basin. On the other side, the improvement in technologies, and the consequent perfecting of sampling and analytical techniques, provided data even more reliable than in the past. Nutrient data enter fully in this context, but suffer of the fact of having been produced by a large number of uncoordinated research programs and of being often deficient in quality control, with data bases lacking of intercalibration. In this study we present a computational procedure based on robust statistical parameters and on the physical dynamic properties of the Mediterranean sea and its morphological characteristics, to partially overcome the above limits in the existing data sets. Through a data pre filtering based on the outlier analysis, and thanks to the subsequent shape analysis, the procedure identifies the inconsistent data and for each basin area identifies a characteristic set of shapes (vertical profiles). Rejecting all the profiles that do not follow any of the spotted shapes, the procedure identifies all the reliable profiles and allows us to obtain a data set that can be considered more internally consistent than the existing ones.
Previous pollen analytical studies on sediments from the pleistocene lake basin at Samerberg, situated on the northern edge of the Bavarian Alps (47°45' N, 12°12' E, 607 m a.s.l.) had been performed on samples taken from cores and exposures close to the southern shore of the former lake. After geoelectric and refraction-seismic measurements had shown that the lake basin had been much deeper in its northern part, another core was taken where maximum depth could be expected. The corer penetrated three moraines, two of them lying above pollen-bearing sediments, and one below them, and reached the hard rock (Kössener Kalk) at a depth of 93 m. Two forest phases could be identified by pollen analysis. The pollen record begins abruptly in a forest phase at the end of a spruce-dominated period when fir started to spread (DA 1, DA = pollen zone). Following this, Abies (fir) was the main tree species at Samerberg, Picea being second, and deciduous trees were almost non-existent. First box (Buxus) was of major importance in the fir forests (DA 2), but later on beech (Fagus) and wing-nut (Pterocarya) spread (DA 3). Finally this forest gave way to a spruce forest with pine (DA 4). The beginning and the end of this interglacial cycle are not recorded. Its vegetational development is different from the eemian one known from earlier studies at Samerberg. It is characterized by the occurrence of Abies together with Buxus, Pterocarya and Fagus. A similar association of woody species is known only from the Holsteinian age deposits in an area ranging from England to Poland, though at no other place these species were such important constituents of the vegetation as at Samerberg. Therefore zone 1 to 4 are attributed to the Holsteinian interglacial period. The younger forest phase, separated from the interglacial by a stadial with open vegetation (DA 5), seems to be completely represented, though its sediments are disturbed, apparently by sliding which caused repetition of same-age-sediments in the core (DA 7a, b, c) The vegetational development is simple. A juniper phase (DA 6) was followed by reforestation with spruce, accompanied by some fir (DA 7, 9). Finally pine became the dominant species (DA 9). The simple vegetational development of this younger forest phase does not allow a safe correlation with one of the known pre-eemian interstadials, but for stratigraphical reasons it can be related best to the Dömnitz-interglacial, which among others is also known as Wacken- or Holstein-II-interglacial. Possibly another phase of reforestation is indicated at the end of the following stadial (DA 10). But due to an erosional unconformity nothing than the rise of the juniper curve can be stated. It was only after this sequence of forest phases and periods with open vegetation that glaciers reached the Samerberg area again.
Nuts are heavy and nutritious seeds that need animals to be successfully dispersed. Most studies address nut removal by a single animal species once seeds fall onto the ground. However, nuts are also accessible before the seed drop and usually to a wide guild of seed foragers. This study examines the factorscontrollingarborealseedremoval in oak–beechforests within the whole guild of nut foragers. We found that seed-dispersing rodents (Apodemus sylvaticus) were the main acorn removers in the oaks (up to 3.75 m height), with a rapid seed encounter and a high removal rate. However, rodents did not climb the beech trees, probably due to their smoother bark in comparison to oak bark and/or the lower nutritional value of beechnuts with regard to acorns. Jays (Garrulus glandarius) were more abundant in oak stands (both dense and scattered) and clearly preferred acorns to beechnuts whereas nuthatches (Sitta europaea) were more abundant in beech stands and preferred beechnuts to acorns. Non-storing birds such as great tits (Parus major) also removed acorns and beechnuts, especially in the stands where oaks are dominant. Jays and rodents preferred sound seeds over insect-infested seeds but such a preference was not found for nuthatches. This study highlights that pure beech stands showed a reduced guild of arboreal nut foragers in comparison to oak stands. This different guild could probably affect the spatial patterns of seed dispersal, with a proportionally higher number of long dispersal events for acorns (mostly jay-dispersed) than for beechnuts (mostly nuthatch-dispersed). Long-distance dispersal of beechnuts (by jays) is determined by the presence of other preferred species (oaks) and their frequency of non-mast years. Seed location in different habitats strongly determines the contribution of different arboreal removers (including climbing rodents) and their removal speed, leading to a differential seed fate that will eventually affect tree regeneration. As nuthatches are sedentary birds, it is important to maintain old and dead trees where they can breed (crevices), forage (arthropods) and store seeds in order to favor beechnut dispersal and gene flow. By maintaining or favoring oak trees within beech stands we will ensure a wider guild of arboreal nut dispersers.
Natural regeneration is an ecological key-process that makes plant persistence possible and, consequently, it constitutes an essential element of sustainable forest management. In this respect, natural regeneration in even-aged stands of Pinus pinea L. located in the Spanish Northern Plateau has not always been successfully achieved despite over a century of pine nut-based management. As a result, natural regeneration has recently become a major concern for forest managers when we are living a moment of rationalization of investment in silviculture. The present dissertation is addressed to provide answers to forest managers on this topic through the development of an integral regeneration multistage model for P. pinea stands in the region. From this model, recommendations for natural regeneration-based silviculture can be derived under present and future climate scenarios. Also, the model structure makes it possible to detect the likely bottlenecks affecting the process. The integral model consists of five submodels corresponding to each of the subprocesses linking the stages involved in natural regeneration (seed production, seed dispersal, seed germination, seed predation and seedling survival). The outputs of the submodels represent the transitional probabilities between these stages as a function of climatic and stand variables, which in turn are representative of the ecological factors driving regeneration. At subprocess level, the findings of this dissertation should be interpreted as follows. The scheduling of the shelterwood system currently conducted over low density stands leads to situations of dispersal limitation since the initial stages of the regeneration period. Concerning predation, predator activity appears to be only limited by the occurrence of severe summer droughts and masting events, the summer resulting in a favourable period for seed survival. Out of this time interval, predators were found to almost totally deplete seed crops. Given that P. pinea dissemination occurs in summer (i.e. the safe period against predation), the likelihood of a seed to not be destroyed is conditional to germination occurrence prior to the intensification of predator activity. However, the optimal conditions for germination seldom take place, restraining emergence to few days during the fall. Thus, the window to reach the seedling stage is narrow. In addition, the seedling survival submodel predicts extremely high seedling mortality rates and therefore only some individuals from large cohorts will be able to persist. These facts, along with the strong climate-mediated masting habit exhibited by P. pinea, reveal that viii the overall probability of establishment is low. Given this background, current management –low final stand densities resulting from intense thinning and strict felling schedules– conditions the occurrence of enough favourable events to achieve natural regeneration during the current rotation time. Stochastic simulation and optimisation computed through the integral model confirm this circumstance, suggesting that more flexible and progressive regeneration fellings should be conducted. From an ecological standpoint, these results inform a reproductive strategy leading to uneven-aged stand structures, in full accordance with the medium shade-tolerant behaviour of the species. As a final remark, stochastic simulations performed under a climate-change scenario show that regeneration in the species will not be strongly hampered in the future. This resilient behaviour highlights the fundamental ecological role played by P. pinea in demanding areas where other tree species fail to persist.
Skin properties have an important influence on impact parameters and bruising. Skin deformation at puncture (a measure of the turgidity of the fruit skin) is negatively correlated with bruise volume in Golden apples after cold storage.
Samples of "Golden" and "Granny Smith" apples and "Conference" and "Doyenne of Cornice" pears have been tested. A great effect of storage conditions has been detected for pear but not for apple varieties. Both apple cultivars show to be equally resistant to quasi-static and to dinamic loading while pear varieties show great differences. All these effects can be quantified in order to describe mathematically species and varieties behavior.
The application of Rheology to study biological systems is a new and very extensive matter, in which melon is absolutely unknown. The goal of this work is to determine some physical characteristics of this fruit, immediately after harvest and during its conservation in cold storage. Portugal and Spain are the most interested countries in these studies, as they are important producers of melon. The varieties Branco da Leziria and Piel de sapo were chosen because they are the most popular in both countries. The fruit were studied on the day they were harvested, and then were conserved in cold storage in the "Instituto del Frio" in Madrid, and they were periodically tested again. Thus during seven days the same fruits, and new fruits, were picked up and tested. On the first day of testing we had 20 fruits to study and at the end of the testing period we had used 80 fruits. The results from the non-destructive impact test were very significant and they may contribute to standardise methods to measure fruit maturity. These results were confirmed by those obtained from compression tests. The results obtained during the Impact tests with melon were similar to those obtained previously with other fruits. There is a close relationship between the results of the Impact tests and Compression tests. Tests like Impact and Compression can be adapted to melon, varieties 'Piel de Sapo" and 'Branco de Leziria', allowing us to continue further work with this species. The great number of data obtained during performance of the tests allowed us to go on with this work and to contribute to standardise methods of measurement and expression of characteristics of a new biological product. During the "Impact damage in fruits and vegetables" workshop, held in Zaragoza in 1990, these matters were included in the priority list.
Firmness sensing of selected varieties of apples, pears and avocado fruits has been developed using a nondestructive impact technique. In addition to firmness measurements, postharvest ripeness of apples and pears was monitored by spectrophotometric reflectance measurements, and that of avocadoes by Hunter colour measurements. The data obtained from firmness sensing were analyzed by three analytical procedures: principal component, correlation and regression, and stepwise discriminant analysis. A new software was developed to control the impact test, analyse the data, and sort the fruit into specified classes, based on the criteria obtained from a training procedure. Similar procedures were used to analyse the reflectance and colour data. Both sensing systems were able to classify fruits w i th good accuracy.
Some laboratory tests consisting on quasi-static compression and puncture forces carried out on twelve varieties of apricot during 1990 and 1991 were effective in sorting them. These mechanical properties show a high correlation w i th the ethylene production rate per fruit, so allowing to discriminate between ripeness levels at harvest. In this study it is also demonstrated that puncture seems to be the less variable mechanical test. The values (N/mm) obtained with it show a highly significant correlation with compression resistance and with quasi-static compression damage of the fruits.
Recent findings on the importance of losses due to damage incidence, on causes and on mechanisms of damage in fruits are reviewed and discussed. Incidence of damage in different fruits in some European markets has been -proved to be very high. Structure of fruit flesh and skin (hystology) is of foremost importance in the response of fruits to impacts and to compression. Continuous variation of fruit compositional and structural characteristics during maturation has to be taken into consideration when studying damage susceptibility.