720 resultados para Carols (Instrumental settings).
This issue's Works-In-Progress department has four entries related to the issue's theme, Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICTD). They are “Sustainable ICT in Agricultural Value Chains”, “Measuring Social Inclusion in Primary Schools”, “An Architecture for Green Mobile Computation”, and “Improving Communication in Resource-Poor Settings. A fifth entry, “mFeel: An Affective Mobile System”, covers the mFeel mobile system, which combines context awareness with affective and cognitive techniques.
Objective: In this study, the authors assessed the effects of a structured, moderate-intensity exercise program during the entire length of pregnancy on a woman’s method of delivery. Methods: A randomized controlled trial was conducted with 290 healthy pregnant Caucasian (Spanish) women with a singleton gestation who were randomly assigned to either an exercise (n=138) or a control (n=152) group. Pregnancy outcomes, including the type of delivery, were measured at the end of the pregnancy. Results: The percentage of cesarean and instrumental deliveries in the exercise group were lower than in the control group (15.9%, n=22; 11.6%, n=16 vs. 23%, n=35; 19.1%, n=29, respectively; p=0.03). The overall health status of the newborn as well as other pregnancy outcomes were unaffected. Conclusions: Based on these results, a supervised program of moderate-intensity exercise performed throughout pregnancy was associated with a reduction in the rate of cesarean sections and can be recommended for healthy women in pregnancy.
A main factor to the success of any organization process improvement effort is the Process Asset Library implementation that provides a central database accessible by anyone at the organization. This repository includes any process support materials to help process deployment. Those materials are composed of organization's standard software process, software process related documentation, descriptions of the software life cycles, guidelines, examples, templates, and any artefacts that the organization considers useful to help the process improvement. This paper describe the structure and contents of the Web-based Process Asset Library for Small businesses and small groups within large organizations. This library is structured using CMMI as reference model in order to implement those Process Areas described by this model.
Woolliness, a negative attribute of sensory texture, is characterised by the lack of juiciness without variation of the tissue water content an incapacity of ripening although there is external ripe appearance. In this study, peaches cv Springcrest (early and soft flesh peaches) and Miraflores (late and hard flesh peaches) corresponding to three different maturity stages at harvest, stored 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks at 1 and 5°C have been tested by instrumental and sensory means. A Instrumental classification of woolliness has been compared to the sensory assessment. For Springcrest peaches the sensory results match with those found for the instrumental procedure. In this case , Woolliness appears after 2 weeks of storage at 5°C, changing abruptly from crispy to woolly. Miraflores peaches did not develop woolliness during storage. After comparing with sensory results, it is shown that a common instrumental scale may be appropriate to classify for woolliness all peach varieties.
The focus of this paper is to outline the main structure of an alternative solution to implement a Software Process Improvement program in Small-Settings using the outsourcing infrastructure. This solution takes the advantages of the traditional outsourcing models and applies its structure to propose an alternative solution to make available a Software Process Improvement program for Small-Settings. With this outsourcing solution it is possible share the resources between several Small-Settings.
Uno de los aspectos fundamentales en un sistema de cirugía guiada por imagen (CGI) es la localización del instrumental quirúrgico con respecto a la anatomía del paciente. Los sistemas basados en sensores ofrecen buenos niveles de precisión, pero son sensibles a distintas fuentes de ruido en el quirófano y contribuyen a la sobrecarga tecnológica del mismo. Una alternativa novedosa es analizar la imagen del vídeo endoscópico para llevar a cabo la detección y localización espacial del instrumental. Se presenta en este trabajo la validación de dos métodos, basados en el diámetro aparente y en la sección transversal del instrumental, para la localización espacial del instrumental a partir de los bordes y la posición 2D de la punta en la imagen. La validación, llevada a cabo en un simulador físico, se realiza comparando los resultados con el sistema Kinescan/IBV. Los resultados muestran para cada método un error medio de 12,7 y 12,8 mm respectivamente. La incorporación de estos algoritmos dentro del paradigma de navegación propuesto en el proyecto THEMIS permitirá al cirujano conocer la posición del instrumental de forma no intrusiva y transparente, sin necesidad de equipamiento adicional en el quirófano.
Mealiness is a negative attribute of sensory texture that combines the sensation of a disaggregated tissue with the sensation of lack of juiciness. Since January 1996, a wide EC Project entitled : "Mealiness in fruits. Consumers perception and means for detection'" is being carried out. Within it, three sensory panels have been trained at : the Institute of Food Research (IFR, United Kingdom), the Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de los Alimentos (IATA, Spain) and the Institut voor Agrotechnologisch Onderzoek (ATO-DLO, Netherlands) to assess mealiness in apples. In all three cases, mealiness has been described as a multidimensional sensory descriptor capable of gathering the loss of consistency (of crispness and of hardness) and of juiciness. Also within the EC Project several instrumental procedures have been tested for mealiness assessment. In this sense the Physical Properties Laboratory (ETS1A-UPM) has focused its aims in a first stage on performing instrumental tests for assessing some textural descriptors as crispiness, hardness and juiciness. The results obtained within these tests have shown to correlate well with the sensory measurements (Barreiro et Ruiz-Altisent, 1997) in apples, but also have succeed when trying to generate several texture degradation levels on peaches from which mealiness appears to be the last stage (Ortiz et al. 1997).
The consumption of melon (Cucumis melo L.) has been, until several years ago, regional, seasonal and without commercial interest. Recent commercial changes and world wide transportation have changed this situation. Melons from 3 different ripeness stages at harvest and 7 cold storage periods have been analysed by destructive and non destructive tests. Chemical, physical, mechanical (non destructive impact, compression, skin puncture and Magness- Taylor) and sensory tests were carried out in order to select the best test to assess quality and to determine the optimal ripeness stage at harvest. Analysis of variance and Principal Component Analysis were performed to study the data. The mechanical properties based on non-destructive Impact and Compression can be used to monitor cold storage evolution. They can also be used at harvest to segregate the highest ripeness stage (41 days after anthesis DAA) in relation to less ripe stages (34 and 28 DAA).Only 34 and 41 DAA reach a sensory evaluation above 50 in a scale from 0-100.
Mealiness is a negative attribute of sensory texture, characterised by the lack of juiciness without variation of total water content in the tissues. In peaches, mealiness is also known as "woolliness" and "leatheriness". This internal disorder is characterised by the lack of juiciness and flavour. In peaches, it is associated with interna browning near the stone and the incapacity of ripening although there is externa ripe appearance. Woolliness is associated with inadequate cold storage and is considered as a physiological disorder that appears in stone fruits when an unbalanced pectolitic enzyme activity during storage occurs (Kailasapathy and Melton, 1992). Many attempts have been carried out to identify and measure mealiness and woolliness in fruits. The texture of a food product is composed by a wide spectrum of sensory attributes. Consumer defines the texture integrating simultaneously all the sensory attributes. However, an instrument assesses one or several parameters related to a fraction of the texture spectrum (Kramer, 1973). The complexity of sensory analysis by means of trained panels to assess the quality of some producing processes, supports the attempt to estimate texture characteristics by instrumental means. Some studies have been carried out comparing sensory and instrumental methods to assess mealiness and woolliness. The current study is centered on analysis and evaluation of woolliness in peaches and is part of the European project FAIR CT95 0302 "Mealiness in fruits: consumer perception and means for detection". The main objective of this study was to develop procedures to detect woolly peaches by sensory and by instrumental means, as well as to compare both measuring procedures.
In developing instrumentation for the measurement of fruit quality, there is the need for fast and non-destructive devices, based on sensors, to be installed on-line. In the case of some fruits, like peaches, post-harvest ripeness, which is closely related to high quality for the consumer, is a priority. During ripening, external appearance (colour) and internal mechanical (firmness) and chemical (sugars and acids) quality are main features that evolve rapidly from and unripe to a ripe (high quality) stage. When considering the evolution of fruit quality in this scheme, external colour and firmness are shown to evolve in a parallel pattern, if monitored from the time of harvest to full consumer ripeness ( Rood, 1957; Crisosto et al, 1995; Kader, 1996). The visible (VIS) reflectance spectrum is a fast and easy reference that can be used to estimate quality of peaches, if we could show it to be reliably correlated with peach ripening rate during postharvest (Genard et al. 1994; Moras, 1995; Delwiche and Baumgartner, 1983; Delwiche et al. 1987; Slaughter, 1995; Lleo et al., 1998). Taste, described as an expert acceptance score, improves with ripeness (firmness and colour evolution), when considering the fruits on the tree, and also post-harvest.
Como considero que, históricamente, la tecnología forma parte esencial de la cultura humana, mi interés por los cambios tecnológicos siempre ha incluido su lado humano, es decir, la evaluación de su convivencialidad y en forma destacada la de sus efectos e impactos sociales o,dicho en otras palabras, de las transformaciones sociales que provocan la aplicación de la tecnología y sus sucesivos cambios, que, a fin de cuentas, son -ahora habría que decir "eran"- sus finalidades básicas.
En este trabajo se estudia la utilidad de un sistema de evaluación de destrezas quirúrgicas basado en el análisis de los movimientos del instrumental laparoscópico. Método: El sistema consta de un simulador físico laparoscópico y un sistema de seguimiento y evaluación de habilidades técnicas quirúrgicas. En el estudio han participado 6 cirujanos con experiencia intermedia (entre 1 y 50 intervenciones laparoscópicas) y 5 cirujanos expertos (más de 50 intervenciones laparoscópicas), todos ellos con la mano derecha como dominante. Cada sujeto realizó 3 repeticiones de una tarea de corte con la mano derecha en tejido sintético, una disección de la serosa gástrica y una sutura en la disección realizada. Para cada ejercicio se analizaron los parámetros de tiempo, distancia recorrida, velocidad, aceleración y suavidad de movimientos para los instrumentos de ambas manos. Resultados: En la tarea de corte, los cirujanos expertos muestran menor aceleración (p = 0,014) y mayor suavidad en los movimientos (p = 0,023) en el uso de la tijera. Respecto a la actividad de disección, los cirujanos expertos requieren menos tiempo (p = 0,006) y recorren menos distancia con ambos instrumentos (p = 0,006 para disector y p = 0,01 para tijera). En la tarea de sutura, los cirujanos expertos presentan menor tiempo de ejecución que los cirujanos de nivel intermedio (p = 0,037) y recorren menos distancia con el disector (p = 0,041). Conclusiones: El sistema de evaluación se mostró útil en las tareas de corte, disección y sutura, y constituye un progreso en el desarrollo de sistemas avanzados de entrenamiento y evaluación de destrezas quirúrgicas laparoscópicas.
La Harinosidad (Mealiness) es un atributo de textura sensorial negativo que se caracteriza por la ausencia de jugosidad y de sabor del tejido. En manzana la aparición de harinosidad se asocia con: la variedad (Lapley et al., 1992), y con una recolección tardía combinada con almacenamiento frigorífico (Harker y Hallet, 1992). En este estudio se plantearon dos objetivos: estudio de las características mecánicas de distintas variedades de manzana sometidas a condiciones que favorecen la aparición de harinosidad, y obtención de muestras potencialmente harinosas en las cámaras de frío comerciales. Por cada objetivo se estableció un ensayo diferente. El material empleado en los primeros ensayos estuvo constituido por 24 frutos de las siguientes variedades: 'Golden Delicious', 'Granny Smith', 'Starking Delicious', 'Reineta', 'Royal Gala' y 'Verde Doncella'. El material empleado en los segundos ensayos fue seleccionado por expertos (IRTA, Lérida) como material 'posiblemente harinoso": dos grupos diferentes de manzana 'Starking Delicious' (muy coloreados y parcialmente decolorados respectivamente), y un grupo de manzana 'Golden Delicious. Se realizaron ensayo* sobre probetas de fruta para la determinación de las características mecánicas y de jugosidad de las muestras: carga y descarga en compresión sobre probeta confinada, y rotura de probetas por compresión y esfuerzo cortante. Los resultados obtenidos en el primer ensayo destacan la aparición de harinosidad en determinados frutos durante d almacenamiento frigorífico para las variedades 'Starking Delicious', 'Royal Gala' y 'Golden Delicious'. Por otra parte, la aplicación de Análisis Factorial de Componentes Principales permite segregar frutos elásticos, plásticos y harinoso* (en el sentido de carentes de jugosidad) independientemente de la variedad. De los resultados del segundo ensayo so deduce que las manzanas 'Starking homogéneamente rojas constituyen el grupo más cercano a los frutos harinosos. Por otra parte, las manzanas 'Golden' junto con las manzanas 'Starking' decoloradas muestran características próximas al grupo de los frutos plásticos.
En h. 55 consta el año 1745