990 resultados para Carlos Botelho State Park


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the importance of vaccination against Newcastle Disease (ND) in lovebirds (Agapornis roseicollis) and to investigate the state of carrier of the virus (NDV) in this species. There were used 48 lovebirds, distributed at random into 4 experimental groups: GI (Ulster 2C strain), Gil (B1 strain), Gill (LaSota strain) and GIV (non-vaccinated group). At 12 months of age, all groups were challenged with a pathogenic virus (NDV) suspension (ElD50 = 1081510.1 mL) and a group of Specific-Pathogen-Free (SPF) chicks were used as control of the virus. Cloaca) swabs from each bird were collected after 9, 14 and 21 days post-challenge for detection of genome viral excretion by Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction RT-PCR. Lovebirds of GI, Gil and Gill did not demonstrate any signs of ND. They were refractory to the clinical disease. In lovebirds from the control group, NDV genome was detected 9 and 21 days after challenge. Therefore it was demonstrated the state of carrier of NDV by lovebirds. In birds from the vaccinated groups, genome viral excretion was not detected by RT-PCR. It was also demonstrated the importance of the vaccination in the suppression of the state of virus carrier of ND in lovebirds.


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The aim of the current study was to evaluate the infection rate by Brucella spp. in wild and in captive animals. Serum samples from 121 animals (94 free-ranging and 27 captive) of different mammal species were evaluated. Sera were submitted to rose Bengal test (RBT) for screening and serum agglutination tests (SAT) and 2-mercaptoethanol test (2-ME) for confirmatory results. Nine animals (five free-ranging and four captive) tested positive in RBT, but negative in the confirmatory tests. Several domestic animal diseases that have control programs are not focused on wild reservoirs, such as brucellosis in Brazil. The study of new reservoirs in wildlife is essential to prevent emerging diseases.


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Toxoplasmosis is widespread zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii,a protozoan that may infect mammals and birds. The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence of T. gondii in ostriches (Struthio camelus) from commercial breeding facilities in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, in a way to increase the knowledge on the behavior and importance of the parasite in this animal species. A total of 195 serum samples were collected from ostriches from Sorocaba, Campinas, São Carlos, Aracatuba, São Paulo, Vale do Ribeira, Botucatu and sao Jose do Rio Preto, in the state of São Paulo. These samples were analyzed by means of the Modified Agglutination Test (MAT) in order to investigate the occurrence of Toxoplasmagondii antibodies. The test showed that 14.36% of the animals were seropositive to Toxoplasmagondii. Minimum titer was considered to be equal or greater than 1:16, and the greatest dilution observed was 1:16,384. No statistically significant differences were found between males and females. Seronegative animals occurred in only two regions (São Paulo and Sao Jose do Rio Preto). These results point out the importance of further studies on this infection in ostriches, and on management practices that may minimize the risk of toxoplasmosis transmission in these birds which would, in their turn, decrease the risk for the final consumer.


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Esta é a primeira descrição de um surto de Trypanosomavivax ocorrido no Estado de São Paulo, no município de Lins. Animais acometidos apresentaram febre, icterícia, diminuição da produção de leite, perda de peso, diarreia profusa, abortos, anemia, leucocitose e hiperfibrigenemia. Foram registrados 31 óbitos de vacas e bezerros em 1.080 bovinos no total. Três vacas apresentaram sintomatologia nervosa, como dismetria, ataxia e fraqueza muscular, além de ptialismo, aumento de linfonodos e edema submandibular. Hemoparasitas flagelados foram observados em esfregaços sanguíneos, e a espécie de tripanossomo foi diagnosticada como T.vivax por PCR. A cepa de T. vivax mostrou ser resistente ao tratamento com aceturato de diaminozeno e a infecção disseminou rapidamente no rebanho. Pelo ELISA, observou-se que 98,36% (599) das amostras de soro colhidas apresentaram títulos positivos para IgG anti-T.vivax. O surto ocorreu em condições de baixa precipitação pluviométrica, fato que indica que outros fatores estavam envolvidos na ocorrência desse surto, como a ausência de tabanídeos e a grande presença de Haematobia irritans e Stomoxys calcitrans, cujo aumento populacional pode ser devido ao uso de resíduos de usinas de açúcar e álcool nos canaviais que circundavam a granja leiteira.


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Fifteen specimens of bufonid toad Rhinella icterica (Spix, 1824), 7 males and 8 females, collected in the municipality of Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, from March 2002 to January 2003, were examined for helminth parasites. All toads were infected with at least one parasite species (overall prevalence = 100%). Five helminth species were found, including four nematode species, Rhabdias fuelleborni Travassos, 1926, Oswaldocruzia subauricularis (Rudolphi, 1819), gen. sp. no identified Cosmocercidae Travassos, 1925 and larvae of Physaloptera Rudolphi, 1819, and one acanthocephalan species, Acanthocephalus saopaulensis Smales, 2007. Rhabdias fuelleborni and A. saopaulensis were the most abundant species. Except for Physalopteridae larvae, all helminths occur in high prevalence (> 70%). All helminth species presented a distribution toward to more aggregated pattern in these host samples.


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OBJETIVO: A biologia populacional do camarão de água doce Macrobrachium jelskii foi investigada, com ênfase na distribuição de frequência em classes de tamanho, razão sexual, período reprodutivo e recrutamento juvenil. Além disso, a abundância dos indivíduos foi correlacionada com os fatores abióticos. MÉTODOS: Amostras foram coletadas mensalmente de julho de 2005 a junho de 2007, às margens do Rio Grande, região de Planura, estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil (20º 09' S e 48º 40' W), usando uma rede de arrasto (1.0 mm tamanho da malha e 2.0 × 0.5 m de largura). O equipamento foi arrastado por duas pessoas às margens da vegetação do rio por 100 metros de distância, percorridos por uma hora. em laboratório, os espécimes foram identificados, mensurados e sexados. RESULTADOS: Um total de 2,789 espécimes foi analisado, no qual correspondem a 1,126 machos (549 jovens e 577 adultos) e 1,663 fêmeas (1,093 jovens, 423 adultos não ovígeras e 147 ovígeras). A razão sexual diferiu significativamente a favor de fêmeas de M. jelskii (1:1.48; χ² = 103.95; p < 0.0001). A média de tamanho do comprimento da carapaça (CL) das fêmeas (6.32 ± 1.84 mm CL) foi estatisticamente maior do que dos machos (5.50 ± 1.07 mm CL) (p < 0.001). A distribuição de freqüência em classes de tamanho dos espécimes revela um padrão de distribuição unimodal e não normal para machos e fêmeas (W = 0.945; p < 0.01). Não foi observada relação entre a abundância de M. jelskii e as variáveis ambientais (p = 0.799). CONCLUSÃO: A presença de fêmeas ovígeras e jovens na população sugere um padrão de reprodução e recrutamento contínuos para M. jelskii na região de Planura.


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In this paper a model, called ELLOBO running in STELLA II, was set to describe the plankton system of the Broa reservoir (SP). The three state variables of the model are: phytoplankton, zooplankton, and the fish Astyanax fasciatus. The forcing variables are: temperature, nitrate, phosphorus and solar radiation. The model did not consider the cycling of nutrients inside the reservoir. The results show that: temperature is the principal forcing variable in the phytoplankton dynamic and in the subsequent evolution of the whole system. The zooplankton predation was described by Odum's equation, and there is a strong random component in zooplankton grazing, which was essential for the model, because zooplankton estimates have high variance. One must collect data in a short space of time (maybe daily) to better explain the zooplankton and phytoplankton variation. Validation was performed using simple statistics (arithmetic mean, standard deviation) and the results show concordance between observed and simulated values. Overhead was used to calibrate some parameters and to validate the model. The highest overhead value (5%) imply in the better accordance between estimated and;observed state variables values. We believe this approach in Broa reservoir will provide an useful tool for future research and it could be used comparatively in other continental aquatic ecosystems. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Four biological aspects of Schizodon nasutus in the low Sorocaba river basin, São Paulo, Brazil were analysed. These were accomplished during the year seasons. The fish diet and the feeding activity were investigated by studying the repletion index, which showed no significant differences between seasons. The food items analysed by frequency of occurrence and dominance showed a predominance of vegetable items in the diet. The reproduction, analysed by using the gonadosomatic index, indicated that the reproductive period occurs during the summer period when temperatures are higher and rainfalls are more intense. The amount of accumulated fat and condition factor varied according to reproduction, especially for females.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper reports twelve acarine species belonging to eleven genera in five families, associated with Bambusa sp. (Poaceae), in a woody area from São Paulo State, Brazil. Four species of Tetranychidae (Monoceronychus bambusicola, sp.n.. Oligonychus santoantoniensis, sp.n.. Schizotetranychus longirostris, sp.n. and S. paraelymus, sp.n.) are regarded as new. The genus Cheletomimus Oudemans, 1904 (Cheyletidae) is recorded for the first time to South America.


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Hyphessobrycon rutiliflavidus, new species, is described from the upper rio Paraguai in Cuiaba, State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The new species differs from all other congeners by the following combination of characters: black humeral spot, slightly diffuse at its tips, and caudal-peduncle blotch present; midlateral body stripe conspicuous in its posteriormost portion, extending to the tips of the middle caudal rays; anal fin with iii, 15 to iv, 19 rays (mode iv, 17); upper jaw length, 42.3 to 49.5% of the head length; maxilla with 2-5 teeth (mode 3); all the fins of males reddish-orange and of females yellowish.


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We have searched for a heavy resonance decaying into a Z+jet final state in p (p) over bar collisions at a center of mass energy of 1.96 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron collider using the D0 detector. No indication for such a resonance was found in a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 370 pb(-1). We set upper limits on the cross section times branching fraction for heavy resonance production at the 95% C.L. as a function of the resonance mass and width. The limits are interpreted within the framework of a specific model of excited quark production.


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We present a measurement of the top quark mass with the matrix element method in the lepton+jets final state. As the energy scale for calorimeter jets represents the dominant source of systematic uncertainty, the matrix element likelihood is extended by an additional parameter, which is defined as a global multiplicative factor applied to the standard energy scale. The top quark mass is obtained from a fit that yields the combined statistical and systematic jet energy scale uncertainty. Using a data set of 0.4 fb(-1) taken with the D0 experiment at Run II of the Fermilab Tevatron Collider, the mass of the top quark is measured using topological information to be: m(top)(center dot+jets)(topo)=169.2(-7.4)(+5.0)(stat+JES)(-1.4)(+1.5)(syst) GeV, and when information about identified b jets is included: m(top)(center dot+jets)(b-tag)=170.3(-4.5)(+4.1)(stat+ JES)(-1.8)(+1.2)(syst) GeV. The measurements yield a jet energy scale consistent with the reference scale.