984 resultados para CTA1-DD
Gli avvenimenti politico-istituzionali degli ultimi anni hanno determinato un vivace dibattito sulla questione dei cc.dd. “governi del Presidente”, con cui si suole far riferimento ad Esecutivi il cui procedimento di formazione e le cui crisi registrano un interventismo del Presidente della Repubblica superiore a quello richiesto e/o consentito dal dettato costituzionale. Obiettivo dell’elaborato è duplice: fornire un tentativo definitorio della categoria “governi del Presidente”, nonché valutare la compatibilità di questa con la forma di governo parlamentare, soprattutto in considerazione dei recenti sviluppi delle dinamiche politico-istituzionali italiane. Sulla base di questo presupposto, nel presente lavoro si procede a una ricostruzione dell’evoluzione della prassi e delle consuetudini costituzionali in merito all’esercizio dei poteri presidenziali nella gestione delle crisi di governo, con particolare riferimento al procedimento di formazione dell’Esecutivo. La tesi si presenta articolata in due parti, corrispondenti a due differenti periodi storici (cc.dd. Prima e Seconda Repubblica), organizzate per capitoli, relativi alle principali fasi di evoluzione del sistema politico attraversate nel corso della storia della Repubblica. Questa scelta si giustifica in ragione del fatto che il modus operandi del Presidente della Repubblica risulta fortemente condizionato dai mutamenti del contesto politico-istituzionale. Nei singoli paragrafi, dedicati ai presidenti, vengono trattati l’elezione del Presidente, le modalità di formazione dei governi nominati, nonché ulteriori temi la cui disamina è stata ritenuta opportuna allo scopo di fornire una contestualizzazione più adeguata dell’analisi svolta (utilizzo del potere di esternazione e di scioglimento delle Camere, gestione delle attività di politica interna e politica estera, principali avvenimenti dei periodi storici considerati, e così via).
Klinische Manifestationen einer Cytomegalovirus (CMV)-Infektion gefährden den therapeutischen Erfolg der hämatopoetischen Stammzelltransplantation (HSCT). Dabei stellt insbesondere die Reaktivierung von latentem CMV im HSCT-Rezipienten das häufigste Infektionsrisiko dar. Die Inzidenz der CMV-Erkrankung kann durch Rekonstitution adoptiv transferierter CMV-spezifischer CD8 T-Zellen im HSCT-Rezipienten reduziert werden. Das Modell der sogenannten adoptiven Immuntherapie wurde zunächst im murinen Modell entwickelt und bereits in klinischen Studien bestätigt. Jedoch ist der adoptive Transfer (AT) aufgrund der nur limitiert zur Verfügung stehenden therapeutisch effektiven Zellzahlen zurzeit in der klinischen Routine nicht einsetzbar.rnZiel dieser Arbeit war daher die präklinische Evaluierung einer Kombinationstherapie aus AT einer limitierten Anzahl CMV-spezifischer T-Zellen und deren in vivo Expansion durch therapeutische Vakzinierung nach HSCT. Zur Testung dieser Therapie wurde ein murines Modell auf der Grundlage von rekombinanten murinen CMV (mCMV) und rekombinanten HCMV Dense Bodies (DB) etabliert. Beide exprimieren das gut charakterisierte MHC-Klasse-I Kb-restringierte SIINFEKL-Peptid (OVA257-264) des Ovalbumins (OVA) bzw. die Funktions-verlustmutante SIINFEKA als Modellantigen. In den rekombinanten mCMV, mCMV-Δm157Luc/m164-SIINFEKL/-A (mCMV-SIINFEKL/-A), wurde mittels orthotopen Peptid-austauschs das m164257-265 Peptid des gp36,5/m164 Proteins deletiert und durch das SIINFEKL- bzw. SIINFEKA-Peptid ersetzt. Anhand von Priming-Analysen konnte gezeigt werden, dass nach Infektion von C57BL/6 Mäusen mit mCMV-SIINFEKL SIINFEKL-spezifische T-Zellen nachweisbar sind und das im CMV-Genom integrierte SIINFEKL funktional prozessiert und präsentiert wird. Parallel hierzu konnte nach Immunisierung mit DB-SIINFEKL in vivo ein SIINFEKL-spezifisches CD8 T-Zell-Priming induziert werden. In weiteren Experimenten konnte nach DB-SIINFEKL-Immunisierung im poplitealen Lymphknoten sowie in der Milz eine Proliferation von adoptiv transferierten CD8 T-Zellen beobachtet werden. Die anschließenden Challenge-Versuche zeigten, dass eine DB-SIINFEKL-Immunisierung epitopspezifisch vor einer hoch dosierten Challenge-Infektion mit mCMV-SIINFEKL schützt. Im AT-Modell konnte gezeigt werden, dass adoptiv transferierte OT-I Zellen hämatoablativ behandelte Rezipienten epitopspezifisch vor einer mCMV-SIINFEKL-Infektion schützen können, wobei der erzielte Schutz durch zusätzliche Vakzinierung mit DB-SIINFEKL deutlich verbessert werden konnte. Im Anschluss konnte im HSCT-Rezipienten erstmals eine durch zusätzliche Vakzinierung signifikante Verbesserung des protektiven Potenzials adoptiv transferierter OT-I Zellen bestätigt werden. Diese Verstärkung der Protektion ermöglicht die Reduktion der Anzahl der für den Schutz benötigten Zellzahl und erhöht damit die Effizienz der adoptiven Immuntherapie.
Increasing knowledge on the endocrine mechanisms that regulate feeding and growth in cultured fish can contribute to make improvement in fish holding conditions and feeding strategies, supporting the development of new techniques that could ameliorate feeding, food conversion efficiency and growth in aquaculture practice. The main objective of this study was to investigate how daily mRNA expression of three specific anorexigenic hormones, i.e. the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and the paralogues α- and β- proopiomelanocortin (POMC), is modulated by different photoperiods, light spectra and feeding regimes, in both adult and larvae of Solea senegalensis. In addition, as Senegalese sole exhibits a shift from diurnal to nocturnal in locomotor activity and feeding habits during metamorphic process, we tried to elucidate if this shift is accompanied by relevant daily variations in the expression of these anorexigenic hormones before, during and after the completion of metamorphosis. In order to reach this main objective, three main experiments were developed. In a first experiment, adults were reared under LD (12 h light: 12h dark) cycle and fed at mid-light (ML), mid-dark (MD) and at random (RND). In a second experiment, adult specimens were reared in constant darkness (DD) and fed at subjective mid-light (sML) or at RND. Larvae of Senegalese sole were reared under LD cycle with white, blue or red light for 40 days. Our results show an independence of crh mRNA expression from the feeding time and suggest an endogenous control of crh expression in sole. Both pomc paralogues showed significant daily rhythms under LD conditions. The rhythms were maintained or were even more robust under DD conditions for pomc_a, but were completely abolished for pomc_b. Our results indicate an endogenous control of pomc_a expression by the molecular clock in telencephalon and diencephalon, but not in the pituitary gland. Our findings confirm for the first time the significant influence that ambient lighting has on larval growth and development in Senegalese sole, revealing an important effect of light spectra upon functional elements of this species. Our results also emphasize the importance of maintaining cycling light-dark conditions of the adequate wavelengths in aquaculture practices during early development of sole.
In the present study, we have tried to expand our knowledge about the endocrine mechanisms that regulate feeding and growth in cultured fish, which could be relevant for the improvement of fish farming conditions and feeding strategies. In order to reach this goal, we have investigated some orexigenic hormones, Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and the paralogues of Agouti-related protein, (AgRP1, AgRP2) in Solea senegalensis, an important species for Mediterranean aquaculture. We focused on hormones synchronization to different feeding regimes (diurnal vs nocturnal and random feeding) and photoperiod (light-dark cycle vs constant darkness). Therefore, the achieved results could also be relevant from a chronobiological perspective. Solea senegalensis specimen were reared in two different photoperiods, i.e.LD Light-Dark conditions as well as in DD conditions (constant darkness) along with different feeding regimes (fed at ML, Med and RND times), so to determine if mRNA expression of orexigenic hormones (NPY, AgRP1 and AgRP2) are entrained by feeding time and/or photoperiod. Our results show an independence of npy mRNA expression from the feeding time and suggest an endogenous control of npy expression in telencephalon of sole, while in optice tectum, npy expression could be entrained by the light-dark cycle. Our results on Senegalese sole AgRP1 and AgRP2 showed the same pattern of expression, indicating that expression of AgRPs is related to photoperiod in optic tectum, instead to feeding time. However the involvement of AgRP1 and AgRP2 in feeding behaviour should not be discarded in sole, as further research will be carried out with specimens maintained under different fasting conditions. our results reinforce the role of the telencephalon as the main neural area involved in the neuroendocrine control of food intake in fish, where endogenous NPY rhythms have been found, while diencephalon statistical variations weren’t observed suggesting that this brain area could be less involved in the neuroendocrine control of food intake in fish than previously thought.
Platelet rich plasma (PRP) has been proposed to be a useful adjunct to bone grafting.
In many patients, optimal results after pallidal deep brain stimulation (DBS) for primary dystonia may appear over several months, possibly beyond 1 year after implant. In order to elucidate the factors predicting such protracted clinical effect, we retrospectively reviewed the clinical records of 44 patients with primary dystonia and bilateral pallidal DBS implants. Patients with fixed skeletal deformities, as well as those with a history of prior ablative procedures, were excluded. The Burke-Fahn-Marsden Dystonia Rating Scale (BFMDRS) scores at baseline, 1 and 3 years after DBS were used to evaluate clinical outcome. All subjects showed a significant improvement after DBS implants (mean BFMDRS improvement of 74.9% at 1 year and 82.6% at 3 years). Disease duration (DD, median 15 years, range 2-42) and age at surgery (AS, median 31 years, range 10-59) showed a significant negative correlation with DBS outcome at 1 and 3 years. A partition analysis, using DD and AS, clustered subjects into three groups: (1) younger subjects with shorter DD (n = 19, AS < 27, DD ? 17); (2) older subjects with shorter DD (n = 8, DD ? 17, AS ? 27); (3) older subjects with longer DD (n = 17, DD > 17, AS ? 27). Younger patients with short DD benefitted more and faster than older patients, who however continued to improve 10% on average 1 year after DBS implants. Our data suggest that subjects with short DD may expect to achieve a better general outcome than those with longer DD and that AS may influence the time necessary to achieve maximal clinical response.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Mechanical thrombectomy is a promising new modality of interventional stroke treatment. The various devices differ with regard to where they apply force on the thrombus, taking a proximal approach such as aspiration devices or a distal approach such as basket-like devices. The study compares the in vivo effectiveness and thrombus-device interaction of these 2 approaches. METHODS: Angiography and embolization with a radioopaque whole blood thrombus was performed in 10 swine. Mechanical thrombectomy was performed in 20 cranial vessels using a proximal aspiration device (Vasco35) and a distal basket-like device (Catch) with and without proximal balloon occlusion. Fifty-six retrieval attempts were made. RESULTS: The proximal device allowed fast repeated application with a low risk of thromboembolic events (3%) and vasospasm, but it had a significantly lower success rate (39.4%) in retrieving thrombotic material than the distal device (DD) (82.6%; odds ratio, 7.3; 95% CI, 2.0 to 26.4). The compaction of the thrombus during retrieval with DD increased the risk of vessel wall irritation significantly (P<0.01) and complicated retrieval into the guiding catheter. The number of embolic events was significantly higher with DD (26%; odds ratio, 11.3; 95% CI, 1.35 to 101.6) unless proximal balloon occlusion was used. CONCLUSIONS: The proximal and the distal approaches to mechanical thrombectomy proved to be effective at achieving recanalization of cranial vessels. The proximal device is faster in application and allowed repeated attempts with a low complication rate. The DD is more successful at removing thrombotic material, but its method of application and attendant thrombus compaction increase the risk of thromboembolic events and vasospasms.
The chylomicronemia syndrome is well recognized as a rare etiologic factor of acute pancreatitis; however, whether hypertriglyceridemia can cause chronic pancreatitis (CP) remains unclear. We describe the long-time course of 2 brothers with the familial chylomicronemia syndrome caused by identical compound heterozygous mutations in the lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene with markedly reduced LPL activity. Other etiologic factors were excluded, including mutations in the PRSS1, SPINK1, and CFTR gene. Although both brothers had recurrent acute pancreatitis and the same LPL genotype, CP became evident in only one patient. Progression to CP was associated with a more severe disease course. Thus, the chylomicronemia syndrome may cause CP in the absence of other known causative factors, and similar to alcoholic and hereditary CP, a more severe disease course is associated with disease progression.