980 resultados para COLORS
Context. We interpret multicolor data from OSIRIS NAC for the remote-sensing exploration of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Aims. We determine the most meaningful definition of color maps for the characterization of surface variegation with filters available on OSIRIS NAC. Methods. We analyzed laboratory spectra of selected minerals and olivine-pyroxene mixtures seen through OSIRIS NAC filters, with spectral methods existing in the literature: reflectance ratios, minimum band wavelength, spectral slopes, band tilt, band curvature, and visible tilt. Results. We emphasize the importance of reflectance ratios and particularly the relation of visible tilt vs. band tilt. This technique provides a reliable diagnostic of the presence of silicates. Color maps constructed by red-green-blue colors defined with the green, orange, red, IR, and Fe2O3 filters let us define regions that may significantly differ in composition.
The flower market is characterized by being both eager for novelties and highly competitive. The exploration of native species with ornamental potential represents a remarkable area of research, since it entails the introduction and development of novel promising ornamental crops. The genus Glandularia, widely distributed in Argentina, holds an enormous ornamental potential, due to the variety of colors of its inflorescences (red, violet, white, rose and lily), and extended flowering period. There is little information on tissue culture of Glandularia, thus highlighting the relevance of this research. In this work, the conditions for in vitro multiplication of G. peruviana were optimized. It was concluded that WPM supplemented with TDZ, in concentrations ranging from 1.1 to 9.0 μM, was the most adequate treatment, rendering a multiplication rate of approximately 10 de novo shoots per explant. This paper presents a protocol for the in vitro propagation of this species and introduces interesting prospects in the application of biotechnological tools to breed Glandularia.
El objetivo es mostrar las ventajas de trabajar en forma interdisciplinaria haciendo intervención odontológica temprana en bebés discapacitados, utilizando una sala Multisensorial. El alto índice de enfermedades bucodentales que se observa en la población infantil con discapacidad obliga a intervenir en forma preventiva, en edades cada vez más tempranas. Considerando lo intrusivo e invasivo del tratamiento odontológico y lo complejo que es establecer un vínculo con el paciente discapacitado, es que se buscan formas alternativas de lograr crear el vínculo odontólogo-paciente. Los aromas, sonidos, colores, tacto son puertas que todos tenemos abiertas y por las que recibimos lo que sabemos del mundo. La sala multisensorial permite que quienes tienen cerradas esas puertas, encuentren un resquicio por el que les entre una fracción del mundo y eso hace que se encuentren a ellos mismos con su cuerpo y con su terapeuta. Allí es donde interviene el odontólogo que se dedica a la atención de per- sonas especiales, aquél que le muestra al niño discapacitado el mundo de la odontología, que no va a ser la convencional, sino adaptada para ese niño y su discapacidad.
Es licenciado en Artes Plásticas de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Mendoza- Argentina Ha recibido 24 premios en su actividad como grabador, dibujante y pintor La pintura de Thormann puede enrolarse dentro de la corriente surrealista con un marcado expresionismo dado por líneas, texturas y colores que le otorgan fuertes y personales caracteristicas Es miembro de jurados de salones provinciales y nacionales Es profesor titular de la cátedra de dibujo en la carrera de diseño de la Universidad Champagnat y docente del colegio San Jorge, Mendoza Argentina Diseñó y realizó las cajas lumínicas de la fiesta nacional de la vendimia 2004 Su actividad incluye exposiciones, cursos y trabajos docentes en distintas ciudades de Latinoamérica. Sus obras se exponen y forman parte de colecciones privadas y públicas en Chile, Canada, Taiwán, Mexico, España, Inglaterra y USA Actualmente reside en Mendoza, Argentina
Un relevamiento cualitativo y cuantitativo de los avisos de fugas y extravíos de esclavos publicados en La Gaceta Mercantil entre 1823 y 1831 nos permitió analizar pormenorizadamente los atuendos que utilizaba dicho grupo social, sus estados, telas y colores, y cuestionar la visión recibida de los contemporáneos sobre un esclavo mal vestido y harapiento. Comprobamos que vestían mayor variedad y cantidad de prendas, lo cual pudo representar, junto con los ornamentos que complementaron sus ajuares y cierto cuidado en la apariencia personal, una forma de reafirmación de la propia individualidad y el intento de preservación de la identidad de grupo
Un relevamiento cualitativo y cuantitativo de los avisos de fugas y extravíos de esclavos publicados en La Gaceta Mercantil entre 1823 y 1831 nos permitió analizar pormenorizadamente los atuendos que utilizaba dicho grupo social, sus estados, telas y colores, y cuestionar la visión recibida de los contemporáneos sobre un esclavo mal vestido y harapiento. Comprobamos que vestían mayor variedad y cantidad de prendas, lo cual pudo representar, junto con los ornamentos que complementaron sus ajuares y cierto cuidado en la apariencia personal, una forma de reafirmación de la propia individualidad y el intento de preservación de la identidad de grupo
Un relevamiento cualitativo y cuantitativo de los avisos de fugas y extravíos de esclavos publicados en La Gaceta Mercantil entre 1823 y 1831 nos permitió analizar pormenorizadamente los atuendos que utilizaba dicho grupo social, sus estados, telas y colores, y cuestionar la visión recibida de los contemporáneos sobre un esclavo mal vestido y harapiento. Comprobamos que vestían mayor variedad y cantidad de prendas, lo cual pudo representar, junto con los ornamentos que complementaron sus ajuares y cierto cuidado en la apariencia personal, una forma de reafirmación de la propia individualidad y el intento de preservación de la identidad de grupo
Sedimentological and biostratigraphic investigations of 15 cores (total length: 88 m) from the vicinity of Great Meteor seamount (about 30° N, 28° W) showed that the calcareous ooze are asymmetrically distributed around the seamount and vertically differentiated into two intervals. East and west of the seampunt, the upper "A"-interval is characterized by yellowish-brown sediment colors and bioturbation; ash layers and diatoms are restricted to the eastern cores. On both seamount flanks, the sediment of the lower "B"-interval are white and very rich in CaCO3 with a major fine silt (2-16 µ) mode (mainly coccoliths). Lamination, manganese micronodules, Tertiary foraminifera and discoasters, and small limestone and basalt fragments are typical of the "B"-interval of the eastern cores only. The sediments contain abundant displaced material which was reworked from the upper parts of the seamount. The sedimentation around the seamount is strongly influenced by the kind of displaced material and the intensity of its differentiated dispersal: the sedimentation rates are generally higher on the east than on the west flank /e.g. in "B": 0.9 cm/1000 y in the W; 3.1 cm/1000 y in the E), and lower for the "A" than for the "B"-interval. The lamination is explained by the combination of increased sedimentation rates with a strong input of material poor in organic carbon producing a hostile environment for benthic life. The CaCO3 content of the core is highly influenced by the proportion of displaced bigenous carbonate material (mainly coccoliths). The genuine in-situ conditions of the dissolution facies are only reflected by the minimum CaCO3 values of the cores (CCD = about 5,500 m; first bend in dissolution curve = 4,000 m; ACD = about 3,400 m). The preservation of the total foraminiferal association depends on the proportions of in-situ versus displaced specimens. In greater water depths (stronger dissolution), for example, the preservation can be improved by the admixture of relatively well preserved displaced foraminifera. Carbonate cementation and the formation of manganese micronodules are restricted to microenvironments with locally increased organic carbon contents (e.g. pellets; foraminifera). The ash layers consist of redeposited, silicic volcanic glass of trachytic composition and Mio-Pliocene age; possibly, they can be derived from the upper part of the seamount. Siliceous organisms, especially diatoms, are frequent close to the ash layers and probably also redeposited. Their preservation was favoured by the increase of the SiO2 content in the pore water caused by the silicic volcanic glass. The cores were biostraftsraphically subdivided with the aid of planktonic foraminifera and partly alsococcoliths. In most cases, the biostratigraphically determined cold- and warm sections could be correlated from core to core. Almost all cores do not penetrate the Late Pleistocene. All Tertiary fossils are reworked. In general, the warm/cold boundary W2/C2 corresponds with the lithostratigraphic A/B boundray. Benthonic foraminifera indicate the original site deposition of the displaced material (summit plateau or flanks of the seamount). The asymmetric distribution of the sediments around the seamount east and west of the NE-directed antarctic bottom current (AABW) is explained by the distortion of the streamlines by the Coriolis force; by this process the current velocity is increased west of the seamount and decreased east of it. The different proportion of displaced material within the "A" and "B" interval is explained by changes of the intensity of the oceanic circulation. At the time of "B" the flow of the AABW around the seamount was stronger than during "A"; this can be inferred from the presence of characteristic benthonic foraminifera. The increased oceanic circulation implies an enhanced differentiation of the current velocities, and by that, also of the sedimentation rates, and intensifies the winnowed sediment material was transported downslope by turbid layers into the deep-sea, incorporated into the current system of the AABW, and asymmetrically deposited around the seamount.
Modal compositions of volcaniclastic sands recovered on Leg 126 of the Ocean Drilling Project (Izu-Bonin island arc and Sumisu Rift) are similar to those from other intraoceanic island arcs and associated marginal basins. These sands are dominantly composed of volcanic-lithic and plagioclase-feldspar grains derived from the Izu-Bonin magmatic arc and intrarift volcanoes. The glass color of volcanic fragments ranges from black (tachylite) to brown to colorless; individual samples usually contain a mixture of glass colors. Two of the forearc sites (792 and 793) are more heterogeneous with respect to glass color than the backarc/Sumisu Rift sites (788, 790, and 791). Site 787 forearc sands are dominantly composed of tachylite grains; their unique composition may be attributed either to winnowing by submarine-canyon currents or to a volcanic island source. There is an increase in the proportions of pumice/colorless glass, felsitic grains, and quartz within sediments of the incipient backarc basin (Sumisu Rift), as compared with the forearc-basin sites.
The video FireMovie_2000-2011.avi shows an animation with all MODIS fire product maps of the area sequenced over time. Colors in the video describe MODIS classes as follows: MODIS classification and color scale: Class 0 - not processed - Dark blue (1 frame) Class 3 - water - Light Blue (rivers and some lakes) Class 4 - clouds - Green blue Class 5 - non fire land - Yellow green Class 8 - nominal confidence fire - Red Class 9 - high confidence fire - Dark red
This paper describes a new exact algorithm PASS for the vertex coloring problem based on the well known DSATUR algorithm. At each step DSATUR maximizes saturation degree to select a new candidate vertex to color, breaking ties by maximum degree w.r.t. uncolored vertices. Later Sewell introduced a new tiebreaking strategy, which evaluated available colors for each vertex explicitly. PASS differs from Sewell in that it restricts its application to a particular set of vertices. Overall performance is improved when the new strategy is applied selectively instead of at every step. The paper also reports systematic experiments over 1500 random graphs and a subset of the DIMACS color benchmark.
We introduce a simple and innovative method to compare any two texture maps, regardless of their sizes, aspect ratios, or even masks, as long as they are both meant to be mapped onto the same 3D mesh. Our system is based on a zero-distortion 3D mesh unwrapping technique which compares two new adapted texture atlases with the same mask but different texel colors, and whose every texel covers the same area in 3D. Once these adapted atlases are created, we measure their difference with ITEM-RMSE, a slightly modified version of the standard RMSE defined for images. ITEM-RMSE is more meaningful and reliable than RMSE because it only takes into account the texels inside the mask, since they are the only ones that will actually be used during rendering. Our method is not only very useful to compare the space efficiency of different texture atlas generation algorithms, but also to quantify texture loss in compression schemes for multi-resolution textured 3D meshes.
En el presente trabajo se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de la biodiversidad del frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) en Honduras, que es el segundo de los cultivos de granos básicos en importancia. Dicho estudio se ha realizado mediante una caracterización agromorfológica, molecular y ecogeográfica en una selección de 300 accesiones conservadas en el banco de germoplasma ubicado en la Escuela Agrícola Panamericana (EAP) El Zamorano, y que se colectaron en 13 departamentos del país durante el periodo de 1990 a 1994. Estas accesiones fueron colectadas cuatro años antes del acontecimiento del huracán Mitch, el cual a su paso afectó al 96% del área total cultivable en su momento, lo cual nos hace considerar que la biodiversidad de razas locales (landraces) de frijol común existentes in situ fueron severamente afectadas. Los trabajos dirigidos a analizar la biodiversidad de razas locales de frijol común en Honduras son escasos, y este trabajo se constituye como el primero que incluye una amplia muestra a ser estudiada a través de una caracterización en tres aspectos complementarios (agromorfológico, molecular y ecogeográfico). Se evaluaron 32 caracteres agromorfológicos, 12 cuantitativos y 20 cualitativos, en distintas partes de la planta. Se establecieron las correlaciones entre los caracteres agromorfológicos y se elaboró un dendrograma con los mismos, en el que se formaron ocho grupos, en parte relacionados principalmente con los colores y tamaños de la semilla. Mediante el análisis de componentes principales se estudiaron los caracteres de más peso en cada uno de los tres primeros componentes. Asimismo, se estudiaron las correlaciones entre caracteres, siendo las más altas la longitud y anchura de la hoja, días a madurez y a cosecha y longitud y peso de semilla. Por otra parte, el mapa de diversidad agromorfológica mostró la existencia de tres zonas con mayor diversidad: en el oeste (en los departamentos de Santa Bárbara, Lempira y Copán), en el centro-norte (en los departamentos de Francisco Morazán, Yoro y Atlántida) y en el sur (en el departamento de El Paraíso y al sur de Francisco Morazán). Para la caracterización molecular partimos de 12 marcadores de tipo microsatélite, evaluados en 54 accesiones, que fueron elegidas por constituir grupos que compartían un mismo nombre local. Finalmente, se seleccionaron los cuatro microsatélites (BM53, GATS91, BM211 y PV-AT007) que resultaron ser más polimórficos e informativos para el análisis de las 300 accesiones, con los que se detectaron un total de 119 alelos (21 de ellos únicos o privados de accesión) y 256 patrones alélicos diferentes. Para estudiar la estructura y relaciones genéticas en las 300 accesiones se incluyeron en el análisis tres controles o accesiones de referencia, pertenecientes dos de ellas al acervo genético Andino y una al Mesoamericano. En el dendrograma se obtuvieron 25 grupos de accesiones con idénticas combinaciones de alelos. Al comparar este dendrograma con el de caracteres agromorfológicos se observaron diversos grupos con marcada similitud en ambos. Un total de 118 accesiones resultaron ser homogéneas y homocigóticas, a la vez que representativas del grupo de 300 accesiones, por lo que se analizaron con más detalle. El análisis de la estructura genética definió la formación de dos grupos, supuestamente relacionados con los acervos genéticos Andino (48) y Mesoamericano (61), y un reducido número de accesiones (9) que podrían tener un origen híbrido, debido a la existencia de un cierto grado de introgresión entre ambos acervos. La diferenciación genética entre ambos grupos fue del 13,3%. Asimismo, 66 de los 82 alelos detectados fueron privados de grupo, 30 del supuesto grupo Andino y 36 del Mesoamericano. Con relación al mapa de diversidad molecular, presentó una distribución bastante similar al de la diversidad agromorfológica, detectándose también las zonas de mayor diversidad genética en el oeste (en los departamentos de Lempira y Santa Bárbara), en el centro-norte (en los departamentos de Yoro y Atlántida) y en el sur (en el departamento de El Paraíso y al sur de Francisco Morazán). Para la caracterización ecogeográfica se seleccionaron variables de tipo bioclimático (2), geofísico (2) y edáfico (8), y mediante el método de agrupamiento de partición alrededor de los medoides, la combinación de los grupos con cada uno de los tres tipos de variables definió un total de 32 categorías ecogeográficas en el país, detectándose accesiones en 16 de ellas. La distribución de las accesiones previsiblemente esté relacionada con la existencia de condiciones más favorables al cultivo de frijol. En el mapa de diversidad ecogeográfica, nuevamente, se observaron varias zonas con alta diversidad tanto en el oeste, como en el centro-norte y en el sur del país. Como consecuencia del estudio realizado, se concluyó la existencia de una marcada biodiversidad en el material analizado, desde el punto de vista tanto agromorfológico como molecular. Por lo que resulta de gran importancia plantear la conservación de este patrimonio genético tanto ex situ, en bancos de germoplasma, como on farm, en las propias explotaciones de los agricultores del país, siempre que sea posible. ABSTRACT In the present work we have carried out a study of the biodiversity of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) in Honduras, which is the second of the basic grain crops in importance. This study was conducted through agro-morphological, molecular and ecogeographical characterization of a selection of 300 accessions conserved in the genebank located in the ‘Escuela Agrícola Panamericana (EAP) El Zamorano’ that were collected in 13 departments of the country during the 1990 to 1994 period. These accessions were collected four years before the occurrence of Mitch hurricane, which affected 96% of the total cultivable area at the time, which makes us to consider that the biodiversity of local landraces of common bean existing in situ were severely affected. The work aimed to analyze the biodiversity of local races of common bean in Honduras are scarce, and this work constitutes the first to include a large sample to be studied through a characterization on three complementary aspects (agromorphological, molecular and ecogeographical). Thirty two agromorphological characters, 12 quantitative and 20 qualitative, in various parts of the plant were evaluated. Correlations between agromorphological characters were established and a dendrogram with them was constructed, in which eight groups were formed, in part mainly related to the colors and sizes of the seeds. By principal component analysis the characters with more weight in each of the first three components were studied. Also, correlations between characters were studied, the highest of them being length and leaf width, days to maturity and harvest, and seed length and weight. Moreover, the map of agromorphological diversity showed the existence of three areas with more diversity: the west (departments of Santa Barbara, Copan and Lempira), the center-north (departments of Francisco Morazán, Yoro and Atlántida) and the south (department of El Paraiso and south of Francisco Morazán). For molecular characterization we started with 12 microsatellite markers, evaluated in 54 accessions, which were chosen because they formed groups that shared the same local name. Finally, four microsatellites (BM53, GATS91, BM211 and PV-AT007) were selected for the analysis of 300 accessions, since they were the most polymorphic and informative. They gave a total of 119 alleles (21 of them unique or private for the accession) and 256 different allelic patterns. To study the structure and genetic relationships in the 300 accessions, three controls or accessions of reference were included in the analysis: two of them belonging to the Andean gene pool and one to the Mesoamerican. In the dendrogram, 25 accession groups with identical allele combinations were obtained. Comparing this dendrogram to the obtained with agromorphological characters, several groups with marked similarity in both were observed. A total of 118 accessions were homozygous and homogeneous, while representing the group of 300 accessions, therefore they were analyzed in more detail. The analysis of the genetic structure defined the formation of two groups, supposedly related to the Andean (48) and the Mesoamerican (61) gene pools, and a small number of accessions (9) which may have a hybrid origin, due to the existence of some degree of introgression between both gene pools. Genetic differentiation between both groups was 13.3%. Also, 66 of the 82 detected alleles were private or unique for the group, 30 of the supposed Andean group and 36 of the Mesoamerican. With relation to the map of molecular diversity, it showed a quite similar distribution to the agromorphological, also detecting the areas of greatest genetic diversity in the west (departments of Lempira and Santa Bárbara), in the center-north (departments Atlántida and Yoro) and in the south (departments of El Paraíso and south of Francisco Morazán). For the ecogeographical characterization, bioclimatic (2), geophysical (2) and edaphic (8) variables were selected, and by the method of clustering partition around the medoids, the combination of the groups to each of the three types of variables defined a total of 32 ecogeographical categories in the country, having accessions in 16 of them. The distribution of accessions is likely related to the existence of more favorable conditions for the cultivation of beans. The map of ecogeographical diversity, again, several areas with high diversity both in the west and in the center-north and in the south of the country were observed. As a result of study, the existence of marked biodiversity in the analyzed material was concluded, both from the agromorphological and from the molecular point of view. Consequently it is very important to propose the conservation of this genetic heritage both ex situ, in genebanks, as on farm, in the holdings of the farmers of the country, whenever possible.
El Proyecto Fin de Carrera, con título, "Interacción desde dispositivos Android vía Bluetooth, con juguete teledirigido, para su uso por personas con discapacidad" pretende completar la primera versión de la aplicación sobre dispositivo Android para manejar un juguete teledirigido añadiendo nuevas formas de interactuar con el dispositivo Android. Para este caso, el juguete teledirigido es el mismo: el robot esférico llamado Sphero. Dicho robot posee una interfaz a través de la cual puede recibir instrucciones, y mediante las cuales, se puede poner en movimiento o iluminarse con diferentes colores. Esta ampliación facilitará la interacción del usuario con el dispositivo Android, además de ampliar la funcionalidad hacia la inversa: recibir los movimientos del robot Sphero en el dispositivo Android cuando es manejado con la mano. Completando la primera versión, como cumplimiento de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera, se han realizado una serie de mandos nuevos, los cuales abarcan desde el manejo del robot por instrucciones de voz, movimientos del dispositivo Android desde el que se ejecuta, describir una trayectoria dibujada previamente en el dispositivo Android, o, realizar una serie de movimientos corregidos mediante la aplicación gracias a los límites de movimientos para un usuario concreto que pueden introducirse. Además, completando lo anteriormente escrito, se ha desarrollado una aplicación web que registrará todos los datos de uso del juguete, la cual, explota una base de datos que almacena toda interacción con el juguete. Estos datos estarán asociados a un usuario, debido a que la aplicación Android debe perfilarse para el uso de un usuario concreto. El perfilado de usuario se ha completado añadiendo una serie de información que puede ser útil para la persona que analice el comportamiento de una persona con discapacidad que utilice la aplicación. Por último, se ha realizado un estudio de elementos externos que puedan facilitar la interacción con los dispositivos Android a personas que sufran alguna discapacidad. ABSTRACT. The Thesis, titled "Interaction from Android devices via Bluetooth, with remote control toy, for use by people with disabilities" project aims to complete the first version of the application on Android device to manage a remote control toy adding new ways of interacting to Android device. For this case, the remote control toy is the same: the spherical robot called Sphero. This robot has an interface through which it can receive instructions, and by means of which can be set in motion or illuminated with different colors. This expansion will facilitate user interaction with the Android device, and extend the functionality to reverse: receiving Sphero robot movements in the Android device when handled by hand. Completing the first version, in fulfillment of this Thesis, there have been a number of new controls, which range from control of robot by voice instructions, movements Android device from which it runs, describe a path drawn previously on your Android device, or perform a series of movements corrected by applying through limits of movement for a particular user can be made. Besides completing the above written, has developed a web application that will record all data on use of the toy, which exploits a database that stores all interaction with the toy. These data will be associated with a user, because the Android application should be outlined for the use of a particular user. The user profile is completed by adding a range of information that can be useful for the person to analyze the behavior of a disabled person to use the application. Finally, a study was made of external elements that can facilitate interaction with Android devices to people who suffer from a disability.
The scope of the present paper is the derivation of a merit function which predicts the visual perception of LED spot lights. The color uniformity level Usl is described by a linear regression function of the spatial color distribution in the far field. Hereby, the function is derived from four basic functions. They describe the color uniformity of spot lights through different features. The result is a reliable prediction for the perceived color uniformity in spot lights. A human factor experiment was performed to evaluate the visual preferences for colors and patterns. A perceived rank order was derived from the subjects’ answers and compared with the four basic functions. The correlation between the perceived rank order and the basic functions was calculated resulting in the definition of the merit function Usl. The application of this function is shown by a comparison of visual evaluations and measurements of LED retrofit spot lamps. The results enable a prediction of color uniformity levels of simulations and measurements concerning the visual perception. The function provides a possibility to evaluate the far field of spot lights without individual subjective judgment. © (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.