999 resultados para Burr, Aaron, 1716-1757.
Este trabalho tem como objectivo, fornecer um conhecimento mais amplo e concreto daquilo que foi e é a Educação Física em Cabo Verde. Tendo necessidade de criar um documento que retratasse a evolução e os acontecimentos da disciplina de Educação Física em Cabo Verde entrevistamos dez pessoas, das ilhas de São Vicente, Praia e Fogo que estiveram de uma forma ou outra ligadas a mesma, seja como alunos, como professores de Educação Física ou ainda como simples espectadores. Utilizamos um gravador e um guião durante a realização das entrevistas. A partir das respostas dos entrevistados, fizemos a análise dos conteúdos e concluímos que a Educação Física tem vindo a ser praticada desde os anos 30 do século XX e que tem tido até aos dias de hoje uma expressiva evolução em quase todos os aspectos. No entanto, com praticamente 80 anos de existência, temos consciência que ainda falta muita coisa por fazer. Tendo em conta o trabalho dos professores da área e o esforço do governo nesta matéria, supomos que será possível leccionar a Educação Física nos próximos tempos em melhores condições do que hoje é praticada.
Adherence to fibrinogen and fibronectin plays a crucial role in Staphylococcus aureus experimental endocarditis. Previous genetic studies have shown that infection and carriage isolates do not systematically differ in their virulence-related genes, including genes conferring adherence, such as clfA and fnbA. We set out to determine the range of adherence phenotypes in carriage isolates of S. aureus, to compare the adherence of these isolates to the adherence of infection isolates, and to determine the relationship between adherence and infectivity in a rat model of experimental endocarditis. A total of 133 healthy carriage isolates were screened for in vitro adherence to fibrinogen and fibronectin, and 30 isolates were randomly chosen for further investigation. These 30 isolates were compared to 30 infective endocarditis isolates and 30 blood culture isolates. The infectivities of the carriage isolates, which displayed either extremely low or high adherence to fibrinogen and fibronectin, were tested using a rat model of experimental endocarditis. The levels of adherence to both fibrinogen and fibronectin were very similar for isolates from healthy carriers and members of the two groups of infection isolates. All three groups of isolates showed a wide range of adherence to fibrinogen and fibronectin. Moreover, the carriage isolates that showed minimal adherence and the carriage isolates that showed strong adherence had the same infectivity in experimental endocarditis. Adherence was proven to be important for pathogenesis in experimental endocarditis, but even the least adherent carriage strains had the ability to induce infection. We discuss the roles of differential gene expression, human host factors, and gene redundancy in resolving this apparent paradox.
Actualmente assistimos a uma tendência para o aumento do individualismo e da indiferença dos cidadãos na sociedade contemporânea. Assim, mobilizar os jovens para uma educação da cidadania constitui um desafio de todos. Incrementar hábitos de uma vivência voltada para a solidariedade humana que implique o respeito pelas diferenças, levar os jovens a analisarem criticamente a sociedade em que vivem e assumirem a sua responsabilidade social, significa estimular um processo de consciencialização construído no dia-a-dia. A escola assume nesta prática um papel privilegiado. Esta deverá ter como uma das suas finalidades contribuir para a formação de cidadãos cada vez mais participativos e conscientes dos seus direitos. Quanto mais cedo esta tarefa se iniciar, quiçá, melhores resultados dará. Neste contexto, as instituições educativas devem ser espaços privilegiados do progresso social que irão permitir às gerações futuras compreender o valor da dignidade humana. Acreditamos que construir um mundo melhor através da educação não se trata de uma utopia; A chave reside em como utilizar a educação para conseguir tal desiderato, pois, a sociedade necessita cada vez mais de uma educação voltada para o respeito pelas liberdades fundamentais e para a compreensão do outro. Educar para a cidadania deverá ser a finalidade da educação. Tarefa que deverá ser repartida e assumida por todos os níveis de ensino. Cada um, assumindo a sua responsabilidade na esfera que lhe cabe.
La Bible s’ouvre par deux compositions poétiques d’Alcuin qui encadrent l’Épître de saint Jérôme à Paulinus, « Frater Ambrosius... » (ff. 1-2r : Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Poetae latinae, I, 1, p. 287, LXVIII-LXX, v. 1-200 ; ff. 4r-v : Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Poetae latinae, I, 1, p. 283-284, LXV, I-III). La fin manque: la Bible s'interrompt à la fin de l'Epître de saint Paul aux Colossiens.
IL-28 (IFN-λ) cytokines exhibit potent antiviral and antitumor function but their full spectrum of activities remains largely unknown. Recently, IL-28 cytokine family members were found to be profoundly down-regulated in allergic asthma. We now reveal a novel role of IL-28 cytokines in inducing type 1 immunity and protection from allergic airway disease. Treatment of wild-type mice with recombinant or adenovirally expressed IL-28A ameliorated allergic airway disease, suppressed Th2 and Th17 responses and induced IFN-γ. Moreover, abrogation of endogenous IL-28 cytokine function in IL-28Rα(-/-) mice exacerbated allergic airway inflammation by augmenting Th2 and Th17 responses, and IgE levels. Central to IL-28A immunoregulatory activity was its capacity to modulate lung CD11c(+) dendritic cell (DC) function to down-regulate OX40L, up-regulate IL-12p70 and promote Th1 differentiation. Consistently, IL-28A-mediated protection was absent in IFN-γ(-/-) mice or after IL-12 neutralization and could be adoptively transferred by IL-28A-treated CD11c(+) cells. These data demonstrate a critical role of IL-28 cytokines in controlling T cell responses in vivo through the modulation of lung CD11c(+) DC function in experimental allergic asthma. →See accompanying Closeup by Michael R Edwards and Sebastian L Johnston http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/emmm.201100143.
We address the question of whether growth and welfare can be higher in crisis prone economies. First, we show that there is a robust empirical link between per-capita GDP growth and negative skewness of credit growth across countries with active financial markets. That is, countries that have experienced occasional crises have grown on average faster than countries with smooth credit conditions. We then present a two-sector endogenous growth model in which financial crises can occur, and analyze the relationship between financial fragility and growth. The underlying credit market imperfections generateborrowing constraints, bottlenecks and low growth. We show that under certain conditions endogenous real exchange rate risk arises and firms find it optimal to take on credit risk in the form of currency mismatch. Along such a risky path average growth is higher, but self-fulfilling crises occur occasionally. Furthermore, we establish conditions under which the adoption of credit risk is welfare improving and brings the allocation nearer to the Pareto optimal level. The design of the model is motivated by several features of recent crises: credit risk in the form of foreign currency denominated debt; costly crises that generate firesales and widespread bankruptcies; and asymmetric sectorial responses, wherethe nontradables sector falls more than the tradables sector in the wake of crises.
In this paper, we document the fact that countries that have experienced occasional financial crises have on average grown faster than countries with stable financial conditions. We measure the incidence of crisis with the skewness of credit growth, and find that it has a robust negative effect on GDP growth. This link coexists with the negative link between variance and growth typically found in the literature. To explain the link between crises and growth we present a model where weak institutions lead to severe financial constraints and low growth. Financial liberalization policies that facilitaterisk-taking increase leverage and investment. This leads to higher growth, but also toa greater incidence of crises. Conditions are established under which the costs of crises are outweighed by the benefits of higher growth.
[Acte royal. 1830-06-13]