959 resultados para Bruce Mines


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This thesis is concerned with certain aspects of the Public Inquiry into the accident at Houghton Main Colliery in June 1975. It examines whether prior to the accident there existed at the Colliery a situation in which too much reliance was being placed upon state regulation and too Iittle upon personal responsibility. I study the phenomenon of state regulation. This is done (a) by analysis of selected writings on state regulation/intervention/interference/bureaucracy (the words are used synonymously) over the last two hundred years, specifically those of Marx on the 1866 Committee on Mines, and (b) by studying Chadwick and Tremenheere, leading and contrasting "bureaucrats" of the mid-nineteenth century. The bureaucratisation of the mining industry over the period 1835-1954 is described, and it is demonstrated that the industry obtained and now possesses those characteristics outlined by Max Weber in his model of bureaucracy. I analyse criticisms of the model and find them to be relevant, in that they facilitate understanding both of the circumstances of the accident and of the Inquiry . Further understanding of the circumstances and causes of the accident was gained by attendance at the lnquiry and by interviewing many of those involved in the Inquiry. I analyse many aspects of the Inquiry - its objectives. structure, procedure and conflicting interests - and find that, although the Inquiry had many of the symbols of bureaucracy, it suffered not from " too much" outside interference. but rather from the coal mining industry's shared belief in its ability to solve its own problems. I found nothing to suggest that, prior to the accident, colliery personnel relied. or were encouraged to rely, "too much" upon state regulation.


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Sea floor dredging by the H.M.S. Challenger, the U.S.S. Albatross, the U.S.S. EPC(R) 857, and vessels of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography shows that extensive deposits of manganese nodules are on the deep sea floor and that crusts of manganese dioxide cover many seamounts. Sea floor photography reveals that in some places these crusts are quite continuous and the nodules are closely packed. These crusts and nodules are fully oxidized and hydrated mixtures of man¬ganese and iron plus earthy impurities. Also, relatively high concen¬trations of the trace elements nickel, copper, and cobalt are present.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane. Digital reproduction


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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New information on possible resource value of sea floor manganese nodule deposits in the eastern north Pacific has been obtained by a study of records and collections of the 1972 Sea Scope Expedition. Nodule abundance (percent of sea floor covered) varies greatly, according to photographs from eight stations and data from other sources. All estimates considered reliable are plotted on a map of the region. Similar maps show the average content of Ni, Cu, Mn and Co at 89 stations from which three or more nodules were analyzed. Variations in nodule metal content at each station are shown graphically in an appendix, where data on nodule sizes are also given. Results of new analyses of 420 nodules from 93 stations for mn, fe, ni, cu, CO, and zn are listed in another appendix. Relatively high Ni + Cu content is restricted chiefly to four groups of stations in the equatorial region, where group averages are 1.86, 1.99, 2.47, and 2.55 weight-percent. Prepared for United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines. Grant no. GO284008-02-MAS. - NTIS PB82-142571.


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Manganese nodules recovered in the Pacific Ocean by the U. S. Bureau of Mines and by DeepSea Ventures Ltd. are studied for their chemical composition using X microprobe and X-ray fluorescence methods.


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According to Solitander C. P., the extraction of lake ore from Eastern Finland lakes considerably rose in the 1870 - 1880 period in relation with the increasing demand from the ironworks being operated in the region. In St. Petersburg, Nicholas Putiloff, a business tycoon and State Minister owned the Haapakosken, Huutokosken and Oravin ironworks which were using 99% of lake ore for their supply. During this period the biggest production came from lake Sysmäjärvi in the Joroinen county with 3676 tonnes at an average concentration of 35.94% Fe, 4.55% Mn, 0.26% P and 0.04% S. The Värtsilä ironworks used the lake ore coming from 49 lakes, the biggest production coming from lake Loitimojärvi with 14535 tonnes of ore with a medium at concentration of 30.8% Fe. Möhkö ironworks took advantage of the 59 lakes, the largest of which was from lake Koitere with 4301 tonnes at 41.3% Fe. The Karttula ironworks were also significant in the consumption of ferromanganese lake ore.


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Le présent mémoire expose les résultats d’une étude de la performance des chantiers ouverts dans un contexte de mines profondes ayant été effectuée dans le cadre du projet de recherche « Mines profondes : défis d’exploitation et impacts sur la récupération minéralurgique » réalisé par le département de génie des mines, de la métallurgie et des matériaux de l’Université Laval. Les données utilisées dans le cadre de cette étude sont en lien avec la planification et l’exploitation de plus de mille chantiers minés entre 860 et 2 450 m de profondeur à la mine souterraine LaRonde de Mines Agnico Eagle, la plus profonde actuellement de l’hémisphère ouest. On y présente une revue de la littérature qui fait la description des problématiques de dilution et de pertes opérationnelles de la réserve minérale liées à la performance des chantiers ouverts ainsi que de leurs conséquences sur les projets miniers. Une comparaison des performances planifiées et réalisées au site de LaRonde y est présentée, ainsi que les résultats d’analyses statistiques ayant permis de montrer que la variation du ratio des contraintes in situ avec la profondeur est un facteur d’influence significatif de la performance des chantiers. L’effet de ce facteur d’influence y est aussi illustré et validé à l’aide d’une série de modèles numériques. Le mémoire présente également une première approche visant à développer un modèle d’évaluation de la dilution dans les chantiers ouverts qui prend en compte la profondeur de minage. Finalement, afin d’améliorer la précision de l’estimation de la réserve minérale lors de l’évaluation de projets miniers, une méthodologie d’estimation intégrant le modèle d’évaluation proposé est présentée pour les projets dont les contextes géologique, géotechnique et opérationnel sont comparables à ceux du site de LaRonde.


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When underground mines close they often fill with water from ground and surface sources; each mine can contain millions to billions of gallons of water. This water, heated by the Earth’s geothermal energy, reaches temperatures ideal for heat pumps. The sheer scale of these flooded underground mines presents a unique opportunity for large scale geothermal heat pump setups which would not be as economically, socially, and environmentally feasible anywhere else. A literature search revealed approximately 30 instances of flooded underground mines being used to heat and cool buildings worldwide. With thousands of closed/abandoned underground mines in the U.S. and a million estimated globally, why hasn’t this opportunity been more widely adopted? This project has found perception and lack of knowledge about the feasibility to be key barriers. To address these issues, this project drafted a guidebook for former mining communities titled A Community Guide to Mine Water Geothermal Heating and Cooling.


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Nonobstant l’importance de l’exploitation des mines dans l’Empire portugais, la formation en ingénierie minière c’est développé tard dans le pays, ainsi pour surmonter la manque de formation en génie minier, le gouvernement a contracté avec des ingénieurs étrangers et au même temps plusieurs ingénieurs portugais ont complété sa formation à l’étranger. Dans ce texte, après une brève analyse des moyens par lesquels le gouvernent a essayé de créer une formation en mines et métallurgie au Portugal sont analysés les parcours professionnels de quelques ingénieurs portugais qui ont fréquenté l’École des mines de Paris.