872 resultados para Bovino - Melhoramento genético
The jabuticaba tree has great potential for commercial exploitation. However, its is very little used. This fact shows to be necessary to do studies that allow understand their growth behavior during the year and, if it is tolerant to frost. So that it can establish management strategies for cultivation in orchard. Other point, it is the fact that the long juvenile period of jabuticaba tree limits its use. However, many species have compound leaves that characterize them as functional compounds, what to posible its commercialization. If the leaf jabuticaba tree also present such nutraceutical compounds, this it may become an alternative source of income until the plant to start its yield. The objectives of this study were to analyze the growth behavior, the occurrence of flowering and fruit set, and the frost tolerance of jabuticaba tree genotypes present in the collection of Native Fruit from UTFPR – Câmpus Dois Vizinhos. Associated growth analysis was made evaluation of genetic divergence among these genotypes, checking the adaptive behavior in orchard condition through adaptability and stability analysis based on growth measures to stem and shoots; estimating the repeatability coefficient of stem length of characters and primary shoots, and determine the minimum number of evaluations able to provide certain levels of prediction of the actual value of these individuals. Also determined the genetic divergence among genotypes as the leaves of antioxidant activity by DPPH and ABTS methods, as well as the determination of total phenolics. The genotypes studied were put in orchard in 2009. The growth response in the three cycles was variable between months and genotypes, what it can be difficult the practices in the orchard if it do not use clones. Genotypes 'Silvestre' and 'Açú' showed greater width and leaf area compared with other genotypes, but such behavior is not favored for increased stem growth and primary shoots. Foliar increments in most genotypes occurred in the fall for leaf width, spring for length and leaf area, despite the winter also arise with genotypes, it showed superiority to width and leaf area. Most jabuticabas trees were juvenile stage with only four starting at its transition between the vegetative and reproductive phase. Tolerance to frost was observed in 26 families jabuticabeira of the 29 present in the collection. The diversity among the genotypes was to change with the time, already in each cycle, there was the formation of different groups by the methods used. The methods tested for adaptability and stability of the jabuticaba tree growth behavior did not show the same pattern in the results. The number of measurements needed to predict the actual value of genotypes based on variables evaluated was approximately one to the stem length and four for the shoots based on the method of main components of covariance with 90% probability. he antioxidant activity of the extracts of leaves of jabuticaba tree genotypes were demonstrated high when compared to other species by methods DPPH and ABTS, as well as the amount of phenolic compounds. Genotype 'Silvestre' and 'IAPAR' showed the highest antioxidant activity in the leaves. However, the genetic divergence among genotypes jabuticaba tree from collection of Native Fruit trees at UTFPR - Câmpus Dois Vizinhos for antioxidant activity leaves showed that they have great homogeneity among them and the low divergence. However, it is recommended as possible hybridization the use as parents, José 4, IAPAR 4 and Fernando Xavier genotypes.
The identification of genotypes for drought tolerance has a great importance in breeding programs. The aim of this study was to characterize genotypes of beans in response to drought tolerance in different reproductive stages through physiologic, agronomic and molecular analysis. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse, using a randomized block design with four replicates; 10 cultivars: ANFC 9, ANFP 110, BRS Esplendor, BRSMG Realce, IPR Siriri, IPR Tangará, IPR Tuiuiu, IPR Uirapuru, IAC Imperador and IAC Milênio under two conditions of irrigation: plants irrigated during their entire life cycle, and plants under irrigation suppression in the reproductive stage (R7) until 16% of field capacity, when the irrigation was restored. In the last four days of stress, the gas exchanges were analyzed, and in the last day of stress was analyzed the percentage of closed stomata in the abaxial surface of the leaves, collected in different times of the day (9h, 12h, 15h and 18h). Additionally, plant samples were collected for the following analysis: fresh and dry mass of leaves, stems and legumes, and proline content in leaves and roots. The plants were harvested at the physiological maturity and the yield components and grain yield were determined. In addition, in order to identify polymorphisms in the sequences of promoters and genes related to drought, seven pairs of primers were tested on the group of genotypes. The drought susceptibility indexes (ISS) ranged from 0.65 to 1.10 in the group of genotypes, which the lowest values observed were for IAC Imperador (0.65) and BRS Esplendor (0.87), indicating the ability of these two genotypes to maintain grain yield under water stress condition. All genotypes showed reduction in yield components under water stress. IAC Imperador (43.4%) and BRS Esplendor (60.6%) had the lowest reductions in productivity and kept about 50% of the stomata closed during all the different times evaluated at last day of irrigation suppression. IAC Imperador showed greater water use efficiency and CO2 assimilation rate under drought stress. IPR Tuiuiú, IPR Tangará and IAC Imperador had the highest proline concentrations in the roots. Under water stress condition, there was a strong positive correlation (0.696) between the percentage of stomata closed with the number of grains per plant (0.696) and the fresh mass of leaves (0.731), the maximum percentage of stomata closed 73.71% in water stress. The accumulation of proline in the root was the character that most contributed to the divergence between the genotypes under water deficit, but not always the genotypes that have accumulated more proline were the most tolerant. The polymorphisms in DNA of coding and promoting sequences of transcription factors studied in this experiment did not discriminate tolerant genotypes from the sensitive ones to water stress.
A produção e qualidade do leite são influenciadas por factores ambientais como a nutrição, factores genéticos como a raça, e factores fisiológicos como a idade a idade ao parto ou o número de ordenhas diárias. Este trabalho teve por objectivo estimar factores de correcção para os efeitos ambientais que influenciam a quantidade e qualidade do leite com vista ao melhoramento genético dos animais. Para isso, foram utilizados os registos de 23897 contrastes leiteiros de vacas de raça Frísia, no período de 6 anos, recolhidos a partir dos dados da ANABLE. De acordo com os resultados, obtidos através do método dos quadrados mínimos, observa-se que para a produção de leite, gordura e proteína, todos os efeitos fixos de variação são significativos nas três características produtivas estudadas, pelo que se conclui que há interacção entre a idade da vaca ao parto e a produção e qualidade do leite, assim como, a época do ano em que ocorre o parto e o número de ordenhas diárias a que o animal está sujeito. ABSTRACT; Cow production and milk quality are influenced by environmental factors such as nutrition, by genetic factors as breed and physiological factors as age at calving or milking frequency. This study aimed to estimate correction parameters for environmental factors with influence on milk production and quality embodying genetic improvement. For this propose, a data base was used with information related to 23987 milk tests collected from official milk recording program. According to the results, where the at least square procedure was adopted, it shows that all the fixed effects of variation significantly affect the productive performances, so it can be concluded that there is a significant interaction between milking frequency, age at calving and season when it occurs, and milk production and quality.
Worldwide, families Carangidae and Rachycentridae represent one of the groups most important commercial fish, used for food, and great potential for marine aquaculture. However, the genetic bases that can underpin the future cultivation of these species, cytogenetic between these aspects are very weak. The chromosomal patterns have provided basic data for the exploration of biotechnological processes aimed at handling chromosomal genetic improvement, such as induction of polyploidy, androgenesis and ginogenesis, as well as obtaining monosex stocks and interspecific hybridizations. This paper presents a comprehensive cytogenetic survey in 10 species, seven of the family Carangidae and the monotypic family Rachycentridae. Classical cytogenetic analysis and in situ mapping of multigene sequences were employed, and additionally for the genus Selene and morphotypes of Caranx lugubris, comparisons were made using geometric morphometrics. In general, conservative species exhibit a marked chromosome number (2n=48). Although present in large part, different karyotypic form, retain many characteristics typical of chromosomal Order Perciformes, the high number of elements monobrachyal, Ag-NORs/18S rDNA sites and heterochromatin simply reduced, preferably centromeric. The main mechanisms involved in karyotypic diversification are the pericentric inversions, with secondary action of centric fusions. In addition to physical mapping and chromosome detail for the species are presented and discussed patterns of intra-and interspecific diversity, cytotaxonomic markers. This data set provides a better understanding of these patterns caryoevolutyonary groups and conditions for the development of protocols based on Biotechnology for chromosomal manipulation Atlantic these species
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Veterinárias - Especialidade de Produção Animal
Tamanho efetivo populacional e diversidade genética em progênies de Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho agronômico em termos de produtividade e características de frutos em 32 genótipos de melancia. O ensaio foi conduzido na Embrapa Semi-Árido, em Petrolina-PE, durante o período de agosto a outubro de 2005, utilizando o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e parcelas com 10 plantas. As mudas foram transplantadas para o campo no espaçamento de 3 x 0,8 m. A cv ?C. Sweet? e as 31 linhas originadas do cruzamento entre ?C. Sweet? e ?CPATSA 85-030? foram avaliadas quanto a rendimento e aspectos externos e internos dos frutos. Verificou-se alto rendimento dos genótipos (33,6 a 66,7 t/ha). Na maioria das linhas, predominaram os frutos com casca rajada, com listras verde-claras alternadas com verde-escuras (96,8%), polpa vermelha (83,9%), alto teor de sólidos solúveis (10 a 12,3o Brix) (93,5%), frutos grandes (8,60 a 11,70 kg) (54,8%) e formato arredondado. Algumas linhas (9,7%) apresentaram alta prolificidade (2,9 a 2,5 frutos/planta), frutos pequenos e arredondados (4,30 a 4,60 kg) e casca rajada verde escura (3,2%). Entre os genótipos de melancia, 05.1168.003, 05.1172.004, 05.1185.001, 05.1189.003, 05.1203.007/1, 05.1194.001/1, 05.1194.005 e 05.1194.006 foram os mais promissores para a obtenção de cultivares resistentes ao oídio e com padrões de frutos para os mercados interno e externo.
Common bean production in Goiás, Brazil is concentrated in the same geographic area, but spread acrossthree distinct growing seasons, namely, wet, dry and winter. In the wet and dry seasons, common beansare grown under rainfed conditions, whereas the winter sowing is fully irrigated. The conventional breed-ing program performs all varietal selection stages solely in the winter season, with rainfed environmentsbeing incorporated in the breeding scheme only through the multi environment trials (METs) wherebasically only yield is recorded. As yield is the result of many interacting processes, it is challengingto determine the events (abiotic or biotic) associated with yield reduction in the rainfed environments(wet and dry seasons). To improve our understanding of rainfed dry bean production so as to produceinformation that can assist breeders in their efforts to develop stress-tolerant, high-yielding germplasm,we characterized environments by integrating weather, soil, crop and management factors using cropsimulation models. Crop simulations based on two commonly grown cultivars (Pérola and BRS Radi-ante) and statistical analyses of simulated yield suggest that both rainfed seasons, wet and dry, can bedivided in two groups of environments: highly favorable environment and favorable environment. Forthe wet and dry seasons, the highly favorable environment represents 44% and 58% of production area,respectively. Across all rainfed environment groups, terminal and/or reproductive drought stress occursin roughly one fourth of the seasons (23.9% for Pérola and 24.7% for Radiante), with drought being mostlimiting in the favorable environment group in the dry TPE. Based on our results, we argue that eventhough drought-tailoring might not be warranted, the common bean breeding program should adapttheir selection practices to the range of stresses occurring in the rainfed TPEs to select genotypes moresuitable for these environments.
Produção de mudas do maracujazeiro silvestre: Passiflora cincinnata Mast. BRS Sertão Forte (BRS SF).
Cultivar de maracujazeiro silvestre BRS Sertão Forte foi obtida por pesquisas desenvolvidas na Embrapa Semiárido (Petrolina, PE) em parceria com a Embrapa Cerrados (Planaltina, DF), resultante de um processo de seleção massal de uma população de acessos silvestres da espécie Passiflora cincinnata Mast. de diferentes origens, visando, principalmente, ao aumento da produtividade e do tamanho do fruto.
Após a Helicoverpa armigera ser identificada no Brasil, os produtores passaram a ter que conviver com uma nova e importante praga da cotonicultura. Para conviver com essa praga e outros lepidópteros e facilitar o manejo de plantas daninhas, os programas de melhoramento genético que atuam no Brasil disponibilizaram ao mercado novas cultivares transgênicas resistentes a lepidópteros e a herbicidas. Contudo, para que a transgenia visando ao controle de lepidópteros seja sustentável em longo prazo, é imprescindível o uso de áreas de refúgio, que nada mais são do que áreas comerciais cultivadas sem a presença do evento para resistência a pragas. Por isso, foram disponibilizadas ao mercado cultivares convencionais e transgênicas com resistência a herbicidas, visando atender à demanda dessas áreas.Essa grande quantidade de novas cultivares disponíveis no mercado tem ocasionado dificuldades para os produtores e consultores em fazerem suas escolhas. Uma vez que, além da resistência às pragas e a herbicidas, é necessário que essas cultivares tenham bom desempenho agronômico, aliado à qualidade de fibras exigida pela indústria têxtil. Nesse sentido, esta publicação pode auxiliar o produtor de algodão brasileiro a fazer a escolha da cultivar mais adequada à sua região e ao manejo adotado na propriedade.
A parceria entre a Embrapa Algodão e a Fundação Bahia vem concentrando esforços para desenvolver cultivares de algodoeiro com elevado desempenho produtivo, com fibra de alta qualidade tecnológica e, portando, eventos transgênicos que contribuam para o melhor êxito da atividade nas condições do cerrado da região MATOPIBA (Maranhão, Tocantins, Piauí e Bahia). Ao final de mais um ano de atividades de pesquisa dessa parceria, são relatados os principais resultados na área de Melhoramento Genético do Algodoeiro, demonstrando os avanços que estão sendo conquistados.São apresentados os resultados referentes a quatro tipos de ensaios: Ensaio de Linhagens Finais da Bahia (ELF BA), com linhagens convencionais; Ensaio de Linhagens Finais da Bahia RF (ELF BA RF), com linhagens contendo o evento Roundup Ready Flex ? RF, que confere tolerância ao herbicida glifosato; Ensaio de Valor de Cultivo e Uso RF (VCU RF), com linhagens RF; Ensaio de Valor de Cultivo e Uso B2RF (VCU B2RF), com linhagens com os eventos RF e Bollgard II, que confere resistência às principais lagartas praga da cultura e ao herbicida glifosato. Através dos resultados obtidos e aqui apresentados, objetiva-se contribuir com a cotonicultura do oeste baiano com lançamentos de cultivares adaptadas a região.