939 resultados para Boneh-Boyen Signatures
Cognitive radio networks sense spectrum occupancyand manage themselves to operate in unused bands without disturbing licensed users. Spectrum sensing is more accurate if jointly performed by several reliable nodes. Even though cooperative sensing is an active area of research, the secureauthentication of local sensing reports remains unsolved, thus empowering false results. This paper presents a distributed protocol based on digital signatures and hash functions, and ananalysis of its security features. The system allows determining a final sensing decision from multiple sources in a quick and secure way.
This paper describes the state of the art of secure ad hoc routing protocols and presents SEDYMO, a mechanism to secure a dynamic multihop ad hoc routing protocol. The proposed solution defeats internal and external attacks usinga trustworthiness model based on a distributed certification authority. Digital signatures and hash chains are used to ensure the correctness of the protocol. The protocol is compared with other alternatives in terms of security strength, energy efficiency and time delay. Both computational and transmission costs are considered and it is shown that the secure protocol overhead is not a critical factor compared to the high network interface cost.
In this paper, two probabilistic adaptive algorithmsfor jointly detecting active users in a DS-CDMA system arereported. The first one, which is based on the theory of hiddenMarkov models (HMM’s) and the Baum–Wech (BW) algorithm,is proposed within the CDMA scenario and compared withthe second one, which is a previously developed Viterbi-basedalgorithm. Both techniques are completely blind in the sense thatno knowledge of the signatures, channel state information, ortraining sequences is required for any user. Once convergencehas been achieved, an estimate of the signature of each userconvolved with its physical channel response (CR) and estimateddata sequences are provided. This CR estimate can be used toswitch to any decision-directed (DD) adaptation scheme. Performanceof the algorithms is verified via simulations as well as onexperimental data obtained in an underwater acoustics (UWA)environment. In both cases, performance is found to be highlysatisfactory, showing the near–far resistance of the analyzed algorithms.
Sähköinen reseptijärjestelmä nykyisessä muodossaan sai alkunsa Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön aloitteesta ja Kansaneläkelaitoksen toimesta vuoden 2001 aikana. Käytössä oleva kansallinen reseptipalvelin mahdollistaa potilaiden oikeudet muun muassa apteekin vapaaseen valintaan ja lääkkeiden suorakorvausmenetelmään. Sähköinen resepti pyritään integroimaan olemassa olevien potilasrekisterijärjestelmien yhteyteen, joten semanttisen webin tuomat teknologiat kuten Web-palvelut ja XML-pohjaiset kielet ovat tärkeässä asemassa reseptien hallinnassa. Tässä työssä pyritään esittämään sähköisen reseptijärjestelmän toimintaa ja sen mahdollistavia jo olemassa olevia tekniikoita. Esille tuodaan myös uusia lisäarvoa tuovia tekniikoita, kuten RDF(S)-kuvauskielet, jotka mahdollistavat muun muassa resepteihin kohdistuvat kyselyt ja täten uudet terveyspalvelut sekä potilaille että lääkäreille. Oleellista on tietenkin myös tietoturva, sillä organisaatioiden välillä resepteissä liikkuu arkaluontoisia tietoja. Turvallisuutta pyritään edistämään muun muassa sähköisillä allekirjoituksilla ja älykorttien avulla tapahtuvalla järjestelmään tunnistautumisella. Jotta sähköinen resepti toimisi tulevaisuudessakin halutulla tavalla ja mahdollistaisi lisäarvopalveluita, on siinä panostettava sisällön lisäksi senkuvaamiseen. Sisällön ja sen suhteiden tarkka määrittely auttaa muun muassa reseptikyselyjen tekemisessä, mikä onkin olennainen osa potilasturvallisuuden ylläpitoa. Kuvauskielien ja ontologioiden käyttö voi myös auttaa lääkehoidon määrittämisessä useiden erilaisten ja jatkuvasti lisääntyvien lääkkeiden viidakossa, kun lääkkeitä voidaan etsiä tietokannoista reseptin kirjoituksen yhteydessä.
PURPOSE: To improve the risk stratification of patients with rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) through the use of clinical and molecular biologic data. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Two independent data sets of gene-expression profiling for 124 and 101 patients with RMS were used to derive prognostic gene signatures by using a meta-analysis. These and a previously published metagene signature were evaluated by using cross validation analyses. A combined clinical and molecular risk-stratification scheme that incorporated the PAX3/FOXO1 fusion gene status was derived from 287 patients with RMS and evaluated. RESULTS: We showed that our prognostic gene-expression signature and the one previously published performed well with reproducible and significant effects. However, their effect was reduced when cross validated or tested in independent data and did not add new prognostic information over the fusion gene status, which is simpler to assay. Among nonmetastatic patients, patients who were PAX3/FOXO1 positive had a significantly poorer outcome compared with both alveolar-negative and PAX7/FOXO1-positive patients. Furthermore, a new clinicomolecular risk score that incorporated fusion gene status (negative and PAX3/FOXO1 and PAX7/FOXO1 positive), Intergroup Rhabdomyosarcoma Study TNM stage, and age showed a significant increase in performance over the current risk-stratification scheme. CONCLUSION: Gene signatures can improve current stratification of patients with RMS but will require complex assays to be developed and extensive validation before clinical application. A significant majority of their prognostic value was encapsulated by the fusion gene status. A continuous risk score derived from the combination of clinical parameters with the presence or absence of PAX3/FOXO1 represents a robust approach to improving current risk-adapted therapy for RMS.
L?objectif de ce travail de recherche était de décrypter l?évolution géodynamique de la Péninsule de Biga (Turquie du N-O), à travers l?analyse de deux régions géologiques peu connues, le mélange de Çetmi et la zone d?Ezine (i.e. le Groupe d?Ezine et l?ophiolite de Denizgören). Une étude complète et détaillée de terrain (cartographie et échantillonnage) ainsi qu?une approche multidisciplinaire (sédimentologie de faciès, pétrographie sédimentaire et magmatique, micropaléontologie, datations absolues, géochimie sur roche totale, cristallinité de l?illite) ont permis d?obtenir de nouveaux éléments d?information sur la région considérée. ? Le mélange de Çetmi, de type mélange d?accrétion, affleure au nord et au sud de la Péninsule de Biga ; les principaux résultats de son étude peuvent se résumer comme suit: - Son aspect structural actuel (nature des contacts, organisation tectonique) est principalement dû au régime extensif Tertiaire présent dans la région. - Il est constitué de blocs de différentes natures : rares calcaires Scythien-Ladinien dans le faciès Han Bulog, blocs hectométriques de calcaires d?âge Norien-Rhaetien de rampe carbonatée, nombreux blocs décamétriques de radiolarites rouges d?âge Bajocien- Aptien, blocs/écailles de roches magmatiques de type spilites (basaltes à andésite), ayant des signatures géochimiques d?arcs ou intra-plaques. - La matrice du mélange est constituée d?une association greywacke-argilites dont l?âge Albien inférieur à moyen a été déterminé par palynologie. - L?activité du mélange s?est terminée avant le Cénomanien (discordance Cénomanienne au sommet du mélange, pas de bloc plus jeune que la matrice). - Du point de vue de ses corrélations latérales, le mélange de Çetmi partage plus de traits communs avec les mélanges se trouvant dans les nappes allochtones du Rhodope (nord de la Grèce et sud-ouest de la Bulgarie) qu?avec ceux de la suture Izmir-Ankara (Turquie); il apparaît finalement que sa mise en place s?est faite dans une logique balkanique (chevauchements vers le nord d?âge anté-Cénomanien). ? Le Groupe d?Ezine et l?ophiolite sus-jacente de Denizgören affleurent dans la partie ouest de la Péninsule de Biga. Le Groupe d?Ezine est une épaisse séquence sédimentaire continue (3000 m), subdivisée en trois formations, caractérisée chacune par un type de sédimentation spécifique, relatif à un environnement de dépôt particulier. De par ses caractéristiques (grande épaisseur, variations latérales de faciès et d?épaisseur dans les formations, érosion de matériel provenant de l?amont du bassin), le groupe d?Ezine est interprétée comme un dépôt syn-rift d?âge Permien moyen-Trias inférieur. Il pourrait représenter une partie de la future marge passive sud Rhodopienne à la suite de l?ouverture de l?océan Maliac/Méliata. L?ophiolite de Denizgören sus-jacente repose sur le Groupe d?Ezine par l?intermédiaire d?une semelle métamorphique à gradient inverse, du faciès amphibolite à schiste vert. L?âge du faciès amphibolite suggère une initiation de l?obduction au Barrémien (125 Ma, âge Ar/Ar); cet âge est unique dans le domaine égéen, mais il peut là aussi être relié à une logique balkanique, sur la base de comparaison avec le domaine Rhodopien. ? Toutes les unités précédentes (mélange de Çetmi, Groupe d?Ezine et ophiolite de Denizgören) ont passivement subi trois phases extensives pendant le Tertiaire. Dans la région d?Ezine et du mélange nord, les micaschistes HP sous-jacents ont été exhumés avant l?Eocène moyen. Dans le cas du mélange sud, cette exhumation Eocene est en partie enregistrée dans les mylonites séparant le mélange du dôme métamorphique sous-jacent du Kazda?. Le mélange sud est dans tous les cas fortement érodé à la suite de la double surrection du dôme du Kazda?, près de la lim ite Oligocène/Miocene et pendant le Plio- Quaternaire. Dans le premier cas, ce soulèvement est caractérisé par le développement d?une faille de détachement à faible pendage, qui contrôle à la fois l?exhumation du massif, et la formation d?un bassin sédimentaire syntectonique, de type bassin supradétachement; quant à la phase extensive la plus récente, elle est contrôlée par le jeu de failles normales à forts pendages qui remanient l?ensemble des structures héritées, et dictent la géomorphologie actuelle de la région. ? Il est possible de proposer un scénario pour l?évolution géodynamique de la Péninsule de Biga, basé sur l?ensemble des résultats précédents et sur les données de la géologie régionale ; ses points principaux sont: - La Péninsule de Biga fait partie de la marge Rhodopienne. - Le Groupe d?Ezine est un témoin de la marge passive nord Maliac/Méliata. - L?ophiolite de Denizgören et le mélange de Çetmi ont été mis en place tous deux vers le nord sur la marge précédente, respectivement au Barrémien et à l?Albien terminal- Cénomanien inférieur. - Une forte composante décrochante durant l?emplacement est suggérée par la préservation de fragments de la marge passive et l?absence de métamorphisme dans la plaque inférieure. - Tous les évènements précédents ont été largement affectés par le régime d?extension Tertiaire.<br/><br/>The purpose of this study is to unravel the geodynamic evolution of the Biga Peninsula (NW Turkey) through the detailed study of two poorly known areas, the Çetmi mélange and the Ezine zone (i.e. the Ezine Group and the Denizgören ophiolite). The methodology was based on a detailed field work and a multidisciplinary approach. ? The accretion-related Çetmi mélange is mainly cropping out north and south of the Biga Peninsula; the main results of its study can be summarized as follows: -Its present-day structural aspect (type of contacts, tectonic organisation) is largely inherited from the Tertiary extensional regime in the region. -It is made of blocks of various natures: Han Bulog limestones with a Scythian to Ladinian age, common carbonate ramp Norian-Rhaetian limestones (biggest blocks of the mélange), red radolarite with a Bajocian to Aptian age; the most common lithology of the mélange is made by block/slices of spilitic magmatic rocks (basalt to andesite); they have volcanic arc or within plate basalt geochemical signatures. -The matrix of the mélange is made of a greywacke-shale association of Early-Middle Albian age. - The mélange stopped its activity before the Cenomanian (no younger blocks than the matrix, and Cenomanian unconformity). - If compared to the regional geology, the Çetmi mélange shares some characteristics with the Izmir-Ankara mélanges (less), and with the mélanges from allochthonous nappes found in eastern Rhodope (more); it appears finally that its emplacement is related to a Balkanic logic (ante-Cenomanian northward thrusting). ? The Ezine Group and the overlying Denizgören ophiolite are cropping out in the western part of the Biga Peninsula. The Ezine Group is a thick sedimentary sequence interpreted as a syn-rift deposit of Middle Permian-Early Triassic age. It represents a part of the south Rhodopian passive margin, following the opening of the Maliac/Meliata oceanic domain. The Denizgören ophiolite has been emplaced northward on the Ezine Group in the Barremian (125 Ma, age of the amphibolitic sole); this age is unique in the Aegean domain, but here again, it may be related to a Balkan logic. ? All the previous units (Çetmi mélange, Ezine Group and Denizgören ophiolite) have passively suffered two extensional regimes during the Tertiary. In the Ezine and northern Çetmi mélange area, the underlying HP Çamlýca micaschists were exhumed before the Middle Eocene. As for the southern mélange, it was strongly eroded following the Late Oligocene to Quaternary uplift of the underlying Kazda? Massif. This uplift was characterized by the development of a low-angle detachment fault controlling a part of the exhumation, as well as the development of a supra-detachment basin. ? Based on the previous results, and on the data from the regional geology, one can propose a scenario for the geodynamic evolution of the Biga Peninsula. Its key points are:- The Biga Peninsula is belonging to the Rhodope margin. - The Ezine Group is a remnant of the northern Maliac/Meliata passive margin. - Both the Denizgören ophiolite and the Çetmi mélange have been emplaced northward on the previous margin, respectively in the Barremian and in the Late Albian-Early Cenomanian times. - The preservation of the remnants of the Rhodope margin, as well as the absence of metamorphism in the lower plate suggest a strong strike-slip component during the emplacements. - All the previous events are (at least) partly obliterated by the Tertiary extensional regime.<br/><br/>Le géologue est comme un «historien» de la Terre, qui porte un intérêt particulier à l?étude du passé de notre planète; ce dernier, très ancien, se mesure en dizaines ou centaines de millions d?années (Ma). Or le visage de la terre a constamment évolué au cours des ces millions d?années écoulés, car les plaques (continentales et océaniques) qui composent son enveloppe superficielle ne restent pas immobiles, mais se déplacent continuellement à sa surface, à une vitesse de l?ordre du cm/an (théorie de la tectonique des plaques); c?est ainsi, par exemple, que des océans naissent, grandissent, puis finissent par se refermer. On appelle sutures océaniques, les zones, aujourd?hui sur la terre ferme, où l?on retrouve les restes d?océans disparus. Ces sutures sont caractérisées par deux associations distinctes de roches, que l?on appelle les mélanges et les ophiolites; ces mélanges et ophiolites sont donc les témoins de l?activité passée d?un océan aujourd?hui refermé. L?équipe de recherche dans laquelle ce travail à été réalisé s?intéresse à un vaste domaine océanique fossile: l?océan Néotéthys. Cet océan, de plusieurs milliers de kilomètres de large, séparait alors l?Europe et l?Asie au nord, de l?Afrique, l?Inde et l?Australie au sud. De cet océan, il n?en subsiste aujourd?hui qu?une infime partie, qui se confond avec notre mer Méditerranée actuelle. Or, tout comme l?océan Pacifique est bordé de mers plus étroites (Mer de Chine, du Japon, etc?), l?océan Néotéthys était bordé au nord de mers marginales. C?est dans ce cadre que s?est inscrit mon travail de thèse, puisqu?il a consisté en l?étude d?une suture océanique (mélange plus ophiolite), témoin d?une des mers qui bordait l?océan Néotéthys sur sa marge nord. L?objectif était de préciser de quelle suture il s?agissait, puis de déterminer quand et comment elle avait fonctionné (i.e son évolution géologique). Les roches qui composent cette suture affleurent aujourd?hui en Turquie nord occidentale dans la Péninsule de Biga. Au nord et au sud de la péninsule se trouvent les zones géologique du mélange de Çetmi, et à l?ouest, le Groupe d?Ezine et l?ophiolite susjacente, dite ophiolite de Denizgören. Une étude complète et détaillée de terrain (cartographie, échantillonnage), suivie de diverses analyses en laboratoire (détermination de leur âge, de leur condition de formation, etc?), ont permis d?aboutir aux principaux résultats suivants : - Mise en évidence dans le mélange de Çetmi des témoins (1) de l?océan Lycien disparu (ancienne mer marginale de la Néotéthys), et (2) de la marge continentale qui le bordait au nord. - Fin de l?activité du mélange de Çetmi il y a environ 105 Ma (Albien). - Le mélange de Çetmi est difficilement corrélable dans le temps avec les unités semblables affleurant dans la région d?étude (unicité du mélange), ce qui implique des conditions particulière de formation. - L?ophiolite de Denizgören est un morceau d?océan Lycien posé sur un reste préservé de sa marge continentale nord. - Cette dernière est représentée sur le terrain par une succession de roches caractéristiques, le Groupe d?Ezine. Celui-ci est lui-même un témoin de l?ouverture d?un océan marginal de la Néotethys antérieur au Lycien, l?océan Maliac, qui s?est ouvert il y a 245 Ma (Permien-Trias). - La mise en place de l?ophiolite de Denizgören sur le Groupe d?Ezine (125 Ma, Barrémien) est antérieure à la mise en place du mélange de Çetmi. - Il apparaît que ces deux mises en place sont contemporaines de la formation de la chaîne des Balkans, terminée avant le Cénomanien (100 Ma). - L?évolution dans le temps des objets précédents (océans, marges continentales) montre de grands mouvements latéraux est-ouest entre ces objets (translation). Ce qui implique que les roches que l?on retrouve aujourd?hui sur un transect nord-sud ne l?étaient pas nécessairement auparavant. - Enfin, il s?avère que le mélange de Çetmi, l?ophiolite de Denizgören, et le Groupe d?Ezine ont subi par la suite des déformations extensives importantes qui ont considérablement perturbé le schéma post-mise en place.
Yeast successfully adapts to an environmental stress by altering physiology and fine-tuning metabolism. This fine-tuning is achieved through regulation of both gene expression and protein activity, and it is shaped by various physiological requirements. Such requirements impose a sustained evolutionary pressure that ultimately selects a specific gene expression profile, generating a suitable adaptive response to each environmental change. Although some of the requirements are stress specific, it is likely that others are common to various situations. We hypothesize that an evolutionary pressure for minimizing biosynthetic costs might have left signatures in the physicochemical properties of proteins whose gene expression is fine-tuned during adaptive responses. To test this hypothesis we analyze existing yeast transcriptomic data for such responses and investigate how several properties of proteins correlate to changes in gene expression. Our results reveal signatures that are consistent with a selective pressure for economy in protein synthesis during adaptive response of yeast to various types of stress. These signatures differentiate two groups of adaptive responses with respect to how cells manage expenditure in protein biosynthesis. In one group, significant trends towards downregulation of large proteins and upregulation of small ones are observed. In the other group we find no such trends. These results are consistent with resource limitation being important in the evolution of the first group of stress responses.
The Atlas Mountains in Morocco are considered as type examples of intracontinental chains, with high topography that contrasts with moderate crustal shortening and thickening. Whereas recent geological studies and geodynamic modeling have suggested the existence of dynamic topography to explain this apparent contradiction, there is a lack of modern geophysical data at the crustal scale to corroborate this hypothesis. Newly-acquired magnetotelluric data image the electrical resistivity distribution of the crust from the Middle Atlas to the Anti-Atlas, crossing the tabular Moulouya Plain and the High Atlas. All the units show different and unique electrical signatures throughout the crust reflecting the tectonic history of development of each one. In the upper crust electrical resistivity values may be associated to sediment sequences in the Moulouya and Anti-Atlas and to crustal scale fault systems in the High Atlas developed during the Cenozoic times. In the lower crust the low resistivity anomaly found below the Mouluya plain, together with other geophysical (low velocity anomaly, lack of earthquakes and minimum Bouguer anomaly) and geochemical (Neogene-Quaternary intraplate alkaline volcanic fields) evidence, infer the existence of a small degree of partial melt at the base of the lower crust. The low resistivity anomaly found below the Anti-Atlas may be associated with a relict subduction of Precambrian oceanic sediments, or to precipitated minerals during the release of fluids from the mantle during the accretion of the Anti-Atlas to the West African Supercontinent during the Panafrican orogeny ca. 685 Ma).
In this paper we use a Terahertz (THz) time-domain system to image and analyze the structure of an artwork attributed to the Spanish artist Goya painted in 1771. The THz images show features that cannot be seen with optical inspection and complement data obtained with X-ray imaging that provide evidence of its authenticity, which is validated by other independent studies. For instance, a feature with a strong resemblance with one of Goya"s known signatures is seen in the THz images. In particular, this paper demonstrates the potential of THz imaging as a complementary technique along with X-ray for the verification and authentication of artwork pieces through the detection of features that remain hidden to optical inspection.
The reversal of congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) is a relatively recent phenomenon that has gained increasing attention over the past 10 years. Yet to date, only one prospective study has been conducted estimating that 10% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 2%-18%) of cases undergo reversal. [1] Other retrospective studies have reported rates in the range of 5%-8% [2],[3] and a recent study showed 44/308 (14%, 95% CI: 11%-19%) CHH patients underwent reversal. [4] Moreover, a time-to-event analysis in this large cohort revealed a lifetime reversal incidence of 22%. The article by Mao and colleagues presented in this issue is a meaningful contribution to our understanding of reversal as it examines the largest retrospective cohort to date. [5] Interestingly, they report the rate of reversal as 5% (95% CI: 3%-8%) in this Chinese cohort. It is difficult to reconcile the discrepancies in rates of reversibility and direct comparisons are hampered by the variable definitions employed. Using a novel definition for reversal (i.e, either endogenous testosterone (T) >270 ng dl−1 , serum T gradually increasing above 150 ng dl−1 with increased testicular volume, or normal spontaneous sperm production/normal erectile function/ejaculation), Mao and colleagues posit that testicular size and triptorelin-stimulated LH levels are reliable predictive factors for reversal. However, these cannot be considered as hard and fast rules for predicting reversal as the groups intersect - akin to the overlap observed between CHH patients and those with delayed puberty. Indeed, the fact that approximately half (44%, 95% CI: 25%-66%) of the reversal patients in the study by Mao et al.[5] were diagnosed between 17 and 19 years of age, underscores the challenge in differentiating CHH from extreme normal variants of puberty. This study further lends credence the recently reported observations that reversals may relapse. [4],[6] The notion that reversal may not be lasting highlights the vulnerability of the reproductive axis among CHH patients. While the mechanism(s) for relapse are unclear, it seems plausible that environmental, metabolic or psychiatric stressors could contribute. The factors that Mao and colleagues identify as significantly different in cases of reversal, were not informative for identifying those cases that relapsed back to a hypogonadal state. Notably, reversal has been reported in probands harboring mutations in genes underlying CHH. [1],[3],[4],[6] Unfortunately, comprehensive genetic screening on the Chinese cohort is not available. The reversal phenomenon is fascinating for its glimpse into the plasticity of the neuroendocrine control of reproduction. Future directions will almost certainly include investigation of specific genetic signatures and novel biomarkers for predicting reversal (and relapse). Yet CHH is a rare condition and to fully elucidate the biology of reversible CHH, it will be important to harmonize definitions of what constitutes a reversal, carefully phenotype patients and chart the natural history of their CHH. In this way, this unique human disease model may offer further insights into the control of human reproduction and provide opportunities to translate discoveries into enhanced approaches to improve the care and quality of life for these patients.
The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are a group of nuclear receptors that function as transcription factors regulating the expression of genes involved in cellular differentiation, development, metabolism and also tumorigenesis. Three PPAR isotypes (α, β/δ and γ) have been identified, among which PPARβ/δ is the most difficult to functionally examine due to its tissue-specific diversity in cell fate determination, energy metabolism and housekeeping activities. PPARβ/δ acts both in a ligand-dependent and -independent manner. The specific type of regulation, activation or repression, is determined by many factors, among which the type of ligand, the presence/absence of PPARβ/δ-interacting corepressor or coactivator complexes and PPARβ/δ protein post-translational modifications play major roles. Recently, new global approaches to the study of nuclear receptors have made it possible to evaluate their molecular activity in a more systemic fashion, rather than deeply digging into a single pathway/function. This systemic approach is ideally suited for studying PPARβ/δ, due to its ubiquitous expression in various organs and its overlapping and tissue-specific transcriptomic signatures. The aim of the present review is to present in detail the diversity of PPARβ/δ function, focusing on the different information gained at the systemic level, and describing the global and unbiased approaches that combine a systems view with molecular understanding.
Molecular profiling of CD8 T cells in autochthonous melanoma identifies Maf as driver of exhaustion.
T cells infiltrating neoplasms express surface molecules typical of chronically virus-stimulated T cells, often termed "exhausted" T cells. We compared the transcriptome of "exhausted" CD8 T cells infiltrating autochthonous melanomas to those of naïve and acutely stimulated CD8 T cells. Despite strong similarities between transcriptional signatures of tumor- and virus-induced exhausted CD8 T cells, notable differences appeared. Among transcriptional regulators, Nr4a2 and Maf were highly overexpressed in tumor-exhausted T cells and significantly upregulated in CD8 T cells from human melanoma metastases. Transduction of murine tumor-specific CD8 T cells to express Maf partially reproduced the transcriptional program associated with tumor-induced exhaustion. Upon adoptive transfer, the transduced cells showed normal homeostasis but failed to accumulate in tumor-bearing hosts and developed defective anti-tumor effector responses. We further identified TGFβ and IL-6 as main inducers of Maf expression in CD8 T cells and showed that Maf-deleted tumor-specific CD8 T cells were much more potent to restrain tumor growth in vivo. Therefore, the melanoma microenvironment contributes to skewing of CD8 T cell differentiation programs, in part by TGFβ/IL-6-mediated induction of Maf.
In recent years, massive protostars have turned out to be a possible population of high-energy emitters. Among the best candidates is IRAS 16547-4247, a protostar that presents a powerful outflow with clear signatures of interaction with its environment. This source has been revealed to be a potential high-energy source because it displays non-thermal radio emission of synchrotron origin, which is evidence of relativistic particles. To improve our understanding of IRAS 16547-4247 as a high-energy source, we analyzed XMM-Newton archival data and found that IRAS 16547-4247 is a hard X-ray source. We discuss these results in the context of a refined one-zone model and previous radio observations. From our study we find that it may be difficult to explain the X-ray emission as non-thermal radiation coming from the interaction region, but it might be produced by thermal Bremsstrahlung (plus photo-electric absorption) by a fast shock at the jet end. In the high-energy range, the source might be detectable by the present generation of Cherenkov telescopes, and may eventually be detected by Fermi in the GeV range.
Although abundant in the number of individuals, the Atlantic salmon may be considered as a threatened species in many areas of its native distribution range. Human activities such as building of power plant dams, offshore overfishing, pollution, clearing of riverbeds for timber floating and badly designed stocking regimes have diminished the distribution of Atlantic salmon. As a result of this, many of the historical populations both in Europe and northern America have gone extinct or are severely depressed. In fact, only 1% of Atlantic salmon existing today are of natural origin, the rest being farmed salmon. All of this has lead to a vast amount of research and many restoration programmes aiming to bring Atlantic salmon back to rivers from where it has vanished. However, many of the restoration programmes conducted thus far have been unsuccessful due to inadequate scientific research or lack of its implementation, highlighting the fact that more research is needed to fully understand the biology of this complex species. The White and Barents Seas in northwest Russia are among the last regions in Europe where Atlantic salmon populations are still stable, thus forming an important source of biodiversity for the entire European region. Salmon stocks from this area are also of immense economic and social importance for the local people in the form of fishing tourism. The main aim of this thesis was to elucidate the post-glacial history and population genetic structure of north European and particularly northwest Russian Atlantic salmon, both of which are aspects of great importance for the management and conservation of the species. Throughout the whole thesis, these populations were studied by utilizing microsatellites as the main molecular tool. One of the most important discoveries of the thesis was the division of Atlantic salmon from the White and Barents Seas into four separate clusters, which has not been observed in previous studies employing nuclear markers although is supported by mtDNA studies. Populations from the western Barents Sea clustered together with the northeast Atlantic populations into a clearly distinguishable group while populations from the White Sea and eastern Barents Sea were separated into three additional groups. This has important conservation implications as this thesis clearly indicates that conservation of populations from all of the observed clusters is warranted in order to conserve as much of the genetic diversity as possible in this area. The thesis also demonstrates how differences in population life histories within a species, migratory behaviour in this case, and in their phylogeographic origin affect the genetic characteristics of populations, namely diversity and divergence levels. The anadromous populations from the Atlantic Ocean, White Sea and Barents Sea possessed higher levels of genetic diversity than the anadromous populations form the Baltic Sea basin. Among the non-anadromous populations the result was the opposite: the Baltic freshwater populations were more variable. This emphasises the importance of taking the life history of a population into consideration when developing conservation strategies: due to the limited possibilities for new genetic diversity to be generated via gene flow, it is expected that freshwater Atlantic salmon populations would be more vulnerable to extinction following a population crash and thus deserve a high conservation status. In the last chapter of this thesis immune relevant marker loci were developed and screened for signatures of natural selection along with loci linked to genes with other functions or no function at all. Also, a novel landscape genomics method, which combines environmental information with molecular data, was employed to investigate whether immune relevant markers displayed significant correlations to various environmental variables more frequently than other loci. Indications of stronger selection pressure among immune-relevant loci compared to non-immune relevant EST-linked loci was found but further studies are needed to evaluate whether it is a common phenomenon in Atlantic salmon.