994 resultados para Biology, Cell|Health Sciences, Pharmacology


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Les dynorphines sont des neuropeptides importants avec un rôle central dans la nociception et l’atténuation de la douleur. De nombreux mécanismes régulent les concentrations de dynorphine endogènes, y compris la protéolyse. Les Proprotéines convertases (PC) sont largement exprimées dans le système nerveux central et clivent spécifiquement le C-terminale de couple acides aminés basiques, ou un résidu basique unique. Le contrôle protéolytique des concentrations endogènes de Big Dynorphine (BDyn) et dynorphine A (Dyn A) a un effet important sur la perception de la douleur et le rôle de PC reste à être déterminée. L'objectif de cette étude était de décrypter le rôle de PC1 et PC2 dans le contrôle protéolytique de BDyn et Dyn A avec l'aide de fractions cellulaires de la moelle épinière de type sauvage (WT), PC1 -/+ et PC2 -/+ de souris et par la spectrométrie de masse. Nos résultats démontrent clairement que PC1 et PC2 sont impliquées dans la protéolyse de BDyn et Dyn A avec un rôle plus significatif pour PC1. Le traitement en C-terminal de BDyn génère des fragments peptidiques spécifiques incluant dynorphine 1-19, dynorphine 1-13, dynorphine 1-11 et dynorphine 1-7 et Dyn A génère les fragments dynorphine 1-13, dynorphine 1-11 et dynorphine 1-7. Ils sont tous des fragments de peptides associés à PC1 ou PC2. En plus, la protéolyse de BDyn conduit à la formation de Dyn A et Leu-Enk, deux peptides opioïdes importants. La vitesse de formation des deux est réduite de manière significative dans les fractions cellulaires de la moelle épinière de souris mutantes. En conséquence, l'inhibition même partielle de PC1 ou PC2 peut altérer le système opioïde endogène.


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Plusieurs études montrent que les acides gras (AG) oméga-3 sont bénéfiques pour la santé cardiovasculaire. Une étude antérieure dans notre laboratoire a montré que l’administration des acides gras oméga-3 réduit la taille de l'infarctus du myocarde (IM). Cependant, la question demeure de savoir si les deux principaux acides gras oméga-3 à longue chaîne, l'acide eicosapentaénoïque (EPA) et l'acide docosahexaénoïque (DHA) possèdent la même efficacité à réduire la taille de l'infarctus. Le but de ce projet sera de déterminer l’efficacité relative de chacun de ces acides gras oméga-3 à protéger le cœur dans un modèle d’ischémie/reperfusion et d’étudier certaines voies de cardioprotection. Des rats mâles adultes Sprague-Dawley ont été nourris pendant 14 jours avec une diète comprenant l'un: 1- aucun AG oméga-3; 2- 5 g d'EPA / kg de nourriture; 3- 5 g de DHA / kg de nourriture; 4- 2,5 g de chaque oméga-3 AG / kg de nourriture; 5- 5 g chaque AG oméga-3 / kg de nourriture. Par la suite, les animaux ont été soumis à une ischémie pendant 40 minutes, causée par l'occlusion de l'artère coronaire gauche descendante. Au bout de 24 heures de reperfusion, la taille de l'infarctus est déterminée. Dans un sous-groupe d'animaux, l'activité d’Akt et des caspase-3 sont mesurées dans la région ischémique après 30 minutes de reperfusion. Finalement, à 15 minutes de reperfusion, l'ouverture du pore de transition de perméabilité mitochondriale mPTP est déterminée dans un autre sous-groupe. Les résultats indiquent que les diètes EPA ou DHA réduisent de manière significative la taille de l'infarctus par rapport à la diète sans AG oméga-3, tandis que la combinaison de deux acides gras oméga-3 n'a pas montré de diminution de la taille de l'infarctus. L'activité de la caspase-3 est réduite pour le groupe DHA puis, l'activité d'Akt est augmentée avec les diètes EPA et DHA seules. Finalement, en présence d’une diète enrichie uniquement de DHA, l'ouverture des mPTP est retardée comparativement aux autres diètes.


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The fourth component of human complement (C4) exists in blood as two major forms or isotypes which differ in their biochemical and functional properties. Because C4A preferentially transacylates onto amino groups, it has been postulated that this isotype is more important in the clearance of immune complexes. Patients having systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), an autoimmune disease, have an increased incidence of C4A null genes and presumably decreased levels of C4A. Currently accepted methods for the detection of C4, however, cannot accurately quantitate C4A and C4B. Thus, their role in disease susceptibility and activity has not been studied. A novel immunoassay, which utilized heat-aggregated IgG to activate and capture C4, was developed for accurate quantitation of total C4, C4A and C4B by monoclonal antibody conjugates. Higher mean total C4 values were found in a healthy Black control population when compared to White controls. This appeared to be due to an increase in C4B. In SLE patients, mean total C4 levels were significantly lower than controls regardless of disease activity. Serial patient studies showed that the ratio of C4A:C4B remained relatively constant. When the patient group was compared to controls based on C4 null gene status, the mean levels of C4A were identical while C4B was decreased in the patients. This suggests that the common HLA-B8, Dr3 C4A*Q0 gene deletion found in SLE patients may also adversely affect genetic control of the C4B genes. Furthermore, low levels of C4A cannot fully account for disease development in SLE patients having C4A null genes. ^


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The aim of this dissertation was to examine the hypothesis that (R)-nipecotic acid ethyl ester ((R)-NAEE) is a cholinergic agonist that is selective for a particular subclass (M$\sb1$ or M$\sb2$) of muscarinic receptors.^ Ligand binding studies indicated that like cholinergic agonists (R)-NAEE selectively interacts with rat heart (M$\sb2$) and brain (M$\sb1$) muscarinic binding sites. Physiological studies revealed that unlike cholinergic agonists (R)-NAEE stimulated only those responses coupled to M$\sb2$ muscarinic receptors (acid secretion, negative inotropic response, smooth muscle contraction). Moreover, in rat brain (R)-NAEE differentiated between M$\sb2$ receptors negatively coupled to adenylate cyclase activity and M$\sb1$ receptors mediating PI turnover, being a weak competitive antagonist at these latter sites. In isolated rat gastric mucosal cells (R)-NAEE also differentiated between two M$\sb2$ coupled responses where it potentiated acid secretion but could not stimulate PI turnover. Atropine, a selective antimuscarinic agent, competitively antagonized all agonist effects of (R)-NAEE.^ Unlike (R)-NAEE, the muscarinic agonist arecoline, which is structurally similar to (R)-NAEE, stimulates both M$\sb1$ and M$\sb2$ receptors. Structure activity studies revealed that saturation of the piperidine ring and the length of the ester side chain of (R)-NAEE are the most important determinants for both M$\sb2$ efficacy and selectivity.^ The results of this dissertation establish that (R)-NAEE is a cholinergic muscarinic receptor agonist that displays greater efficacy at M$\sb2$ than at M$\sb1$ receptors, being a weak antagonist at the M$\sb1$ site. With such selectivity, (R)-NAEE may be regarded as a prototype for a unique class of cholinergic muscarinic M$\sb2$ receptor agonists. Because of these unique properties, (R)-NAEE should be useful in the further characterization of muscarinic receptors, and could lead to the development of a new class of therapeutic agents. ^


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Chitin, N-acetylglucosamine and crude shrimp shell were found to support growth and survival of non-01 and 01 Vibrio cholerae species in aquatic microcosms. Growth was found to be concentration-dependent when the amount of chitin used was within the range of 0.5 g/L to 5 g/L. Toxigenic strains of V. cholerae retained their ability to produce cholera toxin in bay water with chitin as the sole source of nutrient. The amount of chitin solubilized in bay water was shown to depend on salinity but not pH. The inability of V. cholerae to grow in dilute (10%) sewage is reported, and its bearing on the adequacy of the currently used fecal coliform count as a measure of shellfish and shellfish harvesting water quality is discussed. ^


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9-$\beta$-D-arabinofuranosyl-2-fluoroadenine (F-ara-A) is an analogue of adenosine and 2$\sp\prime$-deoxyadenosine with potent antitumor activity both in vitro and in vivo. The mechanism of action of F-ara-A was evaluated both in whole cells and in experimental systems with purified enzymes. F-ara-A was converted to its 5$\sp\prime$-triphosphate F-ara-ATP in cells and then incorporated into DNA in a self-limiting manner. About 98% of the incorporated F-ara-AMP residues were located at the 3$\sp\prime$-termini of DNA strands, suggesting a chain termination property of this compound. DNA synthesis in CEM cells was inhibited by F-ara-A treatment with an IC$\sb{50}$ value of 1 $\mu$M. Cells were not able to restore the normal level of DNA synthesis even after being cultured in drug-free medium for 40 h. A DNA primer extension assay with M13mp18(+) single-stranded DNA template using purified human DNA polymerases $\alpha$ and further revealed that F-ara-ATP competed with dATP for incorporation into the A sites of the elongating DNA strands. The incorporation of F-ara-AMP into DNA resulted in a termination of DNA synthesis at the incorporated A sites. Pol $\alpha$ and $\delta$ were not able to efficiently extend the DNA primer with F-ara-AMP at its 3$\sp\prime$-end. Furthermore, the presence of F-ara-AMP at the 3$\sp\prime$-end of an oligodeoxyribonucleotide impaired its ligation with an adjacent DNA fragment by human and T4 ligases. Human DNA polymerase $\alpha$ incorporated more F-ara-AMP into DNA than polymerase $\delta$ and was more sensitive to the inhibition by F-ara-ATP, suggesting that polymerase $\alpha$ may be a preferred target for this analogue. On the other hand, DNA-dependent nucleotide turnover experiments and sequencing gel analysis demonstrated that DNA polymerase $\delta$ was able to remove the incorporated F-ara-AMP residue from the 3$\sp\prime$-end of the DNA strand with its 3$\sp\prime$-5$\sp\prime$ exonuclease activity in vitro, subsequently permitting further elongation of the DNA strand.^ The incorporation of F-ara-AMP into DNA was linearly correlated both with the inhibition of DNA synthesis and with the loss of clonogenicity. Termination of DNA synthesis and deletion of genetic material resulted from F-ara-AMP incorporation may be the mechanism responsible for cytotoxicity of F-ara-A. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^


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Activation of protein kinase C (PKC) causes multiple effects on adenylyl cyclase (AC), (i) an inhibition of (hormone) receptor/G$\sb{\rm s}$ coupling, consistent with PKC modification of the receptor and (ii) a postreceptor sensitization consistent with a PKC-mediated modification of the stimulatory (G$\sb{\rm s}$) or inhibitory (G$\sb{\rm i}$) G-proteins or the catalyst (C) of AC. In L cells expressing the wild-type beta-adrenergic receptor ($\beta$AR) 4-$\beta$ phorbol 12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) caused 2-3-fold increases in the K$\sb{\rm act}$ and V$\sb{\rm max}$ for epinephrine-stimulated AC activity and an attenuation of GTP-mediated inhibition of AC. Deletion of a concensus site for PKC phosphorylation (amino acids 259-262) from the $\beta$AR eliminated the PMA-induced increase in the K$\sb{\rm act}$, but had no effect on the other actions of PMA. PMA also increased the K$\sb{\rm act}$ and V$\sb{\rm max}$ for prostaglandin E$\sb1$ (PGE$\sb1$)-stimulated AC and the V$\sb{\rm max}$ for forskolin-stimulated AC. Maximal PMA-induced sensitizations were observed when AC was assayed in the presence of 10 $\mu$M GTP and 0.3 mM (Mg$\sp{++}$).^ Liao et al. (J. Biol. Chem. 265:11273-11284 (1990)) have shown that the P$\sb2$ purinergic receptor agonist ATP stimulates hydrolysis of 4,5 inositol bisphosphate (PIP$\sb2$) by phospholipase C (PLC) in L cells. To determine if agonists that stimulate PLC and PMA had similar effects on AC function we compared the effects of ATP and PMA. ATP caused a rapid 50-150% sensitization of PGE$\sb1$-, epinephrine-, and forskolin-stimulated AC activity with an EC$\sb{50}$ of 3 $\mu$M ATP. The sensitization was similar (i.e. Mg$\sp{++}$ and GTP sensitivity) to that caused by 10 nM PMA. However, unlike PMA ATP did not affect the K$\sb{\rm act}$ for hormone-stimulated AC and its effects were unaltered by down-regulation of PKCs following long term PMA treatment. Our results demonstrate that a PKC concensus site in the $\beta$AR, is required for the PMA-induced decrease in receptor/G$\sb{\rm s}$ coupling. Our data also indicate that activation of P$\sb2$ purinergic receptors by ATP may be important in the sensitization of AC in L cells. The mechanism behind this effect remains to be determined. ^


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The objective of this study was to investigate the immunochemical nature of the polyclonal immune response to the 14mer peptide TINKEDDESPGLYG and to identify interactions among antibodies to more than one epitope. Two groups of rabbits were immunized with the 14mer peptide and a Keyhole Limpet hemocyanin (KLH) carrier, but with KLH attached either to the 14mer's N- or C-terminus. Two approximate epitopes were mapped by an antibody-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method using antiserum obtained when KLH was oriented on the C-terminus of the 14mer. A precise mapping of the epitopes performed with inhibition enzyme immunoassays (iEIAs) resulted in an N-terminal 6mer epitope TINKED and a C-terminal 10mer epitope EDDESPGLYG. The epitopes overlapped by two amino acids. IEIAs and iEIAs incorporating antibody-blocking peptides indicated that the two anti-epitope antibody fractions did not interfere with one anothers' epitope binding. It was postulated that the anti-TINKED and anti-EDDESPGLYG antibody fractions individually bind their respective hydrophobic epitope "core" region at the N- or C-terminal of peptide TINKEDDESPGLYG, while sharing the two hydrophilic overlap amino acids. This antibody "lap joint" binding interaction can be accomplished by each of the anti-epitope antibodies binding an opposite side of the epitope overlap region in the shallow periphery of its binding site. ^


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Using a "collision-coupling" model for $\beta \sb 2$-adrenergic receptor-mediated activation of adenylylcyclase in S49 lymphoma cells, the rate-limiting step of that activation was identified as the association of an "active-state", hormone-bound receptor (HR$\sp\*$) with a G$\sb{\rm s}$-adenylylcyclase moiety (G$\sb{\rm s}$C). It was subsequently hypothesized that the location of the rate-limiting step would not be shifted elsewhere in the activation scheme by receptor desensitization. The traditional focus of receptor desensitization studies has been on modifications of the receptor molecule itself. A "clear-cut" answer to the present hypothesis provides new information on modifications in the function of the receptor following desensitization.^ "Heterologous" desensitization was induced in wild type S49 cells with agents which increase intracellular cAMP without occupying $\beta\sb2$-adrenergic receptors; PGE$\sb1$, forskolin and dibutyryl cAMP. These treatments avoided overlapping effects on $\beta\sb2$-adrenergic receptors by the "homologous" mechanism, in which occupancy by hormone is causative. Although the steady-state activation rate was decreased following heterologous desensitization, that rate was still limited by the association between HR* and G$\sb{\rm s}$C. Thus "heterologous" desensitization acts at the equilibrium between HR and HR* (which is driven by hormone efficiency) such that HR* formation becomes less likely and the frequency of HR*G$\sb{\rm s}$C associations decreases.^ "Homologous" desensitization was induced by high (1-10$\mu$M) epinephrine concentrations in the S49 variant deficient in cAMP-dependent protein kinase, KIN$\sp-$. Use of KIN$\sp-$minimized overlapping effects by the "heterologous" mechanism, which is PKA-dependent. Following homologous desensitization, roughly 50% of the receptors in plasma membrane preparations no longer formed HR*G$\sb{\rm s}$C complexes; evidenced by a decrease in high-affinity hormone binding sites. The loss of HR*G$\sb{\rm s}$C formation did not appear related to the HR/HR* equilibrium. Increasing the efficiency of the assay agonist did nothing to "override" the effect. HR*G$\sb{\rm s}$C association was still the rate-limiting step among the remaining functional receptors. It was not distinguishable whether the remaining activity was "desensitized" due to adenylylcyclase having decreased access to receptors within plasma membrane fragments or due to an effect similar to "heterologous" desensitization. ^


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DNA for this study was collected from a sample of 133 retinitis pigmentosa (RP) patients and the rhodopsin locus molecularly analyzed by linkage and for disease specific mutations. The cohort of patients consisted of 85 individuals diagnosed with autosomal dominant RP (adRP), and 48 patients representing other forms of retinitis pigmentosa or retinal dystrophy related disease. In three large families with adRP rhodopsin was excluded from linkage to the disease locus. A search for subtle mutations in the rhodopsin coding region using single strand conformational polymorphisms (SSCP) and sequencing detected a total of 14 unique sequence variants in 24 unrelated patients. These variants included one splicing variant, 5168 -1G-A, one deletion variant of 17 base pairs causing a frame shift at codon 332, and 12 misense variants: Pro23His, Leu46Arg, Gly106Trp, Arg135Pro, Pro171Glu, Pro180Ala, Glu181Lys, Asp190Asn, His211Arg, Ser270Arg, Leu328Pro and Pro347Thr. All but three of the missense variants change amino acids that are evolutionarily conserved. The Pro23His mutation was found in 10 unrelated individuals with family histories of adRP and not in any normal controls (over 80 chromosomes tested). The Pro180Ala mutation was present in a patient with simplex RP and probably represents a new mutation. Three normal polymorphic nucleotide substitutions, A-269-G, T-3982-C, and G-5145-A, were also identified. We conclude, based on this study, that 25% of adRP cases are attributable to rhodopsin mutations.^ Clinical data, including ERG results and visual field testing, was available for patients with eleven different mutations. The eleven patients were all diagnosed with RP, however the severity of the disease varied with five patients mildly affected and diagnosed with type II adRP and 5 patients severely affected and diagnosed with type I adRP. The patient with simplex RP was mildly affected. The location of the mutations within the rhodopsin protein was randomly associated with the severity of the disease in those patients evaluated. However, four mutations, Pro23His, Leu46Arg, Pro347Thr, and 5168 -1G-A, are particularly interesting. The Pro23His mutation appears to have radiated from a recent common ancestor of the affected patients as all of them share a common haplotype at the rhodopsin locus. The Leu46Arg mutation causes an unusually severe form of RP. Hydropathy analysis of the mutated sequence revealed a marked change in the hydrophobicity of this first transmembrane spanning region. Codon 347 has been the target of multiple mutations with at least six documented changes at the position, significantly more than expected by a random distribution of mutations. Finally the splice-site variant is extremely variable in its expression in the family studied. Similar mutations have been reported in other cases of adRP and postulated to be involved in autosomal recessive RP (arRP). Mechanisms to account for the variable expression of rhodopsin mutations in relation to RP heterogeneity are discussed. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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This study describes the patterns of occurrence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and parkinsonism-dementia complex (PDC) of Guam during 1950-1989. Both ALS and PDC occur with high frequency among the indigenous Chamorro population, first recognized in the early 1950's. Reports in the early 1980's indicated that both ALS and PDC were disappearing, due to a purported reduction in exposure to harmful environmental factors as a result of the dramatic changes in lifestyle that took place after World War II. However, this study provides compelling evidence that ALS and PDC have not disappeared on Guam and that rates for both are higher during 1980-1989 than previously reported.^ The patterns of occurrence for both ALS and PDC overlap in most respects: (1) incidence and mortality are decreasing; (2) median age at onset is increasing; (3) males are at increased risk for developing disease; (4) risk is higher for those residing in the south compared to the non-south; and (5) age-specific incidence is decreasing over time except in the oldest age groups.^ Age-specific incidence of ALS and PDC, separately and together, is generally higher for cohorts born before 1920 than for those born after 1920. A significant birth cohort effect on the incidence of PDC for the 1906-1915 birth cohort was found, but not for ALS and for ALS and PDC together. Whether or not a cohort effect, period effect, or both are associated with incidence of ALS and PDC cannot be determined from the data currently available and will require additional follow-up of individuals born after 1920.^ The epidemiological data amassed over this 40-year period provide evidence that supports an environmental exposure model for disease occurrence as opposed to a simple genetic or infectious disease model. Whether neurodegenerative disease in this population occurs as a consequence of a single exposure or is explained by a multifactorial model such as a genetic predisposition with some environmental interaction is yet to be determined. However, descriptive studies such as this can provide clues concerning timing and location of potential adverse exposures but cannot determine etiology, underscoring the urgent need for analytic studies of ALS and PDC to further investigate existing etiologic hypotheses and to test new hypotheses. ^


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Epidemiological studies have associated estrogens with human neoplasm such as the endometrium, cervix, vagina, breast, and liver. Perinatal exposure to natural (17$\beta$-estradiol (17$\beta$-E$\sb2)\rbrack$ and synthetic (diethylstilbestrol (DES)) estrogens induces neoplastic changes in humans and rodents. Previous studies demonstrated that neonatal 17$\beta$-E$\sb2$ treatment increased the nuclear DNA content of mouse cervicovaginal epithelium that preceded histologically evident neoplasia. In order to determine whether this effect was specific to 17$\beta$-E$\sb2,$ associated with chromosomal changes, and relevant to the human, female BALB/c mice were treated neonatally with either 17$\alpha$-estradiol (17$\alpha$-E$\sb2)$ and 5$\beta$-dihydrotestosterone ($5\beta$-DHT), both inactive steroids in adult reproductive tissue, or 17$\beta$-E$\sb2.$ Ten-day-old mice received pellet implants of 17$\beta$-E$\sb2,$ 17$\alpha$-E$\sb2,$ $5\beta$-DHT, or cholesterol. Seventy-day-old cervicovaginal tracts were examined histologically and flow cytometrically. 17$\beta$-E$\sb2$-treated animals were evaluated by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) using a probe specific for chromosome 1. Trisomy of chromosomes 1, 7, 11, and 17 was evaluated by FISH in cervicovaginal material from 19 DES-exposed and 19 control patients.^ $17\beta$-E$\sb2, 17\alpha$-E$\sb2$, and $5\beta$-DHT-induced dramatic developmental and histological changes in the cervicovaginal tract, including hypospadia, hyperplasia, and persistent cornification. The changes induced by 17$\alpha$-E$\sb2$ were equivalent to 17$\beta$-E$\sb2.$ Neonatal 17$\alpha$-E$\sb2$-induced adenosquamous cervicovaginal tumors at 24 months. 17$\alpha$-E$\sb2$ and $5\beta$-DHT significantly increased the nuclear DNA content over control animals, but at significantly lower levels than 17$\beta$-E$\sb2.$ DNA ploidy changes were highest (80%) in animals treated neonatally and secondarily with 17$\beta$-E$\sb2.$ Secondary 17$\alpha$-E$\sb2$ and $5\beta$-DHT administration, unlike 17$\beta$-E$\sb2,$ didn't significantly increase DNA content. Chromosome 1 trisomy incidence was 66% in neonatal 17$\beta$-E$\sb2$-treated animals. Trisomy was evident in 4 DES-exposed patients: one patient with trisomy of chromosomes 1, 7, and 11; one patient with chromosome 7 trisomy; and two patients with chromosome 1 trisomy. These data demonstrated the biological effects of 17$\alpha$-E$\sb2$ and $5\beta$-DHT were age-dependent, 17$\alpha$-E$\sb2$ was equivalent to 17$\beta$-E$\sb2$ and tumorigenic when administered neonatally, and histological changes were not steroid specific. Chromosomal changes were associated with increased nuclear DNA content and chromosomal changes may be an early event in the development of tumors in human DES-exposed tissues. ^


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Class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules induce either accelerated rejection or prolonged survival of allografts, presumably because of the presence of immunogenic or tolerogenic epitopes, respectively. To explore the molecular basis of this phenomenon, three chimeric class I molecules were constructed by substituting the rat class I RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$ sequences with the N-terminus of HLA-A2.1 (N$\sp{\rm HLA-A2.1}$-RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$), the $\alpha\sb1$ helix (h) with $\rm\alpha\sb{1h}\sp{u}$ sequences ( ($\rm\alpha\sb{1h}\sp{u}$) -RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$) or the entire $\alpha\sb2$ domain (d) with $\rm\alpha\sb{2d}\sp{u}$ sequences ( ($\rm\alpha\sb{2d}\sp{u}$) -RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$). Wild type (WT) and chimeric cDNAs were sequenced prior to transfection into Buffalo (BUF; RT1$\sp{\rm b}$) hepatoma cells. Stable transfectants were injected subcutaneously (s.c.) into different hosts 7 days prior to challenge with a heart allograft. In BUF hosts, chimeric ($\rm\alpha\sb{1h}\sp{u}$) -RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$ accelerated the rejection of Wistar Furth (WF; RT1$\sp{\rm u}$) heart allografts, but had no effect on the survival of ACI (RT1$\sp{\rm a}$) grafts. In contrast, the ($\rm\alpha\sb{2d}\sp{u}$) -RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$ (containing $\rm\alpha\sb{1d}\sp{a}$ sequences) immunized BUF recipients toward RT1$\sp{\rm a}$ grafts. In WF hosts, WT-RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$ was a potent immunogen and accelerated ACI graft rejection, N$\sp{\rm HLA-A2.1}$-RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$ was less effective and ($\rm\alpha\sb{\rm 1h}\sp{u}\rbrack$-RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$ was not immunogenic. Thus, dominant and subdominant epitopes inducing in vivo sensitization to cardiac allografts are present in the $\alpha\sb1$ helix and the N-terminus, respectively. The failure of ($\rm\alpha\sb{2d}\sp{u}$) -RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$ transfectants (containing recipient-type $\alpha\sb{\rm 2d}$ sequences) to sensitize WF hosts toward ACI (RT1$\sp{\rm a}$) grafts, despite the presence of donor-type immunogenic $\alpha\sb{\rm 1d}\sp{\rm a}$, suggests that "self-$\alpha\sb2$" sequences displayed on chimeric antigens interfere with immunogenicity. The ($\rm\alpha\sb{1h}\sp{u}$) -RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$ transfectants injected s.c. prolonged the survival of WF (RT1$\sp{\rm u}$) hearts in ACI (RT1$\sp{\rm a}$) recipients. Furthermore, intra-portal injection of extracts from ($\rm\alpha\sb{1h}\sp{u}$) -RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$, but not WT-RT1.A$\sp{\rm a}$ or RT1.A$\sp{\rm u}$, in conjunction with a brief cyclosporine course rendered ACI hosts permanently and specifically tolerant to donor-type WF cardiac allografts. Thus, immunodominant allodeterminants are present in the $\alpha\sb1$, but not the $\alpha\sb2$, domain of rat class I MHC molecules. Furthermore, the $\rm\alpha\sb{1h}\sp{u}$ immunogenic epitopes trigger tolerogenic responses when flanked by host-type N-terminal$\sp{\rm a}$ and $\rm\alpha\sb{2d}\sp{a}$ sequences. ^


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Temperature sensitive (ts) mutant viruses have helped elucidate replication processes in many viral systems. Several panels of replication-defective ts mutants in which viral RNA synthesis is abolished at the nonpermissive temperature (RNA$\sp{-})$ have been isolated for Mouse Hepatitis Virus, MHV (Robb et al., 1979; Koolen et al., 1983; Martin et al., 1988; Schaad et al., 1990). However, no one had investigated genetic or phenotypic relationships between these different mutant panels. In order to determine how the panel of MHV-JHM RNA$\sp{-}$ ts mutants (Robb et al., 1979) were genetically related to other described MHV RNA$\sp{-}$ ts mutants, the MHV-JHM mutants were tested for complementation with representatives from two different sets of MHV-A59 ts mutants (Koolen et al., 1983; Schaad et al., 1990). The three ts mutant panels together were found to comprise eight genetically distinct complementation groups. Of these eight complementation groups, three complementation classes are unique to their particular mutant panel; genetically equivalent mutants were not observed within the other two mutant panels. Two complementation groups were common to all three mutant panels. The three remaining complementation groups overlapped two of the three mutant sets. Mutants MHV-JHM tsA204 and MHV-A59 ts261 were shown to be within one of these overlapping complementation groups. The phenotype of the MHV-JHM mutants within this complementation class has been previously characterized (Leibowitz et al., 1982; Leibowitz et al, 1990). When these mutants were grown at the permissive temperature, then shifted up to the nonpermissive temperature at the start of RNA synthesis, genome-length RNA and leader RNA fragments accumulated, but no subgenomic mRNA was synthesized. MHV-A59 ts261 produced leader RNA fragments identical to those observed with MHV-JHM tsA204. Thus, these two MHV RNA$\sp{-}$ ts mutants that were genetically equivalent by complementation testing were phenotypically similar as well. Recombination frequencies obtained from crosses of MHV-A59 ts261 with several of the gene 1 MHV-A59 mutants indicated that the causal mutation(s) of MHV-A59 ts261 was located near the overlapping junction of ORF1a and ORF1b, in the 3$\sp\prime$ end of ORF1a, or the 5$\sp\prime$ end of ORF1b. Sequence analysis of this junction and 1400 nucleotides into the 5$\sp\prime$ end of ORF1b of MHV-A59 ts261 revealed one nucleotide change from the wildtype MHV-A59. This substitution at nucleotide 13,598 (A to G) was a silent mutation in the ORF1a reading frame, but resulted in an amino acid change in ORF1b gene product (I to V). This amino acid change would be expressed only in the readthrough translation product produced upon successful ribosome frameshifting. A revertant of MHV-A59 ts261 (R2) also retained this guanidine residue, but had a second substitution at nucleotide 14,475 in ORF1b. This mutation results in the substitution of valine for an isoleucine.^ The data presented here suggest that the mutation in MHV-A59 ts261 (nucleotide 13,598) would be responsible for the MHV-JHM complementation group A phenotype. A second-site reversion at nucleotide 14,475 may correct this defect in the revertant. Sequencing of gene 1 immediately upstream of nucleotide 13,296 and downstream of nucleotide 15,010 must be conducted to test this hypothesis. ^


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To initiate our clinical trial for chemotherapy protection, I established the retroviral vector system for human MDR1 cDNA gene transfer. The human MDR1 cDNA continued to be expressed in the transduced bone marrow cells after four cohorts of serial transplants, 17 months after the initial transduction and transplant. In addition, we used this retroviral vector pVMDR1 to transduce human bone marrow and peripheral blood CD34$\sp+$ cells on stromal monolayer in the presence of hematopoietic growth factors. These data suggest that the retroviral vector pVMDR1 could modify hematopoietic precursor cells with a capacity for long-term self renewal. Thus, it may be possible to use the MDR1 retroviruses to confer chemotherapeutic protection on human normal hematopoietic precursor cells of ovarian and breast cancer patients in whom high doses of MDR drugs may be required to control the diseases.^ Another promising vector system is recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vector. An impediment to use rAAV vectors is that production of rAAV vectors for clinical use is extremely cumbersome and labor intensive. First I set up the rAAV vector system in our laboratory and then, I focused on studies related to the production of rAAV vectors for clinical use. By using a self-inactivating retroviral vector carrying a selection marker under the control of the CMV immediate early promoter and an AAV genome with the deletion of both ITRs, I have developed either a transient or a stable method to produce rAAV vectors. These methods involve infection only and can generate high-titer rAAV vectors (up to 2 x 10$\sp5$ cfu/ml of CVL) with much less work.^ Although recombinant adenoviral vectors hardly infect early hematopoietic precursor cells lacking $\alpha\sb v\beta\sb5$ or $\alpha\sb v\beta\sb3$ integrin on their surface, but efficiently infect other cells, we can use these properties of adenoviral vectors for bone marrow purging as well as for development of new viral vectors such as pseudotyped retroviral vectors and rAAV vectors. Replacement of self-inactivating retroviral vectors by recombinant adenoviral vectors will facilitate the above strategies for production of new viral vectors. In order to accomplish these goals, I developed a new method which is much more efficient than the current methods to construct adenoviral vectors. This method involves a cosmid vector system which is utilized to construct the full-length recombinant adenoviral vectors in vitro.^ First, I developed an efficient and flexible method for in vitro construction of the full-length recombinant adenoviral vectors in the cosmid vector system by use of a three-DNA fragment ligation. Then, this system was improved by use of a two-DNA fragment ligation. The cloning capacity of recombinant adenoviral vectors constructed by this method to develop recombinant adenoviral vectors depends on the efficiency of transfection only. No homologous recombination is required for development of infectious adenoviral vectors. Thus, the efficiency of generating the recombinant adenoviral vectors by the cosmid method reported here was much higher than that by the in vitro direct ligation method or the in vivo homologous recombination method reported before. This method of the in vitro construction of recombinant adenoviral vectors in the cosmid vector system may facilitate the development of adenoviral vector for human gene therapy. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^