990 resultados para Benign neoplasm
Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell tumor is a rare, highly aggressive systemic neoplasm for which effective therapies have not yet been established. We describe a 73-year-old man with multiple nodules and patches emerging on the trunk and limbs. Lesional skin biopsy revealed a plasmacytoid dendritic cell tumor with dense dermal infiltrate of tumor cells with blastoid features. No apparent systemic involvement was identified in the initial stage. The patient was treated with prednisone daily, with notorious improvement of the skin lesions, although no complete remission was obtained. During the six-month follow-up period, no disease progression was documented, but fatal systemic progression occurred after that period of time.
The purpose of our study was to evaluate the accuracy of dynamic incremental bolus-enhanced conventional CT (DICT) with intravenous contrast administration, early phase, in the diagnosis of malignancy of focal liver lesions. A total of 122 lesions were selected in 74 patients considering the following criteria: lesion diameter 10 mm or more, number of lesions less than six per study, except in multiple angiomatosis and the existence of a valid criteria of definitive diagnosis. Lesions were categorized into seven levels of diagnostic confidence of malignancy compared with the definitive diagnosis for acquisition of a receiver-operator-characteristic (ROC) curve analysis and to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the technique. Forty-six and 70 lesions were correctly diagnosed as malignant and benign, respectively; there were 2 false-positive and 4 false-negative diagnoses of malignancy and the sensitivity and specificity obtained were 92 and 97%. The DICT early phase was confirmed as a highly accurate method in the characterization and diagnosis of malignancy of focal liver lesions, requiring an optimal technical performance and judicious analysis of existing semiological data.
Over the last two decades, morbidity and mortality from malaria and dengue fever among other pathogens are an increasing Public Health problem. The increase in the geographic distribution of vectors is accompanied by the emergence of viruses and diseases in new areas. There are insufficient specific therapeutic drugs available and there are no reliable vaccines for malaria or dengue, although some progress has been achieved, there is still a long way between its development and actual field use. Most mosquito control measures have failed to achieve their goals, mostly because of the mosquito's great reproductive capacity and genomic flexibility. Chemical control is increasingly restricted due to potential human toxicity, mortality in no target organisms, insecticide resistance, and other environmental impacts. Other strategies for mosquito control are desperately needed. The Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) is a species-specific and environmentally benign method for insect population suppression, it is based on mass rearing, radiation mediated sterilization, and release of a large number of male insects. Releasing of Insects carrying a dominant lethal gene (RIDL) offers a solution to many of the drawbacks of traditional SIT that have limited its application in mosquitoes while maintaining its environmentally friendly and species-specific utility. The self-limiting nature of sterile mosquitoes tends to make the issues related to field use of these somewhat less challenging than for self-spreading systems characteristic of population replacement strategies. They also are closer to field use, so might be appropriate to consider first. The prospect of genetic control methods against mosquito vectored human diseases is rapidly becoming a reality, many decisions will need to be made on a national, regional and international level regarding the biosafety, social, cultural and ethical aspects of the use and deployment of these vector control methods.
A 27 year-old-man, with no known personal or familial history of disease, mentioned a 10-year history of asymptomatic groups of telangiectasias, with a Blaschko lines distribution on the right lateral aspect of the neck and asymptomatic. He denied any episodes of disease or drug intake that could be associated with the disease. Blood work had no changes, namely of liver enzymes or infectious serologies. The clinical diagnosis of Idiopathic Acquired Unilateral Nevoid Telangiectasia was made, an uncommon, benign vascular malformation. The patient declined doing a cutaneous biopsy or treatment with a cosmetic intent.
Dermatoscopy can be used to evaluate the nail apparatus (ie, onychoscopy), and it is helpful for the diagnosis of numerous nail diseases and tumors. This article reviews the information that can be obtained in cases of nail dyschromia and especially in cases of melanonychia, in which the distinction between benign melanocytic activation or proliferation and malignancy is crucial. Dermatoscopic changes that accompany specific nail diseases are also reviewed, such as those observed with subungual hemorrhage, bacterial and fungal nail infections, psoriasis of the nail, lichen planus of the nail, and vascular abnormalities of the nail fold.
Introduc¸ão: Até ao fim dos anos 80 defendia-se que qualquer nódulo testicular suspeito devia ser excisado com orquidectomia radical. No entanto, com o aumento do diagnóstico incidental de massas testiculares, a maior acuidade dos exames extemporâneos e a evidência das vantagens potenciais da orquidectomia parcial, questionou-se se seria necessário sacrificar, sempre, todo o testículo, mesmo na presenc¸a de um testículo contralateral normal. Caso clínico: Apresentamos o caso de um doente de 23 anos, com o diagnóstico de um nódulo testicular com 7,5 mm, não palpável, assintomático e marcadores tumorais negativos. Foi submetido a orquidectomia parcial guiada por ecografia e exame extemporâneo, no entanto, por suspeita anatomopatológica de provável tumor de células germinativas, optou-se pela totalizac¸ão da orquidectomia. O resultado histológico final foi de tumor de células de Leydig. Tendo em conta a elevada probabilidade de lesões testiculares não palpáveis e de pequenas dimensões serem benignas (até 80%), os efeitos da orquidectomia radical na espermatogénese, func¸ão endócrina e estética e que não devem ser ignorados, a orquidectomia parcial é um procedimento que, embora não seja um procedimento padrão, pode ser equacionado como primeira abordagem em casos selecionados e em centros de referência especializados.
O mucocelo é uma lesão quística, benigna, expansiva dos seios perinasais. A sobreinfecção deste, designada de mucopiocelo, pode levar a um período de crescimento rápido, com maior risco de complicações. Relata-se o caso clínico de uma doente do sexo feminino, 59 anos, que recorreu ao Serviço de Urgência após crise inaugural de convulsão tónico-clónica generalizada, com queixas de aumento de volume periorbitário direito e febre desde há 1 semana. Apresentava à direita celulite orbitária e proptose ínfero-externa, com área de flutuação na parte medial da pálpebra superior, oftalmoplegia e quemose do olho direito acompanhada de rinorreia mucopurulenta. Realizou TC que demonstrou volumoso abcesso subperiosteal direito, ao nível da parede medial da órbita, tendo como ponto de partida aparente as células etmoidais anteriores homolaterais e seio frontal direito. Colocou-se a hipótese de mucopiocelo fronto-etmoidal. Foi submetida a drenagem de urgência do abcesso e a cirurgia endoscópica nasal com marsupialização da lesão fronto-etmoidal. Verificou-se resolução completa do quadro clínico. Apesar de consideradas lesões benignas, os mucocelos, apresentam potencial destrutivo, principalmente se infectados, necessitando, por vezes, de intervenção cirúrgica de urgência. A abordagem endoscópica destas lesões reafirma-se como tratamento de eleição.
Emergent diseases such as Hantavirus Cardio-pulmonary Syndrome (HCPS) are able to create a significant impact on human populations due to their seriousness and high fatality rate. Santa Catarina, located in the South of Brazil, is the leading state for HCPS with 267 reported cases from 1999 to 2011. We present here a serological survey on hantavirus in blood donors from different cities of the state of Santa Catarina, with an IgG-ELISA using a recombinant nucleocapsid protein from Araraquara hantavirus as an antigen. In total, 314 donors from blood banks participated in the study, geographically covering the whole state. Among these, 14 individuals (4.4%) had antibodies to hantavirus: four of 50 (8% positivity) from Blumenau, four of 52 (7.6%) from Joinville, three of 50 (6%) from Florianópolis, two of 50 (4%) from Chapecó and one of 35 (2.8%) from Joaçaba. It is possible that hantaviruses are circulating across almost the whole state, with important epidemiological implications. Considering that the seropositive blood donors are healthy individuals, it is possible that hantaviruses may be causing unrecognized infections, which are either asymptomatic or clinically nonspecific, in addition to HCPS. It is also possible that more than one hantavirus type could be circulating in this region, causing mostly benign infections.
A 45-year-old woman with a history of renal carcinoma was observed for facial, cervical and truncal flesh-colored papules. Relatives had similar skin findings and a brother had repeated episodes of pneumothorax. The computerized tomography scan revealed multiple cysts on both lungs. A skin biopsy revealed a perifollicular fibroma. The clinical diagnosis of Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome (BHDS) was corroborated by identification of a novel frameshift c.573delGAinsT (p.G191fsX31) mutation in heterozygosity on exon 6 of the folliculin gene. The presence of multiple and typical benign hair follicle tumors highlights the role of the dermatologist in the diagnosis of this rare genodermatosis that is associated with an increased risk of renal cell cancer and pulmonary cysts, warranting personal and familial follow-up and counseling.
Background: Chondrodermatitis nodularis chronica helicis (CNCH) is a benign, painful, indurated inflammatory nodule arising on the pinna. Different treatment modalities have been used with varying efficacy rates. Despite lower efficacy, conservative methods are most desirable. Case reports: Three patients diagnosed with CNCH were treated with 0.4% topical nitroglycerin ointment, twice daily. These included two women and one man, aged 66, 86, and 60-years-old, respectively. Two painful nodules were located on the antihelix, and one on the helix. One patient had been previously treated with intralesional corticosteroids, and another with intralesional corticosteroids, CO2 laser and photodynamic therapy. All three patients experienced significant clinical and symptomatic improvement with topical nitroglycerin. No side effects were reported. Discussion: The etiology of CNCH is uncertain. Dermal and chondral ischemia arising from perichondrial arterial narrowing has been recently described as a possible cause for this benign condition, hence the potential of nitroglycerin as a smooth muscle relaxant and vasodilator. A previous report described significant improvement in twelve patients treated with 2% topical nitroglycerin. Conclusion: Topical nitroglycerin ointment appears to be a noninvasive alternative for the treatment of CNCH. A lower concentration (0.4%) may be as effective and with fewer side effects, but more studies are warranted.
Our objective was to compare the results of ambulatory hysteroscopy in postmenopausal women with and without uterine bleeding. A retrospective descriptive study was carried out on 236 women who were at least 2 years into the menopause, who were not undergoing hormone treatment and who had had abnormal pelvic ultrasound results. Of these women, 150 were asymptomatic and 86 reported haemorrhage. Diagnostic and operative outpatient hysteroscopy was performed between January 2002 and December 2003. There was no difference between the two groups regarding age of patients, age of menopause and presence of at least one of the risk factors for endometrial carcinoma evaluated, although obesity was more frequent in the symptomatic group. Abnormal ultrasound results for these women corresponded in the majority of cases to intracavitary disease, and the absence of organic endometrial pathology was 9.3% vs 11.3% in each group. The more frequent pathology was benign endometrial polyps (64% in bleeding patients and 84.7% in asymptomatic ones). Endometrial carcinoma was diagnosed in 23.3% of women with metrorrhagia and in 1.3% of asymptomatic women. We diagnosed 2.6% of malignancy inside polyps. Hysteroscopy results were confirmed by histology in 90.3% of cases. See and treat in one session was achieved in 91% of benign endometrial polyps. Ambulatory hysteroscopy has high sensitivity and specificity for intracavitary pathology and high tolerability and safety. See and treat in one session can be achieved in the majority of lesions with indication for excision. These results make us advise our menopausal patients with abnormal uterine bleeding to undergo diagnostic hysteroscopy complemented with biopsy.
Uterine leiomyomas are by far the most common benign tumours of the female genital tract. The true incidence of leiomyomas during pregnancy is, however, unknown. Although leiomyomas usually remain asymptomatic during pregnancy, they may complicate its course. The management of leiomyoma during pregnancy is medical, but, in rare circumstances, surgical intervention and myomectomy may be required. A case of myomectomy in early pregnancy is described.
In 9 of 491 patients (1.8%) who underwent prostatic arterial embolization (PAE) for benign prostatic hyperplasia from March 2009-November 2013, prostatic arteries arose from the external iliac artery via an accessory obturator artery (AOA). Computed tomography angiography performed before the procedure identified the variant and allowed planning before the procedure. The nine AOAs were catheterized from a contralateral femoral approach. Bilateral PAE was technically successful in the nine patients. There was a mean decrease in international prostate symptom score of 6.5 points and a mean prostate volume reduction of 15.1% (mean follow-up, 4.8 mo) in the nine patients.
Os autores apresentam um caso de Cor Pulmonale por Embolia de Células Neoplásicas em uma doente de 42 anos sem antecedentes conhecidos de doença maligna. A neoplasia primitiva era um coriocarcinoma que não foi encontrado no exame necrópsico. É brevemente discutida a fisiopatologia, achados clínicos e marcha diagnóstica destas situações.
Os autores fazem a revisão da clínica, do registo da sintomatologia e impacto na qualidade de vida, dos meios auxiliares ao diagnóstico e das atitudes terapêuticas da Hiperplasia benigna da Próstata. Fundamentados nestes dados propõem Orientações Terapêuticas e Recomendações, para quando e como enviar os doentes portadores desta patologia a Urologia. Assim, segundo os critérios definidos neste trabalho, devem ser enviados à Urologia os doentes com sintomatologia importante ou grave, idade inferior a 50 anos, antecedentes de diabetes ou alterações neurológicas, micção francamente alterada, globo vesical, toque rectal com palpação prostática suspeita de neoplasia, hematúria, infecção urinária, insuficiência renal, ou PSA> 4 nglml para idade inferior a 70 anos.