853 resultados para Barium magnesium tantalate
Collinear laser spectroscopy has been used as a tool for nuclear physics for more than 30 years. The unique possibility to extract nuclear properties like spins, radii and nuclear moments in a model-independent manner leads to important physics results to test the predictive power of existing nuclear models. rnThis work presents the construction and the commissioning of a new collinear laser spectroscopy experiment TRIGA-LASER as a part of the TRIGA-SPEC facility at the TRIGA research reactor at the University of Mainz. The goal of the experiment is to study the nuclear structure of radioactive isotopes which will be produced by neutron-induced fission near the reactor core and transported to an ion source by a gas jet system. rnThe versatility of the collinear laser spectroscopy technique will be exploited in the second part of this thesis. The nuclear spin and the magnetic moment of the neutron-deficient isotope Mg-21 will be presented, which were measured by the detection of the beta-decay asymmetry induced by nuclear polarization after optical pumping. A combination of this detection method with the classical fluorescence detection is then used to determine the isotope shifts of the neutron-rich magnesium isotopes from Mg-24 through Mg-32 to study the transition to the ''island of inversion''.
Magnesium is an essential element for many biological processes crucial for cell life and proliferation. Growing evidences point out a role for this cation in the apoptotic process and in developing multi drug resistance (MDR) phenotype. The first part of this study aimed to highlight the involvement of the mitochondrial magnesium channel MRS2 in modulating drug-induced apoptosis. We generated an appropriate transgenic cellular system to regulate expression of MRS2 protein. The cells were then exposed to two different apoptotic agents commonly used in chemotherapy. The obtained results showed that cells overexpressing MRS2 channel are less responsiveness to pharmacological insults, looking more resistant to the induced apoptosis. Moreover, in normal condition, MRS2 overexpression induces higher magnesium uptake into isolated mitochondria respect to control cells correlating with an increment of total intracellular magnesium concentration. In the second part of this research we investigated whether magnesium intracellular content and compartmentalization could be used as a signature to discriminate MDR tumour cells from their sensitive counterparts. As MDR model we choose colon carcinoma cell line sensitive and resistant to doxorubicin. We exploited a standard-less approach providing a complete characterization of whole single-cells by combining X-Ray Fluorescence Microscopy , Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy. This method allows the quantification of the intracellular spatial distribution and total concentration of magnesium in whole dehydrated cells. The measurements, carried out in 27 single cells, revealed a different magnesium pattern for both concentration and distribution of the element in the two cellular strains. These results were then confirmed by quantifying the total amount of intracellular magnesium in a large populations of cells by using DCHQ5 probe and traditional fluorimetric technique.
Die im Süden der Türkei gelegen, antiken Städte Aspendos und Patara, waren in der Römerzeit zwei bedeutende Handelszentren mit hoher Bevölkerungsdichte. Aquädukte versorgten beide Städte mit carbonathaltigem Wasser, wobei sich Kalksinter (Calciumcarbonat) in der Kanalrinne ablagerte. Dabei lagern sich im Wechsel eine hellere und dunklere Kalksinterlage ab, die als Sinterpaar bezeichnet wird. Um die Entstehung dieser Sinterpaare besser zu verstehen, und die beteiligten Prozesse mit saisonalen Veränderungen der Umwelt zu korrelieren, werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit laminierten Sinterablagerungen mit geochemischen und petrographischen Methoden untersucht.rnEntlang der Kanalrinne beider Aquädukte wurden an mehreren Stellen Proben entnommen. Es wurde untersucht in wieweit sich die Sinterstruktur aufgrund von Änderungen in der Neigung des Wasserkanals oder des Kanaltyps ändert. Um die Kristallform und die kristallografische Orientierung der Kristalle innerhalb der verschiedenen Sinterpaare zu untersuchen, wurden die entnommenen laminierten Kalksinterablagerungen mit Hilfe optischer Mikroskopie und EBSD (Electron Backscatter Diffraction) analysiert. Der Electron Probe Micro-Analyzer (EPMA) wurde verwendet, um saisonale Schwankungen der Hauptelementverteilung und den Anteil der stabilen Isotope im Wasser zu bestimmen. Die LA-ICP-MS (Laser Ablation-induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma-Massenspektrometrie) Spurenelementanalyse wurde durchgeführt, um kleinste Schwankungen der Spurenelemente zu finden. Basierend auf diesen Analysen wurde festgestellt, dass laminierten Kalksinterablagerungen laterale Änderungen in der Aquäduktstruktur und -neigung, jahreszeitliche Änderungen der Wasserchemie, der Temperatur sowie der Entgasungsrate während eines Jahres widerspiegeln. Die Kalksinterablagerungen zeigen eine deutliche Laminierung in Form von feinkörnig-porösen und grobkörnig-dichten Schichten, die trockene und nasse Jahreszeiten anzeigen. Feinkörnige Schichten zeigen eine hohe Epifluoreszenz aufgrund reichhaltiger organischer Inhalte, die vermutlich eine Folge der bakteriellen Aktivität während der warmen und trockenen Jahreszeit sind. Stabile Sauerstoff und Kohlenstoff-Isotop-Kurven entsprechen auch den jahreszeitlichen Schwankungen der verschiedenen Schichtenpaare. Vor allem δ 18O spiegelt jährliche Veränderungen in der Temperatur und jahreszeitliche Veränderungen des Abflusses wieder. Das wichtigste Ergebnis ist, dass die Periodizität von δ 18O durch Erwärmen des Wassers im Wasserkanal und nicht durch die Verdunstung oder der Brunnenwasser-Charakteristik verursacht wird. Die Periodizität von δ 13C ist komplexer Natur, vor allem zeigen δ 18O und δ 13C eine Antikorrelation entlang der Lamellenpaare. Dies wird wohl vor allem durch Entgasungsprozesse im Aquädukt verursacht. Die Ergebnisse der Spurenelemente sind meist inkonsistent und zeigen keine signifikanten Veränderungen in den verschiedenen Lamellenpaaren. Die Isotope Mg, Sr und Ba zeigen hingegen bei einigen Proben eine positive Korrelation und erreichen Höchstwerte innerhalb feinkörnig-poröser Schichten. Auch sind die Hauptelementwerte von Fe, K, Si und anderer detritischer Elemente innerhalb der feinkörnige-porösen Schichten maximal. Eine genaue Datierung der Kalksinterablagerungen ist wünschenswert, da der Zeitraum, in dem die Aquädukte aktiv waren, bereits archäologisch auf 200-300 Jahre festgelegt wurde. Paläomagnetische und 14C-Datierung geben keine brauchbare Ergebnisse. Die U/Th Isotopie wird durch eine hohe Anfangskonzentration von Th in den Proben behindert. Trotz dieser Schwierigkeiten war eine U/Th Datierung an einem Testbeispiel des Béziers Aquädukt erfolgreich. Mit Hilfe von analogen Untersuchungen an aktiven Wasserkanälen der heutigen Zeit, werden die Ablagerungsmechanismen und die geochemische Entwicklung der laminierten Sinterschichten besser verstanden. Ein weiteres laufendes Projekt dieser Doktorarbeit ist die Überwachung von Sinterabscheidungen und der saisonale Zusammensetzung des Wassers an einigen heute noch aktiven Aquädukten. Das Ziel ist die Untersuchung der jetzigen Calciumcarbonatabscheidungen in Aquäduktkanälen unter den heutigen Umgebungsbedingungen. Erste Ergebnisse zeigen, dass kleine regelmäßige jahreszeitliche Veränderungen in der Isotopenzusammensetzung des Wassers vorliegen, und dass die beobachtete Periodizität der stabilen Isotope aufgrund von Änderungen im eigentlichen Kanal entstanden ist. Die Untersuchung von Kalksinterablagerungen in römischen Aquädukten liefern vielversprechende Ergebnisse, für die Untersuchung des Paläöklimas, der Archaeoseismologie und anderer Umweltbedingungen in der Römerzeit. Diese Studie beschränkt sich auf zwei Aquädukte. Die Untersuchungen weiterer Aquädukte und einer Überwachung, der noch in Betrieb stehenden Aquädukte werden genauere Ergebnisse liefern.
Questo lavoro riguarda la sintesi e caratterizzazione di nanoparticelle basate sul magnesio per l'immagazzinamento di idrogeno. Le nanoparticelle sono state cresciute mediante Inert Gas Condensation, una tecnica aerosol in cui il materiale viene sublimato e diretto verso i substrati tramite un flusso di gas inerte, e caratterizzate attraverso microscopia elettronica e diffrazione di raggi X. Queste operazioni sono state eseguite presso il Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia dell'Università di Bologna. Sono stati sintetizzati due tipi di particelle: nel primo il magnesio viene deposto direttamente sul substrato, nel secondo esso incontra un flusso di ossigeno prima di depositarsi sulla superficie. In questo modo si formano delle particelle con struttura core-shell in cui la parte interna è formata da magnesio e quella esterna dal suo ossido. La presenza di una shell consistente dovrebbe permettere, secondo il modello di deformazioni elastiche, di diminuire il valore assoluto dell'entropia di formazione dell'idruro di magnesio, condizione necessaria affinché il desorbimento di idrogeno possa avvenire in maniera più agevole rispetto a quanto non accada col materiale bulk. Tutti i campioni sono stati ricoperti di palladio, il quale favorisce la dissociazione della molecola di idrogeno. La capacità di assorbimento dell'idrogeno da parte dei campioni è stata studiata mediante idrogenografia, una tecnica ottica recentemente sviluppata in cui la quantità di gas assorbita dal materiale è legata alla variazione di trasmittanza ottica dello stesso. Le misure sono state eseguite presso l'Università Tecnica di Delft. I risultati ottenuti evidenziano che le nanoparticelle di solo magnesio mostrano dei chiari plateau di pressione corrispondenti all'assorbimento di idrogeno, tramite cui sono stati stimati i valori di entalpia di formazione. Al contrario, i campioni con struttura core-shell, la cui crescita rappresenta di per sé un risultato interessante, non presentano tale comportamento.
We show that the variation of flow stress with strain rate and grain size in a magnesium alloy deformed at a constant strain rate and 450 °C can be predicted by a crystal plasticity model that includes grain boundary sliding and diffusion. The model predicts the grain size dependence of the critical strain rate that will cause a transition in deformation mechanism from dislocation creep to grain boundary sliding, and yields estimates for grain boundary fluidity and diffusivity.
Experimental measurements are used to characterize the anisotropy of flow stress in extruded magnesium alloy AZ31 sheet during uniaxial tension tests at temperatures between 350°C and 450°C, and strain rates ranging from 10-5 to 10-2 s-1. The sheet exhibits lower flow stress and higher tensile ductility when loaded with the tensile axis perpendicular to the extrusion direction compared to when it is loaded parallel to the extrusion direction. This anisotropy is found to be grain size, strain rate, and temperature dependent, but is only weakly dependent on texture. A microstructure based model (D. E. Cipoletti, A. F. Bower, P. E. Krajewski, Scr. Mater., 64 (2011) 931–934) is used to explain the origin of the anisotropic behavior. In contrast to room temperature behavior, where anisotropy is principally a consequence of the low resistance to slip on the basal slip system, elevated temperature anisotropy is found to be caused by the grain structure of extruded sheet. The grains are elongated parallel to the extrusion direction, leading to a lower effective grain size perpendicular to the extrusion direction. As a result, grain boundary sliding occurs more readily if the material is loaded perpendicular to the extrusion direction.
Hypomagnesemia affects insulin resistance and is a risk factor for diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) and gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the epithelial magnesium channel TRPM6 (V(1393)I, K(1584)E) were predicted to confer susceptibility for DM2. Here, we show using patch clamp analysis and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, that insulin stimulates TRPM6 activity via a phosphoinositide 3-kinase and Rac1-mediated elevation of cell surface expression of TRPM6. Interestingly, insulin failed to activate the genetic variants TRPM6(V(1393)I) and TRPM6(K(1584)E), which is likely due to the inability of the insulin signaling pathway to phosphorylate TRPM6(T(1391)) and TRPM6(S(1583)). Moreover, by measuring total glycosylated hemoglobin (TGH) in 997 pregnant women as a measure of glucose control, we demonstrate that TRPM6(V(1393)I) and TRPM6(K(1584)E) are associated with higher TGH and confer a higher likelihood of developing GDM. The impaired response of TRPM6(V(1393)I) and TRPM6(K(1584)E) to insulin represents a unique molecular pathway leading to GDM where the defect is located in TRPM6.
The strength decrease in magnesium implants was studied in vitro and in vivo, with and without a protective plasmaelectrolytic coating. In vivo, degradation was examined by implanting rectangular plates on top of the nasal bone of miniature pigs. The presence of gas pockets in the soft tissue surrounding the implants was evaluated with intermediate X-rays and computed X-ray tomography scans before euthanasia. After 12 and 24weeks of in vivo degradation, the large rectangular plates were removed and mechanically tested in three-point bending. In vitro, identical plates were immersed in simulated body fluid for 4, 8 and 12weeks. In vitro and in vivo results showed that onset of gas release can be delayed by the plasmaelectrolytic coating. Mass loss and strength retention during in vivo degradation is about four times slower than during in vitro degradation for the chosen test conditions. Despite the slow degradation of the investigated WE43 alloy, the occurrence of gas pockets could not be completely avoided. Nevertheless, uniformity of degradation and reliable strength retention make this alloy a prime candidate for the use of magnesium in cranio-maxillofacial surgery.
Claudins are major components of tight junctions and contribute to the epithelial-barrier function by restricting free diffusion of solutes through the paracellular pathway. We have mapped a new locus for recessive renal magnesium loss on chromosome 1p34.2 and have identified mutations in CLDN19, a member of the claudin multigene family, in patients affected by hypomagnesemia, renal failure, and severe ocular abnormalities. CLDN19 encodes the tight-junction protein claudin-19, and we demonstrate high expression of CLDN19 in renal tubules and the retina. The identified mutations interfere severely with either cell-membrane trafficking or the assembly of the claudin-19 protein. The identification of CLDN19 mutations in patients with chronic renal failure and severe visual impairment supports the fundamental role of claudin-19 for normal renal tubular function and undisturbed organization and development of the retina.
BACKGROUND: Mortality and morbidity from acute myocardial infarction (AMI) remain high. Intravenous magnesium started early after the onset of AMI is thought to be a promising adjuvant treatment. Conflicting results from earlier trials and meta-analyses warrant a systematic review of available evidence. OBJECTIVES: To examine the effect of intravenous magnesium versus placebo on early mortality and morbidity. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched CENTRAL (The Cochrane Library Issue 3, 2006), MEDLINE (January 1966 to June 2006) and EMBASE (January 1980 to June 2006), and the Chinese Biomedical Disk (CBM disk) (January 1978 to June 2006). Some core Chinese medical journals relevant to the cardiovascular field were hand searched from their starting date to the first-half year of 2006. SELECTION CRITERIA: All randomized controlled trials that compared intravenous magnesium with placebo in the presence or absence of fibrinolytic therapy in addition to routine treatment were eligible if they reported mortality and morbidity within 35 days of AMI onset. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two reviewers independently assessed the trial quality and extracted data using a standard form. Odds ratio (OR) were used to pool the effect if appropriate. Where heterogeneity of effects was found, clinical and methodological sources of this were explored. MAIN RESULTS: For early mortality where there was evidence of heterogeneity, a fixed-effect meta-analysis showed no difference between magnesium and placebo groups (OR 0.99, 95%CI 0.94 to 1.04), while a random-effects meta-analysis showed a significant reduction comparing magnesium with placebo (OR 0.66, 95% CI 0.53 to 0.82). Stratification by timing of treatment (< 6 hrs, 6+ hrs) reduced heterogeneity, and in both fixed-effect and random-effects models no significant effect of magnesium was found. In stratified analyses, early mortality was reduced for patients not treated with thrombolysis (OR=0.73, 95% CI 0.56 to 0.94 by random-effects model) and for those treated with less than 75 mmol of magnesium (OR=0.59, 95% CI 0.49 to 0.70) in the magnesium compared with placebo groups.Meta-analysis for the secondary outcomes where there was no evidence of heterogeneity showed reductions in the odds of ventricular fibrillation (OR=0.88, 95% CI 0.81 to 0.96), but increases in the odds of profound hypotension (OR=1.13, 95% CI 1.09 to 1.19) and bradycardia (OR=1.49, 95% CI 1.26 to 1.77) comparing magnesium with placebo. No difference was observed for heart block (OR=1.05, 95% CI 0.97-1.14). For those outcomes where there was evidence of heterogeneity, meta-analysis with both fixed-effect and random-effects models showed that magnesium could decrease ventricular tachycardia (OR=0.45, 95% CI 0.31 to 0.66 by fixed-effect model; OR=0.40, 95% CI 0.19 to 0.84 by random-effects model) and severe arrhythmia needing treatment or Lown 2-5 (OR=0.72, 95% CI 0.60 to 0.85 by fixed-effect model; OR=0.51, 95% CI 0.33 to 0.79 by random-effects model) compared with placebo. There was no difference on the effect of cardiogenic shock between the two groups. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Owing to the likelihood of publication bias and marked heterogeneity of treatment effects, it is essential that the findings are interpreted cautiously. From the evidence reviewed here, we consider that: (1) it is unlikely that magnesium is beneficial in reducing mortality both in patients treated early and in patients treated late, and in patients already receiving thrombolytic therapy; (2) it is unlikely that magnesium will reduce mortality when used at high dose (>=75 mmol); (3) magnesium treatment may reduce the incidence of ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, severe arrhythmia needing treatment or Lown 2-5, but it may increase the incidence of profound hypotension, bradycardia and flushing; and (4) the areas of uncertainty regarding the effect of magnesium on mortality remain the effect of low dose treatment (< 75 mmol) and in patients not treate...
BACKGROUND: Coronary stents improve immediate and late results of balloon angioplasty by tacking up dissections and preventing wall recoil. These goals are achieved within weeks after angioplasty, but with current technology stents permanently remain in the artery, with many limitations including the need for long-term antiplatelet treatment to avoid thrombosis. We report a prospective multicentre clinical trial of coronary implantations of absorbable magnesium stents. METHODS: We enrolled 63 patients (44 men; mean age 61.3 [SD 9.5 years]) in eight centres with single de novo lesions in a native coronary artery in a multicentre, non-randomised prospective study. Follow-up included coronary angiography and intravascular ultrasound at 4 months and clinical assessment at 6 months and 12 months. The primary endpoint was cardiac death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, or clinically driven target lesion revascularisation at 4 months FINDINGS: 71 stents, 10-15 mm in length and 3.0-3.5 mm in diameter, were successfully implanted after pre-dilatation in 63 patients. Diameter stenosis was reduced from 61.5 (SD 13.1%) to 12.6 (5.6%) with an acute gain of 1.41 mm (0.46 mm) and in-stent late loss of 1.08 mm (0.49 mm). The ischaemia-driven target lesion revascularisation rate was 23.8% after 4 months, and the overall target lesion revascularisation rate was 45% after 1 year. No myocardial infarction, subacute or late thrombosis, or death occurred. Angiography at 4 months showed an increased diameter stenosis of 48.4 (17.0%). After serial intravascular ultrasound examinations, only small remnants of the original struts were visible, well embedded into the intima. Neointimal growth and negative remodelling were the main operating mechanisms of restenosis. INTERPRETATION: This study shows that biodegradable magnesium stents can achieve an immediate angiographic result similar to the result of other metal stents and can be safely degraded after 4 months. Modifications of stent characteristics with prolonged degradation and drug elution are currently in development.