995 resultados para Bacia do Araripe(NE)
In 1999, a set of coordinated projects and investments whose principal objective was to transform Barcelona into one of the main distribution points of southern Europe resulted in the relocation of the Llobregat River mouth. The mouth was relocated by draining the old river mouth and constructing a new one. The aim of this study was to characterise the physico-chemical properties and the aquatic macroinvertebrate communities of the new river mouth and to monitor the changes experienced by the estuarine environment during its creation. A sampling point was established in the river 1.8 km upstream from its connection with the new mouth, and two sampling points were established in the new mouth. Samples of water and macroinvertebrates were collected every two months from May 2004 to June 2005, covering the periods before (from May to September 2004) and after (from September 2004 to June 2005) the new mouth was connected to the river and the sea. During the period before its connection to the river and the sea, the new mouth was functionally similar to a lagoon, with clear waters, charophytes and a rich invertebrate community. After the connection was completed, seawater penetrated the river mouth and extended to the connection point with the river (approximately 3.9 km upstream). An increase in conductivity from 4-6 mS cm 1 to 24-30 mS cm 1 caused important changes in the macroinvertebrate community of the new mouth. An initial defaunation was followed by a colonisation of the new mouth by brackish-water and marine invertebrate species. Due to its design (which allows the penetration of the sea) and the decreased discharge from the lower part of the Llobregat River, the new mouth has become an arm of the sea
Biological water quality changes in two Mediterranean river basins from a network of 42 sampling sites assessed since 1979 are presented. In order to characterize the biological quality, the index FBILL, designed to characterize these rivers" quality using aquatic macroinvertebrates, is used. When comparing the data from recent years to older ones, only two headwater sites from the 42 had improved their water quality to good or very good conditions. In the middle or low river basin sites or even in headwater localities were river flow is reduced, the important investment to build up sewage water treatment systems and plants (more than 70 in 15 years) allowed for a small recovery from poor or very poor conditions to moderate water quality. Nevertheless still a significant number (25 %) of the localities remain in poor conditions. The evolution of the quality in several points of both basins shows how the main problems for the recovery of the biological quality is due to the water diverted for small hydraulic plants, the presence of saline pollution in the Llobregat River, and the insufficient water depuration. In the smaller rivers, and specially the Besòs the lack of dilution flows from the treatment plants is the main problem for water quality recovery.
En unes campanyes limnológiques realitzades durant el mes de Setembre de 1986 al Delta de l'Ebre, observárem la presencia de Bulbochaete denticulata Wittrock, que creixia entre el plócon de la llacuna de la Tancäda (31TBF097023).
The structural position of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous carbonates located in the central part of the Catalan Coastal Ranges corresponds to the southwestern end of the Vallès-Penedès Fault. This fault was reactivated at different times during successive extensional and compressional events and several generations of fractures and cementations were formed.
Se ha realizado una prospección geoquímica táctica de sedimentos aluviales en el Brea de Cánoves-St. Pere de Vilamajor (Macizo del Montseny, Barcelona), como consecuencia de una exploración geoquimica estratégica de sedimentos aluviales previa, en la que se localizó un Brea anómala en Pb, Zn, Cu, As, Cd, Ni, y Co. El Brea estudiada tiene 35 km2 y esta constituida por materiales sedimentarios y volcánicos del Paleozoico, metamorfizados en mayor o menor grado e intruidos por el granito de Vallfornés, y materiales detríticos terciarios...
We analyse the recent evolution of fires in Catalonia (north-eastern Iberian Peninsula), a typical Mediterranean region. We examine a homogeneous series of forest fires in the period 1970-2010. During this period, more than 9000 fire events greater than 0.5 ha were recorded, and the total burned area was more than 400 kha. Our analysis shows that both the burned area and number of fire series display a decreasing trend. Superposed onto this general decrease, strong oscillations on shorter time scales are evident. After the large fires of 1986 and 1994, the increased effort in fire prevention and suppression could explain part of the decreasing trend. Although it is often stated that fires have increased in Mediterranean regions, the higher efficiency in fire detection could have led to spurious trends and misleading conclusions.
A partir de la obtención del registro de la polaridad magnética en los sedimentos aluviales y lacustres pertenecientes a dos secciones del SE de la Cuenca del Ebro (Mina Pilar y Valcuerna, situadas en el Valle del Ebro, cerca de la población de Mequinenza), se ha realizado una correlación magnetobioestratigráfica con el objetivo de precisar el tránsito Oligoceno-Mioceno establecido antenormente en este sector de la cuenca. Para ello se realizó un muestreo paleomagnético de las dos sucesiones elegidas y, posteriormente, se desmagnetizaron, térmicamente o por campos altemantes, un mínimo de dos especímenes por estación de muestreo, para determinar la polaridad magnética de cada estación. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron complementar la sección de Torrente de Cinca anteriormente estudiada, realizar una correlación con la ETPG (Escala Temporal de Polaridad Geomagnetica) y datar las sucesiones elegidas.
The hercynian outcrops of the Catalonian Coastal Ranges (NE Spain) consist mainly of Lower Permian-Upper Carboniferous, post-tectonic, epizona1 granitoid intrusions which form a typical applutonic calc-alkaline suite ranging from mafic hornblende gabbros and ultramafic olivine homblendites throught on alites and granodioritcs to leucogranites. This suite displays major andtrace-element characteristics and Sr isotope ratios similar to volcanic arc and post-collision magmatism oceanic lithosphere and to have been modified by contamination and is therefore believed to have formed above subducted with melts from the crust
Flood simulation studies use spatial-temporal rainfall data input into distributed hydrological models. A correct description of rainfall in space and in time contributes to improvements on hydrological modelling and design. This work is focused on the analysis of 2-D convective structures (rain cells), whose contribution is especially significant in most flood events. The objective of this paper is to provide statistical descriptors and distribution functions for convective structure characteristics of precipitation systems producing floods in Catalonia (NE Spain). To achieve this purpose heavy rainfall events recorded between 1996 and 2000 have been analysed. By means of weather radar, and applying 2-D radar algorithms a distinction between convective and stratiform precipitation is made. These data are introduced and analyzed with a GIS. In a first step different groups of connected pixels with convective precipitation are identified. Only convective structures with an area greater than 32 km2 are selected. Then, geometric characteristics (area, perimeter, orientation and dimensions of the ellipse), and rainfall statistics (maximum, mean, minimum, range, standard deviation, and sum) of these structures are obtained and stored in a database. Finally, descriptive statistics for selected characteristics are calculated and statistical distributions are fitted to the observed frequency distributions. Statistical analyses reveal that the Generalized Pareto distribution for the area and the Generalized Extreme Value distribution for the perimeter, dimensions, orientation and mean areal precipitation are the statistical distributions that best fit the observed ones of these parameters. The statistical descriptors and the probability distribution functions obtained are of direct use as an input in spatial rainfall generators.
Two main coal-bearing sequences developed during the Oligocene in the Tertiary Ebro Basin, the Calaf (early Oligocene) and Mequinenza (late Oligocene) coal basins. Coal deposition took place in shallow marsh-swamp-lake complexes which sometimes became closed and evolved under warm climatic conditions with fluctuating humidity. These shallow lacustrine systems are closely interrelated with the terminal parts of the distributive fluvial systems which spread from the tectonically active Ebro basin margins. Laterally extensive lignite-bearing sequences, including rather thin, lenticular autochthonous and/or hypautochthonous coal seams with high ash and sulphur contents, characterized coal deposition in the shallow lacustrine systems. Coal seam geometry, which makes them nearly subeconomic, resulted from the tectonic instability during basin margin evolution and the sometimes closed, arid conditions under which the lacustrine systems evolved. High ash and sulphur contents resulted from the inadequate isolation of peat forming environments from clastic influx and from the very low acidity and sometimes high sulphate contents of the lacustrine waters. Coal exploration in shallow lacustrine sequences similar to those described here must take into account that the spread of coal-forming environments and maxima of coal deposition are usually coincident with lake expansions and retraction or shifting of the terminal fluvial zones interrelated with the lacustrine areas.
L'auto-critique représente une évaluation sévère ou punitive du soi. Elle est omniprésente dans la culture, la vie quotidienne ou encore dans le contexte de la psychothérapie. L'auto-critique peut nous permettre une remise en question, nous ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives et nous guider. Cependant, elle peut également devenir excessive, rigide et s'avérer délétère. Cet article a pour objectif d'établir un état des lieux de la littérature existant sur cette notion. Premièrement, sa définition sera clarifiée et des éléments constitutifs de son développement seront présentés. Deuxièmement, cet article visera à dresser un descriptif des liens que l'auto-critique entretient avec la psychopathologie, notamment avec la dépression. Enfin, la troisième section de cet article sera l'occasion de proposer certaines interventions thérapeutiques permettant de réduire l'auto-critique.
La secuencia de la Balma del Gai presenta una sucesión estratigráfica con materiales arqueológicos que abarcan un período entre ca. 12.000-8.500 BP. El registro antracológico de la secuencia es abundante y aporta datos importantes sobre el medio vegetal y las estrategias de explotación de los recursos forestales. El objetivo de este trabajo es plantear las diferentes problemáticas de este período con relación a las transformaciones del medio natural y de los cambios en las estrategias de subsistencia de los últimos cazadores recolectores. Las coníferas dominan entre los restos antracológicos en la base de la secuencia, pero el cambio climático permite el desarrollo de otros taxones que caracterizan las formaciones vegetales en el entorno de la Balma del Gai. Asimismo el cambio en las estrategias de explotación de los recursos naturales, combustible y consumo alimenticio, afectan también el registro antracológico.
Se estudian las comunidades de macroinvertebrados de los ríos del Parque Natural de Sant Llorenç del Munt i la Serra de l'Obac (Barcelona, NE España) y su relación con las condiciones de flujo de los ríos. Hasta 78 localidades se visitaron en dos ocasiones (invierno y verano de 1996) y en 26 de ellas se tomaron muestras de macroinvertebrados. Mientras en invierno el 63 % de los kilÛmetros investigados tenía flujo continuo y menos del 1% estaba seco, en verano solo el 26% tenía flujo continuo, un 20% estaba totalmente seco y el resto presentaba pozas en su lecho. A pesar de ello el número de familias de macroinvertebrados fue de 54 en invierno y 94 en verano, siendo dominantes en este último caso los heterópteros, coleópteros, odonatos y dípteros, mientras que en invierno los tricópteros y plecópteros eran más diversos. En general, la comunidad presentó una estrategia trófica recolectora aunque la proporción de los ramoneadores y depredadores aumentó en verano. El estudio de las comunidades mediante el análisis de su abundancia en los dos perÌodos, mostró que las variables temporales (flujo, temperatura) o las relacionadas con el incremento de la producciÛn primaria (oxÌgeno, pH) explicaban la mayor parte de la variabilidad con los elementos mas reófilos propios de invierno y los leníticos de verano, mientras que otros factores fisicoquímicos no eran relevantes. Calculado el índice biológico BMWP' se demostró que los valores en verano eran superiores o similares a los de invierno lo que se explica por la mayor diversidad aunque la calificaciÛn individual de cada una de las familias encontradas en verano fuera menor que las halladas en invierno.