502 resultados para BENCHMARKS


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El presente trabajo es un intento de análisis de las características geográficas de sector de Valle del General. Para delimitar el área se tomó la confluencia del río Buena Vista con el Chirripó; o sea, a partir de donde se origina el río General, hasta confluencia de éste con el río Peñas Blancas, esto es, la margen izquierda del río General, entre las cotas 500 m hacia el sur del área y la de 100m al norte. El área de estudio tiene una superficie de 87.8 km²  3.251 habitantes (mapa nº 1). Se expande por la izquierda del río General y tiene como centro de atracción al antiguo pueblo de General Viejo, entre Rivas y las Juntas de Pacuar; en general, coincide con los limites político-administrativos de del distrito segundo del cantón de Pérez Zeledón. Se pretende, también, aplicar el método de trabajo de la geografía regional. Por eso, el plan de trabajo elaborado contempla el aspecto físico y humano. En el conjunto de la estructura productiva, se toma como base los cambios ocurridos en el uso del suelo entre 1973-1979; en este sentido, se pretende dar una explicación global de los elementos que intervinieron para que operaran dichos cambios y la explicación de ello en función del sistema económico imperante.   SUMMARY This article intent to analyze the geographic characteristics of sector of the General Valley. The junction of Buena Vista and Chirripó rivers was chosen in order to delimit the area; or in other words, starting from the origin of the General river to its junction with the Peñas Blancas river, that corresponds to the left margin of the General river, between the benchmarks 500 meters to the south of the area and 1000 meters to the north. The area being studied has a surface area of 87.7 square kilometers and a total of 3.251 habitants (map nº 1). Expansion occurs on the left side of the General River whose center of attraction is the old town of General Viejo, located between Rivas and the Juntas Pacuar; in general, it coincides with the political-administrative limits of the second district of Perez Zeledon canton. The application of the work method used in regional geography is also contemplated. As such, the elaborated work plan takes into account the human and physical aspects. In the combined total of the production structure, the changes that occurred in the land use between the years 1973-1979, was chosen as a base; in this sense, a global explanation is given of the elements that intervened in order to make possible such changes and of the functions of the current economic system.       RESUME Ce travail concerne seulement un secteur de la Vallée de El General, délimité comme suit : de la confluence du Rio Buena Vista et du Rio Chirripó, dont l’union donne naissance au Rio General, jusqu’i au confluence de ce Dornier avec son affluent le Rio Peñas Blancas. Il correspond à la rive gauche du General, entre les côtes 1.000 au nord, prés de Rivas, et 500 au sud (Juntas de Pacuar) courne 87.8 km² et compte 3.251 hab (carte nº 1). Il s’étend autour de l’ancien petit centre rural, El General Viejo, et coïncide plus ou moins, avec le district Nº 2 du Canton de Pérez Zeledón. On y applique la méthode d’analyse de la géographique régionale, à la fois sur les plans humain et physique, pour définir son organisation de production et son évolution entre 1973-1979, surtout pour ce qui concerne l’utilisation des terres; évolution à laquelle on présente une explication globale en fonction du système ecónomique.    


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The main goal of the Airborne project is to develop, at technology readiness level 8 (TRL8), a few selected robotic aerial technologies for quick localization of victims by avalanches by equipping drones with two forefront sensors used in SAR operations in case of avalanches, namely the ARVA and RECCO. This thesis focuses on the design, development, and guidance of the TRL8 quadrotor developed during the project. We present and describe the design method that allowed us to obtain an EMI shielded UAV capable of integrating both RECCO and ARVA sensors. Besides, is presented the avionics and power train design and building procedure in order to obtain a modular UAV frame that can be easily carried by rescuers and achieves all the performance benchmarks of the project. Additionally, in addition to the onboard algorithms, a multivariate regressive convolutional neural network whose goal is the localization of the ARVA signal is presented. On guidance, the automatic flight procedure is described, and the onboard waypoint generator algorithm is presented. The goal of this algorithm is the generation and execution of an automatic grid pattern without the need to know the map in advance and without the support of a control ground station (CGS). Moreover, we present an iterative trajectory planner that does not need pre-knowledge of the map and uses Bézier curves to address optimal, dynamically feasible, safe, and re-plannable trajectories. The goal is to develop a method that allows local and fast replannings in case of an obstacle pop up or if some waypoints change. This makes the novel planner suitable to be applied in SAR operations. The introduction of the final version of the quadrotor is supported by internal flight tests and field tests performed in real operative scenarios by the Club Alpino Italiano (CAI).


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Nuclear cross sections are the pillars onto which the transport simulation of particles and radiations is built on. Since the nuclear data libraries production chain is extremely complex and made of different steps, it is mandatory to foresee stringent verification and validation procedures to be applied to it. The work here presented has been focused on the development of a new python based software called JADE, whose objective is to give a significant help in increasing the level of automation and standardization of these procedures in order to reduce the time passing between new libraries releases and, at the same time, increasing their quality. After an introduction to nuclear fusion (which is the field where the majority of the V\&V action was concentrated for the time being) and to the simulation of particles and radiations transport, the motivations leading to JADE development are discussed. Subsequently, the code general architecture and the implemented benchmarks (both experimental and computational) are described. After that, the results coming from the major application of JADE during the research years are presented. At last, after a final discussion on the objective reached by JADE, the possible brief, mid and long time developments for the project are discussed.


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The advent of Bitcoin suggested a disintermediated economy in which Internet users can take part directly. The conceptual disruption brought about by this Internet of Money (IoM) mirrors the cross-industry impacts of blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLTs). While related instances of non-centralisation thwart regulatory efforts to establish accountability, in the financial domain further challenges arise from the presence in the IoM of two seemingly opposing traits: anonymity and transparency. Indeed, DLTs are often described as architecturally transparent, but the perceived level of anonymity of cryptocurrency transfers fuels fears of illicit exploitation. This is a primary concern for the framework to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism and proliferation (AML/CFT/CPF), and a top priority both globally and at the EU level. Nevertheless, the anonymous and transparent features of the IoM are far from clear-cut, and the same is true for its levels of disintermediation and non-centralisation. Almost fifteen years after the first Bitcoin transaction, the IoM today comprises a diverse set of socio-technical ecosystems. Building on an analysis of their phenomenology, this dissertation shows how there is more to their traits of anonymity and transparency than it may seem, and how these features range across a spectrum of combinations and degrees. In this context, trade-offs can be evaluated by referring to techno-legal benchmarks, established through socio-technical assessments grounded on teleological interpretation. Against this backdrop, this work provides framework-level recommendations for the EU to respond to the twofold nature of the IoM legitimately and effectively. The methodology cherishes the mutual interaction between regulation and technology when drafting regulation whose compliance can be eased by design. This approach mitigates the risk of overfitting in a fast-changing environment, while acknowledging specificities in compliance with the risk-based approach that sits at the core of the AML/CFT/CPF regime.


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Nel presente elaborato si analizzeranno le prestazioni del linguaggio di programmazione parallela Chapel sul kernel Integer Sort di NAS Parallel Benchmarks. Questo algoritmo, a livello pratico, è utilizzato per studi o applicazioni sui metodi particellari. Saranno introdotti i concetti fondamentali di programmazione parallela e successivamente illustrate le principali caratteristiche di MPI e Chapel. Verranno poi approfonditi Integer Sort e i rispettivi dettagli implementativi, concludendo con un'analisi di prestazioni dei due linguaggi sul kernel preso in esame.


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Nowadays the idea of injecting world or domain-specific structured knowledge into pre-trained language models (PLMs) is becoming an increasingly popular approach for solving problems such as biases, hallucinations, huge architectural sizes, and explainability lack—critical for real-world natural language processing applications in sensitive fields like bioinformatics. One recent work that has garnered much attention in Neuro-symbolic AI is QA-GNN, an end-to-end model for multiple-choice open-domain question answering (MCOQA) tasks via interpretable text-graph reasoning. Unlike previous publications, QA-GNN mutually informs PLMs and graph neural networks (GNNs) on top of relevant facts retrieved from knowledge graphs (KGs). However, taking a more holistic view, existing PLM+KG contributions mainly consider commonsense benchmarks and ignore or shallowly analyze performances on biomedical datasets. This thesis start from a propose of a deep investigation of QA-GNN for biomedicine, comparing existing or brand-new PLMs, KGs, edge-aware GNNs, preprocessing techniques, and initialization strategies. By combining the insights emerged in DISI's research, we introduce Bio-QA-GNN that include a KG. Working with this part has led to an improvement in state-of-the-art of MCOQA model on biomedical/clinical text, largely outperforming the original one (+3.63\% accuracy on MedQA). Our findings also contribute to a better understanding of the explanation degree allowed by joint text-graph reasoning architectures and their effectiveness on different medical subjects and reasoning types. Codes, models, datasets, and demos to reproduce the results are freely available at: \url{https://github.com/disi-unibo-nlp/bio-qagnn}.


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Planning is an important sub-field of artificial intelligence (AI) focusing on letting intelligent agents deliberate on the most adequate course of action to attain their goals. Thanks to the recent boost in the number of critical domains and systems which exploit planning for their internal procedures, there is an increasing need for planning systems to become more transparent and trustworthy. Along this line, planning systems are now required to produce not only plans but also explanations about those plans, or the way they were attained. To address this issue, a new research area is emerging in the AI panorama: eXplainable AI (XAI), within which explainable planning (XAIP) is a pivotal sub-field. As a recent domain, XAIP is far from mature. No consensus has been reached in the literature about what explanations are, how they should be computed, and what they should explain in the first place. Furthermore, existing contributions are mostly theoretical, and software implementations are rarely more than preliminary. To overcome such issues, in this thesis we design an explainable planning framework bridging the gap between theoretical contributions from literature and software implementations. More precisely, taking inspiration from the state of the art, we develop a formal model for XAIP, and the software tool enabling its practical exploitation. Accordingly, the contribution of this thesis is four-folded. First, we review the state of the art of XAIP, supplying an outline of its most significant contributions from the literature. We then generalise the aforementioned contributions into a unified model for XAIP, aimed at supporting model-based contrastive explanations. Next, we design and implement an algorithm-agnostic library for XAIP based on our model. Finally, we validate our library from a technological perspective, via an extensive testing suite. Furthermore, we assess its performance and usability through a set of benchmarks and end-to-end examples.