929 resultados para Autophagic Cell Death
Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and transforming growth factor beta 3 (TGF-beta 3) are members of the TGF-beta superfamily with high neurotrophic activity on cultured nigral dopamine neurons. We investigated the effects of intracerebral administration of GDNF and TGF-beta 3 on the delayed cell death of the dopamine neurons in the rat substantia nigra following 6-hydroxydopamine lesions of dopaminergic terminals in the striatum. Fluorescent retrograde tracer injections and tyrosine hydroxylase immunocytochemistry demonstrated nigral degeneration with an onset 1 week after lesion, leading to extensive death of nigral neurons 4 weeks postlesion. Administration of recombinant human GDNF for 4 weeks over the substantia nigra at a cumulative dose of 140 micrograms, starting on the day of lesion, completely prevented nigral cell death and atrophy, while a single injection of 10 micrograms 1 week postlesion had a partially protective effect. Continuous administration of TGF-beta 3, starting on the day of lesion surgery, did not affect nigral cell death or atrophy. These findings support the notion that GDNF, but not TGF-beta 3, is a potent neurotrophic factor for nigral dopamine neurons in vivo.
The recently cloned, distant member of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) family, glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), has potent trophic actions on fetal mesencephalic dopamine neurons. GDNF also has protective and restorative activity on adult mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons and potently protects motoneurons from axotomy-induced cell death. However, evidence for a role for endogenous GDNF as a target-derived trophic factor in adult midbrain dopaminergic circuits requires documentation of specific transport from the sites of synthesis in the target areas to the nerve cell bodies themselves. Here, we demonstrate that GDNF is retrogradely transported by mesencephalic dopamine neurons of the nigrostriatal pathway. The pattern of retrograde transport following intrastriatal injections indicates that there may be subpopulations of neurons that are GDNF responsive. Retrograde axonal transport of biologically active 125I-labeled GDNF was inhibited by an excess of unlabeled GDNF but not by an excess of cytochrome c. Specificity was further documented by demonstrating that another TGF-beta family member, TGF-beta 1, did not appear to affect retrograde transport. Retrograde transport was also demonstrated by immunohistochemistry by using intrastriatal injections of unlabeled GDNF. GDNF immunoreactivity was found specifically in dopamine nerve cell bodies of the substantia nigra pars compacta distributed in granules in the soma and proximal dendrites. Our data implicate a specific receptor-mediated uptake mechanism operating in the adult. Taken together, the present findings suggest that GDNF acts endogenously as a target-derived physiological survival/maintenance factor for dopaminergic neurons.
Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase [PARP; NAD+ ADP-ribosyltransferase; NAD+:poly(adenosine-diphosphate-D-ribosyl)-acceptor ADP-D-ribosyltransferase, EC] is a zinc-dependent eukaryotic DNA-binding protein that specifically recognizes DNA strand breaks produced by various genotoxic agents. To study the biological function of this enzyme, we have established stable HeLa cell lines that constitutively produce the 46-kDa DNA-binding domain of human PARP (PARP-DBD), leading to the trans-dominant inhibition of resident PARP activity. As a control, a cell line was constructed, producing a point-mutated version of the DBD, which has no affinity for DNA in vitro. Expression of the PARP-DBD had only a slight effect on undamaged cells but had drastic consequences for cells treated with genotoxic agents. Exposure of cell lines expressing the wild-type (wt) or the mutated PARP-DBD, with low doses of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) resulted in an increase in their doubling time, a G2 + M accumulation, and a marked reduction in cell survival. However, UVC irradiation had no preferential effect on the cell growth or viability of cell lines expressing the PARP-DBD. These PARP-DBD-expressing cells treated with MNNG presented the characteristic nucleosomal DNA ladder, one of the hallmarks of cell death by apoptosis. Moreover, these cells exhibited chromosomal instability as demonstrated by higher frequencies of both spontaneous and MNNG-induced sister chromatid exchanges. Surprisingly, the line producing the mutated DBD had the same behavior as those producing the wt DBD, indicating that the mechanism of action of the dominant-negative mutant involves more than its DNA-binding function. Altogether, these results strongly suggest that PARP is an element of the G2 checkpoint in mammalian cells.
Nel sesso maschile il carcinoma della prostata (CaP) è la neoplasia più frequente ed è tra le prime cause di morte per tumore. Ad oggi, sono disponibili diverse strategie terapeutiche per il trattamento del CaP, ma, come comprovato dall’ancora alta mortalità, spesso queste sono inefficaci, a causa soprattutto dello sviluppo di fenomeni di resistenza da parte delle cellule tumorali. La ricerca si sta quindi focalizzando sulla caratterizzazione di tali meccanismi di resistenza e, allo stesso tempo, sull’individuazione di combinazioni terapeutiche che siano più efficaci e capaci di superare queste resistenze. Le cellule tumorali sono fortemente dipendenti dai meccanismi connessi con l’omeostasi proteica (proteostasi), in quanto sono sottoposte a numerosi stress ambientali (ipossia, carenza di nutrienti, esposizione a chemioterapici, ecc.) e ad un’aumentata attività trascrizionale, entrambi fattori che causano un accumulo intracellulare di proteine anomale e/o mal ripiegate, le quali possono risultare dannose per la cellula e vanno quindi riparate o eliminate efficientemente. La cellula ha sviluppato diversi sistemi di controllo di qualità delle proteine, tra cui gli chaperon molecolari, il sistema di degradazione associato al reticolo endoplasmatico (ERAD), il sistema di risposta alle proteine non ripiegate (UPR) e i sistemi di degradazione come il proteasoma e l’autofagia. Uno dei possibili bersagli in cellule tumorali secretorie, come quelle del CaP, è rappresentato dal reticolo endoplasmatico (RE), organello intracellulare deputato alla sintesi, al ripiegamento e alle modificazioni post-traduzionali delle proteine di membrana e secrete. Alterazioni della protestasi a livello del RE inducono l’UPR, che svolge una duplice funzione nella cellula: primariamente funge da meccanismo omeostatico e di sopravvivenza, ma, quando l’omeostasi non è più ripristinabile e lo stimolo di attivazione dell’UPR cronicizza, può attivare vie di segnalazione che conducono alla morte cellulare programmata. La bivalenza, tipica dell’UPR, lo rende un bersaglio particolarmente interessante per promuovere la morte delle cellule tumorali: si può, infatti, sfruttare da una parte l’inibizione di componenti dell’UPR per abrogare i meccanismi adattativi e di sopravvivenza e dall’altra si può favorire il sovraccarico dell’UPR con conseguente induzione della via pro-apoptotica. Le catechine del tè verde sono composti polifenolici estratti dalle foglie di Camellia sinesis che possiedono comprovati effetti antitumorali: inibiscono la proliferazione, inducono la morte di cellule neoplastiche e riducono l’angiogenesi, l’invasione e la metastatizzazione di diversi tipi tumorali, tra cui il CaP. Diversi studi hanno osservato come il RE sia uno dei bersagli molecolari delle catechine del tè verde. In particolare, recenti studi del nostro gruppo di ricerca hanno messo in evidenza come il Polyphenon E (estratto standardizzato di catechine del tè verde) sia in grado, in modelli animali di CaP, di causare un’alterazione strutturale del RE e del Golgi, un deficit del processamento delle proteine secretorie e la conseguente induzione di uno stato di stress del RE, il quale causa a sua volta l’attivazione delle vie di segnalazione dell’UPR. Nel presente studio su due diverse linee cellulari di CaP (LNCaP e DU145) e in un nostro precedente studio su altre due linee cellulari (PNT1a e PC3) è stato confermato che il Polyphenon E è capace di indurre lo stress del RE e di determinare l’attivazione delle vie di segnalazione dell’UPR, le quali possono fungere da meccanismo di sopravvivenza, ma anche contribuire a favorire la morte cellulare indotta dalle catechine del tè verde (come nel caso delle PC3). Considerati questi effetti delle catechine del tè verde in qualità di induttori dell’UPR, abbiamo ipotizzato che la combinazione di questi polifenoli bioattivi e degli inibitori del proteasoma, anch’essi noti attivatori dell’UPR, potesse comportare un aggravamento dell’UPR stesso tale da innescare meccanismi molecolari di morte cellulare programmata. Abbiamo quindi studiato l’effetto di tale combinazione in cellule PC3 trattate con epigallocatechina-3-gallato (EGCG, la principale tra le catechine del tè verde) e due diversi inibitori del proteasoma, il bortezomib (BZM) e l’MG132. I risultati hanno dimostrato, diversamente da quanto ipotizzato, che l’EGCG quando associato agli inibitori del proteasoma non produce effetti sinergici, ma che anzi, quando viene addizionato al BZM, causa una risposta simil-antagonistica: si osserva infatti una riduzione della citotossicità e dell’effetto inibitorio sul proteasoma (accumulo di proteine poliubiquitinate) indotti dal BZM, inoltre anche l’induzione dell’UPR (aumento di GRP78, p-eIF2α, CHOP) risulta ridotta nelle cellule trattate con la combinazione di EGCG e BZM rispetto alle cellule trattate col solo BZM. Gli stessi effetti non si osservano invece nelle cellule PC3 trattate con l’EGCG in associazione con l’MG132, dove non si registra alcuna variazione dei parametri di vitalità cellulare e dei marcatori di inibizione del proteasoma e di UPR (rispetto a quelli osservati nel singolo trattamento con MG132). Essendo l’autofagia un meccanismo compensativo che si attiva in seguito all’inibizione del proteasoma o allo stress del RE, abbiamo valutato che ruolo potesse avere tale meccanismo nella risposta simil-antagonistica osservata in seguito al co-trattamento con EGCG e BZM. I nostri risultati hanno evidenziato, in cellule trattate con BZM, l’attivazione di un flusso autofagico che si intensifica quando viene addizionato l’EGCG. Tramite l’inibizione dell’autofagia mediante co-somministrazione di clorochina, è stato possibile stabilire che l’autofagia indotta dall’EGCG favorisce la sopravvivenza delle cellule sottoposte al trattamento combinato tramite la riduzione dell’UPR. Queste evidenze ci portano a concludere che per il trattamento del CaP è sconsigliabile associare le catechine del tè verde con il BZM e che in futuri studi di combinazione di questi polifenoli con composti antitumorali sarà importante valutare il ruolo dell’autofagia come possibile meccanismo di resistenza.
Plasmodium and Theileria parasites are obligate intracellular protozoa of the phylum Apicomplexa. Theileria infection of bovine leukocytes induces transformation of host cells and infected leukocytes can be kept indefinitely in culture. Theileria-dependent host cell transformation has been the subject of interest for many years and the molecular basis of this unique phenomenon is quite well understood. The equivalent life cycle stage of Plasmodium is the infection of mammalian hepatocytes, where parasites reside for 2-7 days depending on the species. Some of the molecular details of parasite-host interactions in P. berghei-infected hepatocytes have emerged only very recently. Similar to what has been shown for Theileria-infected leukocytes these data suggest that malaria parasites within hepatocytes also protect their host cell from programmed cell death. However, the strategies employed to inhibit host cell apoptotic pathways appear to be different to those used by Theileria. This review discusses similarities and differences at the molecular level of Plasmodium- and Theileria-induced regulation of the host cell survival machinery.
The intracellular stages of apicomplexan parasites are known to extensively modify their host cells to ensure their own survival. Recently, considerable progress has been made in understanding the molecular details of these parasite-dependent effects for Plasmodium-, Toxoplasma- and Theileria-infected cells. We have begun to understand how Plasmodium liver stage parasites protect their host hepatocytes from apoptosis during parasite development and how they induce an ordered cell death at the end of the liver stage. Toxoplasma parasites are also known to regulate host cell survival pathways and it has been convincingly demonstrated that they block host cell major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-dependent antigen presentation of parasite epitopes to avoid cell-mediated immune responses. Theileria parasites are the masters of host cell modulation because their presence immortalises the infected cell. It is now accepted that multiple pathways are activated to induce Theileria-dependent host cell transformation. Although it is now known that similar host cell pathways are affected by the different parasites, the outcome for the infected cell varies considerably. Improved imaging techniques and new methods to control expression of parasite and host cell proteins will help us to analyse the molecular details of parasite-dependent host cell modifications.
The role of p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR)) in mediating cell death is now well charaterized, however, it is only recently that details of the death signaling pathway have become clearer. This review focuses on the importance of the juxtamembrane Chopper domain region of p75(NTR) in this process. Evidence supporting the involvement of K+ efflux, the apoptosome (caspase-9, apoptosis activating factor-1, APAF-1, and Bcl-(xL)), caspase-3, c-jun kinase, and p53 in the p75(NTR) cell death pathway is discussed and regulatory roles for the p75(NTR) ectodomain and death domain are proposed. The role of synaptic activity is also discussed, in particular the importance of neutrotransmitter-activated K+ channels acting as the gatekeepers of cell survival decisions during development and in neurodegenerative conditions.
Cell deletion is a physiological process for the development and maintenance of tissue homeostasis in metazoa. This is mainly achieved by the induction of various forms of programmed cell death followed by the recognition and removal of the targeted cells by phagocytes. In this review, we will discuss cell deletion in relation to the development and function of the innate immune system, particularly of the mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS), its ontogeny and potential role in tissue remodeling in the embryo and adult. Ongoing studies are addressing the roles of professional phagocytes of the MPS and neighboring tissue cells in dying cell removal, and candidate molecules that might attract mononuclear phagocytes to the dying cells. The potential phagocyte must discriminate between living and dying cells; current concepts for this discrimination derive from the observation of newly exposed ligands on the dying cells and new evidence for direct inhibition of uptake by viable cells.
We previously demonstrated that olfactory cultures front individuals with schizophrenia had increased cell proliferation compared to Cultures from healthy controls. The aims of this study were to (a) replicate this observation in a new group Of individuals with schizophrenia, (b) examine the specificity of these findings by including individuals with bipolar I disorder and (c) explore gene expression differences that may underlie cell cycle differences in these diseases. Compared to controls (n = 10), there was significantly more mitosis in schizophrenia patient cultures (it = 8) and significantly more cell death in the bipolar I disorder patient cultures (n=8). Microarray data showed alterations to the cell cycle and phosphatidylinositol signalling pathways in schizophrenia and bipolar I disorder, respectively. Whilst caution is required in the interpretation of the array results, the study provides evidence indicating that cell proliferation and cell death in olfactory neuroepithelial cultures is differentially altered in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The number of cells generated by a proliferating stem or precursor cell can be influenced both by proliferation and by the degree of cell death/survival of the progeny generated. In this study, the extent to which cell survival controls progenitor number was examined by comparing the growth characteristics of neurosphere cultures derived from mice lacking genes for the death inducing Bcl-2 homologue Hara Kiri (Hrk), apoptosis-associated protein 1 (Apaf1), or the prosurvival nuclear factor-kappa B (NF kappa B) subunits p65, p50, or c-rel. We found no evidence that Hrk or Apaf1, and by inference the mitochondrial cell death pathway, are involved in regulating the number of neurosphere-derived progeny. However, we identified the p65p50 NF kappa B dimer as being required for the normal growth and expansion of neurosphere cultures. Genetic loss of both p65 and p50 NF kappa B subunits resulted in a reduced number of progeny but an increased proportion of neurons. No effect on cell survival was observed. This suggests that the number and fate of neural progenitor cells are more strongly regulated by cell cycle control than survival. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The use of gene guns in ballistically delivering DNA vaccine coated gold micro-particles to skin can potentially damage targeted cells, therefore influencing transfection efficiencies. In this paper, we assess cell death in the viable epidermis by non-invasive near infrared two-photon microscopy following micro-particle bombardment of murine skin. We show that the ballistic delivery of micro-particles to the viable epidermis can result in localised cell death. Furthermore, experimental results show the degree of cell death is dependant on the number of micro-particles delivered per unit of tissue surface area. Micro-particles densities of 0.16 +/- 0.27 (mean +/- S.D.), 1.35 +/- 0.285 and 2.72 +/- 0.47 per 1000 mu m(2) resulted in percent deaths of 3.96 +/- 5.22, 45.91 +/- 10.89, 90.52 +/- 12.28, respectively. These results suggest that optimization of transfection by genes administered with gene guns is - among other effects - a compromise of micro-particle payload and cell death. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The avascular nature of the human intervertebral disc (IVD) is thought to play a major role in disc pathophysiology by limiting nutrient supply to resident IVD cells. In the human IVD, the central IVD cells at maturity are normally chondrocytic in phenotype. However, abnormal cell phenotypes have been associated with degenerative disc diseases, including cell proliferation and cluster formation, cell death, stellate morphologies, and cell senescence. Therefore, we have examined the relative influence of possible blood-borne factors on the growth characteristics of IVD cells in vitro.
Apoptosis is a highly controlled cell death programme that culminates in the exposure of molecular ‘flags’ at the dying cell surface that permit recognition and removal by viable phagocytes. Failure to efficiently remove dying cells can lead to devastating inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. The molecular mechanisms underlying apoptotic cell surface changes are poorly understood. Our previous work has shown an apoptosis-associated functional change in ICAM-3 (a heavily glycosylated, leukocyte-restricted Immunoglobulin Super-Family member) resulting in a molecular ‘flag’ to mediate corpse removal. Here we detail apoptosis-associated changes in ICAM-3 and define their role in ICAM-3’s novel function in apoptotic cell clearance. We show ICAM-3 functions to tether apoptotic leukocytes to macrophages via an undefined receptor. Though CD14 has been suggested as a possible receptor for apoptotic cell-associated ICAM-3, we demonstrate ICAM-3 functions for apoptotic cell clearance in the absence of CD14. Furthermore, we demonstrate leukocytes display early changes in cell surface glycosylation and a marked reduction in ICAM-3, a change that correlates reduced cell volume throughout apoptosis. This loss of ICAM-3 occurs via shedding of ICAM-3 in microparticles (‘apoptotic bodies’). Such microparticles are potent chemoattractants for macrophages. Notably, microparticles from ICAM-3-deficient leukocytes are significantly less chemoattractive than microparticles from their ICAM-3-replete counterparts. These data support the hypothesis that ICAM-3 acts as an apoptotic cell-associated ligand to tether dying cells to phagocytes in a CD14-independent manner. Furthermore our data suggest that released ICAM-3 may promote the recruitment of phagocytes to sites of apoptosis.
The timeline imposed by recent worldwide chemical legislation is not amenable to conventional in vivo toxicity testing, requiring the development of rapid, economical in vitro screening strategies which have acceptable predictive capacities. When acquiring regulatory neurotoxicity data, distinction on whether a toxic agent affects neurons and/or astrocytes is essential. This study evaluated neurofilament (NF) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) directed single-cell (S-C) ELISA and flow cytometry as methods for distinguishing cell-specific cytoskeletal responses, using the established human NT2 neuronal/astrocytic (NT2.N/A) co-culture model and a range of neurotoxic (acrylamide, atropine, caffeine, chloroquine, nicotine) and non-neurotoxic (chloramphenicol, rifampicin, verapamil) test chemicals. NF and GFAP directed flow cytometry was able to identify several of the test chemicals as being specifically neurotoxic (chloroquine, nicotine) or astrocytoxic (atropine, chloramphenicol) via quantification of cell death in the NT2.N/A model at cytotoxic concentrations using the resazurin cytotoxicity assay. Those neurotoxicants with low associated cytotoxicity are the most significant in terms of potential hazard to the human nervous system. The NF and GFAP directed S-C ELISA data predominantly demonstrated the known neurotoxicants only to affect the neuronal and/or astrocytic cytoskeleton in the NT2.N/A cell model at concentrations below those affecting cell viability. This report concluded that NF and GFAP directed S-C ELISA and flow cytometric methods may prove to be valuable additions to an in vitro screening strategy for differentiating cytotoxicity from specific neuronal and/or astrocytic toxicity. Further work using the NT2.N/A model and a broader array of toxicants is appropriate in order to confirm the applicability of these methods.
A wide range of molecules acting as apoptotic cell-associated ligands, phagocyte-associated receptors or soluble bridging molecules have been implicated within the complex sequential processes that result in phagocytosis and degradation of apoptotic cells. Intercellular adhesion molecule 3 (ICAM-3, also known as CD50), a human leukocyte-restricted immunoglobulin super-family (IgSF) member, has previously been implicated in apoptotic cell clearance, although its precise role in the clearance process is ill defined. The main objective of this work is to further characterise the function of ICAM-3 in the removal of apoptotic cells. Using a range of novel anti-ICAM-3 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), including one (MA4) that blocks apoptotic cell clearance by macrophages, alongside apoptotic human leukocytes that are normal or deficient for ICAM-3, we demonstrate that ICAM-3 promotes a domain 1-2-dependent tethering interaction with phagocytes. Furthermore, we demonstrate an apoptosis-associated reduction in ICAM-3 that results from release of ICAM-3 within microparticles that potently attract macrophages to apoptotic cells. Taken together, these data suggest that apoptotic cell-derived microparticles bearing ICAM-3 promote macrophage chemoattraction to sites of leukocyte cell death and that ICAM-3 mediates subsequent cell corpse tethering to macrophages. The defined function of ICAM-3 in these processes and profound defect in chemotaxis noted to ICAM-3-deficient microparticles suggest that ICAM-3 may be an important adhesion molecule involved in chemotaxis to apoptotic human leukocytes. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved.