979 resultados para Australian newspaper history


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Argues that the most influential landscape poetry deals with landscape as an aesthetic concept, and also with the politics of land ownership. Several "landscape poets". Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, have given voice to some of the most compelling social currents in society, and their work has an important place in contemporary political debate.


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Examines Australian nationalism from the 1890s onwards through the interaction between cultural stereotypes of the feminine and issues of identity, citizenship and political constructions of "democracy". The employment of an idealised masculine aesthetic as catalyst to creating an imagined state was compared in Australia and Wilhelmine Germany.


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Examines the way in which cultural myths in selected Australian feature films of the 1970s and 1980s reflect changing attitudes towards nationalism, Australian identity, gender roles, mateship and how the Australian settler culture defines (or fails to define) its relationship with indigenous Australians.


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Ensuring the sexual and reproductive health of the population is essential for the wellbeing of a nation. At least three aspects of sexual and reproductive health are among the key policy issues for present Australian governments: maintaining and increasing the birth rate; reducing the abortion rate; and preventing and controlling Chlamydia infections.

The overall aim of the Australian Longitudinal Study of Health and Relationships is to document the natural history of the sexual and reproductive health of the Australian adult population.

A nationally representative sample of Australian adults 16–64 years of age was selected in a two-phase process in 2004–2005. Eligible households were identified through random digit dialling. We used separate sampling frames for men and women; where there was more than one eligible person in a household the participant was selected randomly. Participants completed a computer-assisted telephone interview that typically took approximately 25 minutes to complete. The response rate was 56%. A total of 8,656 people were interviewed, of whom 95% (8243) agreed to be contacted again 12 months later. Of those, approximately 82% have been re-contacted and re-interviewed in 2006–07 (Wave Two), with 99% of those agreeing to be contacted again for Wave Three.

ALSHR represents a significant advance for research on the linked topics of sexual and reproductive health. Its strengths include the large sample size, the inclusion of men as well as women, and the wide age range of the participants.


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Despite being the most widely distributed and cultured freshwater crayfish species in Australia, relatively little is known about the ecology of Cherax destructor outside of captivity. Similarly, few ecological studies have been conducted on the large and threatened stream dwelling Australian freshwater crayfish Euastacus bispinosus. A series of seasonal sampling surveys over two years investigated the population structure, life history and reproductive timing of C. destructor in fire dam habitats, and of E. bispinosus in channel (stream) habitats, in the Grampians National Park in south-west Victoria, Australia. Cherax destructor individuals in the largest size class (50 – 59.95 mm OCL) were not abundant during the study, while those belonging to the 0 – 9.95 mm OCL size class were more frequent in summer than at other times of year, suggesting synchronous recruitment in fire dam habitats. Individuals in the reproductively active mid-size classes were also frequent in summer. For E. bispinosus, sex ratios in spring always favoured females, although there were no clear trends for other times of year. Gravid E. bispinosus females were found in winter and spring throughout the study, and were sexually mature at a smaller size than has previously been reported.


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 Comparison of the origins of Australian football and Association football


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The article traces the history of the "Australian Journal of Education in Chemistry". The journal, which was founded in 1978, is the only refereed periodical that is wholly owned by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI). It is designed to improve the quality of chemistry teaching and learning in Australia. It was initially called "Chemeda: The Newsletter of the Chemical Education Division RACI". Overview of some article published in the journal is presented.


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The integration of phylogenetics, phylogeography and palaeoenvironmental studies is providing major insights into the historical forces that have shaped the Earth’s biomes. Yet our present view is biased towards arctic and temperate/tropical forest regions, with very little focus on the extensive arid regions of the planet. The Australian arid zone is one of the largest desert landform systems in the world, with a unique, diverse and relatively well-studied biota. With foci on palaeoenvironmental and molecular data, we here review what is known about the assembly and maintenance of this biome in the context of its physical history, and in comparison with other mesic biomes. Aridification of Australia began in the Mid-Miocene, around 15 million years, but fully arid landforms in central Australia appeared much later, around 1–4 million years. Dated molecular phylogenies of diverse taxa show the deepest divergences of arid-adapted taxa from the Mid-Miocene, consistent with the onset of desiccation. There is evidence of arid-adapted taxa evolving from mesicadapted ancestors, and also of speciation within the arid zone. There is no evidence for an increase in speciation rate during the Pleistocene, and most arid-zone species lineages date to the Pliocene or earlier. The last 0.8 million years have seen major fluctuations of the arid zone, with large areas covered by mobile sand dunes during glacial maxima. Some large, vagile taxa show patterns of recent expansion and migration throughout the arid zone, in parallel with the ice sheet-imposed range shifts in Northern Hemisphere taxa. Yet other taxa show high lineage diversity and strong phylogeographical structure, indicating persistence in multiple localised refugia over several glacial maxima. Similar to the Northern Hemisphere, Pleistocene range shifts have produced suture zones, creating the opportunity for diversification and speciation through hybridisation, polyploidy and parthenogenesis. This review highlights the opportunities that development of arid conditions provides for rapid and diverse evolutionary radiations, and re-enforces the emerging view that Pleistocene environmental change can have diverse impacts on genetic structure and diversity in different biomes. There is a clear need for more detailed and targeted phylogeographical studies of Australia’s arid biota and we suggest a framework and a set of a priori hypotheses by which to proceed.


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Few Australian entomologists, ecologists, biogeographers or Quaternary researchers are familiar with the details of Quaternary beetle research. Since the 1950s the study of fossil beetles has developed to become an important discipline of the Quaternary sciences. Unfortunately, however, the significance of the discipline for ecological and evolutionary research has been slow to penetrate mainstream entomological, ecological, and evolutionary thought. This paper outlines the history, methods and results of Quaternary beetle studies, based primarily upon research from the well-studied Northern Hemisphere, and then examines issues relevant to Australian research. Analysis of Quaternary beetle assemblages from Australia can contribute to the reconstruction of past environments and climates, in particular quantitative estimation of past temperature regimes, and potentially, effective precipitation. Of more significance to entomology, however, is the potential to reconstruct climatically-induced changes in distribution, essential for understanding the Quaternary biogeographic history of Australia's insect fauna. Furthermore, it will be possible to examine evidence, or the lack thereof, for speciation during the Quaternary, in the context of Quaternary environmental change.


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On 19 November 2004, an Aboriginal man was arrested on Palm Island, off the coast of Townsville in northern Queensland. He was taken to the local watch house on a drunk and disorderly charge. An hour later, he lay dead on a cell floor. His liver, an autopsy showed, had been split in half and his spleen ruptured. But when that autopsy report also found that Mulrunji Doomadgee’s severe injuries were not caused by force, the Palm Island Indigenous community, enraged and grief-stricken, went looking for payback.

The Palm Island “riots” ensured that this Aboriginal death in custody made international news headlines where others barely got a mention, if at all (Hollinsworth, 2005). The ensuing Coronial Inquest and criminal prosecution of the arresting Queensland police officer, Chris Hurley, also were covered consistently by the news media. Senior Sergeant Hurley has, however, so far escaped punishment and the Queensland media’s most recent report of the case was to tell how the Qld Police Union now funds a legal bid to clear his name. Meanwhile, little is heard in the news media of the Doomadgee family, the Palm Island community, or of other deaths in custody occurring steadily through the 18 years since the Royal Commission that was supposed to implement a raft of preventative recommendations.

While the news media’s framing of these issues has most often followed historically predictable and ultimately racist lines, a work of creative non-fiction tells the story with warranted complexity and power. Chloe Hooper’s The Tall Man: Death and Life on Palm Island documents Cameron Doomadgee’s death, the riots, and the ensuing legal farce from the front row. Hooper, in the tradition of Truman Capote, arrived at Palm Island as a white writer from a big city. But by “walking the talk” – being with the Doomadgee family and their community through the hearings and after, Hooper was given extraordinary access to community, history, and significant cultural nuance barely identified by, let alone understood by, non-Indigenous readers.

By focussing on Hooper’s experience with sources and court reporting, compared with some print media coverage, this paper will consider the comparative roles of journalism and creative non-fiction in re-framing the Palm Island “riot”. It will suggest that Hooper’s work subverts some dominant (and racist) news media representations of Australian Indigenous peoples through its use of source relationships in an extended narrative structure.


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Today, the Zebra Finch is Australia’s most studied bird and the focus of intensive multi-million dollar research projects throughout the world. Here we briefly summarise the history of the Zebra Finch in science and document the way in which studies of this species have proliferated and dominated a number of quite different fields within the biological sciences. The importance of the Zebra Finch is likely to increase still further after the recent publication of its genome sequence – only the second bird to be the focus of such an intensive research effort – and providing an amazing resource for understanding this species and genome evolution more generally. Finally, we highlight the contribution made by the late Richard Zann with his studies of the ecology, physiology and behaviour of the wild Zebra Finch and his tremendous enthusiasm for the species. Richard would have welcomed the status that the Zebra Finch currently enjoys in science, and looked forward to the many exciting research opportunities that this supermodel species will continue to provide in the future.


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Introduction: For most women, gestational diabetes is temporary; however, an episode of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) confers an approximately seven-fold increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus. Objective: To examine readiness to adopt diabetes risk reduction behaviours and the prevalence of these behaviours among rural women with GDM during their last pregnancy.
Methods: The study design was a self-administered mailed questionnaire seeking information about demographics, stage of change, physical activity level and dietary fat intake. Setting: Regional outpatient context. Participants: Women with a single episode of GDM between 1 July 2001 and 31 December 2005 (n = 210). Main outcome measures: Stage of change for physical activity, weight loss and reducing dietary fat behaviour; meeting activity targets, body mass index (BMI) and dietary fat score.
Results: Eighty-four women returned completed questionnaires (40% response rate). Of the 77 women eligible (mean age 35 ± 3.8 years), 58% met recommended activity targets. Sixty-three percent of women were overweight or obese: mean BMI 29.6 kg/m2 (± 7.30). Women reported a high level of preparedness to engage in physical activity, weight loss and reduction of fat intake. Thirty-nine percent of women had not had any postpartum follow-up glucose screening. Women who remembered receiving diabetes prevention information were significantly more likely to meet physical activity targets (p<0.05).
Conclusions: Readiness to engage in behaviour change was high among this group of rural women for all three diabetes risk reduction behaviours measured. However, despite a high proportion of women meeting activity targets and reducing fat intake, the majority of women remained overweight or obese. Postpartum follow-up glucose testing needs to be improved and the impact of diabetes prevention information provided during pregnancy warrants further study.


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There is considerable international concern about science education based on the number of students engaged with science and mathematics, and research showing student disenchantment with school science curricula. ln this presentation I will trace through a history of concerns with school science, and describe the recommendations and curriculum responses to these concerns internationally and particularly in Australia. The new Australian Science Curriculum is based around ideas related to scientific literacy and inquiry curriculum, and includes science inquiry skills and science as a human endeavour' as major strands. I will describe the features of the course and raise the question - does it represent a productive way forward? The various aspects of the course are related to current directions in science education research, and examples will be given of my own involvement in national curriculum initiatives, into school-community links, and Deakin research into a pedagogy that focuses on student generation of representations, as examples of ways forward for improving student engagement with learning science.