983 resultados para Ash free dry mass
Mestrado em Engenharia Geotécnica e Geoambiente
Objective: This study was conducted to determine the association between magnesium (Mg), body composition and insulin resistance in 136 sedentary postmenopausal women, 50 to 77 years of age. Methods: Diabetics, hypertensives and women on hormonal replacement therapy were excluded and the remaining 74 were divided according to BMI≥25 (obese: OG) and BMI<25 kg/m2 (non-obese: NOG). Nutritional data disclosed that intakes were high for protein and saturated fat, low for carbohydrates, polyunsaturated fat and Mg and normal for the other nutrients, according to recommended dietary allowances (RDA). Mg values in red blood cells (RBC-Mg) and plasma (P-Mg), were determined, as were fasting glucose, and insulin levels, Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA), body mass index (BMI), body fat percent (BF %), abdominal fat (AF) and free fat mass (FFM). Results: RBC-Mg values were low in both groups when compared with normal values. There were significant differences in body composition parameters, HOMA and insulin levels, with higher basal insulin levels in OG. RBC-Mg was directly correlated with insulin, HOMA and FFM in both groups, according to Pearson correlations. HOMA in OG was also directly correlated with BMI, FFM and AF. In NOG, HOMA was only correlated with FFM. The low RBC-Mg levels observed were probably due to low Mg intake and to deregulation of factors that control Mg homeostasis during menopause. Conclusions: Both Mg deficit and obesity may independently lead to a higher risk for insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease.
Neste trabalho, apresentam-se e discutem-se os resultados da aplicação da técnica de amostragem linear de descontinuidades em faces expostas do maciço rochoso da pedreira granítica de S. Domingos Nº 2 (Fontelo, Armamar; N de Portugal). É, igualmente, utilizada informação sobre a rede de fracturação regional, obtida através da análise morfoestrutural de mapas topográficos e mapas geológicos. São ainda referidos os métodos utilizados no tratamento dos dados de terreno com o objectivo de definir as famílias de descontinuidades e de caracterizar estatísticamente a sua atitude, espaçamento e extensão. Os resultados obtidos são comparados, à mega escala e macro-escala, no sentido de averiguar a presença de um padrão de fracturação com dimensão multiescala. Esta abordagem foi refinada através da aplicação de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica. A aplicação desta técnica para a caracterização da compartimentação do maciço poderá contribuir para aperfeiçoar a gestão sustentável do georrecurso da pedreira de S. Domingos Nº 2 (Fontelo). O controlo geomecânico do desmonte do maciço rochoso é salientado com o intuito de uma abordagem de geo-engenharia integrada dos maciços rochosos.
Mestrado em Engenharia Geotécnica e Geoambiente
Este trabalho centra-se no estudo do aproveitamento expectável do maciço rochoso da pedreira da Curviã N.o 2 (Joane, Vila Nova de Famalicão, no N Portugal), através da obtenção de um bloco unitário tipo que forneça indicações para a exploração do recurso geológico para fins industriais e/ou ornamentais. Desta forma, investiga-se se num dado limite de zona geotécnica do maciço rochoso e propicio a obtenção de blocos com dimensão, avaliados apos o processo de transformação, nomeadamente, para enrocamento em obras marítimas ou balastro em obras ferroviárias. Foram seleccionados diversos afloramentos, tendo-se recorrido a técnica de amostragem linear as superfícies expostas do maciço. Esta técnica e uma das formas mais expeditas de coligir dados geológico-geotécnicos relativos as descontinuidades. Procedeu-se, ainda, a um tratamento estatístico das descontinuidades, bem como dos parâmetros geológico-geotécnicos e geomecânicos a estas associadas, propostos pela Sociedade Internacional de Mecânica das Rochas (ISRM). Todos os dados foram representados cartograficamente numa base apoiada pelos Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG) e utilizadas as ferramentas de geologia estrutural, analise morfotectónica, modelação digital de terreno e cartografia de zonamento geotécnico. O zonamento geotécnico do maciço granítico foi realizado sempre em estreita ligação com o conhecimento das características do maciço ”in situ”. Pretende-se que esta metodologia contribua para um melhor conhecimento da compartimentação dos maciços rochosos em geral e, em particular, do modelo geotécnico comportamental do maciço rochoso da Curviã N.o2.
Este estudo pretende discutir a validade da aplicação da mais recente versão do “GSI – Geological Strength Index” (Hoek et al., 2013) em maciços rochosos heterogéneos por aplicação num projecto de obra subterrânea em execução. O estudo envolveu a caracterização geológicageotécnica nas duas frentes de escavação da frente “Poente” da empreitada de construção do Túnel do Marão (N de Portugal) tendo sido cartografados 305 metros no conjunto das duas frentes em 74 avanços consecutivos. Para esta caracterização foram coligidos e uniformizados dados geológicos, geotécnicos e geomecânicos relativos aos levantamentos realizados a cada avanço. A técnica da amostragem linear foi aplicada para a cartografia das descontinuidades que permitiu estabelecer o grau de compartimentação do maciço rochoso. Além disso, procedeu‐se a um tratamento estatístico das descontinuidades, bem como dos parâmetros geológico‐geotécnicos e geomecânicos associados. Os zonamentos geotécnicos e geomecânicos das secções em análise foram realizados sempre em estreita ligação com o conhecimento das características do maciço in situ. Procurou‐se estabelecer termos de comparação entre a versão do GSI|2013 e as versões anteriores (GSI|98, GSI|2001) por aplicação para os avanços cartografados. Pretende‐se que este trabalho contribua para um maior conhecimento da mais recente versão do “Geological Strength Index” (2013) para a sua aplicabilidade em projectos de geoengenharia.
Resumo: Objetivou-se avaliar gramíneas com reconhecida tolerância a períodos de estresse hídrico em consórcio com a cultura do milheto e doses de nitrogênio. O ensaio foi realizado em Sobral-CE, em delineamento em blocos casualizados com os tratamentos sendo o consórcio da cultura do milheto com o capim-buffel ou capim-massai, com 3 doses de adubação em cobertura para o milheto, sendo: 0, 50 e 100 kg ha-1 de nitrogênio, e o tratamento testemunha sendo o plantio do milheto solteiro sem adubação de cobertura; com 3 blocos. Avaliaram-se os dados biométricos e produtividade de massa seca. O consórcio de culturas anuais com gramíneas forrageiras é alternativa interessante para produção de volumoso em região semiárida. O consórcio de milheto e capim-massai mostrou-se superior para dados biométricos e produtividade. O emprego de 100 kg ha-1 de N em cobertura na cultura do milheto propiciou maior produtividade de massa seca. [Millet production with forage consortium in semiarid region of State of Ceará]. Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate grasses with recognized tolerance to periods of water stress in partnership with millet cultivation and doses of nitrogen. The test was conducted in Sobral-CE, at a randomized block with treatments and millet culture consortium with buffel grass or massai grass with 3 fertilizer levels at coverage for millet, as follows: 50 and 100 kg ha-1 of nitrogen, and the control treatment being the planting millet single without cover fertilization; with 3 blocks. Evaluated were the biometric data and dry matter productivity. The consortium of annual crops with grasses is interesting alternative to massive production for semi-arid region. The consortium millet and massai grass was superior to biometric data and productivity. The use of 100 kg ha-1 of N topdressing in the millet culture provided greater dry mass productivity.
RESUMO: Tivemos como objectivo do presente trabalho avaliar a capacidade funcional, e factores eventualmente a ela associados, numa amostra de 152 idosos ambulatórios, sem doenças agudas ou graves, utentes de um centro de saúde urbano. Cada avaliação consistiu numa entrevista, mediante um inquérito sobre capacidade funcional, morbilidade, estado mental e aspectos sociais, e no estudo da composição corporal. As perguntas referentes às variáveis estudadas foram por nós desenvolvidas e estruturadas com base em escalas internacionais validadas e de utilização comum na avaliação de idosos, excepto para as variáveis em que não encontrámos escalas com essas características. Os seus quesitos foram incluídos como perguntas e respostas estruturadas e pré-codificadas, permitindo a atribuição de uma pontuação a cada variável e a sua posterior divisão dicotómica. Aplicámos as escalas de Katz e de Lawton para a avaliação das actividades de autonomia física e instrumental da vida diária, a escala de Grimby para a avaliação da actividade física, a escala de Hamilton e o teste de Folstein para a avaliação do estado mental nas vertentes afectiva e cognitiva e a escala de Graffar para caracterizar a classe social, e perguntas sobre locomoção, autoavaliação da saúde, queixas de saúde presentes e rede social. Fizemos o registo da morbilidade segundo a International Classification of Primary Care - ICPC. A avaliação antropométrica constou da medição do peso, da altura, dos perímetros do braço, da cintura, da anca e proximal da coxa, e das pregas bicipital, tricipital, sub-escapular e supra-ilíaca. Foi também feita a estimativa da composição corporal por cálculos derivados de índices antropométricos e de bioimpedância eléctrica corporal total, o doseamento de algumas proteínas plasmáticas e a quantificação da força de preensão. Analisámos os resultados obtidos por grupos quanto ao sexo e à idade, dividida nos escalões etários 65 a 74 anos e mais do que 74 anos. Por regressão linear múltipla, foi testado o efeito do sexo e da idade sobre os valores medidos, para cada uma das variáveis e cada uma das suas pontuações parciais, sendo considerado como evidência de um efeito estaticamente significativo um valor “p” inferior a 0,05.Resumimos do seguinte modo os dados obtidos e a sua comparação com os dos estudos que seleccionámos como referência: A média de idades da amostra foi de 74 anos, sendo um terço destes do sexo masculino. Na sua maioria eram independentes em locomoção e funcionalidade, praticavam alguma actividade física, classificavam a sua saúde como razoável ou boa, apresentavam sintomatologia activa, não tinham depressão ou demência, tinham quem os acompanhasse embora cerca de metade apresentasse algum grau de isolamento, eram de baixa classe social, tinham excesso de peso, valores elevados de massa gorda, parâmetros plasmáticos proteicos compatíveis com ausência de doenças agudas ou graves e considerável força muscular de preensão. Na análise descritiva por grupos quanto ao sexo e/ou à idade, verificou-se que as mulheres e os mais idosos apresentavam maior isolamento social e os valores mais baixos de massa magra, hemoglobina e força de preensão. As mulheres tinham maior prevalência de dependência em autonomia física, depressão e valores mais baixos de transferrina. Os mais idosos apresentavam maior dependência em funcionalidade, menor actividade física, maior prevalência de demência, índice de massa corporal menos elevado, e valores mais baixos de albumina. Não se verificou prevalência de piores resultados dicotómicos nos homens nem no escalão etário menos idoso. Não teve relação com o sexo ou a idade o compromisso em autonomia instrumental, a presença de morbilidade ou a baixa classe social, assim como a não perturbação da locomoção e dos níveis de somatomedina-C. A análise comparativa com estudos multidimensionais em idosos portugueses e europeus ambulatórios revelou que a nossa amostra apresentava muitas características semelhantes às desses idosos. Assim, tinham elevada independência em locomoção, considerável independência em autonomia física e menor independência em autonomia instrumental; prática de actividade física ligeira, as mulheres dentro e os homens fora de casa; maior prevalência de morbilidade a nível dos aparelhos locomotor e cardiocirculatório, nos nossos idosos com pouca flutuação na autoavaliação de saúde; pequena prevalência de depressão e de demência; maior isolamento social nas mulheres e nas mais idosas; factores de classe social de baixo nível, diferindo apenas em relação aos idosos do norte da Europa que apresentavam elevada escolaridade e profissões mais diferenciadas; características biométricas sobreponíveis às dos idosos portugueses e às dos do sul da Europa, com tendência para o excesso de peso e proporção elevada de massa gorda; e doseamentos plasmáticos proteicos e força muscular de preensão compatíveis com ausência de doenças agudas ou crónicas graves. A comparação com os referidos estudos em relação ao risco de dependência, revelou semelhanças na associação entre dependência funcional e idade avançada, morbilidade, alteração do estado mental e isolamento social. Na amostra que estudámos não obtivemos associação entre dependência e o sexo feminino, facto que se verificou no estudo nacional de Almeida et al. e nos estudos multicêntricos europeus, ou o grau de escolaridade, como no estudo francês. Podemos concluir que, com o instrumento de avaliação que utilizámos, foi possível detectar e caracterizar perturbações numa amostra de idosos ambulatórios, a maioria funcionalmente independentes, sem alterações do estado mental, mas apresentando morbilidade activa, tendência para a obesidade, e actividade física ligeira. Nos que apresentaram alterações, estas foram mais frequentes no sexo feminino e nos indivíduos com mais de 74 anos. A escala de funcionalidade desenvolvida foi sensível aos efeitos da idade e permitiu o cálculo do risco de dependência em relação às outras variáveis estudadas, sendo mais marcante a associação com baixa actividade física, presença de queixas de saúde, demência e índice de massa corporal elevado. Consideramos que a metodologia que empregámos poderá contribuir para a avaliação de capacidades, cujo conhecimento sistemático nos idosos se impõe. ------------- ABSTRACT: The main objective of the present work was to evaluate functional capacity and related factors, in a sample of 152 ambulatory elderly, free from acute or serious disease, attending an urban health centre. Each evaluation included an interview, with a questionnaire about functional capacity, morbidity, mental health and social aspects, and the study of body composition. The questions were developed and structured in accordance with international validated scales usually applied in the evaluation of the elderly, whenever there were scales for that purpose. Their items were included as structured pre-coded questions and answers, so that each variable could have its own quotation and be dichotomised. We employed Katz and Lawton scales for basic and instrumental activities of daily living, Grimby scale for physical activity, Hamilton scale for depression, Folstein’s Mini Mental State Examination for cognitive ability and Graffar scale for social class, and questions about walking, health perception, active complaints and social network. The symptoms register was done according to the International Classification of Primary Care - ICPC. The anthropometric exam involved the determination of height and weight, arm, waist, hip and proximal thigh circumferences, and biceps, triceps, subscapular and suprailiac skinfolds. For the body composition calculation we employed equations derived from anthropometric indices, and from measurement of total body bioelectric impedance. We also measured some plasma proteins and handgrip strength. The analysis of results was done by sex and age groups, separating those with 65 to 74 years from those older than 74 years. The effects of sex and age were tested by linear multiple regression, for each variable and its components. Presented "p" values being considered statistically significative if less than 0,05. The results we obtained and their comparison with the studies we choose as reference can be summarised as follows: Mean age of the sample was 74 years and about one third were men. Most of them were independent in gait and functionality, practised some physical activity, rate their health as fair or good, had physical complaints, had not depression or dementia, had some companionship although almost half of them with stigmas of isolation, belonged to low social class, were in the range of overweight, had raised values of fat mass, plasma proteins in accordance with no acute or serious disease, and considerable handgrip strength. The analysis of groups by sex and age revealed that women and the eldest had the greater social isolation and the lowest values of free fat mass, haemoglobin and handgrip strength. Women had the higher dependence in basic activities of daily living, more depression and lower levels of transferrin. The eldest were more dependent in functionality, had greater prevalence of dementia, less physical activity, less raised body mass index and lower levels of albumin. Men alone and the age range of 65 to 74 did not show any prevalence of the worse dichotomised results. There was no relationship between sex or age and instrumental activities of daily living, morbidity or low social class, and unaffected gait or somatomedin-C levels. The comparison of results with multidimensional studies in portuguese and european ambulatory elderly showed that our sample had many similarities with theirs. They were independent in gait and activities of daily living; practiced light physical activity, women indoors and men outdoors; had greater morbidity at locomotor and cardiovascular systems, with small latitude in health evaluation; low prevalence of depression and dementia; social isolation predominantly in older women; and low social class factors, witch is only different from those of north Europe who had higher education levels and professional carriers; biometric characteristics similar to other portuguese and south Europe elders, with tendency for overweight and high proportion of fat mass; and plasma protein levels and handgrip strength in accordance with no acute or chronic serious disease. The comparison to the referred studies in relation to dependency risk, showed similarities in the association of dependency and age, morbidity,altered mental state and social isolation. We did not find association between dependency and sex, as it was found in the portuguese study of Almeida et al. and the european multicentric studies, or the education level, as in the french study. We conclude that, with the evaluation battery we employed, it was possible to detect and characterise alterations in a sample of ambulatory elderly, most of whom were functionally independent and had no alterations in mental state, but had active morbidity, tendency to obesity, and only light physical activity. Those that had some alteration, were more frequently women and the eldest. The functionality scale we developed showed to be sensitive to age effects and suitable for the calculation of risk of dependency, being more important the association with low physical activity, active complaints, dementia and high body mass index. We consider that the methodology we applied can contribute to the evaluation of capabilities that should be systematically sought for in the elderly.
Studies on nutritional status and leaf traits were carried out in two tropical tree species Swietenia macrophylla King (mahogany) and Dipetryx odorata Aubl. Willd. (tonka bean) planted under contrasting light environments in Presidente Figueiredo-AM, Brazil. Leaves of S. macrophylla and D. odorata were collected in three year-old trees grown under full sunlight (about 2000 µmol m-2 s-1) and natural shade under a closed canopy of Balsa-wood plantation (Ochroma pyramidale Cav. Ex. Lam.Urb) about 260 µmol m-2 s-1. The parameters analysed were leaf area (LA), leaf dry mass (LDM), specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf nutrient contents. It was observed that, S. macrophylla leaves grown under full sunlight showed LA 35% lower than those grown under shade. In D. odorata leaves these differences in LA were not observed. In addition, it was observed that S. macrophylla shade leaves, for LDM, were 50% smaller than sun leaves, while in D. odorata, there differences were not observed. SLA in S. macrophylla presented that sun leaves were three times smaller than those grown under shade. In D. odorata, no differences were observed. Nutrient contents in S. macrophylla, regardless of their light environments, showed higher contents for P and Ca than those found in D. odorata. The N, K, Fe and Mn contents in S. macrophylla leaves decreased under shade. Finally, we suggest that the decreasing in leaf nutrient contents may have a negative influence on leaf growth. The results demonstrated that the tested hypothesis is true for leaf traits, which D. odorata, late-successional species, showed lower plasticity for leaf traits than Swietenia macrophylla, mid-successional species.
Energy substrate used by workers of leaf-cutting ants during nest excavation. In this study we aimed to ascertain whether leaf-cutting ant workers lose body reserves (fat or sugars) as a function of nest excavation. For each treatment, we isolated 10 workers of Atta sexdens into two experimental groups, Control (C- without excavation) and Soil (S- with excavation), which were kept for different time intervals (0, 24, 48 or 72 hours), totaling 700 tested workers. We then determined the concentration of soluble carbohydrates and total lipid content in them. The total carbohydrates were determined colorimetrically, based on the reaction between carbohydrates and sulfuric acid-phenol. For determination of lipids, the insects were immersed in organic solvent until they reached a constant weight. Our results showed that carbohydrates are consumed during nest excavation activities. In the experimental groups S24, S48 and S72, there was an average reduction of 5.82 (20.42%), 14.31 (44.96%) and 13.27 (43.96%) µ.mg-1 in soluble sugar when compared with the experimental groups that did not excavate. Furthermore, the lipids were not used during this activity. With respect to dry mass of the workers, their values were C0 = 8%, C24 = 10.4%, C48 = 9.2%, C72 = 10%, S24 = 9.2%, S48 = 8.7% and S72 = 8.5%. Our results show experimentally that the source of energy for nest excavation is carbohydrates, whereas lipids are conserved for other activities.
Responses of leaf senescence to P supply could constitute adaptive mechanisms for plant growth under P-limiting conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of soil P supply on leaf senescence of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Eight P levels, ranging from 5 to 640 mg kg-1 P, were applied to pots containing four bean plants of cultivar Carioca in 10 kg of an Oxic Haplustult soil. Attached leaves were counted weekly, abscised leaves were collected every other day, and seeds were harvested at maturity. The number of live leaves increased until 48 days after emergence (DAE) and decreased afterwards, irrespective of applied P levels. At lower applied P levels, the initial increase and the final decrease of leaf number was weak, whereas at higher applied P levels the leaf number increased intensively at the beginning of the growth cycle and decreased strongly after 48 DAE. Dry matter and P accumulated in senesced leaves increased as soil P levels increased until 61 DAE, but differences between P treatments narrowed thereafter. The greatest amounts of dry mass and P deposited by senesced leaves were observed at 48-54 DAE for high P levels, at 62-68 DAE for intermediate P levels and at 69-76 DAE for low P levels. These results indicate that soil P supply did not affect the stage of maximal leaf number and the beginning of leaf senescence of common bean plants, but the stage of greatest deposition of senesced leaves occurred earlier in the growth cycle as the soil P supply was raised.
Low phosphorus supply markedly limits leaf growth and genotypes able to maintain adequate leaf area at low P could adapt better to limited-P conditions. This work aimed to investigate the relationship between leaf area production of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) genotypes during early pod filling and plant adaptation to limited P supply. Twenty-four genotypes, comprised of the four growth habits in the species and two weedy accessions, were grown at two P level applied to the soil (20 and 80 mg kg-1) in 4 kg pots and harvested at two growth stages (pod setting and early pod filling). High P level markedly increased the leaf number and leaf size (leaf area per leaf), slightly increased specific leaf area but did not affect the net assimilation rate. At low P level most genotypic variation for plant dry mass was associated with leaf size, whereas at high P level this variation was associated primarily with the number of leaves and secondarily with leaf size, specific leaf area playing a minor role at both P level. Determinate bush genotypes presented a smaller leaf area, fewer but larger leaves with higher specific leaf area and lower net assimilation rate. Climbing genotypes showed numerous leaves, smaller and thicker leaves with a higher net assimilation rate. Indeterminate bush and indeterminate prostrate genotypes presented the highest leaf area, achieved through intermediate leaf number, leaf size and specific leaf area. The latter groups were better adapted to limited P. It is concluded that improved growth at low P during early pod filling was associated with common bean genotypes able to maintain leaf expansion through leaves with greater individual leaf area.
Nitrogen and K deficiency are among the most yield limiting factors in Brazilian pastures. The lack of these nutrients can hamper the chlorophyll biosynthesis and N content in plant tissues. A greenhouse experiment was carried out to evaluate the relationship among N and K concentrations, the indirect determination of chlorophyll content (SPAD readings), nitrate reductase activity (RNO3-) in newly expanded leaf lamina (NL) and the dry matter yield for plant tops of Mombaça grass (Panicum maximum Jacq.). A fractionated 5² factorial design was used, with 13 combinations of N and K rates in the nutrient solution. The experimental units were arranged in a randomized block design, with four replications. Plants were harvested twice. The first harvest occurred 36 days after seedling transplanting and the second 29 days after the first. Significance occurred for the interaction between the N and K rates to SPAD readings and to RNO3- assessment taken on the NL during the first growth. Besides, RNO3- and SPAD readings increased only with the NL N concentration, reaching the highest values of both variables up to about 25 g kg-1, but were ratively constant at higher leaf N. Significant relationships either between SPAD readings or RNO3- activity and shoot dry mass weight were also observed. The critical levels of N concentration in the NL were, respectively, 22 and 17g kg-1 in the first and second harvest. Thus, SPAD instrument and RNO3- assessment can be used as complementary tools to evaluate the N status in forage grass.
Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Kuntze is the main component of the Mixed Ombrophilous forest and, in the State of São Paulo, it is associated with a high diversity of soil organisms, essential for the maintenance of soil quality, making the conservation of this ecosystem a major and pressing challenge. The objective of this study was to identify the physical and chemical properties that are most closely correlated with dehydrogenase enzyme activity, basal respiration and microbial biomass under native (NF) and replanted (RF) Araucaria angustifolia forests in three regions of the state of São Paulo, in winter and summer. The main differentiating factors between the areas were also determined. Each forest was represented by three true replications; at each site, from around the araucaria trees, 15 soil samples (0-20 cm) were collected to evaluate the soil physical, chemical and microbiological properties. At the same points, forest litter was sampled to assess mass and chemical properties. The following microbiological properties were evaluated: microbial biomass carbon (MBC), basal respiration (CO2-C), metabolic quotient (Q: CO2), dehydrogenase enzyme activity (DHA) as well as the physical properties (moisture, bulk density, macroporosity and total porosity), soil chemical properties [pH, organic carbon (org-C), P, Ca, K, Mg, Al, H+Al], litter dry mass, and C, N and S contents. The data were subjected to analysis of variance (TWO-WAY: ANOVA). A Canonical Discriminant Analysis (CDA) and a Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) were also performed. In the soil under NF, the values of K, P, soil macroporosity, and litter dry mass were higher and Q: CO2 and DHA lower, regardless of the sampling period, and DHA was lower in winter. In the RF areas, the levels of moisture, porosity and Q: CO2 were higher in both sampling periods, and DHA was higher in winter. The MBC was only higher under NF in the summer, while the litter contents of C, N and S were greater in winter. In winter, CCA showed a high correlation of DHA with CO2-C, pH and H+Al, while in the summer org-C, moisture, Mg, pH and litter C were more associated with DHA and CO2-C. The CDA indicated H+Al, available P, total porosity, litter S content, and soil moisture as the most discriminating variables between NF and RF, but moisture was the most relevant, in both seasons and CO2-C only in winter. The combined analysis of CCA and CDA showed that the contribution of the microbiological variables to a differentiation of the areas was small at both samplings, which may indicate that the period after reforestation was long enough to allow an almost complete recovery of the microbial activity.
Maize is among the most important crops in the world. This plant species can be colonized by diazotrophic bacteria able to convert atmospheric N into ammonium under natural conditions. This study aimed to investigate the effect of inoculation of the diazotrophic bacterium Herbaspirillum seropedicae (ZAE94) and isolate new strains of plant growth-promoting bacteria in maize grown in Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, Brazil. The study was conducted in a greenhouse at the Experimental Area of the Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia. Inoculation was performed with peat substrate, with and without inoculation containing strain ZAE94 of H. seropedicae and four rates of N, in the form of ammonium sulfate (0, 60, 100, and 140 kg ha-1 N). After 45 days, plant height, dry matter accumulation in shoots, percentage of N, and total N (NTotal) were evaluated. The bacteria were isolated from root and shoot fragments of the absolute control; the technique of the most probable number and identification of bacteria were used. The new isolates were physiologically characterized for production of indole acetic acid (IAA) and nitrogenase activity. We obtained 30 isolates from maize plants. Inoculation with strain ZAE94 promoted an increase of 14.3 % in shoot dry mass and of 44.3 % in NTotal when associated with the rate 60 kg ha-1 N. The strains N11 and N13 performed best with regard to IAA production and J06, J08, J10, and N15 stood out in acetylene reduction activity, demonstrating potential for inoculation of maize.