1000 resultados para Architecture médicale - Maternité - Politique nataliste
Ce texte est consacré au comportement politique de partenaires hétérosexuels vivant en couple, interrogés durant la première vague d'enquête du Panel suisse de ménages (www.swisspanel.ch). L'hypothèse générale défendue est que le comportement politique est influencé par une multitude de flux et d'interactions personnelles, notamment au sein du foyer. Considérant les caractéristiques des deux partenaires d'un couple, plutôt que d'interroger un individu isolé de son contexte familial, comme c'est généralement le cas dans les études électorales, on peut raffiner l'analyse et l'interprétation du comportement politique. Les résultats présentés montrent notamment que les comportements politiques sont indubitablement convergents au sein des couples, mais qu'il existe aussi une large part d'autonomie pour chacun des partenaires. Ils mettent en évidence l'influence prééminente de l'homme dans les foyers, ainsi que le faible impact des variables socio-démographiques quant à l'explication du comportement politique.
Atherogenic dyslipidemia, manifest by low HDL-cholesterol and high TG levels, is an important component of ATP-III defined metabolic syndrome. Here, we dissected the phenotypic and genetic architecture of these traits by assessing their relationships with other metabolically relevant measures, including plasma adipo-cytokines, highly sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP) and LDL particle size, in a large family data set (n=2800) and in an independent set of dyslipidemic cases (n=716) and normolipidemic controls (n=1073). We explored the relationships among these phenotypes using variable clustering and then estimated their genetic heritabilities and cross-trait correlations. In families, four clusters explained 61% of the total variance, with one adiposity-related cluster (including hsCRP), one BP-related cluster, and two lipid-related clusters (HDL-C, TG, adiponectin and LDL particle size; apoB and non-HDL-C). A similar structure was observed in dyslipidemic cases and normolipidemic controls. The genetic correlations in the families largely paralleled the phenotype clustering results, suggesting that common genes having pleiotropic effects contributed to the correlations observed. In summary, our analyses support a model of metabolic syndrome with two major components, body fat and lipids, each with two subcomponents, and quantifies their degree of overlap with each other and with metabolic-syndrome related measures (adipokines, LDL particle size and hsCRP).
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57043
Les établissements médicaux vaudois construits entre 1760 et 1940 sont des témoins privilégiés de l'émergence de l'architecture rationnelle ainsi que de phénomènes historiques et sociaux tels que la médicalisation de la société et du territoire, l'essor du tourisme médical, le transfert des modèles et des technologies. L'étude des hôpitaux, des sanatoriums, des cliniques et des établissements de bains montre comment l'invention d'une « architecture à soigner » est le fait conjoint du médecin et de l'architecte, tous deux cherchant à faire de ces établissements des faire-valoir de leur pratique ainsi que des monuments à la gloire de la santé publique ou de la philanthropie.
We previously reported that nuclear grade assignment of prostate carcinomas is subject to a cognitive bias induced by the tumor architecture. Here, we asked whether this bias is mediated by the non-conscious selection of nuclei that "match the expectation" induced by the inadvertent glance at the tumor architecture. 20 pathologists were asked to grade nuclei in high power fields of 20 prostate carcinomas displayed on a computer screen. Unknown to the pathologists, each carcinoma was shown twice, once before a background of a low grade, tubule-rich carcinoma and once before the background of a high grade, solid carcinoma. Eye tracking allowed to identify which nuclei the pathologists fixated during the 8 second projection period. For all 20 pathologists, nuclear grade assignment was significantly biased by tumor architecture. Pathologists tended to fixate on bigger, darker, and more irregular nuclei when those were projected before kigh grade, solid carcinomas than before low grade, tubule-rich carcinomas (and vice versa). However, the morphometric differences of the selected nuclei accounted for only 11% of the architecture-induced bias, suggesting that it can only to a small part be explained by the unconscious fixation on nuclei that "match the expectation". In conclusion, selection of « matching nuclei » represents an unconscious effort to vindicate the gravitation of nuclear grades towards the tumor architecture.
Root system architecture is a trait that displays considerable plasticity because of its sensitivity to environmental stimuli. Nevertheless, to a significant degree it is genetically constrained as suggested by surveys of its natural genetic variation. A few regulators of root system architecture have been isolated as quantitative trait loci through the natural variation approach in the dicotyledon model, Arabidopsis. This provides proof of principle that allelic variation for root system architecture traits exists, is genetically tractable, and might be exploited for crop breeding. Beyond Arabidopsis, Brachypodium could serve as both a credible and experimentally accessible model for root system architecture variation in monocotyledons, as suggested by first glimpses of the different root morphologies of Brachypodium accessions. Whether a direct knowledge transfer gained from molecular model system studies will work in practice remains unclear however, because of a lack of comprehensive understanding of root system physiology in the native context. For instance, apart from a few notable exceptions, the adaptive value of genetic variation in root system modulators is unknown. Future studies should thus aim at comprehensive characterization of the role of genetic players in root system architecture variation by taking into account the native environmental conditions, in particular soil characteristics.
In the era of antiretroviral therapies, the outcome of patients with chronic HIV infection has considerably changed and their prolonged survival allows the development of chronic liver diseases as a major cause of mortality. Although viral hepatitis, alcoholic and non alcoholic steatohepatitis account forthe majority of chronic liver damage in these patients, there is a growing number of cases with unexplained liver disease, many of which are associated with clinical manifestations of portal hypertension. Inthissituation, nodularregenerative hyperplasia is a frequent finding, characterized at histology by the presence of a nodular architecture in the absence of significant fibrosis, resulting from progressive obliteration of small portal veins. This article describes the clinical presentation, diagnostic aspects, pathogenic mechanisms, as well as the management of this emergent non cirrhotic liver disease in HIV-infected patients.
This article examines, in two Swiss cantons, the interdependence from a medical care point of view of various regions (health planning zones in one canton, political districts in the other). The volume and the destination of patient referrals prescribed by physicians in ambulatory practice are analyzed. The available data (on 1609 referrals) were gathered by the practitioners themselves, during a National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey type study in February-March 1981, in which 203 physicians participated. Several indicators are proposed (including an integration coefficient and an attraction coefficient for each zone); they show marked differences among the regions. This dynamic approach, based on the effective behavior of physicians, appears to be of major interest for health planning purposes (as compared with the frequent practice to use mainly parameters in relation with the availability of care services--the "supply"--numbers of professionals and/or health facilities).