963 resultados para Archias, Aulus Licinius, b. 120 B.C.


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Let G = (V,E) be a simple, finite, undirected graph. For S ⊆ V, let $\delta(S,G) = \{ (u,v) \in E : u \in S \mbox { and } v \in V-S \}$ and $\phi(S,G) = \{ v \in V -S: \exists u \in S$ , such that (u,v) ∈ E} be the edge and vertex boundary of S, respectively. Given an integer i, 1 ≤ i ≤ ∣ V ∣, the edge and vertex isoperimetric value at i is defined as b e (i,G) =  min S ⊆ V; |S| = i |δ(S,G)| and b v (i,G) =  min S ⊆ V; |S| = i |φ(S,G)|, respectively. The edge (vertex) isoperimetric problem is to determine the value of b e (i, G) (b v (i, G)) for each i, 1 ≤ i ≤ |V|. If we have the further restriction that the set S should induce a connected subgraph of G, then the corresponding variation of the isoperimetric problem is known as the connected isoperimetric problem. The connected edge (vertex) isoperimetric values are defined in a corresponding way. It turns out that the connected edge isoperimetric and the connected vertex isoperimetric values are equal at each i, 1 ≤ i ≤ |V|, if G is a tree. Therefore we use the notation b c (i, T) to denote the connected edge (vertex) isoperimetric value of T at i. Hofstadter had introduced the interesting concept of meta-fibonacci sequences in his famous book “Gödel, Escher, Bach. An Eternal Golden Braid”. The sequence he introduced is known as the Hofstadter sequences and most of the problems he raised regarding this sequence is still open. Since then mathematicians studied many other closely related meta-fibonacci sequences such as Tanny sequences, Conway sequences, Conolly sequences etc. Let T 2 be an infinite complete binary tree. In this paper we related the connected isoperimetric problem on T 2 with the Tanny sequences which is defined by the recurrence relation a(i) = a(i − 1 − a(i − 1)) + a(i − 2 − a(i − 2)), a(0) = a(1) = a(2) = 1. In particular, we show that b c (i, T 2) = i + 2 − 2a(i), for each i ≥ 1. We also propose efficient polynomial time algorithms to find vertex isoperimetric values at i of bounded pathwidth and bounded treewidth graphs.


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In smaller countries where the key players in construction IT development tend to know each other personally and where public R&D funding is concentrated to a few channels, IT roadmaps and strategies would seem to have a better chance of influencing development than in the bigger industrial countries. In this paper Finland and the RATAS-project is presented as a historical case illustrating such impact. RATAS was initiated as a construction IT roadmap project in 1985, involving many of the key organisations and companies active in construction sector development. Several of the individuals who took an active part in the project have played an important role in later developments both in Finland and on the international scene. The central result of RATAS was the identification of what is nowadays called Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology as the central issue in getting IT into efficient use in the construction sector. BIM, which earlier was referred to as building product modelling, has been a key ingredient in many roadmaps since and the subject of international standardisation efforts such as STEP and IAI/IFCs. The RATAS project can in hindsight be seen as a forerunner with an impact which also transcended national borders.


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This paper presents an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) approach for locating faults in distribution systems. Different from the traditional Fault Section Estimation methods, the proposed approach uses only limited measurements. Faults are located according to the impedances of their path using a Feed Forward Neural Networks (FFNN). Various practical situations in distribution systems, such as protective devices placed only at the substation, limited measurements available, various types of faults viz., three-phase, line (a, b, c) to ground, line to line (a-b, b-c, c-a) and line to line to ground (a-b-g, b-c-g, c-a-g) faults and a wide range of varying short circuit levels at substation, are considered for studies. A typical IEEE 34 bus practical distribution system with unbalanced loads and with three- and single- phase laterals and a 69 node test feeder with different configurations are considered for studies. The results presented show that the proposed approach of fault location gives close to accurate results in terms of the estimated fault location.


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Tau is mainly distributed in cytoplasm and also found to be localized in the nucleus. There is limited data on DNA binding potential of Tau.We provide novel evidence on nicking of DNA by Tau. Tau nicks the supercoiled DNA leading to open circular and linear forms. The metal ion magnesium (a co-factor for endonuclease) enhanced the Tau DNA nicking ability, while an endonuclease specific inhibitor,aurinetricarboxylic acid (ATA) inhibited the Tau DNA nicking ability Further, we also evidenced that Tau induces B-C-A mixed conformational transition in DNA and also changes DNA stability. Tau-scDNA complex is more sensitive to DNAse I digestion indicating stability changes in DNA caused by Tau. These findings indicate that Tau alters DNA helicity and integrity and also nicks the DNA. The relevance of these novel intriguing findings regarding the role Tau in neuronal dysfunction is discussed. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper analyzes the L2 stability of solutions of systems with time-varying coefficients of the form [A + C(t)]x′ = [B + D(t)]x + u, where A, B, C, D are matrices. Following proof of a lemma, the main result is derived, according to which the system is L2 stable if the eigenvalues of the coefficient matrices are related in a simple way. A corollary of the theorem dealing with small periodic perturbations of constant coefficient systems is then proved. The paper concludes with two illustrative examples, both of which deal with the attitude dynamics of a rigid, axisymmetric, spinning satellite in an eccentric orbit, subject to gravity gradient torques.


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A few simple three-atom thermoneutral radical exchange reactions (i.e. A + BC --> AB + C) are examined by ab initio SCF methods. Emphasis is laid on the detailed analysis of density matrices rather than on energetics. Results reveal that the sum of the bond orders of the breaking and forming bonds is not conserved to unity, due to development of free valence on the migrating atom 'B' in the transition state. Bond orders, free valence and spin densities on the atoms are calculated. The present analysis shows that the bond-cleavage process is always more advanced than the bond-formation process in the transition state. Further analysis shows a development of the negative spin density on the migrating atom 'B' in the transition state. The depletion of the alpha-spin density on the radical site "A" in the reactant during the reaction lags behind the growth of the alpha-spin density on the terminal atom "C" of the reactant bond, 'B-C' in the transition state. But all these processes are completed simultaneously at the end of the reaction. Hence, the reactions are asynchronous but kinetically concerted in most cases.


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C21H27NO2, Mr=325.5 , orthorhombic,P21212,, a = 7.516 (2), b = 13.430 (2), c =18.047 (2) A, U= 1821.79 A 3, Z = 4, D x =1.186 Mg m -a, 2(Cu Ka) = 1.5418 A, # = 0.56 mm -1, F(000) = 704, T= 293 K, final R = 0.04 for 1892 reflections with I _> 3a(I). Ring A is planar, and rings B and C adopt a chair conformation. Rings D and E are envelopes, with C(14) and C(17) displaced from their respective planes by 0.643 (3) and 0.482 (3)A. The ring system A/B shows quasi-trans fusion, whilst ring systems B/C and C/D are trans fused about C(8)-C(9) and C(13)-C(14) respectively. The D/E junction shows cis fusion.


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C22H31NO2.H2 O, M r = 359" 5, orthorhombic,P2~212 ~, a= 10.032 (1), b= 11.186 (1), C = 17.980 (1)/~,, U= 2017.48/~3, Z = 4, D x = 1.276 Mg m -a, 2(Cu Kct) = 1.5418/~, # = 0.69 mm -~,F(000) = 784, T = 293 K. Final R = 0.05 for 1972 unique reflections with I > 3o(/). Ring A is planar, and rings B and C adopt a chair conformation. Rings D and E are envelopes, with C(14) and C(20) displaced from their respective ring planes by 0-616 (2) and 0.648 (3)/~. The A/B ring junction is quasi-trans,whilst ring systems B/C and C/D are trans fused about the bonds C(8)-C(9) and C(13)-C(14) respectively.The D/E junction shows cis fusion.


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Abstract. C25H44N20 , M r= 388.6, orthorhombic, P21212 I, a = 6.185 (2), b = 18.123 (2), c = 20.852 (2) A, U= 2337.2 A 3, Z = 4, D x = 1.104 Mg m -a, 2(Cu Ka) = 1.5418 A,/~ = 0.47 mm -~, F(000) = 864, T= 293 K. Final R - 0.038 for 1791 reflections with I >_ 3a(I). Rings A and C are in chair conformation. Ring B is in an 8fl,9a-half-chair conformation. Ring D adopts a conformation in between 13fl,14a-half-chair and 13t-envelope. There is a quasitrans fusion of rings A and B, whilst ring systems B/C and C/D are trans fused about the bonds C(8)-C(9)and C(13)-C(14).


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The right-handed double-helical Watson-Crick model for B-form DNA is the most commonly known DNA structure. In addition to this classic structure, several other forms of DNA have been observed and it is clear that the DNA molecule can assume different structures depending on the base sequence and environment. The various forms of DNA have been identified as A, B, C etc. In fact, a detailed inspection of the literature reveals that only the letters F, Q, U, V and Y are now available to describe any new DNA structure that may appear in the future. It is also apparent that it may be more relevant to talk about the A, B or C type dinucleotide steps, since several recent structures show mixtures of various different geometries and a careful analysis is essential before identifying it as a 'new structure'. This review provides a glossary of currently identified DNA structures and is quite timely as it outlines the present understanding of DNA structure exactly 50 years after the original discovery of DNA structure by Watson and Crick


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The Iberian Peninsula is recognized as an important refugial area for species survival and diversification during the climatic cycles of the Quaternary. Recent phylogeographic studies have revealed Iberia as a complex of multiple refugia. However, most of these studies have focused either on species with narrow distributions within the region or species groups that, although widely distributed, generally have a genetic structure that relates to pre-Quaternary cladogenetic events. In this study we undertake a detailed phylogeographic analysis of the lizard species, Lacerta lepida, whose distribution encompasses the entire Iberian Peninsula. We attempt to identify refugial areas, recolonization routes, zones of secondary contact and date demographic events within this species. Results support the existence of 6 evolutionary lineages (phylogroups) with a strong association between genetic variation and geography, suggesting a history of allopatric divergence in different refugia. Diversification within phylogroups is concordant with the onset of the Pleistocene climatic oscillations. The southern regions of several phylogroups show a high incidence of ancestral alleles in contrast with high incidence of recently derived alleles in northern regions. All phylogroups show signs of recent demographic and spatial expansions. We have further identified several zones of secondary contact, with divergent mitochondrial haplotypes occurring in narrow zones of sympatry. The concordant patterns of spatial and demographic expansions detected within phylogroups, together with the high incidence of ancestral haplotypes in southern regions of several phylogroups, suggests a pattern of contraction of populations into southern refugia during adverse climatic conditions from which subsequent northern expansions occurred. This study supports the emergent pattern of multiple refugia within Iberia but adds to it by identifying a pattern of refugia coincident with the southern distribution limits of individual evolutionary lineages. These areas are important in terms of long-term species persistence and therefore important areas for conservation.


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Chemical shifts, ΔE, of the X-ray K-absorption edge in several compounds, complexes of copper including its superconducting oxides possessing formal oxidation states +1 and +2 have been measured. It has been shown that the chemical shift is primarily governed by the effective ionic charge on the absorbing ion and the nature of the atoms in the first coordination shell around the absorbing ion. The relation between the chemical shift, ΔE , and the effective charge q on the absorbing ion is found to be ΔE=Aq+Bq2+Cq3+Dq4 (A, B, C and D are constants). The effects of electronegativity, atomic number, oxidation state, crystal structure, the valence d-orbital electrons, etc. on the X-ray absorption chemical shift have been discussed. ©1990 The Physical Society of Japan


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Convolutional network-error correcting codes (CNECCs) are known to provide error correcting capability in acyclic instantaneous networks within the network coding paradigm under small field size conditions. In this work, we investigate the performance of CNECCs under the error model of the network where the edges are assumed to be statistically independent binary symmetric channels, each with the same probability of error pe(0 <= p(e) < 0.5). We obtain bounds on the performance of such CNECCs based on a modified generating function (the transfer function) of the CNECCs. For a given network, we derive a mathematical condition on how small p(e) should be so that only single edge network-errors need to be accounted for, thus reducing the complexity of evaluating the probability of error of any CNECC. Simulations indicate that convolutional codes are required to possess different properties to achieve good performance in low p(e) and high p(e) regimes. For the low p(e) regime, convolutional codes with good distance properties show good performance. For the high p(e) regime, convolutional codes that have a good slope ( the minimum normalized cycle weight) are seen to be good. We derive a lower bound on the slope of any rate b/c convolutional code with a certain degree.


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The crystal structure of a daturalactone derivative has been determined by X-ray structural analysis. The compound crystallizes in orthorhomic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with cell parameters a = 15.141(1) angstrom, b = 18.425(1) angstrom, c = 19.251(2) angstrom. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to R = 0.082. The asymmetric unit contains two non-equivalent molecules. Extensive hydrogen bonding is present. The conformations of the rings are A: a distorted half-chair, B: a perfect half-chair, C: a chair, D: an envelope-half chair and E: a twist boat. Ring junctions A/B, B/C, C/D are all trans fused. Methyl carbons C(18), C(19), C(27) and the lactone moiety is beta-oriented whereas the methyl carbons C(21) and C(28) are alpha-oriented.


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The coexistence of quasicrystals and rational approximant structures (RAS) has been observed in melt-spun Al80Cr14Si6, Al80Mn14Si6 and Al75Mn10Cr5Si10 alloys. The presence of a b.c.c. alpha-AlMnSi phase in Al-Mn-Si and alpha-AlMnSi(Cr) phase in Al-Mn-Cr-Si has been seen. A multiple twinning around an irrational axis of the RAS has been reported in an aggregate of fine size cubic crystallites in all three alloys. Selected area diffraction patterns show that the crystalline aggregate symmetry is linked to the icosahedral point group symmetry (m35). Various ways of expressing the twin relationship in the cubic crystalline aggregates have been discussed. The thermal stability of the icosahedral phase at high temperatures reveals that the icosahedral phase in Al-Mn-Si and Al-Mn-Cr-Si alloys transforms to alpha-AlMnSi at temperatures of 690 and 670 K, respectively. In Al-Cr-Si alloy, heating to a high temperature (615 K) leads to the transformation of the icosahedral phase into a new metastable phase having an ordered cubic structure equivalent to alpha-AlMnSi. The occurrence of multiple twinning leading to icosahedral symmetry in the as-spun Al-Cr-Si alloy is presumably due to this metastable phase. Copyright (C) 1996 Acta Metallurgica Inc.