973 resultados para Antitrust enforcement


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This is a list of actions taken against businesses that are not in compliance with environmental regulations including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, drinking water, water pollution and solid waste. It is broken down by enforcement by various divisions of DHEC including the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Division of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.


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This is a list of actions taken against businesses that are not in compliance with environmental regulations including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, drinking water, water pollution and solid waste. It is broken down by enforcement by various divisions of DHEC including the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Division of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.


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This is a list of actions taken against businesses that are not in compliance with environmental regulations including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, drinking water, water pollution and solid waste. It is broken down by enforcement by various divisions of DHEC including the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Division of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.


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This is a list of actions taken against businesses that are not in compliance with environmental regulations including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, drinking water, water pollution and solid waste. It is broken down by enforcement by various divisions of DHEC including the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Division of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.


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This is a list of actions taken against businesses that are not in compliance with environmental regulations including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, drinking water, water pollution and solid waste. It is broken down by enforcement by various divisions of DHEC including the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Division of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.


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This is a list of actions taken against businesses that are not in compliance with environmental regulations including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, drinking water, water pollution and solid waste. It is broken down by enforcement by various divisions of DHEC including the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Division of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.


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This is a list of actions taken against businesses that are not in compliance with environmental regulations including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, drinking water, water pollution and solid waste. It is broken down by enforcement by various divisions of DHEC including the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Division of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.


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This is a list of actions taken against businesses that are not in compliance with environmental regulations including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, drinking water, water pollution and solid waste. It is broken down by enforcement by various divisions of DHEC including the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Division of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.


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This is a list of actions taken against businesses that are not in compliance with environmental regulations including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, drinking water, water pollution and solid waste. It is broken down by enforcement by various divisions of DHEC including the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Division of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.


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This is a list of actions taken against businesses that are not in compliance with environmental regulations including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, drinking water, water pollution and solid waste. It is broken down by enforcement by various divisions of DHEC including the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Division of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.


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This is a list of actions taken against businesses that are not in compliance with environmental regulations including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, drinking water, water pollution and solid waste. It is broken down by enforcement by various divisions of DHEC including the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Division of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.


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This is a list of actions taken against businesses that are not in compliance with environmental regulations including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, drinking water, water pollution and solid waste. It is broken down by enforcement by various divisions of DHEC including the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Division of Ocean and


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This is a list of actions taken against businesses that are not in compliance with environmental regulations including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, drinking water, water pollution and solid waste. It is broken down by enforcement by various divisions of DHEC including the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Division of Ocean and


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This thesis provides an ex-post evaluation of the effects of regulatory and competition policy enforcement interventions on non-price dimensions of competition. Chapter 1 examines the effects of a merger between two large Dutch supermarket chains on the variety and composition of product assortment. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 investigate, both theoretically and empirically, the effects of access regulation in fixed telecoms markets on incentives to invest in superior infrastructure technologies. Non-price effects, together with price effects, are crucial to shed light on the extent of competition in a market and assess the effectiveness of regulatory and competition authorities' interventions. When evaluating non-price effects, however, it is harder to draw conclusions on the overall impact on consumers' welfare.


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Quello che intendo studiare sono i più importanti interventi antimonopolio negli ultimi 20 anni, per quanto riguarda le grandi potenze del web ossia Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft e Facebook. In particolare approfondirò tutti gli interventi applicati negli Stati Uniti d’America e in Europa nelle varie fasi temporali, ovvero dalla nascita dei colossi della rete, fino ad arrivare al periodo prepandemia, considerando che quest’ultima ha rappresentato un evento durante il quale si sono verificati dei cambiamenti fondamentali che hanno richiesto da parte delle autorità, ulteriori e successivi interventi e controlli per evitare abusi di potere. Ai fini della ricerca sarà importante studiare le origini della regolamentazione antitrust, sia in USA che in Europa da un punto di vista storico. Di conseguenza questi giganti del web hanno avuto l’opportunità di affermare il proprio potere e a volte di abusarne tanto da intensificare le attenzioni dell’antitrust nei loro confronti. Di conseguenza le vicende saranno seguite quotidianamente per mantenere lo studio aggiornato. Si tratta infatti di un settore in continuo divenire, la cui analisi sarebbe priva di significato senza una costante attenzione verso i cambiamenti.