516 resultados para Anopheles deaneorum


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Background: Several studies in Drosophila have shown excessive movement of retrogenes from the X chromosome to autosomes, and that these genes are frequently expressed in the testis. This phenomenon has led to several hypotheses invoking natural selection as the process driving male-biased genes to the autosomes. Metta and Schlotterer (BMC Evol Biol 2010, 10:114) analyzed a set of retrogenes where the parental gene has been subsequently lost. They assumed that this class of retrogenes replaced the ancestral functions of the parental gene, and reported that these retrogenes, although mostly originating from movement out of the X chromosome, showed female-biased or unbiased expression. These observations led the authors to suggest that selective forces (such as meiotic sex chromosome inactivation and sexual antagonism) were not responsible for the observed pattern of retrogene movement out of the X chromosome. Results: We reanalyzed the dataset published by Metta and Schlotterer and found several issues that led us to a different conclusion. In particular, Metta and Schlotterer used a dataset combined with expression data in which significant sex-biased expression is not detectable. First, the authors used a segmental dataset where the genes selected for analysis were less testis-biased in expression than those that were excluded from the study. Second, sex-biased expression was defined by comparing male and female whole-body data and not the expression of these genes in gonadal tissues. This approach significantly reduces the probability of detecting sex-biased expressed genes, which explains why the vast majority of the genes analyzed (parental and retrogenes) were equally expressed in both males and females. Third, the female-biased expression observed by Metta and Schltterer is mostly found for parental genes located on the X chromosome, which is known to be enriched with genes with female-biased expression. Fourth, using additional gonad expression data, we found that autosomal genes analyzed by Metta and Schlotterer are less up regulated in ovaries and have higher chance to be expressed in meiotic cells of spermatogenesis when compared to X-linked genes. Conclusions: The criteria used to select retrogenes and the sex-biased expression data based on whole adult flies generated a segmental dataset of female-biased and unbiased expressed genes that was unable to detect the higher propensity of autosomal retrogenes to be expressed in males. Thus, there is no support for the authors' view that the movement of new retrogenes, which originated from X-linked parental genes, was not driven by selection. Therefore, selection-based genetic models remain the most parsimonious explanations for the observed chromosomal distribution of retrogenes.


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Abstract Background The ongoing efforts to sequence the honey bee genome require additional initiatives to define its transcriptome. Towards this end, we employed the Open Reading frame ESTs (ORESTES) strategy to generate profiles for the life cycle of Apis mellifera workers. Results Of the 5,021 ORESTES, 35.2% matched with previously deposited Apis ESTs. The analysis of the remaining sequences defined a set of putative orthologs whose majority had their best-match hits with Anopheles and Drosophila genes. CAP3 assembly of the Apis ORESTES with the already existing 15,500 Apis ESTs generated 3,408 contigs. BLASTX comparison of these contigs with protein sets of organisms representing distinct phylogenetic clades revealed a total of 1,629 contigs that Apis mellifera shares with different taxa. Most (41%) represent genes that are in common to all taxa, another 21% are shared between metazoans (Bilateria), and 16% are shared only within the Insecta clade. A set of 23 putative genes presented a best match with human genes, many of which encode factors related to cell signaling/signal transduction. 1,779 contigs (52%) did not match any known sequence. Applying a correction factor deduced from a parallel analysis performed with Drosophila melanogaster ORESTES, we estimate that approximately half of these no-match ESTs contigs (22%) should represent Apis-specific genes. Conclusions The versatile and cost-efficient ORESTES approach produced minilibraries for honey bee life cycle stages. Such information on central gene regions contributes to genome annotation and also lends itself to cross-transcriptome comparisons to reveal evolutionary trends in insect genomes.


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Abstract Background A descriptive study was carried out in an area of the Atlantic Forest with autochthonous malaria in the Parelheiros subdistrict on the periphery of the municipality of São Paulo to identify anopheline fauna and anophelines naturally infected with Plasmodium as well as to discuss their role in this peculiar epidemiological context. Methods Entomological captures were made from May 2009 to April 2011 using Shannon traps and automatic CDC traps in four areas chosen for their different patterns of human presence and incidences of malaria (anthropic zone 1, anthropic zone 2, transition zone and sylvatic zone). Natural Plasmodium infection was detected by nested PCR based on amplification of the 18S rRNA gene. Results In total, 6,073 anophelines were collected from May 2009 to April 2011, and six species were identified in the four zones. Anopheles cruzii was the predominant species in the three environments but was more abundant in the sylvatic zone. Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii specimens from the anthropic and sylvatic zones were positive for P. vivax and P. malariae. An. (Ker.) bellator, An. (Nys.) triannulatus, An. (Nys.) strodei, An. (Nys.) lutzi and An. (Ano) maculipes were found in small numbers. Of these, An. (Nys.) triannulatus and An. (Nys.) lutzi, which were collected in the anthropic zone, were naturally infected with P. vivax while An. (Nys.) triannulatus from the anthropic zones and An. (Nys.) strodei from the transition zone were positive for P. malariae. Conclusion These results confirm that Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii plays an important role as a major Plasmodium vector. However, the finding of other naturally infected species may indicate that secondary vectors are also involved in the transmission of malaria in the study areas. These findings can be expected to help in the implementation of new measures to control autochthonous malaria in areas of the Atlantic Forest.


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Da 25 anni la letteratura scientifica internazionale riporta studi su varie specie di microcrostacei copepodi ciclopoidi dei generi Macrocyclops, Megacyclops e Mesocyclops predatori di larve di 1a e 2a età di culicidi. Si tratta di prove di predazione in laboratorio e in pieno campo, in diverse aree del pianeta nessuna delle quali riguarda l’Italia o il resto d’Europa, contro principalmente Aedes aegypti (L.), Ae. albopictus (Skuse) e altre specie del genere Anopheles e Culex. L’allevamento massale di copepodi ciclopoidi appare praticabile e questo, assieme alle buone prestazioni predatorie, rende tali ausiliari candidati assai interessanti contro le due principali specie di zanzare, Culex pipiens L. e Ae. albpopictus, che nelle aree urbane e periurbane italiane riescono a sfruttare raccolte d’acqua artificiali di volume variabile e a regime idrico periodico o permanente. Pertanto lo scopo dello studio è stato quello di arrivare a selezionare una o più specie di copepodi candidati per la lotta biologica e valutarne la possibilità applicativa nell’ambito dei programmi di controllo delle zanzare nocive dell’ambiente urbano. L’argomento del tutto nuovo per il nostro paese, è stato sviluppato attraverso varie fasi ciascuna delle quali propedeutica a quella successiva. •Indagine faunistica nell’area di pianura e costiera sulle specie di ciclopoidi associate a varie tipologie di raccolte d’acqua naturali e artificiali (fossi, scoline, canali, risaie e pozze temporanee). I campionamenti sono stati condotti con l’obiettivo di ottenere le specie di maggiori dimensioni (≥1 mm) in ristagni con diverse caratteristiche in termini di qualità dell’acqua e complessità biocenotica. •Prove preliminari di predazione in laboratorio con alcune specie rinvenute negli ambienti campionati, nei confronti delle larve di Ae. albopictus e Cx. pipiens. Le prestazioni di predazione sono state testate sottoponendo ai copepodi larve giovani di zanzare provenienti da allevamento e calcolato il numero giornaliero di larve attaccate. •Implementazione di un allevamento pilota della specie valutata più interessante, Macrocyclops albidus (Jurine) (Cyclopoida, Cyclopidae, Eucyclopinae), per i risultati ottenuti in laboratorio in termini di numero di larve predate/giorno e per le caratteristiche biologiche confacenti agli ambienti potenzialmente adatti ai lanci. Questa parte della ricerca è stata guidata dalla finalità di mettere a punto una tecnica di allevamento in scala in modo da disporre di stock di copepodi dalla primavera, nonchè da criteri di economicità nell’impianto e nella sua gestione. •Prove di efficacia in condizioni di semicampo e di campo in raccolte d’acqua normalmente colonizzate dai culicidi in ambito urbano: bidoni per lo stoccaggio di acqua per l’irrigazione degli orti e tombini stradali. In questo caso l’obiettivo principale è stato quello di ottenere dati sull’efficienza del controllo di M. albidus nei confronti della popolazione culicidica selvatica e sulla capacità del copepode di colonizzare stabilmente tali tipologie di focolai larvali. Risultati e conclusioni Indagine faunistica e prove di predazione in laboratorio L’indagine faunistica condotta nell’area costiera ferrarese, in quella ravennate e della pianura bolognese ha portato al rinvenimento di varie specie di ciclopoidi mantenuti in laboratorio per la conduzione delle prove di predazione. Le specie testate sono state: Acanthocyclops robustus (G. O. Sars), Macrocyclops albidus (Jurine), Thermocyclops crassus (Fischer), Megacyclops gigas (Claus). La scelta delle specie da testare è stata basata sulla loro abbondanza e frequenza di ritrovamento nei campionamenti nonché sulle loro dimensioni. Ciascuna prova è stata condotta sottoponendo a un singolo copepode, oppure a gruppi di 3 e di 5 esemplari, 50 larve di 1a età all’interno di contenitori cilindrici in plastica con 40 ml di acqua di acquedotto declorata e una piccola quantità di cibo per le larve di zanzara. Ciascuna combinazione “copepode/i + larve di Ae. albopictus”, è stata replicata 3-4 volte, e confrontata con un testimone (50 larve di Ae. albopictus senza copepodi). A 24 e 48 ore sono state registrate le larve sopravvissute. Soltanto per M. albidus il test di predazione è stato condotto anche verso Cx. pipiens. Messa a punto della tecnica di allevamento La ricerca è proseguita concentrando l’interesse su M. albidus, che oltre ad aver mostrato la capacità di predare a 24 ore quasi 30 larve di Ae. albopictus e di Cx. pipiens, dalla bibliografia risulta tollerare ampi valori di temperatura, di pH e alte concentrazioni di vari inquinanti. Dalla ricerca bibliografica è risultato che i ciclopoidi sono facilmente allevabili in contenitori di varia dimensione e foggia somministrando agli stadi di preadulto alghe unicellulari (Chlorella, Chilomonas), protozoi ciliati (Paramecium, Euplotes), rotiferi e cladoceri. Ciò presuppone colture e allevamenti in purezza di tali microrganismi mantenuti in parallelo, da utilizzare come inoculo e da aggiungere periodicamente nell’acqua di allevamento dei ciclopoidi. Nel caso di utilizzo di protozoi ciliati, occorre garantirne lo sviluppo che avviene a carico di flora batterica spontanea a sua volta cresciuta su di un substrato organico quale latte, cariossidi bollite di grano o soia, foglie di lattuga, paglia di riso bollita con cibo secco per pesci, lievito di birra. Per evitare il notevole impegno organizzativo e di manodopera nonché il rischio continuo di perdere la purezza della colonia degli organismi da utilizzare come cibo, le prove comparative di allevamento hanno portato ad un protocollo semplice ed sufficientemente efficiente in termini di copepodi ottenibili. Il sistema messo a punto si basa sull’utilizzo di una popolazione mista di ciliati e rotiferi, mantenuti nell'acqua di allevamento dei copepodi mediante la somministrazione periodica di cibo standard e pronto all’uso costituito da cibo secco per gatti. Prova di efficacia in bidoni da 220 l di capacità La predazione è stata studiata nel biennio 2007-2008 in bidoni da 220 l di capacità inoculati una sola volta in aprile 2007 con 100 e 500 esemplari di M. albidus/bidone e disposti all’aperto per la libera ovideposizione della popolazione culicidica selvatica. L’infestazione preimmaginale culicidica veniva campionata ogni due settimane fino ad ottobre, mediante un retino immanicato a maglia fitta e confrontata con quella dei bidoni testimone (senza copepodi). Nel 2007 il tasso di riduzione medio delle infestazioni di Ae. albopictus nei bidoni con copepodi, rispetto al testimone, è del 99,90% e del 100,00% rispettivamente alle dosi iniziali di inoculo di 100 e 500 copepodi/bidone; per Cx. pipiens L. tale percentuale media è risultata di 88,69% e di 84,65%. Similmente, nel 2008 si è osservato ad entrambe le dosi iniziali di inoculo una riduzione di Ae. albopictus del 100,00% e di Cx. pipiens del 73,3%. La dose di inoculo di 100 copepodi per contenitore è risultata sufficiente a garantire un rapido incremento numerico della popolazione che ha raggiunto la massima densità in agosto-settembre e un eccellente controllo delle popolazioni di Ae. albopictus. Prova di efficacia in campo in serbatoi per l’acqua irrigua degli orti La prova è stata condotta a partire dalla metà di agosto 2008 interessando 15 serbatoi di varia foggia e capacità, variabile tra 200 e 600 l, utilizzati per stoccare acqua orti famigliari nel comune di Crevalcore (BO). Ai proprietari dei serbatoi era chiesto di gestire il prelievo dell’acqua e i rifornimenti come da abitudine con l’unica raccomandazione di non svuotarli mai completamente. In 8 contenitori sono stati immessi 100 esemplari di M.albidus e una compressa larvicida a base di Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (B.t.i.); nei restanti 7 è stata soltanto immessa la compressa di B.t.i.. Il campionamento larvale è stato settimanale fino agli inizi di ottobre. Dopo l’introduzione in tutti i serbatoi sono stati ritrovati esemplari di copepodi, nonostante il volume di acqua misurato settimanalmente sia variato da pochi litri, in qualche bidone, fino a valori della massima capacità, per effetto del prelievo e dell’apporto dell’acqua da parte dei gestori degli orti. In post-trattamento sono state osservate differenze significative tra le densità larvali nelle due tesi solo al 22 settembre per Ae.albopictus Tuttavia in termini percentuali la riduzione media di larve di 3a-4a età e pupe nei bidoni con copepodi, rispetto al testimone, è stata de 95,86% per Ae. albopictus e del 73,30% per Cx. pipiens. Prova di efficacia in tombini stradali Sono state condotte due prove in due differenti località, interessando 20 tombini (Marano di Castenaso in provincia di Bologna nel 2007) e 145 tombini (San Carlo in provincia di Ferrara nel 2008), quest’ultimi sottoposti a spurgo e pulizia completa nei precedenti 6 mesi l’inizio della prova. L’introduzione dei copepodi nei tombini è stata fatta all’inizio di luglio nella prova di Marano di Castenaso e alla fine di aprile e giugno in quelli di San Carlo, a dosi di 100 e 50 copepodi/tombino. Prima dell’introduzione dei copepodi e successivamente ogni 2 settimane per due mesi, in ogni tombino veniva campionata la presenza culicidica e dei copepodi con dipper immanicato. Nel 2007 dopo l’introduzione dei copepodi e per tutto il periodo di studio, mediamente soltanto nel 77% dei tombini i copepodi sono sopravvissuti. Nel periodo di prova le precipitazioni sono state scarse e la causa della rarefazione dei copepodi fino alla loro scomparsa in parte dei tombini è pertanto da ricercare non nell’eventuale dilavamento da parte della pioggia, quanto dalle caratteristiche chimico-fisiche dell’acqua. Tra queste innanzitutto la concentrazione di ossigeno che è sempre stata molto bassa (0÷1,03 mg/l) per tutta la durata del periodo di studio. Inoltre, a questo fattore probabilmente è da aggiungere l’accumulo, a concentrazioni tossiche per M. albidus, di composti organici e chimici dalla degradazione e fermentazione dell’abbondante materiale vegetale (soprattutto foglie) in condizioni di ipossia o anossia. Nel 2008, dopo il primo inoculo di M. albidus la percentuale di tombini che al campionamento presentano copepodi decresce in modo brusco fino a raggiungere il 6% a 2 mesi dall’introduzione dei copepodi. Dopo 40 giorni dalla seconda introduzione, la percentuale di tombini con copepodi è del 6,7%. Nell’esperienza 2008 è le intense precipitazioni hanno avuto probabilmente un ruolo determinante sul mantenimento dei copepodi nei tombini. Nel periodo della prova infatti le piogge sono state frequenti con rovesci in varie occasioni di forte intensità per un totale di 342 mm. Sotto questi livelli di pioggia i tombini sono stati sottoposti a un continuo e probabilmente completo dilavamento che potrebbe aver impedito la colonizzazione stabile dei copepodi. Tuttavia non si osservano influenze significative della pioggia nella riduzione percentuale dei tombini colonizzati da copepodi e ciò fa propendere all’ipotesi che assieme alla pioggia siano anche le caratteristiche fisico-chimiche dell’acqua a impedire una colonizzazione stabile da parte di M. albidus. In definitiva perciò si è dimostrato che i tombini stradali sono ambienti ostili per la sopravvivenza di M. albidus, anche se, dove il ciclopoide si è stabilito permanentemente, ha dimostrato un certo impatto nei confronti di Ae. albopictus e di Cx. pipiens, che tuttavia è risultato non statisticamente significativo all’analisi della varianza. Nei confronti delle larve di Culex pipiens il copepode non permette livelli di controllo soddisfacente, confermando i dati bibliografici. Nei confronti invece di Ae. albopictus la predazione raggiunge buoni livelli; tuttavia ciò non è compensato dalla percentuale molto alta di tombini che, dopo periodi di pioggia copiosa o singoli episodi temporaleschi o per le condizioni di anossia rimangono senza i copepodi. Ciò costringerebbe a ripetute introduzioni di copepodi i cui costi attualmente non sono inferiori a quelli per trattamenti con prodotti larvicidi. In conclusione la ricerca ha portato a considerare Macrocyclops albidus un interessante ausiliario applicabile anche nelle realtà urbane del nostro paese nell’ambito di programmi integrati di contrasto alle infestazioni di Aedes albopictus. Tuttavia il suo utilizzo non si presta a tutti i focolai larvali ma soltanto a raccolte di acqua artificiali di un certo volume come i bidoni utilizzati per stoccare acqua da impiegare per l’orto e il giardino familiare nelle situazioni in cui non è garantita la copertura ermetica, lo svuotamento completo settimanale o l’utilizzo di sostanze ad azione larvozanzaricida.


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The protozoan parasite Plasmodium is transmitted by female Anopheles mosquitoes and undergoes obligatory development within a parasitophorous vacuole in hepatocytes before it is released into the bloodstream. The transition to the blood stage was previously shown to involve the packaging of exoerythrocytic merozoites into membrane-surrounded vesicles, called merosomes, which are delivered directly into liver sinusoids. However, it was unclear whether the membrane of these merosomes was derived from the parasite membrane, the parasitophorous vacuole membrane or the host cell membrane. This knowledge is required to determine how phagocytes will be directed against merosomes. Here, we fluorescently label the candidate membranes and use live cell imaging to show that the merosome membrane derives from the host cell membrane. We also demonstrate that proteins in the host cell membrane are lost during merozoite liberation from the parasitophorous vacuole. Immediately after the breakdown of the parasitophorous vacuole membrane, the host cell mitochondria begin to degenerate and protein biosynthesis arrests. The intact host cell plasma membrane surrounding merosomes allows Plasmodium to mask itself from the host immune system and bypass the numerous Kupffer cells on its way into the bloodstream. This represents an effective strategy for evading host defenses before establishing a blood stage infection.


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Plasmodium parasites are transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes to the mammalian host and actively infect hepatocytes after passive transport in the bloodstream to the liver. In their target host hepatocyte, parasites reside within a parasitophorous vacuole (PV). In the present study it was shown that the parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM) can be targeted by autophagy marker proteins LC3, ubiquitin, and SQSTM1/p62 as well as by lysosomes in a process resembling selective autophagy. The dynamics of autophagy marker proteins in individual Plasmodium berghei-infected hepatocytes were followed by live imaging throughout the entire development of the parasite in the liver. Although the host cell very efficiently recognized the invading parasite in its vacuole, the majority of parasites survived this initial attack. Successful parasite development correlated with the gradual loss of all analyzed autophagy marker proteins and associated lysosomes from the PVM. However, other autophagic events like nonselective canonical autophagy in the host cell continued. This was indicated as LC3, although not labeling the PVM anymore, still localized to autophagosomes in the infected host cell. It appears that growing parasites even benefit from this form of nonselective host cell autophagy as an additional source of nutrients, as in host cells deficient for autophagy, parasite growth was retarded and could partly be rescued by the supply of additional amino acid in the medium. Importantly, mouse infections with P. berghei sporozoites confirmed LC3 dynamics, the positive effect of autophagy activation on parasite growth, and negative effects upon autophagy inhibition.


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Amawaka ([ɑmɨ̃ˈwɐkɑ]) is a highly endangered and underdocumented tonal language of the Headwaters (Fleck 2011) subgroup of the Panoan family in the Southwest Amazon Basin, spoken by approximately 200 people. Undocumented phonetic and phonological phenomena of Amawaka include its tonal structure, both in terms of surface realizations and the patterns underlying these realizations. Original audiovisual data from the author’s fieldwork in various Amawaka communities at the Peru-Brazil border will illuminate the as-yet obscure tonal systematicity of the language. Unlike other elements, monosyllabic bimoraic phonological nominal words with long vowels display variation in their surface realization. All the words with the open back unrounded /ɑ/, like /ˈkɑ̀:/ (patarashca, a traditional Amazonian dish), /ˈnɑ̀:/ “mestizo” etc. [with the exception of /ˈtɑ:/ “reed”, which surfaces with either a H or L tone] bear a low tone in isolation. This realization contrasts with all the encountered nominal monosyllables with vowels from the close and close-mid front and central spectrum /i, ɘ, ɨ, ɨ̃/, which clearly surface as high tone words in isolation, for example /ˈmɨ̃́:/ (a clay-lick for animals), /ˈwí:/ “Anopheles, spp. mosquito”. Monosyllables with close-mid back rounded /o/ have a less restrictive pitch that varies among speakers from low to high realizations, and sometimes even across the speech tokens from an individual speaker, e.g. /wó:/ or /wō:/ “hair”, /ɧō:/ or /ɧò:/ (a type of tarantula). Phrasal tonal phonology is more complex, when these three kinds of monosyllables appear in larger noun phrases. Some retain the same surface tones as their isolation form, while others seem to vary freely in their surface realization, e.g. /ˈtɘ́:.nɑ̀:/ or /ˈtɘ́:.nɑ́:/ ‘one mestizo’. Yet other monosyllables, e.g. /mɑ̀:/, exhibit a falling tone when preceded by a H syllable, suggesting probably latent tone sandhi phenomena, e.g /ˈtɘ́:.mɑ̂:/ (one clay-lick for parrots). In disyllabic, trisyllabic and quadrisyllabic nouns, tonal and stress patterns generally seem to be more consistent and tend to be retained both in isolation and in larger intonational phrases. Disyllabic nouns, for instance, surface as L-H or L-L when a glottal stop is in coda position. The association of L with a glottal stop is a feature that occurs in other Panoan languages as well, like Capanahua (Loos 1969), and more generally it is an areal feature, found in other parts of Amazonia (Hyman 2010). So, tone has significant interactions with the glottal stop and glottalization, which generally co-occurs with L. The data above suggest that the underlying tonal system of Amawaka is much more complex than the privative one-tone analysis (/H/ vs. Ø, i.e. lack of tone) that was proposed by Russell and Russell (1959). Evidence from field data suggests either an equipollent (Hyman 2010) two-tone opposition between /H/ and /L/, or a hybrid system, with both equipollent and privative features; that is, /H/ vs. /L/ vs. either Ø or /M/. This first systematic description of Amawaka tone, in conjunction with ongoing research, is poised to address broader questions concerning interrelationships between surface/underlying tone and other suprasegmental features, such as nasality, metrical stress, and intonation. References Fleck, David W. 2011. Panoan languages and linguistics. In Javier Ruedas and David W. Fleck (Eds.), Panoan Histories and Interethnic Identities, To appear. Hyman, Larry. 2010. Amazonia and the typology of tone systems. Presented at the conference Amazonicas III: The structure of the Amazonian languages. Bogotá. Loos, Eugene E. 1969. The phonology of Capanahua and its grammatical basis. Norman: SIL and U. Oklahoma. Russell, Robert & Dolores. 1959. Syntactotonemics in Amahuaca (Pano). Série Lingüistica Especial, 128-167. Publicaçoes do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.


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Amawaka ([ɑmɨ̃ˈwɐkɑ]) is a highly endangered and underdocumented tonal language of the Headwaters (Fleck 2011) subgroup of the Panoan family in the Southwest Amazon Basin, spoken by approximately 200 people. Undocumented phonetic and phonological phenomena of Amawaka include its tonal structure, both in terms of surface realizations and the patterns underlying these realizations. Original audiovisual data from the author’s fieldwork in various Amawaka communities at the Peru-Brazil border will illuminate the as-yet obscure tonal systematicity of the language. Unlike other elements, monosyllabic bimoraic phonological nominal words with long vowels display variation in their surface realization. All the words with the open back unrounded /ɑ/, like /ˈkɑ̀:/ (a traditional Amazonian dish), /ˈnɑ̀:/ “mestizo” etc. [with the exception of /ˈtɑ:/ “reed”, which surfaces with either a H or L tone] bear a low tone in isolation. This realization contrasts with all the encountered nominal monosyllables with vowels from the close and close-mid front and central spectrum /i, ɘ, ɨ, ɨ̃/, which clearly surface as high tone words in isolation, for example /ˈmɨ̃́:/ (a clay-lick for animals), /ˈwí:/ “Anopheles, spp. mosquito”. Monosyllables with close-mid back rounded /o/ have a less restrictive pitch that varies among speakers from low to high realizations, and sometimes even across the speech tokens from an individual speaker, e.g. /wó:/ or /wō:/ “hair”, /ɧō:/ or /ɧò:/ (a type of tarantula). Phrasal tonal phonology is more complex, when these three kinds of monosyllables appear in larger noun phrases. Some retain the same surface tones as their isolation form, while others seem to vary freely in their surface realization, e.g. /ˈtɘ́:.nɑ̀:/ or /ˈtɘ́:.nɑ́:/ ‘one mestizo’. Yet other monosyllables, e.g. /mɑ̀:/, exhibit a falling tone when preceded by a H syllable, suggesting probably latent tone sandhi phenomena, e.g /ˈtɘ́:.mɑ̂:/ (one clay-lick for parrots). In disyllabic, trisyllabic and quadrisyllabic nouns, tonal and stress patterns generally seem to be more consistent and tend to be retained both in isolation and in larger intonational phrases. Disyllabic nouns, for instance, surface as L-H or L-L when a glottal stop is in coda position. The association of L with a glottal stop is a feature that occurs in other Panoan languages as well, like Capanahua (Loos 1969), and more generally it is an areal feature, found in other parts of Amazonia (Hyman 2010). So, tone has significant interactions with the glottal stop and glottalization, which generally co-occurs with L. The data above suggest that the underlying tonal system of Amawaka is much more complex than the privative one-tone analysis (/H/ vs. Ø, i.e. lack of tone) that was proposed by Russell and Russell (1959). Evidence from field data suggests either an equipollent (Hyman 2010) two-tone opposition between /H/ and /L/, or a hybrid system, with both equipollent and privative features; that is, /H/ vs. /L/ vs. either Ø or /M/. This first systematic description of Amawaka tone, in conjunction with ongoing research, is poised to address broader questions concerning interrelationships between surface/underlying tone and other suprasegmental features, such as nasality, metrical stress, and intonation. References Fleck, David W. 2011. Panoan languages and linguistics. In Javier Ruedas and David W. Fleck (Eds.), Panoan Histories and Interethnic Identities, To appear. Hyman, Larry. 2010. Amazonia and the typology of tone systems. Presented at the conference Amazonicas III: The structure of the Amazonian languages. Bogotá. Loos, Eugene E. 1969. The phonology of Capanahua and its grammatical basis. Norman: SIL and U. Oklahoma. Russell, Robert & Dolores. 1959. Syntactotonemics in Amahuaca (Pano). Série Lingüistica Especial, 128-167. Publicaçoes do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.


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Detection of malarial sporozoites by a double antibody sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is described. This investigation utilized the Anopheles stephensi-Plasmodium berghei malaria model for the generation of sporozoites. Anti-sporozoite antibody was obtained from the sera of rats which had been bitten by An. stephensi with salivary gland sporozoites. Mosquitoes were irradiated prior to feeding on the rats to render the sporozoites non-viable.^ The assay employed microtiter plates coated with their rat anti-sporozoite antiserum or rat anti-sporozoite IgG. Intact and sonicated sporozoites were used as antigens. Initially, sporozoites were detected by an ELISA using staphylococcal protein A conjugated with alkaline phosphatase. Sporozoites were also detected using alkaline phosphatase or horseradish peroxidase conjugated to anti-sporozoite IgG. Best results were obtained using the alkaline phosphatase conjugate.^ This investigation included the titration of antigen, coating antibody and labelled antibody as well as studies of various incubation times. A radioimmunoassay (RIA) was also developed and compared with the ELISA for detecting sporozoites. Finally, the detection of a single infected mosquito in pools of 5 to 10 whole, uninfested ones was studied using both ELISA and RIA.^ Sonicated sporozoites were more readily detected than intact sporozoites. The lower limit of detection was approximately 500 sporozoites per ml. Results using ELISA or RIA were similar. The ability of the ELISA to detect a single infected mosquito in a pool of uninfected ones indicates that this technique has potential use in entomological field studies which aim at determining the vector status of anopheline mosquitoes. The potential of the ELISA for identifying sporozoites of different species of malaria is discussed. ^


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Genetic modification of the vectorial capacity of mosquito vectors of human disease requires promoters capable of driving gene expression with appropriate tissue and stage specificity. We report on the characterization in transgenic Aedes aegypti of two mosquito gut-specific promoters. A 1.4-kb DNA fragment adjacent to the 5′ end of the coding region of the Ae. aegypti carboxypeptidase (AeCP) gene and a corresponding 3.4-kb DNA fragment at the 5′ end of the Anopheles gambiae carboxypeptidase (AgCP) gene were linked to a firefly luciferase reporter gene and introduced into the Ae. aegypti germ line by using Hermes and mariner (Mos1) transposons. Six independent transgenic lines were obtained with the AeCP construct and one with the AgCP construct. Luciferase mRNA and protein were abundantly expressed in the guts of transgenic mosquitoes in four of the six AeCP lines and in the AgCP line. Expression of the reporter gene was gut-specific and reached peak levels at about 24 h post-blood ingestion. The AeCP and AgCP promoters can be used to drive the expression of genes that hinder parasite development in the mosquito gut.


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The exon theory of genes proposes that the introns of protein-encoding nuclear genes are remnants of the DNA spacers between ancient minigenes. The discovery of an intron at a predicted position in the triose-phosphate isomerase (EC gene of Culex mosquitoes has been hailed as an evidential pillar of the theory. We have found that that intron is also present in Aedes mosquitoes, which are closely related to Culex, but not in the phylogenetically more distant Anopheles, nor in the fly Calliphora vicina, nor in the moth Spodoptera littoralis. The presence of this intron in Culex and Aedes is parsimoniously explained as the result of an insertion in a recent common ancestor of these two species rather than as the remnant of an ancient intron. The absence of the intron in 19 species of very diverse organisms requires at least 10 independent evolutionary losses in order to be consistent with the exon theory.


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Plasmodium sporozoites are transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes and infect hepatocytes, where a single sporozoite replicates into thousands of merozoites inside a parasitophorous vacuole. The nature of the Plasmodium-host cell interface, as well as the interactions occurring between these two organisms, remains largely unknown. Here we show that highly dynamic hepatocyte actin reorganization events occur around developing Plasmodium berghei parasites inside human hepatoma cells. Actin reorganization is most prominent between 10 to 16 hours post infection and depends on the actin severing and capping protein, gelsolin. Live cell imaging studies also suggest that the hepatocyte cytoskeleton may contribute to parasite elimination during Plasmodium development in the liver.


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The generation of rodent Plasmodium strains expressing fluorescent proteins in all life cycle stages has had a big impact on malaria research. With this tool in hand, for the first time it was possible to follow in real time by in vivo microscopy the infection route of Plasmodium sporozoites transmitted to the mammalian host by Anopheles mosquitoes. Recently, this work has been extended to the analysis of both hepatocyte infection by Plasmodium sporozoites, as well as liver merozoite transport into blood vessels. The stunning results of these studies have considerably changed our understanding of hepatocyte invasion and parasite liberation. Here, we describe the most important findings of the last years and in addition, we elaborate on the molecular events during the intracellular development of Plasmodium exoerythrocytic forms that give rise to erythrocyte infecting merozoites.


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Plasmodium parasites, the causative agents of malaria, first invade and develop within hepatocytes before infecting red blood cells and causing symptomatic disease. Because of the low infection rates in vitro and in vivo, the liver stage of Plasmodium infection is not very amenable to biochemical assays, but the large size of the parasite at this stage in comparison with Plasmodium blood stages makes it accessible to microscopic analysis. A variety of imaging techniques has been used to this aim, ranging from electron microscopy to widefield epifluorescence and laser scanning confocal microscopy. High-speed live video microscopy of fluorescent parasites in particular has radically changed our view on key events in Plasmodium liver-stage development. This includes the fate of motile sporozoites inoculated by Anopheles mosquitoes as well as the transport of merozoites within merosomes from the liver tissue into the blood vessel. It is safe to predict that in the near future the application of the latest microscopy techniques in Plasmodium research will bring important insights and allow us spectacular views of parasites during their development in the liver.


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Bibliography: p. 64.