929 resultados para Animals Behavior--Juvenile literature.
With assays of hormone-sensitive behaviors, it is possible to demonstrate both direct and indirect actions of genes on mammalian social behaviors. Direct effects of estrogen receptor gene expression and progesterone receptor gene expression figure prominently in well analyzed neuroendocrine mechanisms for sex behavior, operating through a neural circuit that has been delineated. Indirect effects, notably the consequences of sexual differentiation, display complex dependencies. In a human condition, Kallmann syndrome, the data show a clear, indirect genetic influence on an important human social behavior, in which damage at chromosome Xp-22.3 works through at least six discrete steps to affect libido. Altogether, simplistic extrapolations from lower animals, especially during brief summaries for nonscientists, do not appear justified as we discover and conceptualize genetic influences on mammalian brain and behavior.
The regulatory protein calmodulin is a major mediator of calcium-induced changes in cellular activity. To analyze the roles of calmodulin in an intact animal, we have generated a calmodulin null mutation in Drosophila melanogaster. Maternal calmodulin supports calmodulin null individuals throughout embryogenesis, but they die within 2 days of hatching as first instar larvae. We have detected two pronounced behavioral abnormalities specific to the loss of calmodulin in these larvae. Swinging of the head and anterior body, which occurs in the presence of food, is three times more frequent in the null animals. More strikingly, most locomotion in calmodulin null larvae is spontaneous backward movement. This is in marked contrast to the wild-type situation where backward locomotion is seen only as a stimulus-elicited avoidance response. Our finding of spontaneous avoidance behavior has striking similarities to the enhanced avoidance responses produced by some calmodulin mutations in Paramecium. Thus our results suggest evolutionary conservation of a role for calmodulin in membrane excitability and linked behavioral responses.
Distrofia muscular de Duchenne é uma desordem neuromuscular causada pela mutação ou deleção do gene da distrofina, a qual é ligada ao cromossomo X. Estudos recentes têm demonstrado o importante papel da distrofina no SNC, sendo sua deficiência relacionada com uma variedade de anormalidades na função do SNC, como comportamento e disfunção cognitiva. Os modelos animais mais adequados para esses estudos são os que apresentam o quadro clinico mais semelhante ao da DMD encontrada em humanos, como cães Golden Retriever com distrofia muscular (GRMD). Por não haver ainda estudos a respeito do SNC de animais GRMD, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a morfologia do encéfalo dos GRMD e o de animais não distróficos, através de análise macroscópica, utilizando métodos de medição e registro fotográfico, e análise microscópica, utilizando a técnica de coloração de violeta cresil modificada. Entretanto, usando a metodologia proposta, não foi possível verificar diferenças significativas no encéfalo quando comparados os animais distróficos e os não distróficos, o que está em concordância com a literatura para a DMD usando os mesmos parâmetros. Em tempo, existe uma variação individual na morfologia do encéfalo do cão, independente de serem animais do grupo de distróficos ou controles. Outras técnicas devem ser aplicadas a fim de elucidar as consequências da ausência total ou parcial da distrofina no SNC
Each year, thousands of adolescents are processed through the juvenile justice system -- a system that is complicated, expensive, and inadequately addressing the needs of the youth in its care. While there is extensive literature available in support of interventions for youthful offenders that are clinically superior to current care and more cost-effective than the existing structure, there is a gap between research and practice that is preventing their implementation. The use of Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology (EBPP) as defined by the American Psychological Association is presented as one method to bridge this gap. This paper identifies and discusses each of five barriers to effective use of EBPP: cost, fragmentation of the mental health system, historical and systemic variables, research methodology, and clinician variables. These barriers are first defined and then illustrated using examples from the author's experience working in the juvenile justice field. Finally, recommendations for the field are presented.
The current study evaluated the State Juvenile Diversion Program, managed by the District Attorney’s (DA) office in Denver Colorado. The purpose of this study was to review factors, which potentially contribute to success or failure in diversion. Research in diversion programing typically focuses on recidivism rates, but fails to examine which factors contribute to program completion. The analysis was conducted using data from 57 juveniles who entered the DA diversion program in 2015. This represents the majority of juveniles in the diversion program rather than a sample. The current study confirmed prior research findings that those juveniles who do not successfully complete a diversion program are more likely to reoffend. Additionally, the factors which were significantly correlated with successful completion of the diversion program were grade point average (GPA) and number of municipal tickets. The number of behavior reports in school before and after the Diversion program was significantly lower for both groups. Non-significant findings are also discussed as they may help guide future research.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Included are 167 references to unclassified reports and scientific journals on irradiation testing of unalloyed UO₂. Irradiation behavior and effects, heat transfer calculations, fission gas release, post-irradiation examination, and irradiation capsule design are the subject areas covered.
"September 1989."
Second edition--revised and enlarged.
Vol [2] by William C. Kvaraceus, William E. Ulrich [and others]
Published in 1868 under title: Johnson's natural history, comprehensive, scientific and popular ...
Includes preface to the London edition, published under the direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education, appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
Mode of access: Internet.