850 resultados para Analyzing human behavior


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Marginal utility theory prescribes the relationship between the objective property of the magnitude of rewards and their subjective value. Despite its pervasive influence, however, there is remarkably little direct empirical evidence for such a theory of value, let alone of its neurobiological basis. We show that human preferences in an intertemporal choice task are best described by a model that integrates marginally diminishing utility with temporal discounting. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we show that activity in the dorsal striatum encodes both the marginal utility of rewards, over and above that which can be described by their magnitude alone, and the discounting associated with increasing time. In addition, our data show that dorsal striatum may be involved in integrating subjective valuation systems inherent to time and magnitude, thereby providing an overall metric of value used to guide choice behavior. Furthermore, during choice, we show that anterior cingulate activity correlates with the degree of difficulty associated with dissonance between value and time. Our data support an integrative architecture for decision making, revealing the neural representation of distinct subcomponents of value that may contribute to impulsivity and decisiveness.


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Food preferences are acquired through experience and can exert strong influence on choice behavior. In order to choose which food to consume, it is necessary to maintain a predictive representation of the subjective value of the associated food stimulus. Here, we explore the neural mechanisms by which such predictive representations are learned through classical conditioning. Human subjects were scanned using fMRI while learning associations between arbitrary visual stimuli and subsequent delivery of one of five different food flavors. Using a temporal difference algorithm to model learning, we found predictive responses in the ventral midbrain and a part of ventral striatum (ventral putamen) that were related directly to subjects' actual behavioral preferences. These brain structures demonstrated divergent response profiles, with the ventral midbrain showing a linear response profile with preference, and the ventral striatum a bivalent response. These results provide insight into the neural mechanisms underlying human preference behavior.


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The human cervix is an important mechanical barrier in pregnancy which must withstand the compressive and tensile forces generated from the growing fetus. Premature cervical shortening resulting from premature cervical remodeling and alterations of cervical material properties are known to increase a woman׳s risk of preterm birth (PTB). To understand the mechanical role of the cervix during pregnancy and to potentially develop indentation techniques for in vivo diagnostics to identify women who are at risk for premature cervical remodeling and thus preterm birth, we developed a spherical indentation technique to measure the time-dependent material properties of human cervical tissue taken from patients undergoing hysterectomy. In this study we present an inverse finite element analysis (IFEA) that optimizes material parameters of a viscoelastic material model to fit the stress-relaxation response of excised tissue slices to spherical indentation. Here we detail our IFEA methodology, report compressive viscoelastic material parameters for cervical tissue slices from nonpregnant (NP) and pregnant (PG) hysterectomy patients, and report slice-by-slice data for whole cervical tissue specimens. The material parameters reported here for human cervical tissue can be used to model the compressive time-dependent behavior of the tissue within a small strain regime of 25%.


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Conventional models of bipedal walking generally assume rigid body structures, while elastic material properties seem to play an essential role in nature. On the basis of a novel theoretical model of bipedal walking, this paper investigates a model of biped robot which makes use of minimum control and elastic passive joints inspired from the structures of biological systems. The model is evaluated in simulation and a physical robotic platform by analyzing the kinematics and ground reaction force. The experimental results show that, with a proper leg design of passive dynamics and elasticity, an attractor state of human-like walking gait patterns can be achieved through extremely simple control without sensory feedback. The detailed analysis also explains how the dynamic human-like gait can contribute to adaptive biped walking. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The paper demonstrates the nonstationarity of algal population behaviors by analyzing the historical populations of Nostocales spp. in the River Darling, Australia. Freshwater ecosystems are more likely to be nonstationary, instead of stationary. Nonstationarity implies that only the near past behaviors could forecast the near future for the system. However, nonstionarity was not considered seriously in previous research efforts for modeling and predicting algal population behaviors. Therefore the moving window technique was incorporated with radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) approach to deal with nonstationarity when modeling and forecasting the population behaviors of Nostocales spp. in the River Darling. The results showed that the RBFNN model could predict the timing and magnitude of algal blooms of Nostocales spp. with high accuracy. Moreover, a combined model based on individual RBFNN models was implemented, which showed superiority over the individual RBFNN models. Hence, the combined model was recommended for the modeling and forecasting of the phytoplankton populations, especially for the forecasting.


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Conventional models of bipedal walking generally assume rigid body structures, while elastic material properties seem to play an essential role in nature. On the basis of a novel theoretical model of bipedal walking, this paper investigates a model of biped robot which makes use of minimum control and elastic passive joints inspired from the structures of biological systems. The model is evaluated in simulation and a physical robotic platform with respect to the kinematics and the ground reaction force. The experimental results show that the behavior of this simple locomotion model shows a considerable similarity to that of human walking. © 2006 The authors.


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本文通过对高海拔两栖类西藏齿突蟾(Scutiger boulengeri)蝌蚪在实验室特定低温条件下的冷适应微空间行为分布的动态变化分析、温度耐受性实验及在不同适应温度的乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)同工酶的酶量与活性比较分析, 探讨了高海拔两栖类蝌蚪的部分冷适应策略。 西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪在不同温度的行为分布是一连续、动态过程,需用多种检验方法综合利用才能进行判断;在15℃, 除低海拔分布的西藏齿突蟾种群外所有实验物种蝌蚪均符合负二项分布、NeymanⅡ型分布;在10℃, 高海拔两栖类蝌蚪均符合负二项分布、NeymanⅡ型分布;在5℃、0℃低温时,高海拔两栖类不同分组的西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪的负二项分布、NeymanⅡ型分布均呈现明显差异, 这可能与高海拔两栖类蝌蚪在低温条件下通过不断地改变其行为分布方式来避免自身被冻伤有关。野外观察表明:高海拔两栖类蝌蚪常选择与流动河水相连的静水水体这种微生境中生存, 蝌蚪应对环境温度极端变化会不断改变其行为分布方式来选择最佳生存温度以避免极端高、低温对自身身体的伤害, 这种对微生境的利用能力对高海拔两栖类蝌蚪耐受极端环境温度的变化极其重要。 两栖类蝌蚪的温度耐受性实验表明不同的驯化温度可以改变西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪、两栖类仙琴水蛙蝌蚪的最适温度、逃避温度,并具有显著影响。 随着驯化温度5℃、10℃逐渐升高, 其最适温度、逃避温度也在一定范围内升高,但驯化温度对低海拔的仙琴水蛙蝌蚪的最适温度、逃避温度的改变效应大于高海拔的西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪的改变效应, 仙琴水蛙蝌蚪对温度的耐受范围、最适温度和逃避温度的ARRS值都大于西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪, 这说明仙琴水蛙蝌蚪对环境温度变化的适应能力大于西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪。 高海拔地区不同分组的两栖类蝌蚪, 在0℃适应温度时, LDH5条带的酶相对含量最高,而在5℃、10℃、15℃适应温度时,LDH5条带的酶相对含量明显都降低, 这表明酵解作用是高海拔两栖类蝌蚪的一些组织在低温﹑缺氧环境中的重要供能方式。高海拔两栖类蝌蚪同一分组的LDH总酶活性总是表现为10℃适应温度的总酶活性最高,而对低海拔的两栖类蝌蚪则是0℃适应温度的总酶活性最高, 这说明高海拔两栖类蝌蚪的LDH同工酶A、B两亚基基因活性在10℃时最高, 而低海拔两栖类蝌蚪的LDH同工酶A、B两亚基基因活性在0℃时最高。同时发现在15℃适应温度组的高海拔两栖类蝌蚪的LDH电泳图谱都有第6条带,有可能由LDH - C亚基组成, 对高海拔两栖类蝌蚪的LDH - C亚基只在15℃适应温度下才表达的机理还有待进一步的研究。 高海拔两栖类西藏齿突蟾蝌蚪通过行为分布方式的改变来选择最佳的生存温度, 这种温度选择过程与野外特定的微生境的存在密切相关, 现在由于人类对河道的不合理利用正在导致高海拔两栖类蝌蚪赖以生存的这种微生境逐渐消失, 这种微生境的消失将加速高海拔的两栖类种群数量衰退的进程。高海拔两栖类物种蝌蚪在低温(0℃)上表现出的同工酶多谱带说明,其A、B两亚基都有所表达,及其参与代谢的方式也是正常的,而低海拔两栖类物种蝌蚪只有A亚基表达的LDH5存在,因此其主要参与酵解过程,这种通过动物自身生理代谢方式的改变来适应极端环境温度条件的变化是高海拔两栖类蝌蚪能适应低温环境的重要策略。但高海拔物种的适应温度变化范围显著小于低海拔物种,对环境温度的变化适应能力有限,特别是对高温区域,因此全球气候变化可能对高海拔物种影响更为显著。 The partly cold-adaptation stratagem of the high altitude amphibian tadpole were researched in the laboratory by analyzing the high altitude amphibian tadpole of Scutiger boulengeri mainly on endpoints related to the dynamic variation of the micro-spatial behavior distribution patterns, the experiment of the temperature tolerance, and the enzyme content and activity of the lactic acid dehydrogenase(LDH) isozyme in special temperature condition. The behavior distribution of the Scutiger boulengeri tadpole is continuous and variable, but it can be figured out by multple testing ways. At 15℃, all of the experiment amphibian tadpoles behavior distribution fit both for the negative binomial distribution and NeymanⅡtype distribution except for the low altitude Scutiger boulengeri tadpoles. At 10℃, all of the high altitude amphibian tadpoles behavior distribution fit both for the negative binomial distribution and NeymanⅡtype distribution. At lower temperature, 5℃ and 0℃, the high altitude amphibian tadpoles of the Scutiger boulengeri at different groups behavior distribution fit for or don’t fit for behavior distribution respectively. It is denoted that the high altitude amphibian tadpoles probably avoid frostbiting by varying the behavior distribution patterns at low temperature condition. The high altitude amphibian tadpoles often actively select the special microhabitat which has the connected still water body and the flowing water body in the wild. It is important that tadpoles can endure the extreme temperature variety in this kind of microhabitat, because tadpoles can be better survival through select temperature condition through migrating in these kinds of microhabitats by varying their own behavior distribution patterns. Different acclimation temperature causes the significant change of preferred temperature(PT)、 avoiding temperature(AT) both in high altitude amphibian Scutiger boulengeri tadpoles and in low altitude amphibian Rana daunchina tadpoles in the temperature endurance experiment. With the acclimation temperature growing from 5℃ to 10℃. the PT and the AT of them would be uprise to some extent, but the effect of acclimation temperature on the PT and the AT of the tadpoles of Rana daunchina is more significant than the ones on the tadpoles of Scutiger boulengeri, at the same, the effects on the temperature endurance range, the ARRs of the tadpoles of Rana daunchina would be stronger than the ones on the tadpoles of Scutiger boulengeri. It is implied that the adaptation ability of tadpoles of Rana daunchina to the surroundings temperature alternation preferred to tadpoles of Scutiger boulengeri. At 0℃ acclimation temperature, the LDH5 enzyme comparative content of the high altitude amphibian tadpoles at different groups was highest, but it becomes lower at 5℃、10℃、15℃ acclimation temperature. It indicated that the alcoholysis role was the important ways of applying energy for special tissue of the high altitude amphibian tadpoles in low-temperature and low-oxygen condition. The total enzyme activity of the LDH of the high altitude amphibian tadpoles in the same group always keeps the highest at 10℃ acclimation temperature, but the low altitude amphibian tadpoles’ was maximum at 0℃. It was denoted that the gene activity of LDH -A and LDH – B submit was highest at 10℃ acclimation temperature for the high altitude amphibian tadpoles, but the low altitude amphibian tadpoles’ was maximum at 0℃. Meanwhile, the LDH electrophoretogram of the high altitude amphibian tadpoles always composed of 6 stripes at 15℃ acclimation temperature,the extra stripe probably was composed by LDH-C submit。It is unknown why LDH-C expresses only under high temperature。. The high altitude amphibian tadpoles can select the most optimal temperature by changing their behavior distribution patterns ceaselessly, but this course of selecting the most suitable temperature correlated with the special microhabitat in the wild closely. Nowadays, this kind of microhabitat which the high altitude amphibian tadpoles rely on are lossing gradually for human being exploit the riverway unreasonably. The disappearing of the microhabitat would accelerate the decline of the high altitude amphibian population. Compare to one band of LDH5, which only composed by the LDH-A submit, presents in the low altitude amphibian at 0℃, the five bands which composed by the LDH-A and LDH-B are checked out, this means the species which occurred in the highland is more adaptable to the low temperature. It is an important stratagem for the high altitude amphibian tadpoles adapt to the limited low temperature depends on the animal energy metabolism change.However, this kind of adaption is restricted, the adaption range to the temperature is much norrow in the high altitude amphibian than in the low one, especially for the high temperature side. The global climate change will be more serious for the high altitude species.


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By screening the phage-displayed human single chain antibody library, we have got the specific single chain antibody bound to GSH-S-DNP butyl ester as the hapten. The tertiary structure of the protein was analyzed with the aid of computer, and the results showed the CDR3 region located on the surface of the antibody. The soluble antibody was expressed in E. coli. and the active site serine was converted into selenocysteine with the chemical modifying method, which resulted in the catalytic antibody with GPx activity of 80 U/mu mol. Furthermore, the same Ping-Pong mechanism as the natural GPx was observed when the kinetic behavior of the antibody was studied.


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In order to generate catalytic antibodies with glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity, we prepared GSH-S-DNP butyl ester and GSH-S-DNP benzyl ester as the haptens. Two ScFvs that bound specifically to the haptens were selected from the human phage-displayed antibody library. The two ScFv genes were highly homologous, consisting of 786 bps and belonging to the same VH family-DP25. In the premise of maintaining the amino acid sequence, mutated plasmids were constructed by use of the mutated primers in PCR, and they were over-expressed in E. coli. After the active site serine was converted into selenocysteine with the chemical modifying method, we obtained two human catalytic antibodies with GPx activity of 72.2U/mu mol and 28.8U/mu mol, respectively. With the aid of computer mimicking, it can be assumed that the antibodies can form dimers and the mutated selenocysteine residue is located in the binding site. Furthermore, the same Ping-Pong mechanism as the natural GPx was observed when the kinetic behavior of the antibody with the higher activity was studied. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science BY. All rights reserved.


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The water relaxation enhancement behavior of GdDTPA in human serum albumin (HSA) solution has been studied. The results indicate that GdDTPA can integrate noncovalently with HSA, mainly in forms of (GdDTPA)HSA and (GdDTPA),HSA, for which the apparent equilibrium constants are 0.05 mM(-1) and 0.02 mM(-2), respectively. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Flexural fatigue tests were conducted on injection-molded short fiber composites, carbon fiber/poly(phenylene ether ketone) (PEK-C) and glass fiber/PEK-C (with addition of polyphenylene sulfide for improving adhesion between matrix and fibers), using four-point bending at stress ratio of 0.1. The fatigue behavior of these materials was presented. By comparing the S-N curves and analyzing the fracture surfaces of the two materials, the similarity and difference of the failure mechanisms in the two materials were discussed. It is shown that the flexural fatigue failure of the studied materials is governed by their respective tensile properties. The matrix yielding is main failure mechanism at high stress, while at lower stress the fatigue properties appear fiber and interface dominated. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The Bohai Sea costal area is one of the most developed zones of China and the sewage water from populous and developed cities, including Beijing, Tianjin. Qinhuangdao and Dalian is discharged into the Bohai Sea. Additionally, its semi-enclosed characteristic restricts water exchange, which leads to high accumulation of pollutants in the environment. This overview presents the residues of 6 classes of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). including PAHs, DDTs. HCHs, PCBs and PCDD/Fs. in the sediments and mollusks of the Bohai Sea through analyzing previous literatures. In the sediments. the highest PAH concentrations were detected in the vicinities of Qinhuangdao, while the northeast corner of the Bohai Bay possessed the highest levels of DDTs and PCBs. The investigations on HCHs and PCDD/Fs distributions on the whole sea scale have not been reported. In mollusks, PAH concentrations were in the same order of magnitude in the whole Bohai Sea, so were DDTs. HCHs and PCBs, while the outlier maximum values of PCDDs and PCDFs occurred in Yingkou. In general, the POPs residues in mollusks collected from Shandong Province were higher than the other areas. The compositions of DDTs, HCHs and PCBs in sediments indicated their recent usage. By comparing POP concentrations in sediments with the recommended criterions, it was shown that some individual PAH compounds occasionally associated with adverse biological effects in the vicinities of the Liaodong Bay and Qinhuangdao, and the Liaohe River Estuary were heavily contaminated with DDTs, but PCBs were all below the thresholds. In order to reveal the transference and transformation of POPs in the environment, further studies concerning with their behavior, fate and bioaccumulation in the different trophic levels should be programmed. Moreover, laws and regulations should be enforced to ban the illegal usage of POPs-containing pesticides to guarantee health of the environment and human. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Spawning behavior of artificially matured Japanese eels Anguillo japonica in captivity was investigated using a DVD Video image system. Following a routine hormone treatment technique for this fish, female eels were artificially matured by weekly intramuscular injections of salmon pituitary extracts (SPE) at a dosage of 40 mg kg(-1) BW for a total of 7-11 doses to induce ovarian maturation, while male eels received weekly intramuscular injections of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) at a dosage of 1000 IU kg(-1) BW for a total of 6-11 doses at 18 degrees C to induce testicular maturation in a separate aquarium. In this experiment, three pairs of such hormone-treated matured eels were acclimatized in seawater in 1.5 m(3) experimental aquaria with or without shelters at 20 degrees C for 24 h. Twenty four hours after the acclimatization terminated, the females received SPE injections to boost maturation and ovulation. Twenty four hours following these injections, the females received injections of HCG (1000 IU per fish, HCG injection) and 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone (2 mg per fish) to induce ovulation, while males were given HCG injections (1000 IU per fish, HCG injection) to induce spermiation. Video taping started after the 24 h acclimatization terminated and last for a total of 96 h. Before the HCG injections, both sexes were inactive, staying on the bottom or in shelters if available. Following these HCG injections, they became active and frequently left the bottom swimming in the water column. During the 24 h following HCG injections, activity accounted for 67% and 45% of the total activity in no shelter treatment for females and males, respectively, in comparison with 77% and 78% in shelter treatment. Activity was significantly more pronounced during this phase than during other phases for each sex in either shelter treatment. Egg release and sperm ejection occurred in the water column around the time eels' activity reached peaks. Eels either returned into the shelters or stayed motionlessly on the bottom of the aquaria after egg release and sperm ejection. Eight out of nine (89%) females in no shelter treatment spontaneously released eggs with a total of 11 batches 14-18 h following HCG injections, in contrast with four out of nine (44%) females releasing eggs for 4 batches 16-20 h in shelter treatment. Males arrived at activity peaks 11-13 h following HCG injections in no shelter treatment, 2-4 h ahead of the females (14-16 h), in comparison with 8-11 h in shelter treatment with 5-6 h ahead of the females (14-17 h). Courtship behavior indicative of spawning such as pairing, chasing and touching bodies was not observed in the eels in this study. However, on many occasions, eels of both sexes (male-female or female-female) were found to "cruise together" in water column for a short time period or frequently come together prior to releasing eggs and ejecting sperm, suggesting the possibility of group mating in artificially matured Japanese eels. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A method for the screening and analysis of biologically active compounds in traditional Chinese medicine is proposed. Affinity chromatography using a human serum albumin (HSA) stationary phase was applied to separate and analyze the bioactive compounds from Artemisia capillaris Thunb. Five major peaks and several minor peaks were resolved based on their affinity to HSA, two of them were identified as scoparone (SCO, 6,7-dimethoxycoumarin) and capillarisin (CAP). CAP shows a much higher affinity to HSA than SCO. The effects of acetonitrile concentration, eluent pH, phosphate concentration and temperature on the retention behaviors of several major active components were also investigated, and it was found that hydrophobicity and eluent pH play major roles in changing retention values. The results demonstrate that the affinity chromatography with a HSA stationary phase is an effective way for analyzing and screening biologically active compounds in traditional Chinese medicine. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Interleukin-1 beta (IL1β) is a proinflammatory cytokine that mediates arthritic pathologies. Our objectives were to evaluate pain and limb dysfunction resulting from IL1β over-expression in the rat knee and to investigate the ability of local IL1 receptor antagonist (IL1Ra) delivery to reverse-associated pathology. IL1β over-expression was induced in the right knees of 30 Wistar rats via intra-articular injection of rat fibroblasts retrovirally infected with human IL1β cDNA. A subset of animals received a 30 µl intra-articular injection of saline or human IL1Ra on day 1 after cell delivery (0.65 µg/µl hIL1Ra, n = 7 per group). Joint swelling, gait, and sensitivity were investigated over 1 week. On day 8, animals were sacrificed and joints were collected for histological evaluation. Joint inflammation and elevated levels of endogenous IL1β were observed in knees receiving IL1β-infected fibroblasts. Asymmetric gaits favoring the affected limb and heightened mechanical sensitivity (allodynia) reflected a unilateral pathology. Histopathology revealed cartilage loss on the femoral groove and condyle of affected joints. Intra-articular IL1Ra injection failed to restore gait and sensitivity to preoperative levels and did not reduce cartilage degeneration observed in histopathology. Joint swelling and degeneration subsequent to IL1β over-expression is associated limb hypersensitivity and gait compensation. Intra-articular IL1Ra delivery did not result in marked improvement for this model; this may be driven by rapid clearance of administered IL1Ra from the joint space. These results motivate work to further investigate the behavioral consequences of monoarticular arthritis and sustained release drug delivery strategies for the joint space.