966 resultados para Analog electronic systems


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An analytical method for evaluating the uncertainty of the performance of active antenna arrays in the whole spatial spectrum is presented. Since array processing algorithms based on spatial reference are widely used to track moving targets, it is essential to be aware of the impact of the uncertainty sources on the antenna response. Furthermore, the estimation of the direction of arrival (DOA) depends on the array uncertainty. The aim of the uncertainties analysis is to provide an exhaustive characterization of the behavior of the active antenna array associated with its main uncertainty sources. The result of this analysis helps to select the proper calibration technique to be implemented. An illustrative example for a triangular antenna array used for satellite tracking is presented showing the suitability of the proposed method to carry out an efficient characterization of an active antenna array.


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RESUMEN Las enfermedades cardiovasculares constituyen en la actualidad la principal causa de mortalidad en el mundo y se prevé que sigan siéndolo en un futuro, generando además elevados costes para los sistemas de salud. Los dispositivos cardiacos implantables constituyen una de las opciones para el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de las alteraciones del ritmo cardiaco. La investigación clínica con estos dispositivos alcanza gran relevancia para combatir estas enfermedades que tanto afectan a nuestra sociedad. Tanto la industria farmacéutica y de tecnología médica, como los propios investigadores, cada día se ven involucrados en un mayor número de proyectos de investigación clínica. No sólo el incremento en su volumen, sino el aumento de la complejidad, están generando mayores gastos en las actividades asociadas a la investigación médica. Esto está conduciendo a las compañías del sector sanitario a estudiar nuevas soluciones que les permitan reducir los costes de los estudios clínicos. Las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones han facilitado la investigación clínica, especialmente en la última década. Los sistemas y aplicaciones electrónicos han proporcionado nuevas posibilidades en la adquisición, procesamiento y análisis de los datos. Por otro lado, la tecnología web propició la aparición de los primeros sistemas electrónicos de adquisición de datos, que han ido evolucionando a lo largo de los últimos años. Sin embargo, la mejora y perfeccionamiento de estos sistemas sigue siendo crucial para el progreso de la investigación clínica. En otro orden de cosas, la forma tradicional de realizar los estudios clínicos con dispositivos cardiacos implantables precisaba mejorar el tratamiento de los datos almacenados por estos dispositivos, así como para su fusión con los datos clínicos recopilados por investigadores y pacientes. La justificación de este trabajo de investigación se basa en la necesidad de mejorar la eficiencia en la investigación clínica con dispositivos cardiacos implantables, mediante la reducción de costes y tiempos de desarrollo de los proyectos, y el incremento de la calidad de los datos recopilados y el diseño de soluciones que permitan obtener un mayor rendimiento de los datos mediante la fusión de datos de distintas fuentes o estudios. Con este fin se proponen como objetivos específicos de este proyecto de investigación dos nuevos modelos: - Un modelo de recuperación y procesamiento de datos para los estudios clínicos con dispositivos cardiacos implantables, que permita estructurar y estandarizar estos procedimientos, con el fin de reducir tiempos de desarrollo Modelos de Métrica para Sistemas Electrónicos de Adquisición de Datos y de Procesamiento para Investigación Clínica con Dispositivos Cardiacos Implantables de estas tareas, mejorar la calidad del resultado obtenido, disminuyendo en consecuencia los costes. - Un modelo de métrica integrado en un Sistema Electrónico de Adquisición de Datos (EDC) que permita analizar los resultados del proyecto de investigación y, particularmente del rendimiento obtenido del EDC, con el fin de perfeccionar estos sistemas y reducir tiempos y costes de desarrollo del proyecto y mejorar la calidad de los datos clínicos recopilados. Como resultado de esta investigación, el modelo de procesamiento propuesto ha permitido reducir el tiempo medio de procesamiento de los datos en más de un 90%, los costes derivados del mismo en más de un 85% y todo ello, gracias a la automatización de la extracción y almacenamiento de los datos, consiguiendo una mejora de la calidad de los mismos. Por otro lado, el modelo de métrica posibilita el análisis descriptivo detallado de distintos indicadores que caracterizan el rendimiento del proyecto de investigación clínica, haciendo factible además la comparación entre distintos estudios. La conclusión de esta tesis doctoral es que los resultados obtenidos han demostrado que la utilización en estudios clínicos reales de los dos modelos desarrollados ha conducido a una mejora en la eficiencia de los proyectos, reduciendo los costes globales de los mismos, disminuyendo los tiempos de ejecución, e incrementando la calidad de los datos recopilados. Las principales aportaciones de este trabajo de investigación al conocimiento científico son la implementación de un sistema de procesamiento inteligente de los datos almacenados por los dispositivos cardiacos implantables, la integración en el mismo de una base de datos global y optimizada para todos los modelos de dispositivos, la generación automatizada de un repositorio unificado de datos clínicos y datos de dispositivos cardiacos implantables, y el diseño de una métrica aplicada e integrable en los sistemas electrónicos de adquisición de datos para el análisis de resultados de rendimiento de los proyectos de investigación clínica. ABSTRACT Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death worldwide and it is expected to continue in the future, generating high costs for health care systems. Implantable cardiac devices have become one of the options for diagnosis and treatment of cardiac rhythm disorders. Clinical research with these devices has acquired great importance to fight against these diseases that affect so many people in our society. Both pharmaceutical and medical technology companies, and also investigators, are involved in an increasingly number of clinical research projects. The growth in volume and the increase in medical research complexity are contributing to raise the expenditure level associated with clinical investigation. This situation is driving health care sector companies to explore new solutions to reduce clinical trial costs. Information and Communication Technologies have facilitated clinical research, mainly in the last decade. Electronic systems and software applications have provided new possibilities in the acquisition, processing and analysis of clinical studies data. On the other hand, web technology contributed to the appearance of the first electronic data capture systems that have evolved during the last years. Nevertheless, improvement of these systems is still a key aspect for the progress of clinical research. On a different matter, the traditional way to develop clinical studies with implantable cardiac devices needed an improvement in the processing of the data stored by these devices, and also in the merging of these data with the data collected by investigators and patients. The rationale of this research is based on the need to improve the efficiency in clinical investigation with implantable cardiac devices, by means of reduction in costs and time of projects development, as well as improvement in the quality of information obtained from the studies and to obtain better performance of data through the merging of data from different sources or trials. The objective of this research project is to develop the next two models: • A model for the retrieval and processing of data for clinical studies with implantable cardiac devices, enabling structure and standardization of these procedures, in order to reduce the time of development of these tasks, to improve the quality of the results, diminish therefore costs. • A model of metric integrated in an Electronic Data Capture system (EDC) that allow to analyze the results of the research project, and particularly the EDC performance, in order to improve those systems and to reduce time and costs of the project, and to get a better quality of the collected clinical data. As a result of this work, the proposed processing model has led to a reduction of the average time for data processing by more than 90 per cent, of related costs by more than 85 per cent, and all of this, through automatic data retrieval and storage, achieving an improvement of quality of data. On the other hand, the model of metrics makes possible a detailed descriptive analysis of a set of indicators that characterize the performance of each research project, allowing inter‐studies comparison. This doctoral thesis results have demonstrated that the application of the two developed models in real clinical trials has led to an improvement in projects efficiency, reducing global costs, diminishing time in execution, and increasing quality of data collected. The main contributions to scientific knowledge of this research work are the implementation of an intelligent processing system for data stored by implantable cardiac devices, the integration in this system of a global and optimized database for all models of devices, the automatic creation of an unified repository of clinical data and data stored by medical devices, and the design of a metric to be applied and integrated in electronic data capture systems to analyze the performance results of clinical research projects.


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Several boost-derived topologies are analyzed and compared for an aerospace application that uses a 100 V voltage bus. All these topologies have been designed and optimized considering the electrical requirements and the reduced number of space-qualified components. The comparison evaluates the power losses, mass, and dynamic response. Special attention has been paid to those topologies that may cancel the inherent right half plane zero (RHP) zero of the boost topology. Experimental results of the less common topologies are presented.


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Power supply unpredictable uctuations jeopardize the functioning of several types of current electronic systems. This work presents a power supply sensor based on a voltage divider followed by buffer-comparator cells employing just MOSFET transistors and provides a digital output. The divider outputs are designed to change more slowly than the thresholds of the comparators, in this way the sensor is able to detect voltage droops. The sensor is implemented in a 65nm technology node occupying an area of 2700?m2 and displaying a power consumption of 50?W. It is designed to work with no voltage reference and with no clock and aiming to obtain a fast response.


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La fiabilidad está pasando a ser el principal problema de los circuitos integrados según la tecnología desciende por debajo de los 22nm. Pequeñas imperfecciones en la fabricación de los dispositivos dan lugar ahora a importantes diferencias aleatorias en sus características eléctricas, que han de ser tenidas en cuenta durante la fase de diseño. Los nuevos procesos y materiales requeridos para la fabricación de dispositivos de dimensiones tan reducidas están dando lugar a diferentes efectos que resultan finalmente en un incremento del consumo estático, o una mayor vulnerabilidad frente a radiación. Las memorias SRAM son ya la parte más vulnerable de un sistema electrónico, no solo por representar más de la mitad del área de los SoCs y microprocesadores actuales, sino también porque las variaciones de proceso les afectan de forma crítica, donde el fallo de una única célula afecta a la memoria entera. Esta tesis aborda los diferentes retos que presenta el diseño de memorias SRAM en las tecnologías más pequeñas. En un escenario de aumento de la variabilidad, se consideran problemas como el consumo de energía, el diseño teniendo en cuenta efectos de la tecnología a bajo nivel o el endurecimiento frente a radiación. En primer lugar, dado el aumento de la variabilidad de los dispositivos pertenecientes a los nodos tecnológicos más pequeños, así como a la aparición de nuevas fuentes de variabilidad por la inclusión de nuevos dispositivos y la reducción de sus dimensiones, la precisión del modelado de dicha variabilidad es crucial. Se propone en la tesis extender el método de inyectores, que modela la variabilidad a nivel de circuito, abstrayendo sus causas físicas, añadiendo dos nuevas fuentes para modelar la pendiente sub-umbral y el DIBL, de creciente importancia en la tecnología FinFET. Los dos nuevos inyectores propuestos incrementan la exactitud de figuras de mérito a diferentes niveles de abstracción del diseño electrónico: a nivel de transistor, de puerta y de circuito. El error cuadrático medio al simular métricas de estabilidad y prestaciones de células SRAM se reduce un mínimo de 1,5 veces y hasta un máximo de 7,5 a la vez que la estimación de la probabilidad de fallo se mejora en varios ordenes de magnitud. El diseño para bajo consumo es una de las principales aplicaciones actuales dada la creciente importancia de los dispositivos móviles dependientes de baterías. Es igualmente necesario debido a las importantes densidades de potencia en los sistemas actuales, con el fin de reducir su disipación térmica y sus consecuencias en cuanto al envejecimiento. El método tradicional de reducir la tensión de alimentación para reducir el consumo es problemático en el caso de las memorias SRAM dado el creciente impacto de la variabilidad a bajas tensiones. Se propone el diseño de una célula que usa valores negativos en la bit-line para reducir los fallos de escritura según se reduce la tensión de alimentación principal. A pesar de usar una segunda fuente de alimentación para la tensión negativa en la bit-line, el diseño propuesto consigue reducir el consumo hasta en un 20 % comparado con una célula convencional. Una nueva métrica, el hold trip point se ha propuesto para prevenir nuevos tipos de fallo debidos al uso de tensiones negativas, así como un método alternativo para estimar la velocidad de lectura, reduciendo el número de simulaciones necesarias. Según continúa la reducción del tamaño de los dispositivos electrónicos, se incluyen nuevos mecanismos que permiten facilitar el proceso de fabricación, o alcanzar las prestaciones requeridas para cada nueva generación tecnológica. Se puede citar como ejemplo el estrés compresivo o extensivo aplicado a los fins en tecnologías FinFET, que altera la movilidad de los transistores fabricados a partir de dichos fins. Los efectos de estos mecanismos dependen mucho del layout, la posición de unos transistores afecta a los transistores colindantes y pudiendo ser el efecto diferente en diferentes tipos de transistores. Se propone el uso de una célula SRAM complementaria que utiliza dispositivos pMOS en los transistores de paso, así reduciendo la longitud de los fins de los transistores nMOS y alargando los de los pMOS, extendiéndolos a las células vecinas y hasta los límites de la matriz de células. Considerando los efectos del STI y estresores de SiGe, el diseño propuesto mejora los dos tipos de transistores, mejorando las prestaciones de la célula SRAM complementaria en más de un 10% para una misma probabilidad de fallo y un mismo consumo estático, sin que se requiera aumentar el área. Finalmente, la radiación ha sido un problema recurrente en la electrónica para aplicaciones espaciales, pero la reducción de las corrientes y tensiones de los dispositivos actuales los está volviendo vulnerables al ruido generado por radiación, incluso a nivel de suelo. Pese a que tecnologías como SOI o FinFET reducen la cantidad de energía colectada por el circuito durante el impacto de una partícula, las importantes variaciones de proceso en los nodos más pequeños va a afectar su inmunidad frente a la radiación. Se demuestra que los errores inducidos por radiación pueden aumentar hasta en un 40 % en el nodo de 7nm cuando se consideran las variaciones de proceso, comparado con el caso nominal. Este incremento es de una magnitud mayor que la mejora obtenida mediante el diseño de células de memoria específicamente endurecidas frente a radiación, sugiriendo que la reducción de la variabilidad representaría una mayor mejora. ABSTRACT Reliability is becoming the main concern on integrated circuit as the technology goes beyond 22nm. Small imperfections in the device manufacturing result now in important random differences of the devices at electrical level which must be dealt with during the design. New processes and materials, required to allow the fabrication of the extremely short devices, are making new effects appear resulting ultimately on increased static power consumption, or higher vulnerability to radiation SRAMs have become the most vulnerable part of electronic systems, not only they account for more than half of the chip area of nowadays SoCs and microprocessors, but they are critical as soon as different variation sources are regarded, with failures in a single cell making the whole memory fail. This thesis addresses the different challenges that SRAM design has in the smallest technologies. In a common scenario of increasing variability, issues like energy consumption, design aware of the technology and radiation hardening are considered. First, given the increasing magnitude of device variability in the smallest nodes, as well as new sources of variability appearing as a consequence of new devices and shortened lengths, an accurate modeling of the variability is crucial. We propose to extend the injectors method that models variability at circuit level, abstracting its physical sources, to better model sub-threshold slope and drain induced barrier lowering that are gaining importance in FinFET technology. The two new proposed injectors bring an increased accuracy of figures of merit at different abstraction levels of electronic design, at transistor, gate and circuit levels. The mean square error estimating performance and stability metrics of SRAM cells is reduced by at least 1.5 and up to 7.5 while the yield estimation is improved by orders of magnitude. Low power design is a major constraint given the high-growing market of mobile devices that run on battery. It is also relevant because of the increased power densities of nowadays systems, in order to reduce the thermal dissipation and its impact on aging. The traditional approach of reducing the voltage to lower the energy consumption if challenging in the case of SRAMs given the increased impact of process variations at low voltage supplies. We propose a cell design that makes use of negative bit-line write-assist to overcome write failures as the main supply voltage is lowered. Despite using a second power source for the negative bit-line, the design achieves an energy reduction up to 20% compared to a conventional cell. A new metric, the hold trip point has been introduced to deal with new sources of failures to cells using a negative bit-line voltage, as well as an alternative method to estimate cell speed, requiring less simulations. With the continuous reduction of device sizes, new mechanisms need to be included to ease the fabrication process and to meet the performance targets of the successive nodes. As example we can consider the compressive or tensile strains included in FinFET technology, that alter the mobility of the transistors made out of the concerned fins. The effects of these mechanisms are very dependent on the layout, with transistor being affected by their neighbors, and different types of transistors being affected in a different way. We propose to use complementary SRAM cells with pMOS pass-gates in order to reduce the fin length of nMOS devices and achieve long uncut fins for the pMOS devices when the cell is included in its corresponding array. Once Shallow Trench isolation and SiGe stressors are considered the proposed design improves both kinds of transistor, boosting the performance of complementary SRAM cells by more than 10% for a same failure probability and static power consumption, with no area overhead. While radiation has been a traditional concern in space electronics, the small currents and voltages used in the latest nodes are making them more vulnerable to radiation-induced transient noise, even at ground level. Even if SOI or FinFET technologies reduce the amount of energy transferred from the striking particle to the circuit, the important process variation that the smallest nodes will present will affect their radiation hardening capabilities. We demonstrate that process variations can increase the radiation-induced error rate by up to 40% in the 7nm node compared to the nominal case. This increase is higher than the improvement achieved by radiation-hardened cells suggesting that the reduction of process variations would bring a higher improvement.


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"Prepared under Contract AF 19(628)-4805 by the Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., of Cornell University."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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NAVELEX final technical report, December 1978.


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We show that the one-way channel formalism of quantum optics has a physical realization in electronic systems. In particular, we show that magnetic edge states form unidirectional quantum channels capable of coherently transporting electronic quantum information. Using the equivalence between one-way photonic channels and magnetic edge states, we adapt a proposal for quantum state transfer to mesoscopic systems using edge states as a quantum channel, and show that it is feasible with reasonable experimental parameters. We discuss how this protocol may be used to transfer information encoded in number, charge, or spin states of quantum dots, so it may prove useful for transferring quantum information between parts of a solid-state quantum computer


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The research, which was given the terms of reference, "To cut the lead time for getting new products into volume production", was sponsored by a company which develops and manufactures telecommunications equipment. The research described was based on studies made of the development of two processors which were designed to control telephone exchanges in the public network. It was shown that for each of these products, which were large electronic systems containing both hardware and software, most of their lead time was taken up with development. About half of this time was consumed by activities associated with redesign resulting from changes found to be necessary after the original design had been built. Analysing the causes of design changes showed the most significant to be Design Faults. The reasons why these predominated were investigated by seeking the collective opinion from design staff and their management using a questionnaire. Using the results from these studies to build upon the works of other authors, a model of the development process of large hierarchical systems is derived. An important feature of this model is its representation of iterative loops due to design changes. In order to reduce the development time, two closely related philosophies are proposed: By spending more time at the early stages of development (detecting and remedying faults in the design) even greater savings can be made later on, The collective performance of the development organisation would be improved by increasing the amount and speed of feedback about that performance. A trial was performed to test these philosophies using readily available techniques for design verification. It showed that about an 11 per cent saving would be made on the development time and that the philosophies might be equally successfully applied to other products and techniques.


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This paper presents a novel real-time power-device temperature estimation method that monitors the power MOSFET's junction temperature shift arising from thermal aging effects and incorporates the updated electrothermal models of power modules into digital controllers. Currently, the real-time estimator is emerging as an important tool for active control of device junction temperature as well as online health monitoring for power electronic systems, but its thermal model fails to address the device's ongoing degradation. Because of a mismatch of coefficients of thermal expansion between layers of power devices, repetitive thermal cycling will cause cracks, voids, and even delamination within the device components, particularly in the solder and thermal grease layers. Consequently, the thermal resistance of power devices will increase, making it possible to use thermal resistance (and junction temperature) as key indicators for condition monitoring and control purposes. In this paper, the predicted device temperature via threshold voltage measurements is compared with the real-time estimated ones, and the difference is attributed to the aging of the device. The thermal models in digital controllers are frequently updated to correct the shift caused by thermal aging effects. Experimental results on three power MOSFETs confirm that the proposed methodologies are effective to incorporate the thermal aging effects in the power-device temperature estimator with good accuracy. The developed adaptive technologies can be applied to other power devices such as IGBTs and SiC MOSFETs, and have significant economic implications.


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It has been years since the introduction of the Dynamic Network Optimization (DNO) concept, yet the DNO development is still at its infant stage, largely due to a lack of breakthrough in minimizing the lengthy optimization runtime. Our previous work, a distributed parallel solution, has achieved a significant speed gain. To cater for the increased optimization complexity pressed by the uptake of smartphones and tablets, however, this paper examines the potential areas for further improvement and presents a novel asynchronous distributed parallel design that minimizes the inter-process communications. The new approach is implemented and applied to real-life projects whose results demonstrate an augmented acceleration of 7.5 times on a 16-core distributed system compared to 6.1 of our previous solution. Moreover, there is no degradation in the optimization outcome. This is a solid sprint towards the realization of DNO.


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Embedded software systems in vehicles are of rapidly increasing commercial importance for the automotive industry. Current systems employ a static run-time environment; due to the difficulty and cost involved in the development of dynamic systems in a high-integrity embedded control context. A dynamic system, referring to the system configuration, would greatly increase the flexibility of the offered functionality and enable customised software configuration for individual vehicles, adding customer value through plug-and-play capability, and increased quality due to its inherent ability to adjust to changes in hardware and software. We envisage an automotive system containing a variety of components, from a multitude of organizations, not necessarily known at development time. The system dynamically adapts its configuration to suit the run-time system constraints. This paper presents our vision for future automotive control systems that will be regarded in an EU research project, referred to as DySCAS (Dynamically Self-Configuring Automotive Systems). We propose a self-configuring vehicular control system architecture, with capabilities that include automatic discovery and inclusion of new devices, self-optimisation to best-use the processing, storage and communication resources available, self-diagnostics and ultimately self-healing. Such an architecture has benefits extending to reduced development and maintenance costs, improved passenger safety and comfort, and flexible owner customisation. Specifically, this paper addresses the following issues: The state of the art of embedded software systems in vehicles, emphasising the current limitations arising from fixed run-time configurations; and the benefits and challenges of dynamic configuration, giving rise to opportunities for self-healing, self-optimisation, and the automatic inclusion of users’ Consumer Electronic (CE) devices. Our proposal for a dynamically reconfigurable automotive software system platform is outlined and a typical use-case is presented as an example to exemplify the benefits of the envisioned dynamic capabilities.