764 resultados para Amphetamine psychosis


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ABSTRACT : Genetic approach in the sleep field is at the beginning of its wide expansion. Transitions between sleep and wakefulness, and the maintenance of these states are driven by complex neurobiologic mechanisms with reciprocal interactions. Impairment in both transitions and maintenance of behavioral states leads to debilitating conditions. The major symptom being excessive daytime sleepiness, characterizing most sleep disorders but also a wide variety of psychiatric and neurologic disorders, as well as the elderly. Until now, most wake-promoting drugs available directly (e.g., amphetamines and possibly modafinil) or indirectly (e.g., caffeine) provokes dopamine release which is believed to influence the abuse potential of these drugs. The effects of genetic components were assessed here, on drug-induced wakefulness and age-related sleep changes in three inbred mouse strains [AKR/J, C57BL/6J, DBA/2J] that differ in their major sleep phenotypes. Three wake-promoting drugs were used; d-amphetamine, a classical stimulant, modafinil, the most widely-prescribed stimulant, and YKP-10A, a novel wake-promoting agent with antidepressant proprieties. Electrical activity (Electroencephalogram) and gene expression of the brain were assessed and indicate a highly genotype-dependant response to wake promotion and subsequent recovery sleep. Aging effects on sleep-wake regulation were also strongly influenced by genetic determinants. By assessing the age-dependant effects at several time points (from 3 months to 2 years old mice), we found a strong genetic effect on vigilance states. These studies demonstrate a critical role for genetic factors neglected till now in the fields of pharmacology and aging effects on vigilance states.


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Background: Assertive community treatment (ACT) was reported to be an effective treatment to improve global functioning of ultra-high risk (UHR) adolescents. However, the infl uence of stressful life event (SLE) was not extensively studied which represent our objective. Method: The SLE (encompassing adoption, migration, family member's deceased, sexual or physical abuse, etc.) of 20 UHR adolescents, treated with an ACT model, were rated. 10 adolescents having 0 to 1 SLE (mainly parents' divorce; low SLE group) were compared 10 adolescents with 2 to 5 SLE (high SLE group). The adolescents were assessed at baseline and after treatment with the Health of Nation Outcome Scale for Children and Adolescents (HoNOSCA). The HoNOSCA allowed rating different diffi culties such as behavior, symptoms, disorders and social. Results: First, results on the whole sample indicated signifi cant improvement after ACT (compared to baseline) on the total (P = .04), symptoms (P = .025) and social (P = .009) scores of the HoNOSCA. Second, the improvement on the HoNOSCA's score of the high SLE group were signifi cantly higher for the total (P = .016), symptoms (P = .019) and behavior (P = .033) scores compared to the low SLE group. Discussion/Conclusion: Globally, ACT seems to be an appropriate treatment to enhance global functioning and more specifi cally the social and symptoms diffi culties of UHR adolescents. Additionally, UHR adolescents with a high numbers of SLE were observed to have a better benefi t of the ACT on global, symptoms and behavioral diffi culties.


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Schizotypy is a multidimensional personality construct representing the extension of psychosis-like traits into the general population. Schizotypy has been associated with attenuated expressions of many of the same neuropsychological abnormalities as schizophrenia, including atypical pattern of functional hemispheric asymmetry. Unfortunately, the previous literature on links between schizotypy and hemispheric asymmetry is inconsistent with some research indicating that elevated schizotypy is associated with relative right over left hemisphere shifts, left over right hemisphere shifts, bilateral impairments, or with no hemispheric differences at all. This inconsistency may result from different methodologies, scales, and / or sex proportions between studies. In a within-participant design, we tested for the four possible links between laterality and schizotypy by comparing the relationship between two common self-report measures of multidimensional schizotypy (the O-LIFE questionnaire, and two Chapman scales, magical ideation and physical anhedonia) and performance in two computerized lateralised hemifield paradigms (lexical decision, chimeric face processing) in 80 men and 79 women. Results for the two scales and two tasks did not unequivocally support any of the four possible links. We discuss the possibilities that a link between schizotypy and laterality 1) exists, but is subtle, probably fluctuating, unable to be assessed by traditional methodologies used here; 2) does not exist, or 3) is indirect, mediated by other factors (e.g. stress-responsiveness, handedness, drug use) whose influences need further exploration.


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Drugs of abuse, such as psychostimulants and opiates, are generally considered as exerting their locomotor and rewarding effects through an increased dopaminergic transmission in the nucleus accumbens. Noradrenergic transmission may also be implicated because most psychostimulants increase norepinephrine (NE) release, and numerous studies have indicated interactions between noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurons through alpha1-adrenergic receptors. However, analysis of the effects of psychostimulants after either destruction of noradrenergic neurons or pharmacological blockade of alpha1-adrenergic receptors led to conflicting results. Here we show that the locomotor hyperactivities induced by d-amphetamine (1-3 mg/kg), cocaine (5-20 mg/kg), or morphine (5-10 mg/kg) in mice lacking the alpha1b subtype of adrenergic receptors were dramatically decreased when compared with wild-type littermates. Moreover, behavioral sensitizations induced by d-amphetamine (1-2 mg/kg), cocaine (5-15 mg/kg), or morphine (7.5 mg/kg) were also decreased in knock-out mice when compared with wild-type. Ruling out a neurological deficit in knock-out mice, both strains reacted similarly to novelty, to intraperitoneal saline, or to the administration of scopolamine (1 mg/kg), an anti-muscarinic agent. Finally, rewarding properties could not be observed in knock-out mice in an oral preference test (cocaine and morphine) and conditioned place preference (morphine) paradigm. Because catecholamine tissue levels, autoradiography of D1 and D2 dopaminergic receptors, and of dopamine reuptake sites and locomotor response to a D1 agonist showed that basal dopaminergic transmission was similar in knock-out and wild-type mice, our data indicate a critical role of alpha1b-adrenergic receptors and noradrenergic transmission in the vulnerability to addiction.


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Abstract - Cannabis: what are the risks ? Cannabinoids from cannabis have a dual use and display often opposite pharmacological properties depending on the circumstances of use and the administered dose. Cannabinoids constitute mainly a recreative or addictive substance, but also a therapeutic drug. They can be either neurotoxic or neuroprotector, carcinogenic or an anti-cancer drug, hyperemetic or antiemetic, pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory... Improvement in in-door cultivation techniques and selection of high yield strains have resulted in a steadily increase of THC content. Cannabis is the most frequently prohibited drug used in Switzerland and Western countries. About half of teenagers have already experimented cannabis consumption. About 10% of cannabis users smoke it daily and can be considered as cannabis-dependant. About one third of these cannabis smokers are chronically intoxicated. THC, the main psychoactive drug interacts with the endocannnabinoid system which is made of cellular receptors, endogenous ligands and a complex intra-cellular biosynthetic, degradation and intra-cellular messengers machinery. The endocannabinoid system plays a major role in the fine tuning of the nervous system. It is thought to be important in memory, motor learning, and synaptic plasticity. At psychoactive dose, THC impairs psychomotor and neurocognitive performances. Learning and memory abilities are diminished. The risk to be responsible of a traffic car accident is slightly increased after administration of cannabis alone and strongly increased after combined use of alcohol and cannabis. With the exception of young children, cannabis intake does not lead to potentially fatal intoxication. However, cannabis exposure can act as trigger for cardiovascular accidents in rare vulnerable people. Young or vulnerable people are more at risk to develop a psychosis at adulthood and/or to become cannabis-dependant. Epidemiological studies have shown that the risk to develop a schizophrenia at adulthood is increased for cannabis smokers, especially for those who are early consumers. Likewise for the risk of depression and suicide attempt. Respiratory disease can be worsen after cannabis smoking. Pregnant and breast-feeding mothers should not take cannabis because THC gets into placenta and concentrates in breast milk. The most sensitive time-period to adverse side-effects of cannabis starts from foetus and extends to adolescence. The reason could be that the endocannabinoid system, the main target of THC, plays a major role in the setup of neuronal networks in the immature brain. The concomitant use of other psychoactive drugs such as alcohol, benzodiazepines or cocaine should be avoided because of possible mutual interactions. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that a cross-sensitisation exists between most addictive drugs at the level of the brain reward system. Chronic use of cannabis leads to tolerance and withdrawals symptoms in case of cannabis intake interruption. Apart from the aforementioned unwanted side effects, cannabis displays useful and original medicinal properties which are currently under scientific evaluation. At the moment the benefit/risk ratio is not yet well assessed. Several minor phytocannabinoids or synthetic cannabinoids devoid of psychoactive properties could find their way in the modern pharmacopoeia (e.g. ajulemic acid). For therapeutic purposes, special cannabis varieties with unique cannabinoids composition (e.g. a high cannabidiol content) are preferred over those which are currently used for recreative smoking. The administration mode also differs in such a way that inhalation of carcinogenic pyrolytic compounds resulting from cannabis smoking is avoided. This can be achieved by inhaling cannabis vapors at low temperature with a vaporizer device. Résumé Les cannabinoïdes contenus dans la plante de cannabis ont un double usage et possèdent des propriétés opposées suivant les circonstances et les doses employées. Les cannabinoïdes, essentiellement drogue récréative ou d'abus pourraient, pour certains d'entre eux, devenir des médicaments. Selon les conditions d'utilisation, ils peuvent être neurotoxiques ou neuroprotecteurs, carcinogènes ou anticancéreux, hyper-émétiques ou antiémétiques, pro-inflammatoires ou anti-inflammatoires... Les techniques de culture sous serre indoor ainsi que la sélection de variétés de cannabis à fort potentiel de production ont conduit à un accroissement notable des taux de THC. Le cannabis est la drogue illégale la plus fréquemment consommée en Suisse et ailleurs dans le monde occidental. Environ la moitié des jeunes ont déjà expérimenté le cannabis. Environ 10 % des consommateurs le fument quotidiennement et en sont devenus dépendants. Un tiers de ces usagers peut être considéré comme chroniquement intoxiqué. Le THC, la principale substance psychoactive du cannabis, interagit avec le "système endocannabinoïde". Ce système est composé de récepteurs cellulaires, de ligands endogènes et d'un dispositif complexe de synthèse, de dégradation, de régulation et de messagers intra-cellulaires. Le système endocannabinoïde joue un rôle clé dans le réglage fin du système nerveux. Les endocannabinoïdes régulent la mémorisation, l'apprentissage moteur et la plasticité des liaisons nerveuses. À dose psychoactive, le THC réduit les performances psychomotrices et neurocognitives. Les facultés d'apprentissage et de mémorisation sont diminuées. Le risque d'être responsable d'un accident de circulation est augmenté après prise de cannabis, et ceci d'autant plus que de l'alcool aura été consommé parallèlement. À l'exception des jeunes enfants, la consommation de cannabis n'entraîne pas de risque potentiel d'intoxication mortelle. Toutefois, le cannabis pourrait agir comme facteur déclenchant d'accident cardiovasculaire chez de rares individus prédisposés. Les individus jeunes, et/ou vulnérables ont un risque significativement plus élevé de développer une psychose à l'âge adulte ou de devenir dépendant au cannabis. Des études épidémiologiques ont montré que le risque de développer une schizophrénie à l'âge adulte était augmenté pour les consommateurs de cannabis et ceci d'autant plus que l'âge de début de consommation était précoce. Il en va de même pour le risque de dépression. Les troubles respiratoires pourraient être exacerbés par la prise de cannabis. Les femmes enceintes et celles qui allaitent ne devraient pas consommer de cannabis car le THC traverse la barrière hémato-placentaire, en outre, il se concentre dans le lait maternel. La période de la vie la plus sensible aux effets néfastes du cannabis correspond à celle allant du foetus à l'adolescent. Le système endocannabinoïde sur lequel agit le THC serait en effet un acteur majeur orchestrant le développement des réseaux neuronaux dans le cerveau immature. La prise concomitante d'autres psychotropes comme l'alcool, les benzodiazépines ou la cocaïne conduit à des renforcements mutuels de leurs effets délétères. De plus, il a été montré l'existence d'une sensibilité croisée pour la majorité des psychotropes qui agissent sur le système de la récompense, le cannabis y compris, ce qui augmente ainsi le risque de pharmacodépendance. La prise régulière de doses élevées de cannabis entraîne l'apparition d'une tolérance et de symptômes de sevrage discrets à l'arrêt de la consommation. À part les effets négatifs mentionnés auparavant, le cannabis possède des propriétés médicales originales qui sont l'objet d'études attentives. Plusieurs cannabinoïdes mineurs naturels ou synthétiques, comme l'acide ajulémique, pourraient trouver un jour une place dans la pharmacopée. En usage thérapeutique, des variétés particulières de cannabis sont préférées, par exemple celles riches en cannabidiol non psychoactif. Le mode d'administration diffère de celui utilisé en mode récréatif. Par exemple, la vaporisation des cannabinoïdes à basse température est préférée à l'inhalation du "joint".


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During adolescence numerous of important social abilities are acquired within interactions with peers. Severe psychiatric disorders interfere with the acquisition of these social skills. For example, due to excessive shyness, adolescents with psychiatric disorders may not experiment positive social interactions. Social skills training (SKT) may help adolescents to remediate to these diffi culties. This exploratory study aims to assess the SKT's effect on assertivity, in a population of adolescents presenting psychiatric disorder and attending a day care unit for adolescents. The SKT, delivered in group, deals with different themes such as contact, conversation, problem solving, confl ict, fail, success, learning, effort, separation, breakdown, and project. In this context, 38 adolescents (19 suffering from anxiety / mood disorder and 19 suffering from psychotic disorder) rate their level of assertivity before and after a SKT with the Rathus assertivity scale. This scale allows to differentiate between inhibited, assertive and assertiveaggressive adolescents. Results showed a general improvement on assertivity after the SKT. More specifi cally, adolescents suffering from anxiety disorder and the 'inhibited' adolescents showed the higher benefi t from the SKT. Thus, two hours per week of SKT seems to enhance social abilities in a population with severe psychiatric disorders. More specifi - cally, adolescents with anxiety / mood disorders reported more benefi ts of the SKT on their assertivity. Nevertheless, adolescents with psychotic disorders did not report strong benefi ts from the SKT despite the improvement observed at a clinical level. This observation raises questions about the usefulness of self-reported questionnaire to measure such benefi t for adolescents with psychosis.


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Amphetamine derivatives such as methamphetamine (METH) and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) are drugs widely abused in a recreational context. This has led to concern because of the evidence that they are neurotoxic in animal models and cognitive impairments have been described in heavy abusers. The main targets of these drugs are plasmalemmal and vesicular monoamine transporters, leading to reverse transport and increased monoamine efflux to the synapse. As far as neurotoxicity is concerned, increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) production seems to be one of the main causes. Recent research has demonstrated that blockade of 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) inhibits METH- and MDMA-induced ROS production in striatal synaptosomes which is dependent on calcium and on NO-synthase activation. Moreover, 7 nAChR antagonists (methyllycaconitine and memantine) attenuated in vivo the neurotoxicity induced by METH and MDMA, and memantine prevented the cognitive impairment induced by these drugs. Radioligand binding experiments demonstrated that both drugs have affinity to 7 and heteromeric nAChR, with MDMA showing lower Ki values, while fluorescence calcium experiments indicated that MDMA behaves as a partial agonist on 7 and as an antagonist on heteromeric nAChR. Sustained Ca increase led to calpain and caspase-3 activation. In addition, modulatory effects of MDMA on 7 and heteromeric nAChR populations have been found.


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Mental disorders in patients having difficulties to treat their epilepsy are without a doubt more frequent than those presented by patients with controlled epilepsies or within a general population. These problems are especially affective disorders; clinical presentations of these troubles are often particular and difficult to classify through the current admitted classification guidelines. We speak generally about an interictal dysphoric disorder. The relationship between observed troubles in seizures is in some cases very particular: postictal depressions and psychosis are very peculiar disorders, self limited, difficult to detect and to treat. Some considerations are made about certain topics related to severe epilepsies: suicide, pseudo seizures and therapeutic attitude.


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The 24-item Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS, version 4.0) enables the rater to measure psychopathology severity. Still, little is known about the BPRS's reliability and validity outside of the psychosis spectrum. The aim of this study was to examine the factorial structure and sensitivity to change of the BPRS in patients with unipolar depression. Two hundred and forty outpatients with unipolar depression were administered the 24-item BPRS. Assessments were conducted at intake and at post-treatment in a Crisis Intervention Centre. An exploratory factor analysis of the 24-item BPRS produced a six-factor solution labelled "Mood disturbance", "Reality distortion", "Activation", "Apathy", "Disorganization", and "Somatization". The reduction of the total BPRS score and dimensional scores, except for "Activation", indicates that the 24-item BPRS is sensitive to change as shown in patients that appeared to have benefited from crisis treatment. The findings suggest that the 24-item BPRS could be a useful instrument to measure symptom severity and change in symptom status in outpatients presenting with unipolar depression.


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Aquest treball es proposa investigar sobre la intervenció psicoanalítica i clínica en el trastorn de l'espectre autista. Es tracta de fer un recorregut crític sobre l'augment de la incidència del trastorn, la discussió sobre la etiologia de la mateixa i les alternatives d'intervenció des de la pràctica entre varis que proposa el psicoanàlisi lacanià.


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In the cerebrospinal fluid of 26 drug-naive schizophrenics (DSM-III- R), we observed that the level of glutathione ([GSH]) and of its metabolite γ-Glu-Gln was decreased by 27% and 16% respectively. Using a new in-vivo method based on magnetic resonance spec- troscopy, [GSH] was measured in the medial prefrontal cortex of 18 schizophrenics and found to be 52 % lower than in controls (n = 20). This is consistent with the recently observed decreased mRNA levels in fibroblasts of patients (n=32) of the two GSH synthesizing en- zymes (glutathione synthetase (GSS), and glutamate-cysteine ligase M (GCLM) the modulatory subunit of glutamate-cysteine ligase). Moreover, the level of GCLM expression in fibroblasts correlates neg- atively with the psychopathology (positive, general and some nega- tive symptoms). Thus, the observed difference in gene expression is not only the cause of low brain [GSH], but is also related to the sever- ity of symptoms, suggesting that fibroblasts are adequate surrogate for brain tissue. A hypothesis was proposed, based on a central role of GSH in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. GSH is an important endogenous redox regulator and neuroactive substance. GSH is pro- tecting cells from damage by reactive oxygen species generated, among others, by the metabolism of dopamine. A GSH deficit-in- duced oxidative stress would lead to lipid peroxidation and micro-le- sions in the surrounding of catecholamine terminals, affecting the synaptic contacts on dendritic spines of cortical neurones, where ex- citatory glutamatergic terminals converge with dopaminergic ones. This would lead to spines degeneration and abnormal nervous con- nections or structural disconnectivity, possibly responsible for posi- tive, perceptive and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia. In addi- tion, a GSH deficit could also lead to a functional disconnectivity by depressing NMDA neurotransmission, in analogy to phencyclidine effects. Present experimental biochemical, cell biological and behav- ioral data are consistent with the proposed mechanism: decreasing pharmacologically [GSH] in experimental models, with or without blocking DA uptake (GBR12909), induces morphological and behav- ioral changes similar to those observed in patients. Dendritic spines: (a) In neuronal cultures, low [GSH] and DA induce decreased density of neural processes; (b) In developing rats (p5-p16), [GSH] deficit and GBR induce a decrease in normal spines in prefrontal pyramids and in GABA-parvalbumine but not of -calretinine immunoreactivity in anterior cingulate. NMDA-dependant synaptic plasticity: GSH deple- I/13 tion in hippocampal slices impairs long-term potentiation. Develop- ing rats with low [GSH] and GBR have deficit in olfactory integration and in object recognition which appears earlier in males than fe- males, in analogy to the delay of the psychosis onset between man and woman. In summary, a deficit of GSH and/or GSH-related enzymes during early development could constitute a major vulnerability fac- tor in schizophrenia.


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Little is known of the relations between psychosis, religion and suicide. One hundred and fifteen outpatients with schizophrenia or schizo-affective disorder and 30 inpatients without psychotic symptoms were studied using a semi-structured interview assessing religiousness/spirituality. Their past suicide attempts were examined. Additionally, they were asked about the role (protective or incentive) of religion in their decision to commit suicide. Forty-three percent of the patients with psychosis had previously attempted suicide. Religiousness was not associated with the rate of patients who attempted suicide. Twenty-five percent of all subjects acknowledged a protective role of religion, mostly through ethical condemnation of suicide and religious coping. One out of ten patients reported an incentive role of religion, not only due to negatively connotated issues but also to the hope for something better after death. There were no differences between groups (i.e. psychotic vs. non-psychotic patients). Religion may play a specific role in the decisions patients make about suicide, both in psychotic and non-psychotic patients. This role may be protective, a finding particularly important for patients with psychosis who are known to be at high risk of severe suicide attempts. Interventions aiming to lower the number of suicide attempts in patients with schizophrenia should take these data into account.


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Following an introduction focusing on the role of religion in the treatment of psychosis, the first part of this paper describes an initial study in which the role of spirituality and religiosity was assessed in 115 patients with schizophrenia in Geneva (Switzerland) and 126 in Trois-Rivières (Quebec). These themes have been shown to be highly prevalent for these patients, though their clinicians are often unaware of this prevalence. The following part of the paper presents a second study where religious supervision was offered to clinicians in Geneva. Comparison between forty patients who received spiritual assessment and opportunities to work on religious topics with their clinicians was made with thirty patients without religious intervention. In the supervisory sessions, six different types of religious interventions were suggested. Outcomes at three months show that patients of the intervention group maintain their interest for help in religious matters while clinicians' interest in integrating religious topics in discussions with their patients has decreased. The third and main part of the paper is devoted to an analysis of the suggested interventions from the viewpoint of the study of religions. Five aspects of religion are distinguished, and explanations of the reasons some of them are easier to manage for clinicians are proposed. The paper concludes with proposals for the education of clinicians to help them to differentiate different kinds of religious coping and to recognize when it could be helpful to refer the patient to a pastoral counsellor.


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OBJECTIVE: This study aims to differentiate schizoaffective disorder (SAD) and bipolar-I-disorder (BD) in first-episode psychotic mania (FEPM). METHODS: All 134 patients from an epidemiological first-episode psychosis cohort (N=786) with FEPM and an 18-month follow-up final diagnosis of SAD (n=36) or BD (n=98) were assessed with respect to pre-treatment, baseline and outcome differences. Second, patients with baseline BD who shifted (shifted BD) or did not shift to SAD (stable BD) over the follow-up period were compared regarding pre-treatment and baseline differences. RESULTS: SAD patients displayed a significantly longer duration of untreated psychosis (DUP; effect size r=0.35), a higher illness-severity at baseline (r=0.20) and more traumatic events (Cramer-V=0.19). SAD patients displayed a significantly higher non-adherence rate (Cramer-V=0.19); controlling for time in treatment and respective baseline scores, SAD patients had significantly worse illness severity (CGI-S; partial η(2)=0.12) and psychosocial functioning (GAF; partial η(2)=0.07) at 18-months, while BD patients were more likely to achieve remission of positive symptoms (OR=4.9, 95% CI=1.8-13.3; p=0.002) and to be employed/occupied (OR=7.7, 95% CI=2.4-24.4, p=0.001). The main discriminator of stable and shifted BD was a longer DUP in patients shifting from BD to SAD. CONCLUSIONS: It is difficult to distinguish BD with psychotic symptoms and SAD in patients presenting with FEPM. Longer DUP is related to SAD and to a shift from BD to SAD. Compared to BD, SAD had worse outcomes and higher rates of non-adherence with medication. Despite these differences, both diagnostic groups need careful dimensional assessment and monitoring of symptoms and functioning in order to choose the right treatment.