925 resultados para Alonso de Ledesma
Quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) improves through the use of CPR feedback devices. Most feedback devices integrate the acceleration twice to estimate compression depth. However, they use additional sensors or processing techniques to compensate for large displacement drifts caused by integration. This study introduces an accelerometer-based method that avoids integration by using spectral techniques on short duration acceleration intervals. We used a manikin placed on a hard surface, a sternal triaxial accelerometer, and a photoelectric distance sensor (gold standard). Twenty volunteers provided 60 s of continuous compressions to test various rates (80-140 min(-1)), depths (3-5 cm), and accelerometer misalignment conditions. A total of 320 records with 35312 compressions were analysed. The global root-mean-square errors in rate and depth were below 1.5 min(-1) and 2 mm for analysis intervals between 2 and 5 s. For 3 s analysis intervals the 95% levels of agreement between the method and the gold standard were within -1.64-1.67 min(-1) and -1.69-1.72 mm, respectively. Accurate feedback on chest compression rate and depth is feasible applying spectral techniques to the acceleration. The method avoids additional techniques to compensate for the integration displacement drift, improving accuracy, and simplifying current accelerometer-based devices.
[eus] Ikerketa honek Walt Disney konpainiak ekoiztutako hainbat filmetan agertzen den edukia eta pertsonaiak analizatzen ditu. Pelikulak balorez eta aspektu ideologikoez beteta daude eta gizarte-ikaskuntzaren teoriaren arabera, izugarrizko eragina daukate haurren jarduteko moduan. Ideia horiek oso lotuta daude emakumezkoak gizartean hartzen duen irudiarekin, gizartean dagoen familiaren esanahiarekin eta gure gizarteko sistema politiko eta ekonomikoarekin. Beraz, animaziozko filmen aurrean umeen kritikotasuna garatzeko Lehen Hezkuntzako gelarako baliabide metodologikoa proposatzen da, umeek pantaila handian ikusten dutenaz hausnar dezaten.
[EUS] Gaur egun, zientzia irakasterako orduan, zientzialari guztiek bat egiten dute konpetentzia zientifikoaren garrantzian. Hala ere, egungo eskola askotan gaitasun honen azpigaitasun desberdinak alde batera uzten dira. Hau jakinda, hurrengo proposamenak materiaren propietateak, dentsitatea eta flotagarritasuna erabili ditu konpetentzia zientifikoaren datuen erabilera eta argumentazio gaitasuna lantzeko. Modu honetan, ikasleek gai honen inguruan duten aurreiritzi eta zailtasunak ikusi dira, hala nola, flotagarritasuna objektuen pisuarekin eta barruan duten aire kantitatearekin erlazionatzea edota dentsitate kontzeptua ulertzeko eta argumentu justifikatuak lortzeko zailtasunak.
[EUS] Azken urteetan eskolatze goiztiarrak nabarmen egin du gora gure gizartean. Gero eta gehiago dira hilabete gutxirekin haur eskolara joaten hasten diren haurrak, beraientzat segurtasun iturri den ingurunetik aldenduz. Banaketa hau bereziki zaila suerta dakieke ume gehienei aparteko ezinegonak, larritasun uneak edota gaixotasunak sortuz, eskolarekiko harremana betirako baldintzatzeaz gain. Hori dela eta, haur txikiaren eskolatzearen inguruan hausnartzeko beharra dago ezinbestean. Gaur egun haurra haur eskolako erritmo eta eskakizunetara ahalik eta azkarren moldatzeko asmoz, egokitzapen aldi bezala ezagutzen den denboraldia eskaintzen zaio haur txikiari, bere garaian Haur Hezkuntzaren bigarren ziklokoei eskaintzen hasi zitzaien bezala. Zoritxarrez honek egoerari zailtasun gehiago erantsi dizkio, ez baitira haurtxo eta haur txikiaren erritmoak errespetatzen. Hori dela eta, hezitzaileen muina eskola atsegina bihurtzeko asmotan, komunikazioan eta errespetuan oinarritutako etxekotze prozesua aurkezten da, zeinen helburua haurraren hezkuntzan parte hartzen duten guztien, familia eta eskola, elkarlanari esker bere ongizatea bermatu eta haur eskolarako igarobidea erraztuko duen giro lasaia, atsegina eta ez bakarrik adinari, baizik eta norberaren beharrizanen arabera egokia sortzea den.
Introduction. Obesity and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) are common coexisting conditions associated with a chronic low-grade inflammatory state underlying some of the cognitive, metabolic, and cardiovascular morbidities. Aim. To examine the levels of inflammatory markers in obese community-dwelling children with OSA, as compared to no-OSA, and their association with clinical and polysomnographic (PSG) variables. Methods. In this cross-sectional, prospective multicenter study, healthy obese Spanish children (ages 4-15 years) were randomly selected and underwent nocturnal PSG followed by a morning fasting blood draw. Plasma samples were assayed for multiple inflammatory markers. Results. 204 children were enrolled in the study; 75 had OSA, defined by an obstructive respiratory disturbance index (RDI) of 3 events/hour total sleep time (TST). BMI, gender, and age were similar in OSA and no-OSA children. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) levels were significantly higher in OSA children, with interleukin-6 concentrations being higher in moderate-severe OSA (i.e., AHI > 5/hrTST; P < 0.01), while MCP-1 levels were associated with more prolonged nocturnal hypercapnia (P < 0.001). Conclusion. IL-6, MCP-1, and PAI-1 are altered in the context of OSA among community-based obese children further reinforcing the proinflammatory effects of sleep disorders such as OSA. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01322763.
This paper is aimed at designing a robust vaccination strategy capable of eradicating an infectious disease from a population regardless of the potential uncertainty in the parameters defining the disease. For this purpose, a control theoretic approach based on a sliding-mode control law is used. Initially, the controller is designed assuming certain knowledge of an upper-bound of the uncertainty signal. Afterwards, this condition is removed while an adaptive sliding control system is designed. The closed-loop properties are proved mathematically in the nonadaptive and adaptive cases. Furthermore, the usual sign function appearing in the sliding-mode control is substituted by the saturation function in order to prevent chattering. In addition, the properties achieved by the closed-loop system under this variation are also stated and proved analytically. The closed-loop system is able to attain the control objective regardless of the parametric uncertainties of the model and the lack of a priori knowledge on the system.
Atualmente, diversos fatores tornam o setor das empresas prestadoras de serviços o mais importante da economia brasileira. Esse é o setor da economia que mais cresce e mais emprega trabalhadores. Ele representava em 2006, 85,8% das empresas do país, crescendo 34% durante o período compreendido entre os anos de 1999 a 2006. Realizou-se estudo de casos de natureza descritiva com dados primários e secundários, objetivando-se estudar a relação em termos de proximidade ou afastamento do sistema de controle de gestão de cinco empresas familiares prestadoras de serviços, com o plano referencial extraído da literatura pesquisada. O objetivo da pesquisa foi responder a seguinte questão: o sistema de controle gerencial das empresas pesquisadas possui relação de proximidade ou afastamento com os determinantes encontrados na literatura sobre o assunto? Os resultados demonstram que o sistema de controle gerencial das empresas pesquisadas, possui relação de proximidade com os determinantes encontrados na literatura sobre o assunto.
nterruptions in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) compromise defibrillation success. However, CPR must be interrupted to analyze the rhythm because although current methods for rhythm analysis during CPR have high sensitivity for shockable rhythms, the specificity for nonshockable rhythms is still too low. This paper introduces a new approach to rhythm analysis during CPR that combines two strategies: a state-of-the-art CPR artifact suppression filter and a shock advice algorithm (SAA) designed to optimally classify the filtered signal. Emphasis is on designing an algorithm with high specificity. The SAA includes a detector for low electrical activity rhythms to increase the specificity, and a shock/no-shock decision algorithm based on a support vector machine classifier using slope and frequency features. For this study, 1185 shockable and 6482 nonshockable 9-s segments corrupted by CPR artifacts were obtained from 247 patients suffering out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. The segments were split into a training and a test set. For the test set, the sensitivity and specificity for rhythm analysis during CPR were 91.0% and 96.6%, respectively. This new approach shows an important increase in specificity without compromising the sensitivity when compared to previous studies.
El TFG versa sobre los cambios histórico-legales que se dieron en los siglos XVIII y XIX en relación con los derechos forales de los Territorios Históricos vascos y su configuración hasta 1876, momento en que se derogan para volver a ser puestos en curso con la llegada de la Constitución Española de 1978 y todo lo que ello significó para la vida y el derecho de los vecinos del Señorio de Vizcaya.
[EN] The goal of this contribution is twofold: on the one hand, to review two relatively recent contributions in the field of Eskimo-Aleut historical linguistics in which it is proposed that Eskimo-Aleut languages are related genealogically to Wakashan (Holst 2004) and?/or Nostratic (Krougly-Enke 2008). These contributions can be characterized by saying that their authors have taken little care to be diligent and responsible in the application of the comparative method, and that their familiarity with the languages involved is insufficient. Eskimo-Aleut languages belong to a very exclusive group of language families that have been (and still are) used, sometimes compulsively, in the business of so-called “long-range comparisons”. Those carrying out such studies are very often unaware of the most basic facts regarding the philological and linguistic traditions of those languages, as a result of what mountains of very low quality works with almost no-relevancy for the specialist grow every year to the desperation of the scientific community, whose attitude toward them ranges from the most profound indifference to the toughest (and most explicit) critical tone. Since Basque also belongs to this group of “compare-with-everything-you-come- across” languages, it is my intention to provide the Basque readership with a sort of “pedagogical case” to show that little known languages, far from underrepresented in the field, already have a very long tradition in historical and comparative linguistics, i.e. nobody can approach them without previous acquaintance with the materials. Studies dealing with the methodological inappropriateness of the Moscow School’s Nostratic hypothesis or the incorrectness of many of the proposed new taxonomic Amerindian subfamilies (several of them involving the aforementioned Wakashan languages), that is to say, the frameworks on which Krougly-Enke and Holst work, respectively, are plenty (i.a. Campbell 1997: 260-329, Campbell & Poser 2008: 234-96), therefore there is no reason to insist once more on the very same point. This is the reason why I will not discuss per se Eskimo-Aleut–Wakashan or Eskimo-Aleut–Nostratic. On the contrary, I will focus attention upon very concrete aspects of Krougly-Enke and Holst´s proposals, i.e. when they work on “less ambitious” problems, for example, dealing with the minutiae of internal facts or analyzing certain words from the sole perspective of Eskimo-Aleut materials (in other words, those cases in which even they do not invoke the ad hoc help of Nostratic stuff). I will try to explain why some of their proposals are wrong, demonstrate where the problem lies, and fix it if possible. In doing so, I will propose new etymologies in an attempt at showing how we may proceed. The main difference between this and handbook examples lies in the reality of what we are doing: this is a pure etymological exercise from beginning to end. I will try to throw a bit of light on a couple of problematic questions regarding Aleut historical phonology, demonstrating how much work should be done at the lowest level of the Eskimo-Aleut pyramid; it is technically impossible to reach the peak of the pyramid without having completed the base. As far as Aleut is regarded, I will mainly profit not only from the use of the traditional philological analysis of Aleut (and, eventually, of Eskimo) materials, but also of diachronic typology, bringing into discussion what in my opinion seems useful, and in some cases I think decisive, parallels. It is worth noting that this paper makes up yet another part of a series of exploratory works dealing with etymological aspects of the reconstruction of Proto-Eskimo-Aleut, with special emphasis on Aleut (vid. i.a. Alonso de la Fuente 2006/2007, 2008a, 2008b, 2010a), whose main goal is to become the solid basis for an etymological dictionary of the Aleut language, currently in progress.
This article has two main objectives. First, we offer an introduction to the subfield of generative third language (L3) acquisition. Concerned primarily with modeling initial stages transfer of morphosyntax, one goal of this program is to show how initial stages L3 data make significant contributions toward a better understanding of how the mind represents language and how (cognitive) economy constrains acquisition processes more generally. Our second objective is to argue for and demonstrate how this subfield will benefit from a neuro/psycholinguistic methodological approach, such as event-related potential experiments, to complement the claims currently made on the basis of exclusively behavioral experiments. Palabras clave
We analysed the whole-genome transcriptional profile of 6 cell lines of dark melanocytes (DM) and 6 of light melanocytes (LM) at basal conditions and after ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation at different time points to investigate the mechanisms by which melanocytes protect human skin from the damaging effects of UVB. Further, we assessed the effect of different keratinocyte-conditioned media (KCM+ and KCM-) on melanocytes. Our results suggest that an interaction between ribosomal proteins and the P53 signaling pathway may occur in response to UVB in both DM and LM. We also observed that DM and LM show differentially expressed genes after irradiation, in particular at the first 6h after UVB. These are mainly associated with inflammatory reactions, cell survival or melanoma. Furthermore, the culture with KCM+ compared with KCM- had a noticeable effect on LM. This effect includes the activation of various signaling pathways such as the mTOR pathway, involved in the regulation of cell metabolism, growth, proliferation and survival. Finally, the comparison of the transcriptional profiles between LM and DM under basal conditions, and the application of natural selection tests in human populations allowed us to support the significant evolutionary role of MIF and ATP6V0B in the pigmentary phenotype.
A Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) foi criada como a principal iniciativa de reorientação do modelo assistencial no SUS, ao mesmo tempo em que a população brasileira envelhecia. As equipes da SF estão lidando com a atenção à saúde deste contingente populacional sob a influência de aspectos técnicos, institucionais e culturais adversos como a sua frágil capacitação, a não interligação da rede, e o escasso valor social dado ao velho na sociedade. Este estudo foca a atenção ao idoso, no contexto da implementação da Estratégia e Saúde da Família (ESF), no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, utilizando metodologia qualitativa. Seu objetivo geral é conhecer a atenção ao idoso no contexto de trabalho da Estratégia de Saúde da Família no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Especificamente pretendeu-se conhecer a percepção dos profissionais de saúde acerca do envelhecimento e suas consequências sobre a atenção ao idoso na ESF; discutir o papel da ESF numa rede de atenção ao idoso, analisando a organização da rede e analisar o processo de trabalho na atenção ao idoso. Utilizando métodos descritivos e analíticos, três conjuntos de dados foram articulados: dados sobre o contexto do Programa de Saúde da Família em cada município, dados relativos aos conhecimentos técnicos das equipes sobre atenção ao idoso e dados relativos à percepção dos profissionais sobre a atenção ao idoso na ESF. Como técnicas de coleta de dados foram utilizadas a entrevista individual, o grupo focal e a análise documental os dados. Foram realizados 54 entrevistas individuais e 6 grupos focais para a criação de Fluxogramas Descritores e Discussões de Casos. Participaram 6 equipes de 3 municípios do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Da análise dos dados emergiu o papel de ESF na rede de atenção ao idoso, o que permite a determinação de conteúdos, habilidades e atitudes que precisam ser desenvolvidos como um todo nos profissionais, e nos médicos em particular. Também está clara a necessidade de articulação de uma rede de atenção ao idoso, integrada, composta por serviços e níveis de atenção diferentes e intersetorial, que permita uma prática de cuidado e a promoção de um envelhecimento saudável. Chegamos a conclusão que a formação e as práticas destes profissionais, em particular do médico, precisam ser entendidas de um modo integrado e inseridas na graduação e pós-graduação. O treinamento das equipes, já instaladas, deveria ser trabalhado dentro das premissas da educação permanente e acompanhado de um trabalho de articulação de uma rede de atenção para o idoso, de forma a permitir seu resolutividade. Desenvolver as competências para os profissionais de saúde da ESF, sem desenvolver a competência do sistema de saúde não terá efeito significativo na qualidade da atenção prestada.