988 resultados para Alongamento (Fisiologia)


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Com o objetivo de caracterizar o complexo gênero anamórfico Cylindrocladium, dezoito isolados foram cultivados em meios de cultura distintos, mantidos sob diferentes temperaturas, além de ter conídios e vesículas terminais analisados morfologicamente para identificação correta das culturas. Inoculações em diferentes hospedeiros foram, também, realizadas para avaliação do comportamento patogênico dos isolados estudados. Com relação aos caracteres morfológicos, pôde-se observar que ocorrem alterações nas dimensões de conídios e na morfologia da vesícula terminal devido, provavelmente, à mudança do substrato de cultivo. Porém, a variabilidade natural nas características dessas estruturas é tão elevada que dificulta a identificação correta dos isolados. em uma mesma cultura, por exemplo, foram observadas vesículas terminais de diferentes morfologias. Pôde-se constatar que existem diferenças patogênicas e fisiológicas entre os isolados, uma vez que houve a formação de grupos distintos quando tais características foram consideradas. Estas diferenças, provavelmente, sejam devidas à constituição genética distinta existente entre os isolados.


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A deficiência de B é muito comum nos cafezais brasileiros, mas as respostas do cafeeiro ao B têm sido erráticas, dependendo do ano, do modo e época de aplicação e, ainda, da fonte de B empregada. Um melhor entendimento dos efeitos do B na fisiologia e anatomia do cafeeiro é importante para o desenvolvimento de um programa racional de adubação boratada, uma vez que a anatomia da planta pode influenciar a translocação do nutriente. Neste experimento, plantas de dois cultivares foram cultivadas em soluções nutritivas com 0,0 (deficiente), 5,0 (adequado) e 25,0 µM (alto) de B. Quando os primeiros sintomas de deficiência apareceram, as folhas foram cortadas e tiveram suas paredes celulares isoladas e analisadas quanto aos teores de B e Ca. Cortes foram feitos em folhas novas e no ápice de ponteiros e fotografados em microscópio eletrônico de varredura. A resposta dos dois cultivares ao B foi semelhante, não tendo sido observados sintomas de toxidez. O teor de B nas paredes celulares foi aumentado com o incremento da concentração desse elemento na solução, enquanto o teor de Ca não foi afetado. A relação Ca/B decresceu com o aumento da concentração de B na solução. Com deficiência de B, os tecidos vasculares foram desorganizados e as paredes do xilema ficaram mais finas. Folhas de café com deficiência deste nutriente apresentaram menos estômatos, os quais se encontravam.


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Os herbicidas, mesmo quando usados em doses reduzidas ou utilizados como maturadores, podem alterar a morfofisiologia da planta, o que pode levar a modificações qualitativas e quantitativas na produção. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a eficiência agronômica e os efeitos, durante o crescimento da cana-soca, da aplicação de glyphosate e sulfometuron-methyl em baixas doses. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pelos herbicidas sulfometuron-methyl e glyphosate em diferentes doses e misturas e por uma testemunha (sem aplicação dos produtos). Uma linha de plantas de cana-de-açúcar foi destinada à aferição da qualidade tecnológica, sendo estabelecido 1 m aleatório a cada época de amostragem. Os colmos coletados foram submetidos ao desponte na altura da gema apical e à desfolha; em seguida, foram encaminhados para processamento segundo a metodologia do Sistema de Pagamento de Cana pelo Teor de Sacarose (SPCTS), sendo considerados os parâmetros tecnológicos: pol cana (PCC), pureza do caldo (PUI), açúcar total recuperável (ATR) e Brix. Nas soqueiras de cana-de-açúcar, realizaram-se análises de crescimento (altura e perfilhos). As avaliações foram realizadas na pré-colheita (30 dias após aplicação dos maturadores) e 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 e 180 dias após a colheita. Os herbicidas glyphosate e sulfometuron-methyl propiciaram melhoria da qualidade tecnológica da matéria-prima,com incrementos significativos na pureza do caldo e no Brix. A aplicação dos produtos não interferiu na produtividade e no teor de açúcar. Houve efeito estimulante no perfilhamento quando se usou glyphosate na dose de 400 mL ha-1 e redução em crescimento (altura) no início do desenvolvimento da cana, porém, com o tempo, o efeito não se manteve.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as alterações nos níveis de ácido chiquímico e ácido salicílico em plantas de cana-de-açúcar submetidas à aplicação de maturadores. Aplicou-se glyphosate nas doses de 400 e 200 mL ha-1 e na dose de 150 mL ha-1 em mistura com sulfumeturon-methyl a 12 e 20 g ha-1 e sulfumeturon-methyl a 20 g ha-1. As avaliações foram realizadas aos 15 e 30 dias após a aplicação (DAA) e aos 30, 60, 90, 120 e 150 dias após a colheita da cana-de-açúcar. Os teores de ácido chiquímico e salicílico nas plantas de canade-açúcar foram determinados por cromatografia líquida e espectrometria de massas. Os resultados mostraram que as doses de glyphosate correlacionaram-se diretamente com as concentrações de ácido chiquímico na planta, sendo superiores à da testemunha. Aos 30 DAA, houve aumento na concentração de ácido salicílico em todos os tratamentos estudados, revelando um processo de senescência da planta. Maiores doses de glyphosate promoveram aumento na concentração de ácido chiquímico e ácido salicílico antes da colheita da canade-açúcar. No período de crescimento da planta, aumentos nos teores dos ácidos chiquímico e salicílico revelaram dependência da aplicação dos produtos e também dos fatores abióticos e bióticos a que a cultura foi exposta.


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Entre as práticas culturais a serem consideradas na implantação da cultura do arroz destaca-se a densidade de semeadura, que deve estabelecer, em grande parte, a participação do colmo principal e dos afilhos nos componentes da produção, possibilitando a obtenção da máxima produtividade. O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a participação do colmo principal e dos afilhos na produtividade de grãos de arroz, cv. IAC 102, no sistema irrigado por inundação, em função da densidade de semeadura. O experimento foi desenvolvido sob túnel plástico, em Botucatu (SP), em caixas d'água de cimento amianto de 500 L, contendo Neossolo Flúvico Ta Eutrófico, com profundidade de 30 cm. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. As densidades de semeadura foram: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 e 600 sementes viáveis por m², em 4 linhas de 1 m por caixa, espaçadas com 20 cm. A elevação da densidade de semeadura diminui o afilhamento e proporciona a maior participação dos colmos principais, porém, não resultando em incremento de produtividade, devido à plasticidade das plantas de arroz, que proporciona o ajustamento dos componentes da produção.


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Uma das principais doenças do maracujazeiro, na maioria dos estados produtores do Brasil, é a podridão do colo, causada por Fusarium solani. Pouco se sabe a respeito da fisiologia deste patógeno do maracujazeiro amarelo, principalmente quanto à produção de enzimas extracelulares. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar, em meios de cultura individuais e apropriados, a produção das enzimas extracelulares amilase, lipase, celulase, proteases (caseinase e gelatinase), lacase (oxidase) e catalase por isolados de F. solani, provenientes de maracujazeiro amarelo. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema de dois fatores (nove isolados versus sete enzimas), com três repetições. Todos os isolados de F. solani produziram, de maneira semiquantitativa, as enzimas extracelulares amilase, lipase, celulase, caseinase (protease) e lacase (oxidase). No entanto, a quantidade produzida de cada enzima foi significativamente diferente entre os isolados. As enzimas extracelulares gelatinase (protease) e catalase foram produzidas em pouca quantidade e de maneira igual por todos os isolados do fungo.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Stroke is a neurological dysfunction of vascular origin that causes physical impairments and disabilities. Brazil leads the statistics stroke mortality among Latin American countries, demonstrating still be a neglected disease in this country. The incidence is related to risk factors and still is great misinformation in our country about stroke, treatment and prophylaxis. The aim of this study was to assess the degree of knowledge about stroke and patients need to use educational booklet for physiotherapy. The sample consisted of 53 patients, 22 females and 31 males, mean age 56.2 ± 10.9 years. Patients were evaluated by completing questionnaires, observing the socio-demographic and clinical aspects, neurological assessment, functional assessment, knowledge of pathology and presenting educational booklet. The data were analyzed using the chi-square test. According to the results, it was observed that the patients had not enough knowledge about the terminology, complications and warning signs of stroke, were not aware and did not perform the proper positioning of the limb and transfers, however, were aware and performed the stretching maneuvers. This reveals the need to implement policies that lead to information about stroke population. Following discharge from outpatient physical therapy using educational booklets with guidelines on positioning, stretching exercises and transfer is important in functional rehabilitation and encouraging independence of the individual affected by stroke


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The production of forage grasses is directly related to the morphogenesis. The knowledge of the morphogenetic and structural variables of forage plants is important for determining appropriate conditions of grazing livestock to ensure efficient and sustainable. Thus the objective of this study was to evaluate morphogenetic and structural responses of three genera of grasses, Brachiaria, Panicum and Cenchrus in a cutting regime. The experimental design was randomized blocks with three replications and six treatments. After each section were evaluated for forage production, appearance and elongation rates of leaves and stem, phyllochron, final leaf length, number of living leaves, leaf lifespan, leaf senescence rate, tiller density and tiller dynamics. On forage yield the highest values were obtained in cultivars Xaraes, Piata and Massai. The tiller density was higher for cv Massai. It is concluded that the cultivars of Panicum and Brachiaria had a higher tillering dynamics in increasing the turnover rate of tissues that are indicators of forage production, assuming that the cultivars of these genera are predisposed to use forage in the Northeast


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Cooperation is a well known behavior and influenced by all cultures. Probably selective pressures brought advantages to individuals that cooperate, and then this behavior is current in human societies. Most of it is studied about cooperation and natural selection was understood by the game theory, a mathematical approach that helps to understand the conflict and cooperation. We believe that natural selection and game theory could facilitate understanding these behaviors and two theoretical articles were written regarding this view. It was also found that most of data about cooperation was obtained in (with) adults. Since game theory is effective to understand this phenomenon, and to be used and understood, two games were used with five and eleven year old children: the common pool and public goods games. The results are presented in four empirical articles. We found that children respond to social dilemmas of game theory like the adults do. They adjust their rounds regarding the feedback obtained of their partness; in the beginning they cooperate and reduce the degree of cooperation along (throughout) the following session; in the absence of punition the level of opportunism increased, mainly in larger groups; boys and girls behave differently when donate. This research suggest that cooperation has an evolutionary basis in human and it is since earlier in the behavioral pattern shown by adults.


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One of the largest problems of the present time resulting from the economic globalization and the modern technology, of the point of view of the biological rhytms of our organism, it is offering services and production of goods available in 24 o'clock, that it demands organized workers in several work schedules besides the hours of the day. Those schedules cause a series of biopsychosocial consequences in the worker's health, in function of circadian, homeostatic and psychosocial alterations. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to accomplish an evaluation of the effects of several works schedules in the pattern of the sleep wake cycle, anxiety, stress and in the health. We counted with a sample of 274 workers subdivided in 49 daytime worker groups and 225 workers in different shift work schedules with different speeds (rotating shift group, slower day shift group, faster day shift group). From the results analysis it is verified irregularities of the daily activities, stress and alterations in the workers' health in all schedules. It was also verified thata the workers thata presented irregularities in the daily activities were the mroe stressed. On the other hand, the shift works were considered more ansious and associated with bad sleep quality. It was verified that the workers with bad sleep quality were those presented larger levels of dispocional anxiety. There was no statistically significant correlation between bad sleep quality and irregular daily lifestyle. However, it can be affirmed thata shift work schendules doesn't are the main determinant for the circadian alterations, but the answers of the individuals to the shifts work; and that the inadequate behavioural strategies to work with the effects of the shift schedules. In conclusion, individual strategies related to the coping of the work in shift (adaptation and tolerance) should be extolled as indispensable tool in the ergonomic evaluation of the work


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Shrimp farming in Brazil is a consolidated activity, having brought economical and social gains to several states with the largest production concentrated in the northeast. This fact is also reflected in higher feed intake, necessitating a more efficient feed management. Currently, management techniques already foresee food loss due to molting. In this sense, studies relating shrimp s digestive physiology, molting physiology and behavioral response of shrimp feed can optimize the feed management. Thus, our study aimed to evaluate the behavioral response of the marine shrimp L. vannamei (Crustacea: Penaeidae) in accordance with the stages of moulting cycle and feeding schedules based on higher or lower activity of proteolytic digestive enzymes; also, to investigate the influence of feeding schedule on hepatosomatic index and non-specific and specific protease activity (trypsin). Experiments were carried out at the Laboratory of Shrimp Behavioral Studies at UFRN in partnership with the Laboratory of Enzimology UFPE. Juveniles of L. vannamei weighting 5.25 g (+ 0.25 g) were kept in aquaria at a density of 33 shrimp m -2. In the first experiment, shrimp were fed in the light phase or in the dark phase for 8 days; in the ninth day, the animals were observed for 15 minutes every hour during the 12 hours of each phase of the photoperiod. We recorded the frequency of inactivity, exploration, food intake, burrowing, swimming and crawling behavior. At the end of the 12th observation session, the shrimp were sacrified and classified by the method of setogenesis in the molt cycle stages A, B, C, D0, D1, D2 or D3. We found that the shrimp in A stage show high levels of inactivity. Moreover, the frequency of food intake was very low. The shrimp in D3 stage also had low food intake and high inactivity associated with elevated frequencies of burrowing. In the second experiment, shrimp were kept in physiological acclimation to experimental conditions for 28 days, distributed in 12 treatments in the light phase and 12 treatments in the dark phase. In the end, the animals were sacrified and dissected to assess non-specific and specific protease activity (trypsin) activity. In general, these parameters did not vary among animals fed in the light phase and those fed in the dark phase. However, significant differences were found in the activity of specific and nonspecific proteases in relation to food treatment. In the light phase, the major proteolytic activities converged to 10 hours after the start of the light phase, while the lowest activities converged to 6 hours after the beginning of this phase. In the dark phase, the highest enzyme activity converged to 12 hours after the onset of phase, while the lowest activities converged to 3 hours after the onset of phase. In the third experiment, we sought to evaluate the behavioral responses of shrimp in relation to dietary treatments based on higher or lower activity of proteolytic enzymes, considering the results of the second experiment. The behavioral categories observed were the same as the ones in the first experiment, with observations of 30 minutes (15min before and 15min after food supply). We found variation in behavioral responses as a function of the treatments, with greater intake of food in shrimp fed during the period of greatest activity of proteolytic enzymes, in the light phase. Thus we see that periodic events associated with the shrimp s physiology interfere in their behavioral responses, revealing situations that are more adjustable to the provision of food, and consequently optimizing feeding management


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The shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei has been grown in highly variable environments, especially in relation to salinity and water temperature. The adjustment to such conditions mainly involves changes in behavior, physiology, particularly in the immune response. This may consequently reduce the welfare of these animals. Despite the widespread farming of the species, little is known about their behavioral and physiological responses under stressful conditions. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the influence of different salinities and temperatures in the behavior of the marine shrimp L. vannamei, and its relation to the total hemocytes count. In the laboratory, juvenile shrimp were kept in glass aquaria with a closed water recirculation system, continuous aeration and filtration, and under a 12:12 h light/dark cycle. Behavioral observations occurred 1, 4, 7 and 10 h after the start of each phase (light or dark). To assess the influence of salinity, shrimp were first acclimated and then observed at 2, 30 or 50 ppm salinity water, while temperatures tested were 18, 28 and 33 ° C. At the end of each experiment (30 days), shrimp hemolymph was collected for subsequent total hemocytes count (THC), a parameter used to assess stress. In general, feeding behavior was modified under lower salinity and temperature, with reduced values in feeding, exploration and digestive tract filling. Inactivity and burrowing were prevalent under extreme conditions water salinity and temperature, respectively: 2 and 50 ppm and 18 and 33 ° C; crawling was also less frequent under these conditions. In regards to light/dark cycle, shrimp were more active during the dark phase (crawling and swimming), while burrowing was higher during the light phase, regardless of salinity or temperature of the water. Inactivity behavior did not vary according to the light/dark cycle. Moreover, the total hemocytes count (THC) was reduced under 2 and 50 ppm salinity and 18 ° C temperature. Farming of L. vannamei under extremely low or high salinities and low temperatures is harmful. This suggests the species must be cultivated in salinities closer to those of the sea as well as at high temperatures, which seems to be ideal for a management focused on animal welfare, therefore, producing healthier shrimp


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Lucid dreaming (LD) is a mental state in which the subject is aware of being dreaming while dreaming. The prevalence of LD among Europeans, North Americans and Asians is quite variable (between 26 and 92%) (Stepansky et al., 1998; Schredl & Erlacher, 2011; Yu, 2008); in Latin Americans it is yet to be investigated. Furthermore, the neural bases of LD remain controversial. Different studies have observed that LD presents power increases in the alpha frequency band (Tyson et al., 1984), in beta oscillations recorded from the parietal cortex (Holzinger et al., 2006) and in gamma rhythm recorded from the frontal cortex (Voss et al., 2009), in comparison with non-lucid dreaming. In this thesis we report epidemiological and neurophysiological investigations of LD. To investigate the epidemiology of LD (Study 1), we developed an online questionnaire about dreams that was answered by 3,427 volunteers. In this sample, 56% were women, 24% were men and 20% did not inform their gender (the median age was 25 years). A total of 76.5% of the subjects reported recalling dreams at least once a week, and about two-thirds of them reported dreaming always in the first person, i.e. when the dreamer observes the dream from within itself, not as another dream character. Dream reports typically depicted actions (93.3%), known people (92.9%), sounds/voices (78.5%), and colored images (76.3%). The oneiric content was related to plans for upcoming days (37.8%), and memories of the previous day (13.8%). Nightmares were characterized by general anxiety/fear (65.5%), feeling of being chased (48.5%), and non-painful unpleasant sensations (47.6%). With regard to LD, 77.2% of the subjects reported having experienced LD at least once in their lifetime (44.9% reported up to 10 episodes ever). LD frequency was weakly correlated with dream recall frequency (r = 0.20, p <0.001) and was higher in men (χ2=10.2, p=0.001). The control of LD was rare (29.7%) and inversely correlated with LD duration (r=-0.38, p <0.001), which is usually short: to 48.5% of the subjects, LD takes less than 1 minute. LD occurrence is mainly associated with having sleep without a fixed time to wake up (38.3%), which increases the chance of having REM sleep (REMS). LD is also associated with stress (30.1%), which increases REMS transitions into wakefulness. Overall, the data suggest that dreams and nightmares can be evolutionarily understood as a simulation of the common situations that happen in life, and that are related to our social, psychological and biological integrity. The results also indicate that LD is a relatively common experience (but not recurrent), often elusive and difficult to control, suggesting that LD is an incomplete stationary stage (or phase transition) between REMS and wake state. Moreover, despite the variability of LD prevalence among North Americans, Europeans and Asians, our data from Latin Americans strengthens the notion that LD is a general phenomenon of the human species. To further investigate the neural bases of LD (Study 2), we performed sleep recordings of 32 non-frequent lucid dreamers (sample 1) and 6 frequent lucid dreamers (sample 2). In sample 1, we applied two cognitive-behavioral techniques to induce LD: presleep LD suggestion (n=8) and light pulses applied during REMS (n=8); in a control group we made no attempt to influence dreaming (n=16). The results indicate that it is quite difficult but still possible to induce LD, since we could induce LD in a single subject, using the suggestion technique. EEG signals from this one subject exhibited alpha (7-14 Hz) bursts prior to LD. These bursts were brief (about 3s), without significant change in muscle tone, and independent of the presence of rapid eye movements. No such bursts were observed in the remaining 31 subjects. In addition, LD exhibited significantly higher occipital alpha and right temporo-parietal gamma (30-50 Hz) power, in comparison with non-lucid REMS. In sample 2, LD presented increased frontal high-gamma (50-100 Hz) power on average, in comparison with non-lucid REMS; however, this was not consistent across all subjects, being a clear phenomenon in just one subject. We also observed that four of these volunteers showed an increase in alpha rhythm power over the occipital region, immediately before or during LD. Altogether, our preliminary results suggest that LD presents neurophysiological characteristics that make it different from both waking and the typical REMS. To the extent that the right temporo-parietal and frontal regions are related to the formation of selfconsciousness and body internal image, we suggest that an increased activity in these regions during sleep may be the neurobiological mechanism underlying LD. The alpha rhythm bursts, as well as the alpha power increase over the occipital region, may represent micro-arousals, which facilitate the contact of the brain during sleep with the external environment, favoring the occurrence of LD. This also strengthens the notion that LD is an intermediary state between sleep and wakefulness