988 resultados para Aleph online guide
Charges for Residential Accommodation
This document provides a practical guide to Northern Ireland child care law.
Avui dia, la gestió d’esdeveniments online i la seva promoció és un mercat creixent gràcies a l’evolució de la web 2.0 i a les xarxes socials. Ticketmaster és el referent, tot i així, no existeix una oferta clara per gestionar la venda d’entrades d’esdeveniments d’una mida petita o mitjana i que aprofiti les xarxes socials i la integració d’aplicacions que aquestes proporcionen. L’objectiu és realitzar una aplicació web on els usuaris (propis o de Facebook) puguin crear esdeveniments, publicar-los i promocionar-los a les xarxes socials, així com gestionar les tasques i característiques relacionades com la venda d’entrades i la llista de convidats.
El proyecto consiste en la realización de un juego online para la consola de Microsoft Xbox 360 titulado IceFire. El videojuego pertenece al género de los MOBA y permitirá a los usuarios jugar de forma offline en el modo práctica pero tambien en un modo online donde crear o unirse a salas de juego donde empezar partidas en las que podrán elegir entre dos personajes distintos con sus habilidades propias y enfrentarse con su rival.
This assessment tool is designed to assess the registered nursing needs of a person needing long-term care. The tool is designed to encapsulate a systematic approach to assessment whilst at the same time embracing professional decision-making that takes place in the relationship between a nurse and another person. For this reason, the tool takes the assessment through a staged approach, moving from a general ‘narrative’ based assessment of ‘domains’ of care need, to a focused assessment of risk and complexity. åÊ
This good practice guide has been produced by the Equity Commission for Northern Ireland in partnership with the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPSNI).
"Making Life Better" is the public health strategy for Northern Ireland 2013-2023. It is designed to provide direction for policies and actions to improve the health and wellbeing of people in Northern Ireland and to reduce inequalities in health.
Aquest projecte consisteix en dissenyar i crear una aplicació web que cobreixi les necessitats de comerç electrònic d’una empresa que es dedica als consumibles d’informàtica. L’aplicació a implementar contindrà un catàleg de productes amb totes les seves característiques (preu, foto, descripció) part principal de la botiga virtual. També hi haurà un servei d’enregistrament per dur a terme el procés de compra amb èxit que proporcionarà les dades del client. També existirà la possibilitat per part de l’usuari d’escollir entre diverses formes de pagament i d’enviament del producte. A més hi haurà un panell d’administració a disposició del venedor per poder gestionar la botiga virtual de manera senzilla i còmoda.
Young and Old has been specifically designed for use in the context of the new Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) curriculum. It covers seven different themes on ageing and older people at each of the four levels in primary school and includes different strategies for active learning which are used to explore facts, figures, and attitudes. There are also exercises designed to stimulate classroom discussion and activities to encourage contact and communication between children and older people Download the Report here
This publication is part of research undertaken for the Springboard Family Support Initiative. Springboard is one of the most important initiatives of any Government in recent times to support vulnerable families. It aims to support families which are experiencing difficulties in providing adequate care and protection for their children through community based centres which work in partnership not only with other local service providers but with the families themselves. Download the Report here
The National Childcare Strategy aims to improve the availability and quality of chidcare, to meet the needs of children and their parents. Click here to download the document (PDF, 700kb)
A Guide to Creating Gender-Sensitive Health Services – 2nd Edition The Womenâ?Ts Health Council is a statutory body established in 1997 to advise the Minister for Health and Children on all aspects of women's health. Following a recommendation in the Report of the Second Commission on the Status of Women (1993), the national Plan for Womenâ?Ts Health 1997-1999 was published in 1997. Click here to download PDF 677kb
Immunisation Guidelines for Ireland 2008 EDITION – Online only update August 2010 Click here to download PDF 1.73MB
Do you want to feel good and have more energy? Do you want to maintain a healthy weight and help reduce your risk of becoming ill from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and other chronic diseases?Eating healthy food and being physically active are two of the most importantsteps that you can take to improve your health. To help you do this, follow the Healthy Eating Guidelines, use the Food Pyramid Guide and the Physical Activity Guidelines. Click here to download PDF 540kb FSAI Resource Publication -Healthy Eating and Active Living for Adults, Teenagers and Children over 5 yearsâ?" A Food Guide for Health Professionals and Catering Services:www.fsai.ie/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=11387