657 resultados para Adjuvante de Freund


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Die Doktorarbeit “Dein Gott ist ein Esel. Griechische und römische Tierkarikaturen als Spiegel antiker Wertvorstellungen” hat sowohl die lange und intensive Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Tier als auch das antike Humorverständnis zum Thema. Trotz seiner verschiedenen Rollen als Helfer und Freund blieb (und bleibt) das Tier der Stereotyp des ‚Anderen’, das Gegenbild, das alle Menschen teilen. Das Lachen und damit die Karikatur wiederum helfen uns, zu reflektieren und Distanz zu den Dingen und vielleicht zu uns selbst zu gewinnen. Tierkarikaturen sind deshalb besonders geeignet, ein Spiegel menschlicher Fehler und Schwächen zu sein. In der Regel handelt es sich bei den antiken Tierkarikaturen um Bilder von Menschen, die tiergestaltig ‚verzerrt’ sind, zum Beispiel ein Lehrer mit dem Äusseren eines Esels. Solche Darstellungen sind ab dem 6. Jh. v. Chr. zu finden und werden in hellenistischer und römischer Zeit häufiger, wo der Fokus der Arbeit liegt. Meist sind es Terrakotta- oder Bronzefiguren, die verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen zugeordnet werden können wie Religion, Politik, Freizeit usw. Unter Berücksichtigung des spezifischen kulturellen und funktionalen Kontextes jedes Stückes sowie zeitgenössischen schriftlichen Quellen wird die Bedeutung dieser Karikaturen erarbeitet.


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People differ in how open-ended or limited they perceive their future. We argue that individual differences in future time perspective affect the activation of implicit motives. Perceiving the time remaining for the satisfaction of one’s motives as limited should be associated with a higher activation of these motives than perceiving one’s future as more open-ended. Given that future time perspective decreases across adulthood, older adults should score higher on implicit motives than younger adults. This hypothesis was supported in a study with young (n = 53, age M = 25.60 years) and older adults (n = 55, age M = 68.05 years). Additionally, an experimental manipulation of future time perspective showed that age-related differences in implicit motives are influenced by future time perspective. These findings demonstrate that future time perspective is an important factor to explain the strength of motives.


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Mit Exlibris: Aus der Bibliothek A. Berliners ... der Frankfurter Stadtbibliothek geschenkt 1899 ; hss. auf dem Titelbl.: Seinem berühmt(en) Freund Dr. A. Berliner, der Verfasser L. Modona


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OBJECTIVES: The present research examined motivational differences across adulthood that might contribute to age-related differences in the willingness to engage in collective action. Two experiments addressed the role of gain and loss orientation for age-related differences in the willingness to engage in collective action across adulthood. METHOD: In Experiment 1, N = 169 adults (20-85 years) were confronted with a hypothetical scenario that involved either an impending increase or decrease of health insurance costs for their respective age group. In Experiment 2, N = 231 adults (18-83 years) were asked to list an advantage or disadvantage they perceived in being a member of their age group. Subsequently, participants indicated their willingness to engage in collective action on behalf of their age group. RESULTS: Both experiments suggest that, with increasing age, people are more willing to engage in collective action when they are confronted with the prospect of loss or a disadvantage. DISCUSSION: The findings highlight the role of motivational processes for involvement in collective action across adulthood. With increasing age, (anticipated) loss or perceived disadvantages become more important for the willingness to participate in collective action.


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PURPOSE A review of treat-and-extend regimens (TERs) with intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor agents in retinal diseases. METHODS There is a lack of consensus on the definition and optimal application of TER in clinical practice. This article describes the supporting evidence and subsequent development of a generic algorithm for TER dosing with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor agents, considering factors such as criteria for extension. RESULTS A TER algorithm was developed; TER is defined as an individualized proactive dosing regimen usually initiated by monthly injections until a maximal clinical response is observed (frequently determined by optical coherence tomography), followed by increasing intervals between injections (and evaluations) depending on disease activity. The TER regimen has emerged as an effective approach to tailoring the dosing regimen and for reducing treatment burden (visits and injections) compared with fixed monthly dosing or monthly visits with optical coherence tomography-guided regimens (as-needed or pro re nata). It is also considered a suitable approach in many retinal diseases managed with intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy, given that all eyes differ in the need for repeat injections. CONCLUSION It is hoped that this practical review and TER algorithm will be of benefit to health care professionals interested in the management of retinal diseases.


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von Adolf Blumenthal. Aus seinem Nachlasse hrsg. von S. Freund


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Abdruck von vier Festgedichten anläßlich der für den 6. August 1848 vorgesehenen Huldigungsparade für den Reichsverweser Erzherzog Johann


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Warnung vor der Wahl reaktionärer Wahlmänner


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Aufruf Heinrich von Sybels, seinen Freund Friedrich Bruno Hildebrand für den Wahlbezirk Marburg in die konstituierende Nationalversammlung zu Frankfurt/Main zu wählen