945 resultados para Acquired immune deficiency syndrome


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Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X chromosome-linked disease characterized by progressive physical disability, immobility, and premature death in affected boys. Underlying the devastating symptoms of DMD is the loss of dystrophin, a structural protein that connects the extracellular matrix to the cell cytoskeleton and provides protection against contraction-induced damage in muscle cells, leading to chronic peripheral inflammation. However, dystrophin is also expressed in neurons within specific brain regions, including the hippocampus, a structure associated with learning and memory formation. Linked to this, a subset of boys with DMD exhibit nonprogressing cognitive dysfunction, with deficits in verbal, short-term, and working memory. Furthermore, in the genetically comparable dystrophin-deficient mdx mouse model of DMD, some, but not all, types of learning and memory are deficient, and specific deficits in synaptogenesis and channel clustering at synapses has been noted. Little consideration has been devoted to the cognitive deficits associated with DMD compared with the research conducted into the peripheral effects of dystrophin deficiency. Therefore, this review focuses on what is known about the role of full-length dystrophin (Dp427) in hippocampal neurons. The importance of dystrophin in learning and memory is assessed, and the potential importance that inflammatory mediators, which are chronically elevated in dystrophinopathies, may have on hippocampal function is also evaluated.


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Children with Down syndrome (DS) have a greatly increased risk of acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AMKL) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Both DS-AMKL and the related transient myeloproliferative disorder (TMD) have GATA1 mutations as obligatory, early events. To identify mutations contributing to leukemogenesis in DS-ALL, we undertook sequencing of candidate genes, including FLT3, RAS, PTPN11, BRAF, and JAK2. Sequencing of the JAK2 pseudokinase domain identified a specific, acquired mutation, JAK2R683, in 12 (28%) of 42 DS-ALL cases. Functional studies of the common JAK2R683G mutation in murine Ba/F3 cells showed growth factor independence and constitutive activation of the JAK/STAT signaling pathway. High-resolution SNP array analysis of 9 DS-ALL cases identified additional submicroscopic deletions in key genes, including ETV6, CDKN2A, and PAX5. These results infer a complex molecular pathogenesis for DS-ALL leukemogenesis, with trisomy 21 as an initiating or first hit and with chromosome aneuploidy, gene deletions, and activating JAK2 mutations as complementary genetic events. (Blood. 2009; 113: 646-648)


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Bakgrund: Humant immunbristvirus, HIV, är ett virus som angriper kroppens immunsystem. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS, utvecklas från HIV efter lång tid utan behandling. I samhället råder det okunskap och rädsla kring sjukdomen vilket skapar stigmatisering och diskriminering som dagligen påverkar de som lever med HIV/AIDS. Attityden mot HIV-smittade personer är hos många negativ. Det finns sjuksköterskor som inte vill behandla HIV-smittade på grund av rädsla och okunskap. Att få diagnosen är livsomställande och att handskas med det är inte lätt. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva hur det är att leva med HIV/AIDS i Norden. Metod: Litteraturöversikten baserades på sex kvantitativa och sju kvalitativa artiklar för att få en fördjupad kunskap och en överblick över kunskapsläget för hur det är att leva med HIV/AIDS i Norden. Resultat: I resultatet framkommer det tre kategorier som tillsammans ger en överblick om hur det är att leva med HIV/AIDS. Dessa kategorier är; anpassning till ett nytt liv, hålla hemligt eller komma ut och begränsad sexualitet. Stigmatisering påverkade personernas syn på sig själva och deras beslut kring avslöjandet av sjukdomen. Slutsats: Personer som lever med HIV bemöts ofta med okunskap, fördomar och avståndstagande, därför är bemötandet avgörande. Litteraturöversikten bidrar med information och kunskap som senare kan användas av vårdpersonal för att få en djupare förståelse för personer som lever med HIV. Sjuksköterskan bör ha kunskap om HIV/AIDS för att på bästa sätt kunna ge god omvårdnad, då okunnighet och fördomar i samhället ansågs vara värre än själva sjukdomen.Nyckelord:


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Phagocytosis of bacteria by specialized blood cells, known as hemocytes, is a vital component of Drosophila cellular immunity. To identify novel genes that mediate the cellular response to bacteria, we conducted three separate genetic screens using the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP). Adult DGRP lines were tested for the ability of their hemocytes to phagocytose the Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus or the Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli. The DGRP lines were also screened for the ability of their hemocytes to clear S. aureus infection through the process of phagosome maturation. Genome-wide association analyses were performed to identify potentially relevant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with the cellular immune phenotypes. The S. aureus phagosome maturation screen identified SNPs near or in 528 candidate genes, many of which have no known role in immunity. Three genes, dpr10, fred, and CG42673, were identified whose loss-of-function in blood cells significantly impaired the innate immune response to S. aureus. The DGRP S. aureus screens identified variants in the gene, Ataxin 2 Binding Protein-1 (A2bp1) as important for the cellular immune response to S. aureus. A2bp1 belongs to the highly conserved Fox-1 family of RNA-binding proteins. Genetic studies revealed that A2bp1 transcript levels must be tightly controlled for hemocytes to successfully phagocytose S. aureus. The transcriptome of infected and uninfected hemocytes from wild type and A2bp1 mutant flies was analyzed and it was found that A2bp1 negatively regulates the expression of the Immunoglobulin-superfamily member Down syndrome adhesion molecule 4 (Dscam4). Silencing of A2bp1 and Dscam4 in hemocytes rescues the fly’s immune response to S. aureus indicating that Dscam4 negatively regulates S. aureus phagocytosis. Overall, we present an examination of the cellular immune response to bacteria with the aim of identifying and characterizing roles for novel mediators of innate immunity in Drosophila. By screening panel of lines in which all genetic variants are known, we successfully identified a large set of candidate genes that could provide a basis for future studies of Drosophila cellular immunity. Finally, we describe a novel, immune-specific role for the highly conserved Fox-1 family member, A2bp1.


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Two patients, returning to the Netherlands from pilgrimage in Medina and Mecca, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, were diagnosed with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection in May 2014. The source and mode of transmission have not yet been determined. Hospital-acquired infection and community-acquired infection are both possible.


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Objectives: To describe a case of pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia (PIE syndrome) probably caused by ciprofloxacin. Materials and methods: A 64-year-old woman was admitted to our department with suspected hospital-acquired pneumonia and treated with antibiotics. She had no symptoms but had peripheral eosinophilia. She had recently been given ciprofloxacin for a urinary tract infection. Results: The patient spontaneously improved after exhaustive negative investigations. Conclusion: We concluded that this patient had PIE syndrome probably caused by ciprofloxacin.


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Since 2008, massive mortality events of Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) have been reported worldwide and these disease events are often associated with Ostreid herpesvirus type 1 (OsHV-1). Epidemiological field studies have also reported oyster age and other pathogens of the Vibrio genus are contributing factors to this syndrome. We undertook a controlled laboratory experiment to simultaneously investigate survival and immunological response of juvenile and adult C. gigas at different time-points post-infection with OsHV-1, Vibrio tasmaniensis LGP32 and V. aestuarianus. Our data corroborates epidemiological studies that juveniles are more susceptible to OsHV-1, whereas adults are more susceptible to Vibrio. We measured the expression of 102 immune-genes by high-throughput RT-qPCR, which revealed oysters have different transcriptional responses to OsHV-1 and Vibrio. The transcriptional response in the early stages of OsHV-1 infection involved genes related to apoptosis and the interferon-pathway. Transcriptional response to Vibrio infection involved antimicrobial peptides, heat shock proteins and galectins. Interestingly, oysters in the later stages of OsHV-1 infection had a transcriptional response that resembled an antibacterial response, which is suggestive of the oyster's microbiome causing secondary infections (dysbiosis-driven pathology). This study provides molecular evidence that oysters can mount distinct immune response to viral and bacterial pathogens and these responses differ depending on the age of the host.


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Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of hypovitaminosis D in candidates to bariatric surgery (BS) and its relationship with risk factors and components of the metabolic syndrome. Material and methods: Clinical, anthropometric and biochemical parameters were measured in 56 Caucasian patients included in a protocol of BS between January and June 2014. Patients were stratified into three groups according to their vitamin D status: sufficiency (≥ 40 ng/ml), insufficiency (40-20 ng/ml) and deficiency (< 20 ng/ml). Results: Data showed vitamin D deficiency in 75% of patients. These patients had greater BMI (p = 0.006) and lower PTH concentrations in plasma (p = 0.045). In addition, there were more patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) and dyslipidemia (DLPM) in the group with 25 (OH) D < 20 ng/ml levels. Another finding was that 25(OH) D levels were observed to be negatively correlated with fat mass (r = -0.504; p = 0.009), BMI (r = -0.394; p = 0.046) and hypertension (r = -0.637; p = 0.001). Conclusion: We conclude that vitamin D deficiency is extremely common among candidates to BS, who are associated with DM2 and DLPM. Although there are limited data regarding the best treatment for low Vitamin D status in BS candidate patients, screening for vitamin D deficiency should be regularly performed in cases of morbid obesity.


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Abstract Sweet syndrome is a rare neutrophilic dermatosis consisting in the onset of high fever, neutrophilia, and typical painful skin lesions including erythematous papules, nodules, and plaques on the face, trunk, and extremities, with a bilateral and asymmetrical pattern. Sweet syndrome is classiied as idiopathic, predominating in women; malignancy-associated, mainly with hematological cancer, and drug-induced. The diagnosis is based on clinical history and skin manifestations, being conirmed by a complete blood count showing neutrophilic leukocytosis, and speciic indings in the skin biopsy. We report the case of a 68 year-old man with a 10-year evolution of dermatomyositis complicated by lung ibrosis, followed 8 years later by non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) accompanied by worsening of his ibrosis. Two years after the successful treatment of NHL the patient developed an acute episode of severe dyspnea, multiple skin lesions, and 95% neutrophilia. At that time the patient had a severe lung function impairment complicated by nosocomial pneumonia that led to his death, a few days after the diagnosis of Sweet syndrome was established by histopathology examination. Sweet syndrome is a rare dermatologic entity that can appear several years after diseases characterized by immune dysfunction such as dermatomyositis and NHL.


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Introduction: Idiopathic Pulmonary Hemosiderosis (IPH) is a rare cause of alveolar hemorrhage, which is seen primarily in childhood. Celiac disease is defined as a chronic, immune-mediated enteropathy of the small intestine, caused by exposure to dietary gluten in genetically pre-disposed individuals. Association of IPH and celiac disease is known as Lane Hamilton syndrome. There are limited number of case reports of this syndrome in literature. Case Presentation: Although there were no growth and developmental delay and gastrointestinal symptoms like chronic diarrhea, chronic constipation, vomiting, abdominal bloating and pain in the two patients with IPH, they were diagnosed with Lane Hamilton Syndrome. After initiation of gluten-free diet, their IPH symptoms disappeared and hemoglobin levels were observed to return to normal. Conclusions: Even if there were no gastrointestinal symptoms in a patient with IPH, celiac disease should be investigated. These patients may benefit from gluten free diet and IPH symptoms may disappear.


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Introduction: ABCA3 glycoprotein belongs to the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of transporters, which utilize the energy derived from hydrolysis of ATP for the translocation of a wide variety of substrates across the plasma membrane. Mutations in the ABCA3 gene are knowingly causative for fatal surfactant deficiency, particularly respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in term babies. Case Presentation: In this study, Sanger sequencing of the whole ABCA3 gene (NCBI NM_001089) was performed in a neonatal boy with severe RDS. A homozygous mutation has been identified in the patient. Parents were heterozygous for the same missense mutation GGA > AGA at position 202 in exon 6 of the ABCA3 gene (c.604G > A; p.G202R). Furthermore, 70 normal individuals have been analyzed for the mentioned change with negative results. Conclusions: Regarding Human Genome Mutation Database (HGMD) and other literature recherche, the detected change is a novel mutation and has not been reported before. Bioinformatics mutation predicting tools prefer it as pathogenic.


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Apart from its classical function in bone and calcium metabolism, vitamin D is also involved in immune regulation and has been linked to various cancers, immune disorders and allergic diseases. Within the innate and adaptive immune systems, the vitamin D receptor and enzymes in monocytes, dendritic cells, epithelial cells, T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes mediate the immune modulatory actions of vitamin D. Vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency early in life has been identified as one of the risk factors for food allergy. Several studies have observed an association between increasing latitude and food allergy prevalence, plausibly linked to lower ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure and vitamin D synthesis in the skin. Along with mounting epidemiological evidence of a link between vitamin D status and food allergy, mice and human studies have shed light on the modulatory properties of vitamin D on the innate and adaptive immune systems. This review will summarize the literature on the metabolism and immune modulatory properties of vitamin D, with particular reference to food allergy.


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Nitric oxide plays an indispensable role in modulating cellular signaling and redox pathways. This role is mainly effected by the readily reversible nitrosylation of selective protein cysteine thiols. The reversibility and sophistication of this signaling system is enabled and regulated by a number of enzymes which form part of the thioredoxin, glutathione, and pyridoxine antioxidant systems. Increases in nitric oxide levels initially lead to a defensive increase in the number of nitrosylated proteins in an effort to preserve their function. However, in an environment of chronic oxidative and nitrosative stress (O&NS), nitrosylation of crucial cysteine groups within key enzymes of the thioredoxin, glutathione, and pyridoxine systems leads to their inactivation thereby disabling denitrosylation and transnitrosylation and subsequently a state described as "hypernitrosylation." This state leads to the development of pathology in multiple domains such as the inhibition of enzymes of the electron transport chain, decreased mitochondrial function, and altered conformation of proteins and amino acids leading to loss of immune tolerance and development of autoimmunity. Hypernitrosylation also leads to altered function or inactivation of proteins involved in the regulation of apoptosis, autophagy, proteomic degradation, transcription factor activity, immune-inflammatory pathways, energy production, and neural function and survival. Hypernitrosylation, as a consequence of chronically elevated O&NS and activated immune-inflammatory pathways, can explain many characteristic abnormalities observed in neuroprogressive disease including major depression and chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis. In those disorders, increased bacterial translocation may drive hypernitrosylation and autoimmune responses against nitrosylated proteins.


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Introduction Postnatal vitamin D supplementation may be associated with a reduction in IgE-mediated food allergy, lower respiratory tract infections and improved bone health. Countries in the Northern hemisphere recommend universal infant vitamin D supplementation to optimise early vitamin D levels, despite the absence of large trials proving safety or efficacy for any disease outcome. With the aim of determining the clinical and cost-effectiveness of daily vitamin D supplementation in breastfed infants from age 6–8 weeks to 12 months of age, we have started a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial of daily 400 IU vitamin D supplementation during the first year of life, VITALITY. Methods nd analysis Infants (n=3012) who are fully breastfed and not receiving vitamin D supplementation will be recruited at the time of their first immunisation, from council-led immunisation clinics throughout metropolitan Melbourne, Australia. The primary outcome is challenge-proven food allergy at 12 months of age. Secondary outcomes are food sensitisation (positive skin prick test), number of lower respiratory infections (through hospital linkage), moderately-severe and persistent eczema (by history and examination) and vitamin D deficiency (serum vitamin D <50 nmol/L) at age 12 months. The trial is underway and the first 130 participants have been recruited.


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Background: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a complex heterogeneous disorder and the most common endocrinopathy amongst women of reproductive age. It is characterized by androgen excess, chronic anovulation and an altered cardiometabolic profile. PCOS is linked to impaired adipose tissue (AT) physiology and women with this disorder present with greater risk for insulin resistance (IR), hyperinsulinemia, central adiposity, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) than matched for age and body mass index (BMI) women without PCOS. Hyperandrogenaemia appears to be driving adipocyte hypertrophy observed in PCOS under the influence of a hyperinsulinaemic state. Changes in the function of adipocytes have an impact on the secretion of adipokines, adipose tissue-derived proinflammatory factors promoting susceptibility to low grade inflammation. Methods: In this article, we review the existing knowledge on the interplay between hyperandrogenaemia, insulin resistance, impaired adipocyte biology, adipokines and chronic low-grade inflammation in PCOS. Results: In PCOS, more than one mechanisms have been suggested in the development of a chronic low-grade inflammation state with the most prevalent being that of a direct effect of the immune system on adipose tissue functions as previously reported in obese women without PCOS. Despite the lack of conclusive evidence regarding a direct mechanism linking hyperandrogenaemia to pro-inflammation in PCOS, there have been recent findings indicating that hyperandrogenaemia might be involved in chronic inflammation by exerting an effect on adipocytes morphology and attributes. Conclusion: Increasing evidence suggests that there is an important connection and interaction between proinflammatory pathways, hyperinsulinemia, androgen excess and adipose tissue hypertrophy and, dysfunction in PCOS. While lifestyle changes and individualized prescription of insulin-sensitizing drugs are common in managing PCOS, further studies are warranted to eventually identify an adipokine that could serve as an indirect marker of adipocyte dysfunction in PCOS, used as a reliable and pathognomic sign of metabolic alteration in this syndrome.