502 resultados para Abandonment


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Although the extractive operations of quarrying are often considered environmental threats, there is some evidence that abandoned quarries may have a significant positive impact on biodiversity by enhancing habitat quality for several species. In Estremoz Anticlinal, SE Portugal, many of the existing marble quarries have been inactive for decades and were abandoned without any restoration project in progress. The impact of quarry abandonment on avifauna diversity was assessed relative to reference conditions using adjacent rural fields as control areas. No significant differences were found in within-community diversity (alpha diversity) between abandoned quarries and reference sites. However, several dissimilarity indices showed a clear divergence in species composition between abandoned quarries and reference sites. Furthermore, statistically significant differences in species compositions were found between quarries abandoned for different periods. Over time, species composition becomes more similar to that observed in reference sites, reflecting ecological succession and landscape resilience to quarrying. Nevertheless, the studied quarrying landscape exhibited higher gamma and beta diversity than the former traditional landscape; thus, our results suggest that abandoned quarries, rather than damaging and destroying niches, can promote new ecological niches and significantly diversify rural landscapes.


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Although the extractive operations of quarrying are often considered environmental threats, there is some evidence that abandoned quarries may have a significant positive impact on biodiversity by enhancing habitat quality for several species. In Estremoz Anticlinal, SE Portugal, many of the existing marble quarries have been inactive for decades and were abandoned without any restoration project in progress. The impact of quarry abandonment on avifauna diversity was assessed relative to reference conditions using adjacent rural fields as control areas. No significant differences were found in within-community diversity (alpha diversity) between abandoned quarries and reference sites. However, several dissimilarity indices showed a clear divergence in species composition between abandoned quarries and reference sites. Furthermore, statistically significant differences in species compositions were found between quarries abandoned for different periods. Over time, species composition becomes more similar to that observed in reference sites, reflecting ecological succession and landscape resilience to quarrying. Nevertheless, the studied quarrying landscape exhibited higher gamma and beta diversity than the former traditional landscape; thus, our results suggest that abandoned quarries, rather than damaging and destroying niches, can promote new ecological niches and significantly diversify rural landscapes.


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Com esta investigação, pretende-se fazer uma análise comparativa sobre o comprometimento e motivação dos trabalhadores, tendo como fator diferencial a gestão do recrutamento, de modo interno e a gestão por outsourcing. O objetivo principal é verificar se existem diferenças significativas nos dois grupos de trabalhadores, à luz de um quadro teórico muito vasto. Para concretizar esta análise foi elaborado um questionário on-line, com questões de escala manifestadas por afirmações elaboradas, com base no enquadramento teórico que constituiu a revisão da literatura, sobre motivação e comprometimento. Os resultados demonstraram que não existem diferenças significativas nos valores médios dos dois grupos na avaliação dos fatores de motivação, embora em ambos os grupos, se verifique uma grande vontade de darem mais de si à organização, de forma a superarem objetivos. Os valores de motivação revelaram-se muito baixos no geral, nos dois grupos. Em ambos os grupos apurou-se que há mais insatisfação face a fatores recompensatórios (tanto a nível material como imaterial): o salário e o reconhecimento do trabalho. Em relação ao comprometimento, verifica-se menor comprometimento por parte dos trabalhadores outsourcing, não numa análise de comparabilidade de médias gerais, mas numa análise de médias mais específicas de alguns fatores em avaliação: intenções de abandono. As médias das intenções de abandono foram mais visíveis neste grupo. No geral, ambos os trabalhadores dos dois grupos são movidos por um comprometimento instrumental, mais relacionado com as poucas alternativas que o mercado de trabalho dispõe , para uma evolução profissional; Abstract: The influence of human resource management structure in the motivation and commitment of employees: internal management versus outsourcing With this research aims to make a comparative analysis on the commitment and motivation of workers, with the differentiating factor the management of the internal mode recruitment and management by outsourcing. The main objective is to verify whether there are significant differences in the two groups of workers in the light of a very broad theoretical framework. To realize this analysis was prepared an online questionnaire with scale issues raised by elaborate statements, based on the theoretical framework that was the literature review of motivation and commitment. The results showed no significant differences in mean values of the two groups in the evaluation of the motivating factors, although in both groups, that there is a great desire to give more of themselves to the organization in order to overcome objectives. The motivation values proved to be very low in general, in both groups. In both groups it was found that there is more dissatisfaction with the recompensatórios factors (both material and immaterial level): wages and recognition of the work. Regarding the commitment, there is less commitment by the outsourcing workers, not an analysis of comparability of overall averages but a more average specific analysis of some factors reviewed abandonment of intentions. The average dropout intentions were more visible in this group. Overall, both employees of the two groups are driven by an instrumental commitment, more related to the few alternatives that the labor market has for professional development.


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In recent years, haying has extended to Iberian Mediterranean dry grasslands potentially threatening grassland birds. We evaluate the between and within-year effects of haying on grassland birds in Alentejo region, Portugal. Our main goals were: (1) to investigate variations on bird abundance and species richness in the fields hayed, with respect to past haying events occurred in a field and its surroundings and (2) to investigate the shifts in bird abundance, species richness and spatial dynamics resulting from haying a field and its surrounding area in a given year. We conducted grassland bird censuses during the breeding season through point counts from 2012 to 2015. The relationship between bird abundance/richness and past haying events was investigated using Generalized Linear Models whereas within-year effects of haying were analysed using Generalized Additive Models. Bird abundance in a field was positively related with the surface hayed in the vicinity of that field in the previous year. However, contrasting yearly effects were found for non passerines. Also, some species prefer fields with less haying events or surface hayed, whereas others occur mostly in fields frequently managed for haying. Haying a field leads, in the short term, to its abandonment by birds, and thus to a decrease in bird abundance and, for some species, to spatial concentration in surrounding fields offering suitable habitat. We conclude that within-year effects of haying have higher impact on grassland birds than between-year effects. Maintaining haying at low levels by rotating haying yearly through the different fields in each farm and using partial haying may be an adequate way to ensure an effective management of grassland bird populations.


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The Oporto's St. Lourenço Church of the Jesuit College is locally known, since the St. Augustin Barefooted Eremites occupation (1779/80), as Grilos' Church. The Oporto's siege laid by D. Pedro and D. Miguel (1832/33) succeed in the college abandonment by Grilo's Friars. Throughout Augustin Friars presence period, the white plasters of the nave (end of 18th c.) were executed and it was constructed the Holly Sacrament Chapel (early 19th c.) with neoclassic coloured stuccos and plasters, influenced by Robert Adam, Luigi Chiari and Teixeira Barreto ornamental motifs. Pigments were added to the external layer to imitate the marble and to achieve the “base” colour of the panels. This study of the blue, rose and white stuccos and plasters of H.S. Chapel of Grilo's Church allows carrying out useful database on the original mortars composition by the use of different analytical techniques, important to select the most adequate solutions for restoration interventions. Optical microscopy, XRD, TG-DTA, SEM-EDS, XRF analysis results were considered to identify the composition of different layers and to provide mineralogical, microstructure and chemical characterization of the mortars components and to quantify the binder content in those mortars. These results were compared with collected information on compositions from other sources. This study allowed the identification of the decay causes of decorative stuccos and plaster, suggesting that water retention in the masonries and wooden laths structure of the dome of the chapel is the main factor.


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Resumo I (Prática de Ensino Supervisionada) O presente relatório tem como objetivo dar a conhecer o trabalho pedagógico realizado no Conservatório regional de Évora Eborae Mvsica, no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino da Universidade de Évora, no qual serão abordados diversos temas: caracterização da escola e do meio envolvente, aulas assistidas e aulas lecionadas, metas de aprendizagem, tipos de avaliação, repertórios, finalizando com uma conclusão que espelha as várias reflexões sobre a prática letiva. Resumo II (Investigação) A Investigação apresenta inicialmente uma contextualização e definição dos agentes envolvidos no processo ensino-aprendizagem bem como a sua devida caracterização. Na investigação propriamente dita, são descritas as várias etapas do projeto de investigação, dentro de um determinado contexto, expondo igualmente várias abordagens e fatores que possam contextualizar o abandono da aprendizagem de guitarra no final do 3.º ciclo e as consequentes ilações. Como possível solução para esta problemática, elaborei um modeloguia para o professor; Abstract I (Teaching) The following report aims to let know the pedagogical work carried out at the regional conservatory of Évora Eborae Mvsica within the Master in Teaching at the University of Évora, in which various topics will be addressed: characterization of the school and the surrounding environment, assisted lessons and lessons taught, learning goals, types of evaluation, repertoires, ending with a conclusion that considerate the various reflections on teaching practice . Abstract II (Research) The investigation presents, initially, a context and definition of the agents involved in the teaching-learning process and their proper characterization. In the investigation itself, the various stages are described of the research project, within a given context, also exposing various approaches and factors that may contextualize the guitar learning abandonment at the end of the 3rd cycle and the resulting conclusions. As a possible solution to this problem, I prepared a guide model for the teacher.


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Este avance de investigación pretende ofrecer una visión preliminar de un fenómeno bastante reciente que se está dando en Costa Rica y particularmente en el Valle Central: la urbanización del espacio agrícola. Este proceso se está desarrollando más allá del espacio suburbano y presenta una especialidad diferente, ya que aquí la organización social campesina y las actividades agropecuarias siguen siendo predominantes. Sin embargo, esta extremadamente vinculado con el proceso de metropolizacion que surge en el país. Se está asistiendo, pues, a una reubicación de los espacios residenciales de las clases de mejores ingresos, las cuales influenciadas tal vez por un modelo ideológico importado, buscan poder disfrutar de las ventajas que ofrece el espacio rural pero con la posibilidad de seguir trabajando en la ciudad y seguir gozando de los servicios urbanos. La  rural-urbanización dentro de una estrategia global de estructuración del espacio puede ser considerada como un mecanismo de selección y una apropiación de los mejores lugares donde se dará la futura de expansión urbana. Desde esta perspectiva, resulta interesante llamar la atención de cómo ciertos sectores sociales están proyectando desde ahora la futura expansión del espacio metropolitano.   SUMMARY This preliminary investigative report presents a viewpoint about a very recent phenomenon that is occurring in Costa Rica and especially in the Central Valley: the urbanization of the agrarian space. This process is developing beyond the suburban areas and presents a different spacial structure because in these areas, the rural social structures and the livestock and agricultural activities are still predominant. Nevertheless, such activities are very much related to the urbanization process occurring in the country. As such, we are witnessing a reubication of the residential structure of the high-income classes, of which, influenced perhaps by an improved idiologic model, hope to enjoy the advantages offered by a rural area but also taking advantage of the convenience offered by the urban benefits; plus the opportunity to keep working in the city. The process of rural urbanization conceived in a global strategy of spatial structures, can be considered as a selection and appropriation mechanism of the best areas for the future urban expansion. From this perspective, it is interesting to call attention to the process by which certain social sectors are now projecting the future organization of the metropolitan area.  In reference to the real-estate capital invested in the study areas, and specifically to Costa Rica capital, this investment in the promotion of real-estate, acts as a shelter sector, by changing the course of direction of the capital accumulated in the other economic sectors, especially considering that the real-estate sector insures more secure profits in spite of the relatively insignificant recuperation rate of the capital investment comparison to the industrial sector, where more capital risks occur, above all during an economic crisis.  At present, the zones influenced by rural urbanization are affected by a modification in their productive structure, in other words, what were once agricultural zones, are now converted to residential zones. This produces spectacular changes in the composition of the work force by producing service-oriented employment that leads to the following abandonment of the agricultural activities.  From a social point of view, this rural urbanization pattern provokes a marked spatial segregation, in which an exclusive high income social group with a particularly consuming life style is noted at one level, and on the other, social groups that inhered patterns of rural life with more traditional lifestyles. In reference to the community level in the study areas, localized conflicts have emerged between local people and the new residents. These conflicts are highly conditioned by the insertion in the communities of these new residents.       RESUME   Ce document préliminaire décrit un phénomène assez récent au Costa Rica, qui affecte plus particulièrement la « Vallée Centrale ». il s’agit de l’urbanisation de l’espace agricole.  Ce sont des espaces franchement ruraux, bien au-delà des banlieues, qui sont affectés par ce processus qui, en conséquence, montre des caractères différents: comme se maintien de la organisation social liée aux activités agricoles; en face l’infiltration d’un autre mode de vie dû à sa transformation en espace résidentiel pour classes aux revenus élevés qui, peut-être, influencées par un modèle culturel importé, préfèrent une localisation qui puisée leus offrir à  la fois les avantages de vivre dans un espace rural avec ceux de la ville, lieu de travail suffisamment proche dont elles continuent à pouvoir utiliser ses services. Ce modèle culturel doit être considère en fonction du processus de métropolitain apparu dan le pays. L’urbanisation de l’espace rural, dans une stratégie globale de structuration de l’espace peut se considérer comme un mécanisme de sélection et d’appropriation des meilleurs sites de l’expansion urbaine future.  Dans cette perspective, il est intéressant de constater qu’il existe déjà, de la part certains secteurs sociaux, un projet d’organisation de l’espace métropolitain futur. Le foncier est considéré comme un secteur refuge pour les capitaux nationaux d’où l’intérêt de la spéculation pour ces zones. En effet, ce placement, plus sûr, malgré un plus faible taux de récupération du capital, est préfère à d’ autres- comme l’investissement industriel- plus rentables, mais plus risqués, surtout en temps de crise. L’urbanisation de l’espace rural s’accompagne d’une modification des structures productives : moins d’agriculture et évolution de l’emploi vers le tertiaire liée à la présence de nouveaux résidents. Du point de vue social, cette situation se traduit par une très nette ségrégation spatiale. D’un côte, un group socio-économique aux revenus élèves représentant  la société de consommation ; de l’autre, les ruraux au style de vie plus traditionnel. Il en résulte une certaine tension entre les deux groupes.