576 resultados para AGLOMERADO GLOBULAR


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Homeobox genes encode a large family of homeodomain proteins that play a key role in the pattern formation of animal embryos. By analogy, homeobox genes in plants are thought to mediate important processes in their embryogenesis, but there is very little evidence to support this notion. Here we described the temporal and spatial expression patterns of a rice homeobox gene, OSH1, during rice embryogenesis. In situ hybridization analysis revealed that in the wild-type embryo, OSH1 was first expressed at the globular stage, much earlier than organogenesis started, in a ventral region where shoot apical meristem and epiblast would later develop. This localized expression of OSH1 indicates that the cellular differentiation has already occurred at this stage. At later stages after organogenesis had initiated, OSH1 expression was observed in shoot apical meristem [except in the L1 (tunica) layer], epiblast, radicle, and their intervening tissues in descending strength of expression level with embryonic maturation. We also performed in situ hybridization analysis with a rice organless embryo mutant, orl1, that develops no embryonic organs. In the orl1 embryo, the expression pattern of OSH1 was the same as that in the wild-type embryo in spite of the lack of embryonic organs. This shows that OSH1 is not directly associated with organ differentiation, but may be related to a regulatory process before or independent of the organ determination. The results described here strongly suggest that, like animal homeobox genes, OSH1 plays an important role in regionalization of cell identity during early embryogenesis.


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The effect of histone H1 binding on the cleavage of superhelical plasmids by single-strand-specific nucleases was investigated. Mapping of P1 cleavage sites in pBR322, achieved by EcoRI digestion after the original P1 attack, showed an intriguing phenomenon: preexisting susceptible sites became "protected," whereas some new sites appeared at high levels of H1. Similar results were obtained with another single-strand-specific nuclease, S1. Disappearance of cutting at preexisting sites and appearance of new sites was also observed in a derivative plasmid that contains a 36-bp stretch of alternating d(AT) sequence that is known to adopt an altered P1-sensitive conformation. On the other hand, H1 titration of a dimerized version of the d(AT)18-containing plasmid led to protection of all preexisting sites except the d(AT)18 inserts, which were still cut even at high H1 levels; in this plasmid no new sites appeared. The protection of preexisting sites is best explained by long-range effects of histone H1 binding on the superhelical torsion of the plasmid. The appearance of new sites, on the other hand, probably also involves a local effect of stabilization of specific sequences in Pl-sensitive conformation, due to direct H1 binding to such sequences. That such binding involves linker histone N- and/or C-terminal tails is indicated by the fact that titration with the globular domain of H5, while causing disappearance of preexisting sites, does not lead to the appearance of any new sites.


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Proline is established as a potent breaker of both alpha-helical and beta-sheet structures in soluble (globular) proteins. Thus, the frequent occurrence of the Pro residue in the putative transmembrane helices of integral membrane proteins, particularly transport proteins, presents a structural dilemma. We propose that this phenomenon results from the fact that the structural propensity of a given amino acid may be altered to conform to changes imposed by molecular environment. To test this hypothesis on proline, we synthesized model peptides of generic sequence H2N-(Ser-LyS)2-Ala- Leu-Z-Ala-Leu-Z-Trp-Ala-Leu-Z-(Lys-Ser)3-OH (Z = Ala and/or Pro). Peptide conformations were analyzed by circular dichroism spectroscopy in aqueous buffer, SDS, lysophosphatidylglycerol micelles, and organic solvents (methanol, trifluoroethanol, and 2-propanol). The helical propensity of Pro was found to be greatly enhanced in the membrane-mimetic environments of both lipid micelles and organic solvents. Proline was found to stabilize the alpha-helical conformation relative to Ala at elevated temperatures in 2-propanol, an observation that argues against the doctrine that Pro is the most potent alpha-helix breaker as established in aqueous media. Parallel studies in deoxycholate micelles of the temperature-induced conformational transitions of the single-spanning membrane bacteriophage IKe major coat protein, in which the Pro-containing wild type was compared with Pro30 --> Ala mutant, Pro was found to protect the helix, but disrupt the beta-sheet structure as effectively as it does to model peptides in water. The intrinsic capacity of Pro to disrupt beta-sheets was further reflected in a survey of porins where Pro was found to be selectively excluded from the core of membrane-spanning beta-sheet barrels. The overall data provide a rationale for predicting and understanding the structural consequences when Pro occurs in the context of a membrane.


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Type II DNA topoisomerases, which create a transient gate in duplex DNA and transfer a second duplex DNA through this gate, are essential for topological transformations of DNA in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and are of interest not only from a mechanistic perspective but also because they are targets of agents for anticancer and antimicrobial chemotherapy. Here we describe the structure of the molecule of human topoisomerase II [DNA topoisomerase (ATP-hydrolyzing), EC] as seen by scanning transmission electron microscopy. A globular approximately 90-angstrom diameter core is connected by linkers to two approximately 50-angstrom domains, which were shown by comparison with genetically truncated Saccharomyces cerevisiae topoisomerase II to contain the N-terminal region of the approximately 170-kDa subunits and that are seen in different orientations. When the ATP-binding site is occupied by a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog, a quite different structure is seen that results from a major conformational change and consists of two domains approximately 90 angstrom and approximately 60 angstrom in diameter connected by a linker, and in which the N-terminal domains have interacted. About two-thirds of the molecules show an approximately 25 A tunnel in the apical part of the large domain, and the remainder contain an internal cavity approximately 30 A wide in the large domain close to the linker region. We propose that structural rearrangements lead to this displacement of an internal tunnel. The tunnel is likely to represent the channel through which one DNA duplex, after capture in the clamp formed by the N-terminal domains, is transferred across the interface between the enzyme's subunits. These images are consistent with biochemical observations and provide a structural basis for understanding the reaction of topoisomerase II.


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Plectin, a 500-kDa intermediate filament binding protein, has been proposed to provide mechanical strength to cells and tissues by acting as a cross-linking element of the cytoskeleton. To set the basis for future studies on gene regulation, tissue-specific expression, and pathological conditions involving this protein, we have cloned the human plectin gene, determined its coding sequence, and established its genomic organization. The coding sequence contains 32 exons that extend over 32 kb of the human genome. Most of the introns reside within a region encoding the globular N-terminal domain of the molecule, whereas the entire central rod domain and the entire C-terminal globular domain were found to be encoded by single exons of remarkable length, >3 kb and >6 kb, respectively. Overall, the organization of the human plectin gene was strikingly similar to that of human bullous pemphigoid antigen 1 (BPAG1), confirming that both proteins belong to the same gene family. Comparison of the deduced protein sequences for human and rat plectin revealed that they were 93% identical. By using fluorescence in situ hybridization, we have mapped the plectin gene to the long arm of chromosome 8 within the telomeric region. This gene locus (8q24) has previously been implicated in the human blistering skin disease epidermolysis bullosa simplex Ogna. Detailed knowledge of the structure of the plectin gene and its chromosome localization will aid in the elucidation of whether this or any other pathological conditions are linked to alterations in the plectin gene.


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The myosin head consists of a globular catalytic domain that binds actin and hydrolyzes ATP and a neck domain that consists of essential and regulatory light chains bound to a long alpha-helical portion of the heavy chain. The swinging neck-level model assumes that a swinging motion of the neck relative to the catalytic domain is the origin of movement. This model predicts that the step size, and consequently the sliding velocity, are linearly related to the length of the neck. We have tested this point by characterizing a series of mutant Dictyostelium myosins that have different neck lengths. The 2xELCBS mutant has an extra binding site for essential light chain. The delta RLCBS mutant myosin has an internal deletion that removes the regulatory light chain binding site. The delta BLCBS mutant lacks both light chain binding sites. Wild-type myosin and these mutant myosins were subjected to the sliding filament in vitro motility assay. As expected, mutants with shorter necks move slower than wild-type myosin in vitro. Most significantly, a mutant with a longer neck moves faster than the wild type, and the sliding velocities of these myosins are linearly related to the neck length, as predicted by the swinging neck-lever model. A simple extrapolation to zero speed predicts that the fulcrum point is in the vicinity of the SH1-SH2 region in the catalytic domain.


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A Monte Carlo simulation method for globular proteins, called extended-scaled-collective-variable (ESCV) Monte Carlo, is proposed. This method combines two Monte Carlo algorithms known as entropy-sampling and scaled-collective-variable algorithms. Entropy-sampling Monte Carlo is able to sample a large configurational space even in a disordered system that has a large number of potential barriers. In contrast, scaled-collective-variable Monte Carlo provides an efficient sampling for a system whose dynamics is highly cooperative. Because a globular protein is a disordered system whose dynamics is characterized by collective motions, a combination of these two algorithms could provide an optimal Monte Carlo simulation for a globular protein. As a test case, we have carried out an ESCV Monte Carlo simulation for a cell adhesive Arg-Gly-Asp-containing peptide, Lys-Arg-Cys-Arg-Gly-Asp-Cys-Met-Asp, and determined the conformational distribution at 300 K. The peptide contains a disulfide bridge between the two cysteine residues. This bond mimics the strong geometrical constraints that result from a protein's globular nature and give rise to highly cooperative dynamics. Computation results show that the ESCV Monte Carlo was not trapped at any local minimum and that the canonical distribution was correctly determined.


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We examine how the polypeptide chain in protein crystal structures exploits the multivalent hydrogen-bonding potential of bound water molecules. This shows that multiple interactions with a single water molecule tend to occur locally along the chain. A distinctive internal-coordinate representation of the local water-binding segments reveals several consensus conformations. The fractional water occupancy of each was found by comparison of the total number of conformations in the database regardless of the presence or absence of bound water. The water molecule appears particularly frequently in type II beta-turn geometries and an N-terminal helix feature. This work constitutes a first step into assessing not only the generality but also the significance of specific water binding in globular proteins.


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The folding kinetics of a truncated form of the N-terminal domain of phage lambda repressor [lambda 6-85] has been investigated by using the technique of dynamic NMR. lambda 6-85 has been shown previously to fold in a purely two-state fashion. This allows the determination of folding and unfolding rates from simulation of the exchange-broadened aromatic resonances of Tyr-22. The folding kinetics were determined over a range of 1.35 to 3.14 M urea. The urea dependence of both folding and unfolding rate constants is exponential, suggesting that the rate-determining step is invariant at the urea concentrations studied. The folding and unfolding rates extrapolated to 0 M urea at 37 degrees C are 3600 +/- 400 s-1 and 27 +/- 6 s-1, respectively. The observed lambda 6-85 folding rate constant exceeds that of other fast-folding globular proteins by a factor of 14-54. The urea dependence of the folding and unfolding rate constants suggests that the transition state of the rate-determining step is considerably more exposed to solvent than previously studied protein-folding transition states. The surprising rapidity of lambda 6-85 folding and unfolding may be the consequence of its all-helical secondary structure. These kinetic results clearly demonstrate that all of the fundamental events of protein folding can occur on the submillisecond time scale.


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We report here the identification of a pollen-specific gene from Zea mays that contains multiple Ser-(Pro)n repeats, the motif found in the cell wall-associated extensins. Sequence analysis reveals that the encoded protein has a putative globular domain at the N terminus and an extensin-like domain at the C terminus. The Pex1 (pollen extensin-like) gene is expressed exclusively in pollen, not in vegetative or female tissues, and is not induced in leaves upon wounding. We propose that the encoded protein may have a role in reproduction, either as a structural element deposited in the pollen tube wall during its rapid growth or as a sexual recognition molecule that interacts with partner molecules in the pistil.


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A leishmaniose visceral é uma zoonose de grande importância para a saúde pública, com ampla distribuição geográfica e epidemiologia complexa. Apesar de diversas estratégias de controle, a doença continua se expandindo, tendo o cão como principal reservatório. Levando em consideração que análises espaciais são úteis para compreender melhor a dinâmica da doença, avaliar fatores de risco e complementar os programas de prevenção e controle, o presente estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar a distribuição da leishmaniose visceral canina e relacionar sua dinâmica com características ou feições espaciais no município de Panorama (SP). A partir de dados secundários coletados em um inquérito sorológico entre agosto de 2012 e janeiro de 2013, 986 cães foram classificados como positivos e negativos de acordo com o protocolo oficial do Ministério da Saúde. Posteriormente uma análise espacial foi conduzida, compreendendo desde a visualização dos dados até a elaboração de um mapa de risco relativo, passando por análises de cluster global (função K) e local (varredura espacial). Para avaliar uma possível relação entre o cluster detectado com a vegetação na área de estudo, calculou-se o Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada (NDVI). A prevalência da doença encontrada na população de cães estudada foi de 20,3% (200/986). A visualização espacial demonstrou que tanto animais positivos quanto negativos estavam distribuídos por toda a área de estudo. O mapa de intensidade dos animais positivos apontou duas localidades de possíveis clusters, quando comparado ao mapa de intensidade dos animais negativos. As análises de cluster confirmaram a presença de um aglomerado e um cluster foi detectado na região central do município, com um risco relativo de 2,63 (p=0,01). A variação espacial do risco relativo na área de estudo foi mapeada e também identificou a mesma região como área significativa de alto risco (p<0,05). Não foram observadas diferenças no padrão de vegetação comparando as áreas interna e externa ao cluster. Sendo assim, novos estudos devem ser realizados com o intuito de compreender outros fatores de risco que possam ter levado à ocorrência do cluster descrito. A prevalência, a localização do cluster espacial e o mapa de risco relativo fornecem subsídios para direcionamento de esforços do Setor de Vigilância Epidemiológica de Panorama para áreas de alto risco, o que pode poupar recursos e aperfeiçoar o controle da leishmaniose visceral no município.


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Esta tese tem por objetivo a aplicação do processamento por atrito linear na liga de titânio Ti-6Al-4V. Derivado da solda por atrito linear, é um processo recente desenvolvido na década de 90 para união de alumínio. Sua aplicação em outros tipos de materiais como aços e ligas de alto desempenho, em especial o titânio, tem interessado a industria. A metodologia utilizada nesta tese para avaliar o processamento por atrito linear, consistiu na execução de ensaios mecânicos de tração em condições mistas em chapas da liga de titânio Ti-6Al-4V. A máquina utilizada para o processamento das chapas foi um centro de usinagem CNC convencional, adaptado com dispositivos especiais. Além dos ensaios de tração em condições mistas, foram executadas medições de microdurezas nas regiões atingidas pelo processo, avaliação das microestruturas resultantes e medições de tensão residual para uma caracterização mais ampla do processo. As microestruturas na região processada são caracterizadas por uma estrutura totalmente transformada. As temperaturas de pico na região processada excederam a temperatura -transus durante o processamento e a transformação da fase + ocorreu durante a fase de resfriamento. A transformação da fase para resultou na formação de agulhas de fase nos contornos e pelo interior dos grãos da fase . Pequenas regiões com estrutura equiaxial de grãos ( globular) foram observados na zona de processamento. A abordagem dos resultados quantitativos foi feita de forma estatística, visando identificar os parâmetros de maior interação com os resultados observados. Foi identificado nesta tese que a rotação da ferramenta apresentou a maior influência nos resultados de tensão residual, microdureza e tensão de escoamento. Uma importante contribuição à modelagem da tensão de escoamento para materiais anisotrópicos é proposta, baseado em um critério de escoamento ortotrópico. Equações complementares baseadas nos testes mistos de tração e cisalhamento são propostas para modificar o modelo ortotrópico. O intuito deste modelo é indicar em que condições o material tem seu regime de escoamento atingido, podendo servir de base para simulações práticas de peças em condições similares.


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Context. VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea (VVV) is one of six ESO Public Surveys using the 4 meter Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). The VVV survey covers the Milky Way bulge and an adjacent section of the disk, and one of the principal objectives is to search for new star clusters within previously unreachable obscured parts of the Galaxy. Aims. The primary motivation behind this work is to discover and analyze obscured star clusters in the direction of the inner Galactic disk and bulge. Methods. Regions of the inner disk and bulge covered by the VVV survey were visually inspected using composite JHKS color images to select new cluster candidates on the basis of apparent overdensities. DR1, DR2, CASU, and point spread function photometry of 10 × 10 arcmin fields centered on each candidate cluster were used to construct color–magnitude and color–color diagrams. Follow-up spectroscopy of the brightest members of several cluster candidates was obtained in order to clarify their nature. Results. We report the discovery of 58 new infrared cluster candidates. Fundamental parameters such as age, distance, and metallicity were determined for 20 of the most populous clusters.


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Context. The ongoing Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey is using FLAMES at the VLT to obtain high-quality medium-resolution Giraffe spectra for about 105 stars and high-resolution UVES spectra for about 5000 stars. With UVES, the Survey has already observed 1447 FGK-type stars. Aims. These UVES spectra are analyzed in parallel by several state-of-the-art methodologies. Our aim is to present how these analyses were implemented, to discuss their results, and to describe how a final recommended parameter scale is defined. We also discuss the precision (method-to-method dispersion) and accuracy (biases with respect to the reference values) of the final parameters. These results are part of the Gaia-ESO second internal release and will be part of its first public release of advanced data products. Methods. The final parameter scale is tied to the scale defined by the Gaia benchmark stars, a set of stars with fundamental atmospheric parameters. In addition, a set of open and globular clusters is used to evaluate the physical soundness of the results. Each of the implemented methodologies is judged against the benchmark stars to define weights in three different regions of the parameter space. The final recommended results are the weighted medians of those from the individual methods. Results. The recommended results successfully reproduce the atmospheric parameters of the benchmark stars and the expected Teff-log  g relation of the calibrating clusters. Atmospheric parameters and abundances have been determined for 1301 FGK-type stars observed with UVES. The median of the method-to-method dispersion of the atmospheric parameters is 55 K for Teff, 0.13 dex for log  g and 0.07 dex for [Fe/H]. Systematic biases are estimated to be between 50−100 K for Teff, 0.10−0.25 dex for log  g and 0.05−0.10 dex for [Fe/H]. Abundances for 24 elements were derived: C, N, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Y, Zr, Mo, Ba, Nd, and Eu. The typical method-to-method dispersion of the abundances varies between 0.10 and 0.20 dex. Conclusions. The Gaia-ESO sample of high-resolution spectra of FGK-type stars will be among the largest of its kind analyzed in a homogeneous way. The extensive list of elemental abundances derived in these stars will enable significant advances in the areas of stellar evolution and Milky Way formation and evolution.


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The anatomy of the domestic duck lung was studied macroscopically, by casting and by light, transmission, and scanning electron microscopy. The lung had four categories of secondary bronchi (SB), namely, the medioventral (MV, 4-5), laterodorsal (LD, 6-10), lateroventral (LV, 2-4), and posterior secondary bronchi (PO, 36-44). The neopulmonic parabronchi formed an intricate feltwork on the ventral third of the lung and inosculated those from the other SB. The lung parenchyma was organized into cylindrical parabronchi separated by thin septa containing blood vessels. Atria were shallow and well-fortified by epithelial ridges reinforced by smooth muscle bundles and gave rise to 2-6 elongate infundibulae. Air capillaries arose either directly from the atria or from infundibulae and were tubular or globular in shape with thin interconnecting branches. The newly described spatial disposition of the conducting air conduits closely resembles that of the chicken. This remarkable similarity between the categories, numbers, and 3D arrangement of the SB in the duck and chicken points to a convergence in function-oriented design. To illuminate airflow dynamics in the avian lung, precise directions of airflow in the various categories of SB and parabronchi need to be characterized.